Previa Navegantes del Magallanes 01 Noviembre

  • last year
00:00 How are you friends? Good afternoon, welcome to this, the prelude to today's meeting,
00:06 Cardinals of the Ara, Magallanes Navigators from here, from the field of José Bernardo Pérez de Valencia.
00:13 Today, what is going to be the 10th day of the Venezuelan ball, this season 2023-2024,
00:21 and what is going to be the second clash between these two nines.
00:25 And of course, we as always, through the Beyboard Play platform,
00:30 a server, Ángel Conde, will be accompanying me as always, my great friend, the cat, Joángel Rojas,
00:35 to take you to the incidents of what this new meeting will be here in José Bernardo Pérez de Valencia.
00:41 Welcome, Joángel, how are you?
00:42 Thank you very much, Ángel, welcome to everyone, to all the Magallaneros who listen to us.
00:45 Every day in each of the meetings here, we see José Bernardo Pérez in the front rows
00:50 of each of the meetings of the Magallanes Navigators.
00:53 Ángel, yesterday, yesterday in Caracas, defeat for the Magallanes Navigators
00:57 against the Leones del Caracas, and the key factor of yesterday, of course, the batting.
01:02 We couldn't bat, only three unstoppable ones occurred,
01:06 and that was the cause of the defeat yesterday at the Monumental Stadium in Caracas.
01:11 Yes, that's right, Joángel, friends, the ship's journey began in this third week
01:17 with the defeat of the second of the season against its eternal rival, the Leones del Caracas.
01:21 And as you said, it didn't connect, it couldn't be batted,
01:24 which was one of the strongest points that the team had had during the first two weeks.
01:30 Even today, they are among the four best offensives of the entire season,
01:37 but yesterday it couldn't be done, and we have to give credit in this case
01:40 to the pitching of the Leones del Caracas, and Ángel, led of course by the opener,
01:45 Álvaro Suárez, who faced us for the second time.
01:47 In the two encounters in which they have faced each other, he has been in charge of starting from the mound,
01:52 and the truth is that he had a great performance by allowing only two unstoppables in six innings of work.
01:57 Yes, without a doubt, Álvaro Suárez, who in his first opening threw four and two thirds,
02:01 it was a bit difficult for him to put the ball in strike,
02:04 but yesterday he attacked the batters, the Magallanes sailors,
02:07 who could do little and nothing against the deliveries of Álvaro Suárez.
02:11 The vast majority, he was making a personal account yesterday,
02:15 and the vast majority of the batters, the sailors,
02:17 they couldn't even see three pitches per turn against Álvaro,
02:24 that is, he attacked the area a lot using his change, using his slider, using his straight,
02:29 primarily always when he was, after the first strike,
02:32 the second or third pitch, he was placing the straight, the corner outside,
02:36 he handled that area very well Álvaro Suárez,
02:38 last night, and that was perhaps the key, before the Magallanes sailors,
02:42 that despite the fact that they were able to put a man in second base in the sixth inning,
02:46 then Carlos Rodríguez could not advance to the corridor,
02:50 who in this case was Denis Ortega, who had replaced Arturo Nieto,
02:53 and it was perhaps the only attack that the sailors had during the entire game.
02:57 However, it is expected that this team will bat, this team has the tools,
03:00 has the players to bat, and I am sure that today,
03:03 against Cardenales Gerarda, we will see a much better version of the batting of the sailors.
03:07 Yes, well, you commented on that play in the sixth episode,
03:11 beyond the great work that the entire Caracas launchers team did,
03:15 because it was not only Álvaro Suárez, but the relay later,
03:19 Sokolovic, Anthony Castro, and who has been the closer of the Melendudo team,
03:24 Rubén Alanis, finished completing the route of the meeting to promote those new arepas, right?
03:31 Yes, no doubt.
03:32 That is the first goal that Magallanes receives in the season,
03:35 so it was not only Suárez, but the launchers team in general.
03:39 But that play that you commented on, which you referred to a few seconds ago,
03:43 in the sixth episode, we recreated that inning.
03:46 The inning opens up, failing…
03:50 Double Arturo Nieto.
03:52 Correct.
03:53 Double Arturo Nieto, by the line of the right field,
03:55 between the first base and the line, that bat passed, right?
03:58 And well, everything was painted there to make a super productive inning for the ship,
04:03 first to tie the game and then to try to go up.
04:06 And then, after the double, they give him an income as an emerging runner,
04:11 Denis Ortega, something that we did not understand much,
04:13 because there is not as much difference as a runner between Ortega and Nieto.
04:18 That on the one hand.
04:20 Then, it was given…
04:22 It was Carlitos Rodríguez's turn to consume, who has been one of the best batters
04:25 that the team has had in these first nine games of the season.
04:29 And the play was to send the touch.
04:31 Send the touch with a guy who is a leader in the team,
04:35 who also had a runner in the position to score.
04:38 And well, I think it was not the most appropriate play for the moment
04:43 because of the pieces that were in the circumstances and how the meeting was.
04:47 And well, Carlitos Rodríguez tried the touch, he failed it,
04:51 with Paul Flyer on the third base, and the rest is history.
04:54 They failed the second bat, in which Jose Peraza was yesterday.
04:59 Jose Peraza, who was in the top of the lineup for the first time,
05:02 failed with Elevado to the box, and then Angelo Castellano also failed.
05:06 And the inning ended, the threat that Magallanes had ended,
05:10 and the hopes, of course, of equalizing the match.
05:14 At that moment, it must be emphasized that at that moment,
05:16 the game was one run for zero in favor of the Lerones de Caracas,
05:19 in the high of the sixth episode, and it was the only attack
05:22 that the Magallanes' navigators had.
05:25 In fact, the runner could not even reach third.
05:28 Yesterday, obviously, beyond failing that very punctual play,
05:31 the Magallanes' batting was seen, the Magallanes' goalkeepers
05:35 were seen very defenseless against the Caracas' pitch,
05:37 and it is well known, we have analyzed it many times,
05:40 that these two teams, Caracas and Magallanes, have a very extensive bullpen,
05:44 and any advantage that these two teams have in the different games
05:48 will be quite complicated for the batters, for the goalkeepers of the other team,
05:51 to be able to come from behind.
05:53 We have analyzed that previously in the different previews that we have done.
05:57 However, today we expect a completely different game,
06:00 especially because of the pitchers that are there.
06:02 Today, it is going to be Cardenales de Lara, a right-footed pitcher,
06:05 who is Wilser Barrios,
06:07 Wilser, right?
06:08 Yes, Wilser Barrios.
06:09 Wilser Barrios, who plays in the Major League,
06:12 but who has a pretty high width.
06:13 That is, he always has many runners on base.
06:16 And this is a team that, at home, has shown that it can bat
06:19 and that it can bat a lot.
06:20 Therefore, today we expect a completely different version.
06:23 Today we hope that Magallanes can bat
06:25 and that they can put many men on base
06:27 to this right-footed pitcher, who is 25 years old
06:30 and who is his second opening in the LBP this season.
06:33 Correct. And we commented on the clash between both teams last week.
06:37 Remember, I said that I expected that game that day
06:41 to be one of many batting.
06:43 That's how it was.
06:44 There were more than 20 unstoppable players connected between the two teams.
06:47 More than 10 races were scored between both teams.
06:50 The game was 7-6 with victory, leaving the Cardenales in the Magallanes field
06:53 with that golden hit from Angelo Castellano.
06:56 Today, we could expect the same.
06:59 Taking into account that Eric Leal is going to be the opening for Magallanes
07:03 on today's day.
07:04 I doubt a lot, I don't know if you compared with me,
07:06 that Leal has three bad runs in a row.
07:09 That's where it was going.
07:10 And we say it because Leal is a hard worker
07:14 and he is a studious player.
07:16 And the run he makes, the run he studies,
07:20 the run he tries to make adjustments, we see it in his day-to-day
07:23 when he does his bullpen sessions, when he does live batting sessions.
07:27 He focuses, he is very determined and does the job
07:31 regardless of the routine he is going to do.
07:35 He does it as if he were on the field, playing play-ball.
07:38 So, we are not judging that Eric Leal has been studying
07:44 and trying to make adjustments to try to recover those first two openings
07:48 in which he didn't have them all.
07:51 No wins, one loss and effectiveness above 7.
07:54 Something atypical, totally atypical for Eric Leal.
07:58 And well, we are sure that he has been working to make those adjustments
08:02 and have an performance that has characterized him
08:05 in the last seasons of the day.
08:07 And Wilser Barrios, you were saying, there is a singularity,
08:10 me, Ángel and friends who see us through the Play-Ball platform,
08:13 is that he is from Valencia, so let's assume that his family
08:17 will be accompanying him here today in the José Leonardo Pérez de Valencia.
08:20 And what better scenario than that to try to get his first victory in LaLiga,
08:25 in which he will also make his first opening,
08:28 because he debuted the previous season as a relay player,
08:31 scoring two goals.
08:33 But what better scenario than that, right?
08:35 In his hometown, in front of his people,
08:37 and having the opportunity to get that first victory in LaLiga.
08:40 Without a doubt, to reinforce a little what Eric Leal said,
08:43 in defense of him, he had a first opening that for me was not bad,
08:47 he had four entries, certainly allowed two runs,
08:50 but left the game on the line, then at the break,
08:52 unfortunately they turned the game around.
08:54 And that exit in Caracas, where he had many problems,
08:56 especially in the domain of the Strait area,
08:58 and his curve was not falling in the Strait.
09:00 That's where Osvaldo Arcia gave that home run
09:03 to put the game 3-0, and then he transitioned with problems,
09:06 but being able to get some outs,
09:08 and being able to take the game to the line of the fourth or fifth episode.
09:11 Today we expect a completely different Leal,
09:13 Leal has been taking it little by little,
09:15 in terms of the issue of launches,
09:17 today I think Leal can go to more than five entries,
09:20 especially, you have to be very aware of his broken pitches.
09:23 Leal also depends a lot on placing his straight in the corners,
09:26 of his curve, of his change,
09:28 how his curve is and his change today,
09:30 will perhaps mark how Leal can be,
09:32 and how far Eric Leal can go in the game,
09:35 which we hope will be a long opening.
09:38 Magallanes is one of the players who needs the team's launchers,
09:41 because precisely because of that inconsistency of the team's openings,
09:46 the bullpen in these first changes has had to launch a lot.
09:49 Yes, yes, without a doubt.
09:50 In fact, it has about 50 episodes released,
09:54 and that is not very convenient, it is not very good for the team,
09:57 because beyond the season being short,
10:00 if you give a lot of work to those bullpen launchers,
10:03 when the last month of the season arrives in December,
10:05 the exhaustion will probably appear.
10:07 No, let's see, I think one of the great news of the season so far
10:10 have been the two great openings that Luis Martínez has launched.
10:14 Surely many people expected more from other launchers,
10:16 but Luis has shown his face through the bullpen,
10:19 a solid start in Puerto de la Cruz with five entries,
10:22 where he didn't allow a run,
10:23 then in the sixth he got complicated by throwing the hit-and-runs at that moment,
10:26 but then yesterday, 4 and 2/3, in a square as complicated as the Monumental Stadium,
10:31 where he only allowed the horn run from Aldrin Corredor,
10:34 I think it has been the positive note of the Pichedo of the Magellan Navigators,
10:38 and today I am very sure that we are going to see the best version of Eric Leal
10:43 against Cardenal Hedara, a Cardenal Hedara who is among the best of the tournament,
10:47 not only in terms of wins and losses,
10:49 but also in terms of the effectiveness of his launchers,
10:52 and also in terms of the hit-and-run, the offensive.
10:55 He has been there, among the first two places.
10:57 And I think thanks to that, that you mention,
11:00 they are leading the table of positions,
11:02 he has only won two defeats in nine encounters.
11:05 One of them here.
11:07 Yes, two games above Caracas and Zulia,
11:10 who are the ones who follow him in that position.
11:12 So, well, Cardenal is the one who has had these first two weeks of excellence,
11:18 led mainly in the offensive by Pedro Castellanos,
11:22 who was the player of the first week of the championship.
11:26 First or second, right?
11:28 He got tired of hitting everyone,
11:31 he even has more than ten runs.
11:33 It's a stratospheric start that the Cardenal Hedara slugger is having.
11:38 And that's where the success of those positive results has also happened,
11:42 which has been the team that now leads in Río Blanco.
11:45 It has been, so far, Pedro Castellanos, the VDET,
11:48 the most important player, perhaps,
11:50 of what has been this start of the professional season.
11:53 And that, perhaps, is the trigger to continue,
11:55 today, by the Magallanes launchers,
11:58 to try to pitch them from the middle to the outside.
12:01 That if he's going to hit, that it's with an uncomfortable pitch,
12:03 that it's even from the home to the right,
12:06 where he may be a little more vulnerable.
12:08 Pedro Castellanos, we know he's a strong hitter,
12:11 who always tries to wing the ball.
12:13 That his connections, of greater power, of greater reach,
12:17 are from the home to the left, right?
12:19 That is, to the left of the field, due to his right condition.
12:23 So, perhaps, today, the technical staff of the Magallanes launchers
12:26 and Eric Leal, as well as all the launchers,
12:28 will work a little from the middle to the right,
12:30 to try to subtract power from him.
12:32 That if he hits, that it's to the right field.
12:34 That's one of the things we have to look for today.
12:36 And part of that success, that production that Pedro Castellanos has had,
12:39 is also due to the number of times that the ones above him have been more than enough.
12:43 Jorge Hernández, who has also had a great season.
12:46 Germain Palacios, Jackson Flores,
12:48 who have been the names that have been at the top of the lineup.
12:51 And they have also given the Castellanos the opportunity
12:54 to give those hits and to bring the races that have contributed so much
12:58 in these seven victories that the team has in the first nine matches.
13:02 And something that has characterized this twilight team
13:05 is that it feels like it's coming from behind.
13:07 Several of those victories came being down on the board.
13:12 So, you don't have to trust when Cardinales starts losing,
13:15 because he has shown, at full speed,
13:17 that he has what it takes, especially in the batting,
13:20 to come back in the matches.
13:22 But Magallanes, at least here in Valencia,
13:24 has shown the same, the ability to react.
13:27 Analyzing what the previous game was between Cardinales and Navegante,
13:30 Magallanes was able to take off in the score, five races for two.
13:33 Lara came from behind, and Magallanes went back to pass up in the goal
13:38 to take the victory in seven races for six.
13:40 It should be noted that Cardinales has a hard time playing here.
13:43 This place is difficult for them,
13:45 it is one of the most complicated places for Cardinales.
13:47 Let's hope they follow the line,
13:49 and that today, it is a complicated place,
13:51 with those two defeats that have been in the season.
13:53 One, with the Magallanes' Navegantes,
13:55 in that match, where we are scoring seven races for six.
13:57 And that, well, it was one of the most exciting games of the season
14:00 with the hit by Angelo Castellano.
14:02 Today we expect a completely different game from yesterday.
14:04 We expect more production from the offensive side,
14:07 from the medullal side of the Magallanes' Navegantes,
14:10 and we also expect a much better performance
14:12 in terms of Eric Leal's chest.
14:13 I think that today, of course,
14:15 the great advantage that Magallanes will have on paper
14:18 is that the opening rival is a kid who lacks experience.
14:21 We already mentioned it, Barrios will be his second appearance
14:24 in the league of Por Vida,
14:26 and his first opening, and he has to take advantage of that.
14:28 He has to take advantage of that, Magallanes,
14:30 and try to put them on the scoreboard,
14:32 them as hitters.
14:34 And I'm sure that by doing so,
14:36 that work plan will generate
14:38 a certain difficulty,
14:40 a certain pressure on that kid,
14:42 who for the first time will be facing a scenario
14:45 of being the initiator of his team,
14:47 beyond the fact that the team is having a good time.
14:50 But I think that's where the key will go,
14:52 of what the Magallanes' hitters can do
14:55 when they're facing that kid.
14:57 Because we don't know how long it will go,
14:59 he only acted for two entries in the previous presentation,
15:03 so we suppose, we imagine,
15:05 that he will have a work plan
15:08 in terms of pitching, or maybe throwing entries.
15:11 So it will be important that Magallanes
15:13 know how to take advantage of that element
15:15 for the time that this kid will be in the world.
15:18 And that surely his family will be here,
15:20 and that sometimes plays into the motivation.
15:24 But also sometimes plays a little against the scenario,
15:27 the rival, the stadium, Valencia,
15:29 his city, his family.
15:31 Let's see what the Magallanes' hitters can do
15:34 in those first entries, before this hitter,
15:37 who, I repeat, did it quite well in the Major League
15:40 of Professional Goal, he had a pretty high wick,
15:42 that is, he is being battered a lot,
15:44 he has a lot of movement in circulation
15:46 by the rival teams,
15:48 but he left an unabated effectiveness.
15:51 That is, we don't guide ourselves so much
15:53 because of his experience, he is a thrower
15:55 who can throw out, beyond that he always has
15:57 in base, rivals, that always have in base
15:59 batters, either by ticket,
16:01 or by any hit, by unstoppable,
16:04 by any way, but he always manages
16:07 many runners in base.
16:09 Today we expect a completely different game.
16:11 Today, by the way, it will be the first time
16:13 that David Garcia has the opportunity
16:15 to be in the opening lineup,
16:17 he will be as an eighth and receiver, of course,
16:19 after that great performance last Sunday
16:21 in which he was the protagonist,
16:23 leaving the bench as an emergent
16:25 and giving a two-race corner kick
16:27 to the right-back Adam Hoffa,
16:29 to give the victory to the Magallanes
16:31 in that day against the Pires Aragua,
16:33 and I think the boy is asking for
16:36 play time, I think Miguel Cairo
16:38 is doing well today to place him
16:40 as a starter in that match.
16:43 Excuse me, I correct, it will be the second
16:45 starter meeting because he already did it
16:47 against the Tigers, but that time
16:49 he looked very good, despite it being his debut.
16:51 - On Saturday, and Sunday as an emergent batter.
16:53 - Correct, well, we correct,
16:55 it will be a second meeting as a starter,
16:57 but I think that while these guys
17:00 are here, the team has to take advantage
17:02 of it in the best possible way,
17:04 so well, that to also count there,
17:07 and Edwin Garcia also returns,
17:09 to the line-up, but to close,
17:11 Ioangel also, we have little time left
17:13 to finish this preliminary,
17:15 talk about what have been, or what
17:17 the incorporations are going to be,
17:19 not only of Magallanes, but also of
17:21 Cardenales and Lara for these next matches.
17:24 - Yes, without a doubt, well,
17:25 Edouard Basardo joined today,
17:27 it is expected that in the case of René Pinto,
17:29 he can be on Friday, already practicing
17:32 with the team, and that he debuts
17:34 next week, and there, and there,
17:36 and there, Edwin Torren, who we expect
17:39 that before November 15,
17:41 can be uniformed with the
17:43 shipyard team, by Cardenales and Lara,
17:45 next week, next Friday, well,
17:47 Ildiomaro Vargas debuts, the captain,
17:49 Caripito, debuts on Friday, by the way,
17:51 where the Magallanes sailors
17:52 are embarking, in that western turn,
17:54 that Magallanes is going to have,
17:55 first embarking, and then in Maracaibo,
17:57 and there also comes Juniel Querecuto,
17:59 - Yes, correct, it was announced,
18:01 I think yesterday,
18:02 - Hernán Pérez is already there,
18:03 - Yes, he is already on the roster, in fact,
18:05 - And Rolo,
18:06 - And Rolito, Duvel Herrera, too,
18:07 - Also,
18:08 - And the left-handed Edwin Escobar,
18:09 - Without a doubt,
18:10 - Who we are sure will be of great help
18:12 for that body of Cardenales'
18:14 relevista, who has also been seen very well,
18:16 so, well, both teams, I don't know,
18:18 they will be reinforcing, they will be
18:20 receiving the contribution of these new
18:22 players who are integrating into the roster
18:24 in the next few days, and let's remember
18:26 that that is the peculiarity, the
18:28 particularity that the Venezuelan
18:29 debut has, - Correct,
18:30 - Not only the Venezuelan, but from
18:31 the entire Caribbean, that a team can
18:33 come with a roster in October,
18:35 halfway through the regular round,
18:37 has another team, and when it
18:39 comes, when December ends and
18:41 Ronrobin arrives, another team,
18:43 totally different, so,
18:44 - Totally,
18:45 - So, well, this has been today's
18:47 preview, ladies and gentlemen,
18:49 the Cardenales-El Ara match,
18:51 the Magellan Navigators, the second
18:53 clash between both teams in the
18:55 regular round, and of course,
18:56 we, as always, a pleasure to be
18:58 with you, a server, Ángel Conde,
19:00 my great friend, Johan Angel Rojas,
19:02 and it will be a pleasure, brother,
19:04 say goodbye. - Thank you very much to
19:06 all for participating, for interacting
19:08 with us on the different platforms,
19:10 and well, let's hope it's a great
19:12 ball game. See you tomorrow, we'll
19:14 meet again tomorrow in the preview,
19:16 the preview of the game between