• 2 years ago
Akcja naklejania naklejek chroniących ptaki w Miliczu i Dolinie Baryczy


00:00 These dots behind me are the glass windows that protect the birds from collisions.
00:10 Unfortunately, birds collide with glass, windows, stoplights, glass facades of buildings.
00:20 This is a big problem.
00:22 We often don't realize that birds see completely differently than humans.
00:26 Their eyes are placed on the side of their heads, they have a very wide field of vision.
00:31 This is because they can fly more efficiently,
00:34 navigate in space, avoid obstacles in the forest, branches and trees,
00:39 but also observe predators, potential predators.
00:44 However, the vision of both eyes, resulting from the fact that the eyes are in front, is very small for birds.
00:56 Not many species see what is in front.
00:59 This spatial vision is also not so spatial.
01:04 That's why they just don't see these windows.
01:07 And besides, they are much smaller in relation to the glass than we are.
01:10 So it may seem to us that why birds with the best eyesight among the birds
01:15 do not notice the windows and kill each other.
01:18 Well, because they are built differently, anatomically, have a different physiology.
01:24 And besides, there are no transparent obstacles in nature.
01:28 They are not used to it, they have not evolved in this direction.
01:31 The Glass Trap Foundation, which has been operating for almost 10 years,
01:35 maybe even over 10 years.
01:37 For several years, it has been cooperating with the Foundation as a volunteer.
01:40 The Foundation has its headquarters in Wrocław.
01:43 And it was created precisely for the need to educate about the collision of birds with glass,
01:49 the huge problem of bird injury during such a collision and also the death of birds,
01:57 but also for the need to find some solution that would effectively reduce this collision and mortality.
02:04 Probably each of you knows these black silhouettes of birds,
02:08 pasted somewhere on screens, such acoustic along the roads.
02:13 They do not fulfill their function, because they are often glued too rarely.
02:19 The point is that these dots should be glued tightly.
02:24 There is a so-called rule of hand.
02:26 The strips are 10 cm vertical, while between the dots there is 5 cm.
02:32 And a bird sees such a glass-dotted glass as an obstacle.
02:37 Because these small distances between the dots cause it to think
02:42 that it is not able to fit between the dots and simply misses the whole glass.
02:47 And there were scientific studies on this subject,
02:50 that just sticking such dots greatly reduces the collision rate in 80-90%,
02:56 even in some places.
02:58 So these dots really save the bird's life.
03:01 And the Glass-Dotted Foundation is dealing with it.
03:04 They also deal with the production of these dots.
03:07 You can order these dots on the website szklanepułapki.pl.
03:12 Now October is just passing and you can no longer order dots in late autumn or winter,
03:19 because they are glued at a minimum temperature of 10 degrees.
03:25 So now it will only be colder.
03:27 And in the spring, from April, the Foundation increases sales
03:31 and you can buy such dots, secure the glass in your home or workplace,
03:37 so that the birds are safe.
03:40 Among many anthropogenic threats for birds,
03:44 i.e. such threats of human origin,
03:48 collisions with glass objects, with glass, are one of the main threats.
03:55 It's best studied in the United States.
03:58 And it is estimated that every year, because of collisions with glass,
04:03 from 360 to almost 900 million birds die.
04:09 So these are really huge numbers.
04:12 Anyway, it's probably that each of us knows someone
04:17 whose bird collided with glass and survived or did not survive.
04:21 Or he had such a problem at home.
04:24 If we think about how many single-family homes there are in the Militia,
04:28 and then we multiply it by Poland and Europe,
04:31 assuming that at least one bird per year collides with one building,
04:35 these numbers are really huge and the problem is very big, very important.
04:40 And such dots are an incredibly simple, also elegant solution.
04:46 Previously, for example, such black vertical or horizontal stripes were used.
04:51 But it already greatly disrupts the aesthetics of space.
04:54 However, such white dots, white dots lines,
04:57 in my opinion, look really interesting.
05:00 And another branch of the Glass Trap Foundation's activity
05:04 is to register bird collisions with glass.
05:08 On their website, glasstraps.pl, the Foundation has just such a register.
05:15 You can log in there, register and log in,
05:19 and provide information about bird collisions with glass,
05:23 which you witnessed.
05:25 And such monitoring is also a very important activity,
05:28 because it tells you more or less how many of these birds there are,
05:32 what species they are, at what times of the day or at what times of the year
05:36 this collision is the largest, and also at what facilities.
05:39 Such facilities as bus stops are very often very collision-prone,
05:45 because they are placed on the edge of the road, close to the green,
05:49 like this one here in Dąbrów, by the trees.
05:53 Birds, when heading towards the glass,
05:57 very often just see at a glance, because the glass is transparent.
06:01 Sometimes, when the sun is shining, the so-called mirror effect occurs.
06:07 The bird reflects in the glass what is behind them.
06:12 Often, for example, these are trees or the sky,
06:15 and they think that this is the right place for them,
06:18 they head in that direction and collide.
06:21 It is also often the case that birds attack their reflection in the glass.
06:26 This also weakens them very much, uses a lot of energy.
06:31 It often happens in the spring, when the birds become territorial.
06:35 They think it's a rival and try to chase it away from their territory,
06:40 but they simply lose energy and some die in the same way.
06:44 So it is a really big threat, which can be mitigated
06:48 by a relatively small financial and work cost.
06:52 That's it.
06:52 you