Meet DJ Beth currently taking over Glasgow’s house music scene, who’s about to play SWG3’s New Year’s Eve party

  • last year
We caught up with DJ BETH who is preparing to play SWG3’s anticipated Hogmanay party this year.


00:00 My name is Beth, I'm from Glasgow, 28 years old and yeah, I think that's about as much
00:09 as I can give you. So I started DJing around five years ago, well it was about eight years
00:16 ago and then five years doing it with gigs. So I started getting gigs before Covid and
00:22 then from there I started getting gigs in SWG3, my first gig was Nico's in Glasgow
00:29 in Sanctuary as well and then from there I just kind of started getting noticed and started
00:34 playing in SWG3 and then I actually got a residency in here as well at the Sky Bar which
00:40 is really good so I play here a couple of times a month on a Friday or Saturday as well.
00:45 I still have to pinch myself sometimes, I'm getting asked to play with these big artists
00:49 like Patrick Toppan, he's been one of my inspirations for so long and I've played, that's three
00:57 times I've played with him now but it's, you know, I obviously get a lot of inspiration
01:02 for all these different acts and they are different sounds as well so they might be,
01:06 you know, a wee bit of techno or they might be disco or they might be house so it's good
01:10 that I can kind of get to play with all of them as well so, but yeah, I love it.
01:16 Yeah so I'll be playing in the Galvaniser, so I think they're doing it over the two rooms
01:20 I think, so the TV studio and the Galvaniser so I'll be playing with like Dan Shake and
01:26 Eliza Rose which is amazing because I've seen Dan Shake play at Subby before Covid again
01:33 and he was unreal, like he was probably, like, that was, I got a lot of inspiration from
01:39 him because he just kind of does it perfect where it's the disco and house and when I'd
01:44 seen his set at Sub Club like it was just unreal so now getting to play with him like
01:48 on the same stage is amazing so super excited and then obviously I've got like, you've got
01:54 the local team in the other rooms with like Tess Press, they're obviously headlining it
01:58 but then Frankie Elise and stuff like that as well so it's going to be a really good
02:02 night, I'm really excited for it.
