• 2 years ago
Team #BambamStudios ada buat kompilasi soalan-soalan tentang ex untuk ditanyakan kepada selebriti-selebriti Tanah Air. Kali ini, giliran Nadhir, Hael dan Pengarah #myfamousEXboyfriend Hadith Omar.

Terbahak-bahak ketawa besar diorang nak jawab. Haaa… baru korang tahu!

#myfamousEXboyfriend - Setiap Isnin- Khamis, 10 malam di Astro Ria dan Astro Go

#AstroBaharu #TakMacamDulu


00:00 The first question you dare to ask your ex
00:03 Oh, where is it?
00:04 Is it a saturday dance?
00:06 Who's first?
00:16 Oh, it's me
00:17 *singing*
00:19 What is this?
00:21 Okay, you take it first
00:22 You take it first, bro
00:23 No, game, people are weird, you take it first
00:26 Have you ever had an ex, a husband or a wife?
00:30 Husband
00:32 This question is scary
00:34 The answer is
00:36 Never
00:37 Are you crazy?
00:38 You want to share with people
00:40 So, so
00:41 What is this?
00:47 Wait, I'll read it
00:49 One advice for ex-girlfriends
00:52 Maybe
00:53 Don't try to cover
00:55 Oh
00:57 Please don't mention my ex
00:59 Sing a song that you've sung to your ex
01:03 It's like I'm being hit by a lightning bolt
01:06 His subtle
01:08 It's hard, I don't have an ex
01:11 I'm a loner, I'm a loner
01:15 Okay, if you don't have one, what song would you sing to your ex?
01:18 No, no, I'm sure I have one
01:20 I'm sure I have one
01:21 This is a proof
01:22 A song that I've sung to my ex
01:24 I'm sure I have one
01:25 No, I don't think so
01:26 No, I don't think so
01:27 When I was an ex, what song did I sing to my ex?
01:31 Puteri Ku Sayang by Hijaz
01:33 I sang that song to my ex
01:34 Puteri Ku Sayang
01:37 No
01:38 My turn to read
01:40 Okay, okay
01:41 How many ex have you had?
01:44 Let it go, let it go
01:48 How many?
01:49 Okay, I'll give you time, just close your eyes
01:51 Or do you want me to add?
01:52 I don't have any, actually
01:54 Just close your eyes?
01:54 One, feel is me, two, feel is me, three, feel is me
01:58 I only have three
02:00 Oh, three
02:01 B, E, that's feel is me, D, R
02:03 Okay, I'll read it for you
02:08 Have you ever had a fight with your ex during a media session?
02:12 Okay, to be honest, never
02:13 What about your caption that was so thick?
02:15 The one that was B, B
02:16 I held your hand, but you let go of my hand
02:19 That's a proof
02:21 Oh
02:22 Okay, to be honest
02:26 I've never had a fight on social media
02:28 But I let go of your hand on social media
02:30 That was a long time ago
02:31 Yes, that was a long time ago
02:32 Do you remember what you said?
02:34 I don't remember
02:35 I have to re-examine it
02:36 Okay, nice
02:37 I want you to teach me
02:39 I don't dare to ask questions
02:41 Okay, the first question
02:44 That you dare to ask your ex
02:47 Where is it?
02:48 I regret it
02:49 Oh
02:51 I regret it
02:54 What do you want to ask, Nade?
02:58 Are you happy?
03:00 Oh, are you happy?
03:02 It's the same as my question
03:03 What?
03:04 Are you happy now?
03:05 It's like
03:06 It's different
03:08 It's like, are you happy to leave me now?
03:10 No, I'm not happy to leave you
03:12 It's like, are you happy now?
03:13 You left me, and now you're a young hero?
03:16 No, no
03:18 They're like a fire
03:20 I don't know why
03:21 It's the same as my question
03:22 It's the same as his
03:23 How you like that?
03:25 Hi guys, I'm Jamie
03:33 And I'm Haks
03:34 Zuhal
03:35 And I'm Mimi
03:36 Don't forget to watch
03:39 My Famous Ex-Boyfriend
03:41 At 10pm, on Kami's channel
03:43 On
03:44 Astro Ria
03:46 Ayung Cayang
03:48 Ayung
03:50 Ayung
03:52 I'm sorry
03:53 I'm sorry
03:55 I'm sorry
03:57 I'm sorry
03:59 I'm sorry
04:01 I'm sorry
04:03 I'm sorry
04:06 I'm sorry
04:09 I'm sorry
04:10 I'm sorry
04:11 I'm sorry
04:12 I'm sorry
