• 2 years ago
Credit: SWNS / The Rescue Ranch

An adorable lamb left disabled in a freak farming accident is back on her hooves after learning to use an off-road wheelchair.

Rosy, a one-year-old Suffolk breed, broke her back leg while gamboling in a field and lay undiscovered for hours overnight.

While lying hidden from view a crow pecked one of her eyes out and she was attacked by another unknown animal in June.

Her broken leg healed incorrectly and she was left unable to stand properly so was taken to The Rescue Ranch in Hatton, Warks., for help.

Ranch manager Susan Franks, 53, was concerned Rosy was unable to graze so fitted her with wheels.

Staff modified a "dog wheelchair" to accommodate her fleece to enable her to get about the farm unaided.


00:00 Look at those legs going!
00:29 Good girl! Yay!
