百格街访 | 校园办”巴团结周” 民众会担心本末倒置?

  • last year



00:00 For me, holding a weapon even though it's a toy, that one should not be
00:04 because it's like an encouragement for kids, you know
00:07 Even in the Malay National School, there are some Chinese students
00:11 who hold swords and sticks
00:15 It's not wrong to say that, but don't teach them to be terrorists
00:21 We need to understand the issue first, what they're doing it for
00:27 All the educational institutions under the Ministry of Education encouraged
00:29 to hold the Palestine Unity Week
00:32 from October 29 to November 3
00:35 to educate students on the values of humanitarianism
00:38 But before the event started,
00:40 the school started the movement without permission
00:43 So there were students holding guns
00:46 and people holding bow and arrows
00:48 lighting fire and shooting at the Israeli flag
00:51 The Palestine Unity Week is about to start
00:53 Will the public be worried if the movement is not carried out
00:59 and will it lead to a massacre?
01:02 I don't think so
01:09 because the students are still young
01:12 and they can't tell right from wrong
01:15 Middle school students can join the youth group
01:18 but not in primary school
01:22 Definitely not
01:24 Like what we have seen, there are so many students
01:26 who actually don't really understand what is going on
01:29 but they are just joining in the crowd
01:32 to do what they have been told to
01:34 Basically, students should be educated
01:36 that it's wrong to say that war is bad
01:39 But for this issue, if it's not taken seriously
01:43 it's actually quite bad
01:47 Parents will worry
01:48 How do you limit the extent of violence in school?
01:54 This is a bit difficult
01:56 Our school is a place of education
01:59 So I strongly believe that kids, since young
02:02 they should be implemented with love and care
02:06 and humanity among the society
02:10 Rather than, just because there's a war, there's injustice
02:13 we should use blood over blood
02:15 like using blood to fight
02:17 And I believe that every religion
02:19 they do have their values
02:21 but I don't think violence should be one of it
02:24 Now, it's necessary
02:26 that there are such programs in schools
02:29 but it should be explained to the students
02:34 what actually happened between Israel and Palestine
02:38 so that they know who is right and who is wrong
02:42 But we shouldn't burn this
02:44 It's not obligatory, it's not allowed
02:45 It's not good
02:46 For me, it's not obligatory
02:49 because the students don't know anything
02:51 For me, we need people who have a mind
02:55 who are responsible, who have a high sense of justice
02:58 The students don't know anything
02:59 They can't be involved in Palestine
03:01 The week of solidarity can be done in school
03:04 but it needs to reduce the elements of violence
03:12 In the form of carrying guns
03:16 and showing to people that you need to kill this
03:20 So at least you can do something
03:22 in terms of awareness
03:24 You can help those people, Palestinians
03:27 by donation
03:29 You can pray for them
03:30 but no need to show all this violence
03:33 So once you do this, you will also be like the Zionists
03:39 They should have this kind of program
03:41 but I don't think so in a rally kind of way
03:43 They could do it in a positive way
03:45 Educational for the students to know
03:49 know about what is going on
03:50 in a positive way
03:52 not by burning and doing such things
03:54 It's really kind of messing up the kids' minds
03:58 I would say
03:59 After the discussion on the week of solidarity
04:03 the Ministry of Education has stated
04:05 that the guidelines of the week of solidarity
04:07 issued by the departments to the schools are very clear
04:08 and will never compromise on extremism and violence
04:11 The activities are only for the sake of peace
04:13 Will the people buy this?
04:16 I think it's okay
04:18 They have some guidelines
04:19 I think they will improve
04:22 I think it's okay
04:23 They can say that
04:24 but because they didn't really go and check
04:26 all the schools what they did
04:29 They should go and check one by one
04:30 because there are so many schools here in Malaysia
04:33 So I don't think the community can go and check
04:35 at each school
04:36 whether they really follow the guidelines or not
04:39 So what they need to do
04:40 they really need to get someone to check
04:44 or they should not do it in every school
04:47 Maybe in one district
04:49 they just gather all the students
04:51 They can do it that way
04:52 and by that, they can guide them
04:54 or they can control what they do on that day
04:58 If this event conveys positivity
05:01 yeah, maybe go ahead
05:03 but if it's not
05:04 I think the kids should not be involved
05:06 Yeah, because I always believe that kids are very innocent
05:10 They are very pure in mindset
05:12 So whatever you tell them, they will believe
05:14 So we do not want that to be brainwashed on them
05:17 In the right sense, okay
05:20 but it's really one-sided
05:21 so I don't think it's right
05:23 People die
05:24 when they went for the concert
05:27 and then what
05:28 those lives don't matter
05:31 So I think they are actually
05:32 not really wanting to teach the children
05:35 They are just making the fire bigger
05:38 The positive thing would be
05:41 you have got to learn like
05:43 we tolerate one another's religion
05:45 Do you think kids should understand
05:48 the conflict between Israel and Palestine?
05:52 Yes, they should
05:53 I think they should understand
05:55 the reason behind the conflict
05:59 and let them know why
06:00 there is still a war in such a civilized world
06:03 I think this is more important
06:05 I think we can let them understand
06:08 Maybe we can put it in the books
06:10 like we learned about Sejar
06:12 We can learn about these things
06:14 About the event
06:16 It's hard to say
06:22 Kids are so young, they need to understand
06:26 The conflict between Israel and Palestine is very difficult
06:30 The conflict has been going on for a long time
06:33 I think adults don't really understand
06:36 the conflict
06:37 Let alone kids
06:39 Let them grow up and understand
06:40 It's more suitable
06:41 I mean, in general
06:44 general knowledge, yeah
06:45 They could know, they could learn
06:47 But don't make it as in
06:49 to side one side
06:50 Palestine side or Israel side
06:52 Just make it as a general knowledge
06:53 It's fine
06:54 Because this has become a global issue
06:58 So even from non-Muslim countries
07:02 worldwide, even the whole world
07:04 knows about this case
07:07 We can't just watch
07:08 kids being bombed
07:10 without feeling guilty by Israel
07:13 So I think it needs to be
07:15 applied or included a little
07:18 in the students' class
07:20 There must be a little knowledge about this
07:22 Maybe not in a direct way
07:25 or too direct
07:26 But it needs to be explained more clearly
07:29 Why the conflict between Israel and Palestine
07:32 They need to realize
07:34 when they grow up
07:36 We're not saying Israel is bad
07:38 But that's the truth
07:40 And they need to know
07:42 what needs to be thought about
07:45 I don't think it's right
07:46 Students should be raised with education
07:48 Try to study well
07:50 Don't mix it with this
07:52 Because the students don't know anything
07:53 They're not mature yet
07:55 Students need to know
07:56 Because there's a history about Palestine
07:58 and also Israel
08:00 And actually what Israel did is not right
08:03 As a human, it's not right
08:06 The students should learn about that
08:09 But not in a violent way
08:11 I think they should learn
08:13 why it happened
08:14 But also with a bit of a boundary
08:16 Like, yeah, this happened because of religion
08:19 This happened because of politics and all
08:22 But it should not go into violence
08:25 There are many other ways to solve it
08:27 rather than people getting killed
08:31 And there's no world peace
08:32 I mean, we know
08:34 There are so many years of war
08:36 like in other countries
08:37 Luckily, in Malaysia, we don't have it
08:39 But we can see how peaceful it is
08:41 without war, nobody dies and all
08:43 So, yeah, I think the kids should
08:46 actually learn the conflict
08:48 like why, and learn from the mistakes
08:50 not to happen in our country and around the world
08:53 (music)
