Butchers Crossing - American movie

  • last year
00:00:00 Thanks for watching.
00:00:21 [Music]
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00:01:35 [Music]
00:01:56 Dear father, I'm sure you know by now, I decided to leave Harvard and travel west.
00:02:03 [Music]
00:02:08 I hope to find a stronger purpose and more meaning in my life.
00:02:14 Expand my understanding of the world beyond Boston.
00:02:20 It's something that I need to do.
00:02:27 You may not understand this,
00:02:32 but I hope you can accept it.
00:02:39 I will be back before winter.
00:02:43 With love,
00:02:46 William.
00:02:49 [Music]
00:03:18 [Music]
00:03:26 [Music]
00:03:54 Two bits extra if you want water brought up.
00:03:57 You be here long?
00:03:59 Not sure.
00:04:02 Sir, do you know where I can find a J.D. McDonald?
00:04:04 You here for business?
00:04:05 No, sir.
00:04:06 Well, if you follow the road to end of town, you'll see a shack.
00:04:11 [Music]
00:04:32 That is impressive.
00:04:40 That ain't nothing.
00:04:42 Better off chopping wood.
00:04:54 Four dollars a hive?
00:04:56 These ain't fine.
00:04:59 Says who?
00:05:00 The market.
00:05:01 That's who, goddammit.
00:05:04 You want to be a hive man, you ought to go do it yourself.
00:05:07 Now go on and kill some more buffaloes.
00:05:09 Someone else will.
00:05:34 Sir.
00:05:35 Come back tomorrow.
00:05:38 My name is William Andrews, sir.
00:05:42 I reckon you don't remember me, huh?
00:05:44 Goddammit, if I'd remembered you, I'd have said something when you first came in.
00:05:51 My father is Edward Andrews, sir.
00:05:55 He is the minister of the Unitarian Church in Boston.
00:05:58 We took you in about 14 years ago.
00:06:01 You come out looking for work.
00:06:03 Here, I saved your letters.
00:06:05 All of them.
00:06:15 My father spoke of you often.
00:06:19 I wasn't anyone for him to speak of.
00:06:22 I think he admired you because you were the only man he knew who came out here and made a life for himself.
00:06:28 That's right.
00:06:30 That's right.
00:06:33 I did 400,000 buffalo hides last year, and it's just the start.
00:06:37 I send out parties, they bring in the hides.
00:06:40 I plan on doing my own curing and tanning right here.
00:06:43 Do it all myself.
00:06:45 Your father's a Harvard man.
00:06:47 Shouldn't you be in school?
00:06:48 I went, but I'm just not interested in that kind of education.
00:06:52 You want a job.
00:06:53 Well, god knows I can't keep up.
00:06:55 I'm already two months behind.
00:06:57 I didn't come out here for that.
00:06:59 I want...
00:07:01 Well, what is it, boy?
00:07:04 Spit it out already!
00:07:06 I would like to see as much of the country as I can.
00:07:09 Get to know it.
00:07:11 Uh, maybe you could send me out with one of your hunting parties, sir.
00:07:17 Boy, I won't be responsible.
00:07:21 You start going out with those men, it'll ruin you.
00:07:24 It'll get in you like buffalo lice.
00:07:27 You'll be rotten from the inside.
00:07:30 I'm sorry to have bothered you, Mr. McDonald.
00:07:35 You got it all figured out?
00:07:37 No, sir, I don't have anything figured out.
00:07:43 What the hell was I thinking, talking about?
00:07:47 [♪♪♪]
00:07:53 [♪♪♪]
00:07:59 [♪♪♪]
00:08:05 [♪♪♪]
00:08:14 [♪♪♪]
00:08:23 [♪♪♪]
00:08:29 [♪♪♪]
00:08:38 Excuse me, sir. Um, I believe I saw you earlier today.
00:08:43 What can I do for you?
00:08:47 I would like to go on a hunt, sir.
00:08:52 [CHUCKLES]
00:08:56 There ain't no tours around here.
00:09:00 Not a tour. A hunt.
00:09:03 I can be helpful, and, um...
00:09:07 I'm listening.
00:09:10 Around the camp, I'm a rather quick study.
00:09:15 Uh...
00:09:17 This here's Charlie Hodge. He's my camp man.
00:09:21 Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hodge.
00:09:23 Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
00:09:25 Don't mind Charlie, son. It's just his idea of fun.
00:09:28 Have a seat.
00:09:30 [CHUCKLES]
00:09:33 Francine will get the drinks.
00:09:36 Hi. How do you do?
00:09:49 Why don't you tie up with one of McDonald's parties?
00:09:53 Mr. McDonald and I don't see it the same way.
00:09:57 McDonald's a crook.
00:10:00 We do the work, he takes all the money.
00:10:03 I work for myself, or I don't work.
00:10:06 Fuck.
00:10:18 You really don't work for nobody.
00:10:39 Things are changing around here.
00:10:42 Used to be you could get a thousand a head
00:10:44 in just a couple of weeks of hunting.
00:10:47 Now the herds have scattered.
00:10:50 It's getting harder to make a real kill.
00:10:53 But there are still places that they can be found.
00:10:57 What kind of places?
00:11:05 [SIGHS]
00:11:08 I can trust you, boy?
00:11:15 Yes. Yes, sir.
00:11:18 In the fall of '64, I was trapping beaver
00:11:22 up in the Colorado Territory.
00:11:24 Took my mule up into the mountains to find some bear.
00:11:28 And I came upon a place where the mountain dropped off
00:11:31 into a valley that wound in and out.
00:11:34 And I had a feeling no man had ever been there before.
00:11:38 It was buffalo, scattered all over like a great black sea.
00:11:48 Ball fur, but thicker and better than a winter fur on the plains grazers.
00:11:52 Maybe 10,000 head.
00:11:55 That's the country of the devil.
00:11:58 Charlie lost that hand up in the Rockies.
00:12:01 He ain't like mountain country scents.
00:12:03 Hellfire and ice, he ain't no place for human men.
00:12:08 Why haven't you gone back since?
00:12:11 I haven't been able to get together the right kind of party for it.
00:12:15 What kind do you need?
00:12:19 The kind where it'll be my hunt.
00:12:21 Right. Could you get a party up this late in the year?
00:12:26 I could, but I need about $500 or $600 to do it.
00:12:32 Uh...
00:12:36 That's about all I got.
00:12:41 Now, you know McDonald's guys can go out
00:12:45 and bring in small load after small load.
00:12:49 But this will be one of the biggest hauls anyone has ever seen.
00:12:55 A hunt like this happens once in a lifetime.
00:12:59 You wasting my time, son?
00:13:10 No. No, sir.
00:13:23 Good. Good.
00:13:26 Now all we need is a skinner, and we're gonna need a good one.
00:13:33 'Cause he's gonna have to break you in.
00:13:36 Yes, Joseph.
00:13:42 Shh.
00:13:44 [Sighs]
00:13:46 [Women Laughing]
00:14:12 [Men Laughing, Cheering]
00:14:15 Mr. Andrews?
00:14:38 [Men Laughing, Cheering]
00:14:41 Let's go.
00:15:07 You-You look such a nice place. Here.
00:15:11 I have the only rug in town.
00:15:14 I think you're...
00:15:20 really nice. Um...
00:15:23 and very nice-looking. Uh...
00:15:27 Are you ashamed of me?
00:15:30 No. I just-- I've never met a lady like you before.
00:15:35 Come on.
00:15:37 You're very young.
00:15:45 All the men here are old and hard.
00:15:50 But for now, you're...
00:15:53 young and soft.
00:15:56 [Sighs]
00:15:58 [Beeping]
00:16:02 [Beeping]
00:16:28 [Sighs]
00:16:31 Will, what's wrong?
00:16:55 A key. Sorry.
00:17:22 Well, this here's Fred Schneider. He's a hell of a skater.
00:17:26 My God. Hello, lady.
00:17:31 Hello to you.
00:17:34 Goddamn. You're something special.
00:17:38 All right, go on now, Francine. We got some business to talk about.
00:17:41 Mm-hmm. Thank you.
00:17:43 Where we going?
00:17:45 Colorado Territory.
00:17:47 [Laughs]
00:17:49 Now, you ain't said nothing about no mountain country.
00:17:52 That's what I wanted to show you.
00:17:54 The land's nearly level right up to where we're going.
00:17:56 It's too much of a gamble.
00:17:58 Be gone two or three months, you might have nothing to show for it.
00:18:01 Fred, I have a real herd staked out. We won't be gone longer than six weeks.
00:18:04 There's real herds 30, 40 miles from here.
00:18:07 Their hides are thin as paper.
00:18:10 This'll be big.
00:18:12 Make more money than you'll know what to do with.
00:18:16 [Sighs]
00:18:18 Well, at least I ain't completely wasted my time...
00:18:26 'cause that's about the prettiest whore I ever saw,
00:18:29 and I've seen a good many fucking whores.
00:18:31 Fred, you've worked with me before.
00:18:33 You know I wouldn't lead you into something that wasn't good.
00:18:35 I know for a fact that you ain't been out in that country for eight or nine years.
00:18:39 Nobody else would go with you. That's the only reason you're talking to me.
00:18:42 That's just fine, Dad. There's a couple of skinners staying at the bunkhouse.
00:18:47 I'll go see them in the morning.
00:18:50 Calm down.
00:18:52 Goddamn.
00:18:54 I'll do it, but I ain't taking no shares.
00:19:01 Taking no chances.
00:19:04 I'll take 60 a month straight.
00:19:06 That starts the day we leave here, and it ends the day we get back.
00:19:11 [Scoffs]
00:19:13 You think you're the first one Miller tried to get in on this deal?
00:19:28 He's been talking about that herd so long, everyone thinks he made it up.
00:19:32 You can still back out. Miller will be mad, but he won't make no trouble.
00:19:36 He's a damn good hunter, but he's never had a big kill.
00:19:39 But I've given him my word--
00:19:41 Christ, I'll send you out with one of my parties.
00:19:43 You won't be gone more than three, four days.
00:19:46 No, no, thank you, sir. I just want to let you know my plans.
00:19:50 You don't listen to a word a man says.
00:19:54 [Hooves thud]
00:19:56 [Hooves thud]
00:19:59 [Hooves thud]
00:20:01 [Hooves thud]
00:20:03 [Hooves thud]
00:20:14 [Hooves thud]
00:20:16 [Growls]
00:20:39 Wow, look at that. Amazing.
00:20:43 It's just a little bitty herd.
00:20:45 I've never seen a herd so little in the old days.
00:20:48 I've stood here in a place like this, all you could see was black.
00:20:53 A hundred thousand buffalo, packed in so tight, you could walk on their backs.
00:20:58 You'll see them again like we used to.
00:21:01 Oh, I ain't got my hopes up too high.
00:21:04 [Growls]
00:21:07 [Hooves thud]
00:21:09 You're hired up.
00:21:25 Wasn't a bad day.
00:21:27 That was before you found the Lord.
00:21:29 I'm gonna go back to the wagon and blow my fucking brains out.
00:21:33 [Laughs]
00:21:35 You got there saddle rot.
00:21:38 You better let it have some air.
00:21:40 It'll creep up to your balls, make them swell like grapefruit.
00:21:43 It's no bullshit.
00:21:45 It'll take some getting used to.
00:21:51 A couple days of riding, you'll be all right.
00:21:55 What's that?
00:22:03 Buffalo hunters.
00:22:05 Probably one of McDonald's outfits.
00:22:08 They're going too fast, can't have many hides.
00:22:12 Ain't worth a damn.
00:22:14 Nothing out here but stragglers.
00:22:17 Worthless living.
00:22:19 Well, if all you got's stragglers...
00:22:26 well, then you hunt the stragglers, don't you?
00:22:31 [Man singing]
00:22:33 [Man singing]
00:22:36 [Man singing]
00:22:38 [Man singing]
00:22:40 [Man singing]
00:22:43 [Man singing]
00:22:45 [Man singing]
00:22:47 [Man singing]
00:22:49 [Man singing]
00:22:51 [Man singing]
00:23:20 Where are we going?
00:23:21 Leaving the trail.
00:23:23 If you want to resupply, how are we going to do that if not at Fort Wallace?
00:23:26 There's a new outpost in the foothills.
00:23:28 Well, that's Indian country to the north. You're going to cut us right through it.
00:23:31 That's a fact, Fred, but there's no way around it.
00:23:34 Son of a bitch.
00:23:37 He's going to get us killed.
00:23:39 [Hooves clopping]
00:23:41 My father's a minister.
00:24:00 Well, I'll be, boy.
00:24:06 I was saved by a traveling preacher in Kansas City.
00:24:10 There's the outpost.
00:24:14 Yeah.
00:24:16 He's the one who gave me the book, opened me up to God, and kept me from the devil.
00:24:21 So you're a God-fearing man yourself.
00:24:25 Why fear God?
00:24:30 [Drums beating]
00:24:32 You don't know?
00:24:45 I guess you don't know.
00:24:48 You'll see.
00:24:50 You'll see.
00:24:53 [Suspenseful music]
00:24:55 I cut the poor bastard's balls off.
00:25:21 [Sighs]
00:25:23 They don't like hunters.
00:25:26 That's what happens.
00:25:29 I wanted Indians, here's your Indians.
00:25:34 [Suspenseful music]
00:25:37 [Water running]
00:25:40 [Suspenseful music]
00:25:43 [Water running]
00:25:45 [Suspenseful music]
00:25:50 [Hooves clopping]
00:25:58 [Suspenseful music]
00:26:06 [Hooves clopping]
00:26:08 We need water.
00:26:25 We'll do it ourselves.
00:26:27 Where do you folks come from?
00:26:29 We're lost.
00:26:33 We got separated from our party.
00:26:36 They don't look well.
00:26:38 You should have known the land before heading out.
00:26:40 We need help.
00:26:41 I don't mind.
00:26:43 Stop.
00:26:44 Head south here until you hit the Smoky Hill Trail, Fort Wallace is 60 miles west.
00:26:49 Get your hands off that rifle.
00:26:51 Will?
00:26:54 God ain't got no mercy for the foolhardy.
00:27:02 [Heavy breathing]
00:27:04 [Hooves clopping]
00:27:11 Where we going, Bill?
00:27:21 North.
00:27:23 And we're bound to hit water tonight or early in the morning.
00:27:26 This is a big country out here, we're not bound to do anything.
00:27:29 How long's it been since you was out here?
00:27:31 There's water for a body who knows where it is, Fred.
00:27:34 It ain't too late to turn south.
00:27:38 Day, day and a half, we'll run into the Arkansas.
00:27:40 That'll put us more than a week off. I know this country, Fred.
00:27:43 You don't know it so well you don't get lost in it, do you?
00:27:46 God damn it.
00:27:47 I got half a mind to cut out of here on my own, we're damned near out of water.
00:27:50 You won't make it. You don't know this country.
00:27:52 Now there's no need to get in a panic. I'll get you water.
00:27:54 I'll get you water, I'm about to dig for it myself.
00:27:57 Will.
00:27:58 What do you say? It's your money.
00:28:01 We made it this far, let's stick with Miller.
00:28:03 Come on.
00:28:05 You don't look like you've ever been thirsty a day in your life.
00:28:12 Not real thirsty.
00:28:15 [rain]
00:28:17 [rain]
00:28:20 [rain]
00:28:22 [rain]
00:28:24 [rain]
00:28:26 [rain]
00:28:28 [rain]
00:28:30 [rain]
00:28:33 [rain]
00:28:36 [rain]
00:28:38 [rain]
00:28:41 [rain]
00:28:44 [rain]
00:28:47 [rain]
00:28:50 [rain]
00:28:53 [rain]
00:28:56 [rain]
00:28:59 [rain]
00:29:03 [rain]
00:29:05 [rain]
00:29:08 [rain]
00:29:11 [rain]
00:29:14 [rain]
00:29:17 You ain't hoping to find water like that, I hope.
00:29:20 [rain]
00:29:23 [rain]
00:29:26 [rain]
00:29:29 [rain]
00:29:32 [rain]
00:29:34 [rain]
00:29:37 [rain]
00:29:40 [rain]
00:29:43 Keep the swelling down.
00:29:46 I don't think they'll last another day.
00:29:48 Let's get the animals moving.
00:29:53 If we stop now, they'll never start again.
00:29:58 We're not going to make it another day unless we find water.
00:30:01 [grunts]
00:30:04 [grunts]
00:30:06 [grunts]
00:30:10 [rain]
00:30:14 [rain]
00:30:17 [rain]
00:30:20 [rain]
00:30:23 [rain]
00:30:26 [grunts]
00:30:29 [yells]
00:30:32 [heartbeat]
00:30:34 [heartbeat]
00:30:37 [heartbeat]
00:30:40 [rain]
00:30:43 [rain]
00:30:46 [rain]
00:30:49 [rain]
00:30:52 [rain]
00:30:55 [rain]
00:30:58 [heavy breathing]
00:31:02 Why fear God?
00:31:04 [roar]
00:31:07 I hope to find a stronger purpose.
00:31:11 Meaning my life.
00:31:13 [yells]
00:31:15 Let's see.
00:31:18 [heavy breathing]
00:31:21 [heavy breathing]
00:31:24 [heavy breathing]
00:31:27 [heavy breathing]
00:31:30 [heavy breathing]
00:31:32 [water]
00:31:35 [water]
00:31:38 [water]
00:31:41 [grunts]
00:31:44 You disappear in this country, you're gone.
00:31:50 [heavy breathing]
00:31:53 [heartbeat]
00:31:56 [heartbeat]
00:32:00 [heartbeat]
00:32:02 [rain]
00:32:05 [rain]
00:32:08 [rain]
00:32:11 [rain]
00:32:14 [rain]
00:32:17 [rain]
00:32:20 [rain]
00:32:23 [rain]
00:32:27 [rain]
00:32:29 [rain]
00:32:32 [rain]
00:32:35 [rain]
00:32:38 [rain]
00:32:41 [yells]
00:32:44 [yells]
00:32:47 [yells]
00:32:50 [grunts]
00:32:53 Here it is.
00:32:56 [grunts]
00:32:58 [grunts]
00:33:01 [grunts]
00:33:04 [grunts]
00:33:07 [grunts]
00:33:10 [grunts]
00:33:13 [grunts]
00:33:16 [grunts]
00:33:19 [grunts]
00:33:23 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:26 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:29 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:32 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:35 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:38 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:41 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:44 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:47 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:51 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:53 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:56 [indistinct chatter]
00:33:59 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:02 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:05 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:08 [grunts]
00:34:11 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:14 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:17 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:20 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:22 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:25 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:28 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:31 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:34 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:37 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:40 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:43 You can only see a small part of it from here.
00:34:46 I'll be damned.
00:34:49 And I'm some buffalo.
00:34:51 My God.
00:35:07 [birds chirping]
00:35:09 [music]
00:35:13 [cheers]
00:35:35 [music]
00:35:37 [cheers]
00:35:42 This is God, Charlie. This is God.
00:35:53 Yes, it does look young fella.
00:35:58 Charlie, this is what I wanted to see.
00:36:03 [cheers]
00:36:05 [music]
00:36:08 Well, that was a hell of a trip.
00:36:25 Wasn't so bad.
00:36:31 [laughs]
00:36:33 Wasn't so bad.
00:36:36 Son of a bitch.
00:36:39 Said it wasn't so bad.
00:36:42 How about you, Mr. Andrews?
00:36:47 Did you get your money's worth?
00:36:50 Well, Fred, you know, we're here, so, yeah.
00:36:53 God damn.
00:36:56 You are about as much fun as a one-legged whore.
00:37:01 One-legged and one-armed.
00:37:03 Shit, I gotta piss.
00:37:08 [laughs]
00:37:10 What a son of a bitch.
00:37:12 He's got the taint in him.
00:37:15 He's tough on the nerves, Charlie, but we'll have to tolerate him.
00:37:19 I do, um, I do have a question.
00:37:25 Why?
00:37:30 [laughs]
00:37:31 Hunting buffalo.
00:37:33 I mean, it's clearly dangerous, hard work, uh,
00:37:37 there's no guarantee of a payoff, and
00:37:40 there's many other ways to make a living, so...
00:37:43 why?
00:37:46 [music]
00:37:50 [fire crackling]
00:37:52 [music]
00:37:55 [birds chirping]
00:38:10 [panting]
00:38:38 There's a way to kill 'em, Buffalo.
00:38:41 This is the best shot if you're meeting them head on.
00:38:46 But if you're coming from the side,
00:38:49 aim just below the shoulder.
00:38:51 Heart shot.
00:38:53 You gotta get the leader of the herd first.
00:39:00 You can't tell just from looking.
00:39:05 Something you gotta feel.
00:39:08 [panting]
00:39:21 [panting]
00:39:23 You can never know what a buff is thinking.
00:39:37 All a man can do is just plow into them,
00:39:41 kill 'em when he can, and not try to figure anything out.
00:39:45 You think too much,
00:39:48 and get yourself into trouble.
00:39:50 [music]
00:40:17 [panting]
00:40:19 They can hear and smell us at distance, so
00:40:25 we stay downwind.
00:40:27 [music]
00:40:43 [birds chirping]
00:40:45 We just ride.
00:41:12 At distance,
00:41:13 a bit of wind will push a bullet a foot or more.
00:41:18 [panting]
00:41:40 [music]
00:41:42 [thunder]
00:41:47 Big moment, the scars.
00:42:04 Hiding 'em where they're at, that's the leader.
00:42:07 [music]
00:42:09 [gunshot]
00:42:31 [thunder]
00:42:33 [panting]
00:42:35 Wow.
00:42:37 You missed.
00:42:40 I didn't miss.
00:42:41 Hard shot buffalo will go a hundred yards sometimes before it falls.
00:42:45 [thunder]
00:42:54 [grunting]
00:42:57 [thunder]
00:43:00 [panting]
00:43:02 [thud]
00:43:21 [thunder]
00:43:23 [thunder]
00:43:25 We got the leader,
00:43:34 so they won't run so far the next time.
00:43:38 That there's the one they're following now.
00:43:52 Through the lungs, watch.
00:43:54 [gunshot]
00:43:55 [thunder]
00:43:58 I got them.
00:44:17 By God, I've got them buffaloed.
00:44:21 Run back to the camp, get me a fresh rifle and more cartridges.
00:44:24 Bring back a bucket of water.
00:44:25 Yeah.
00:44:26 [gunshot]
00:44:35 Those guys are buffaloed.
00:44:43 They just stand there and they let 'em shoot them.
00:44:45 Yeah, but I ain't never seen it so fast.
00:44:47 You better hope they run pretty quick,
00:44:49 or else we'll be skinning all night.
00:44:51 Lord give us the Lord, take us away.
00:44:54 Take us away, and if you're lucky, he'll give us back again.
00:44:57 [gunshot]
00:45:17 [thunder]
00:45:19 How many we get?
00:45:30 Clean her out, she's getting dangerous.
00:45:32 [gunshot]
00:45:35 [gunshot]
00:45:42 [gunshot]
00:45:43 [gunshot]
00:45:54 [coughing]
00:46:08 [gunshot]
00:46:11 Damn it.
00:46:12 The leg's shot.
00:46:14 Think about what a buff's gonna do
00:46:16 when you get yourself into trouble.
00:46:18 I could've had the whole herd.
00:46:20 Your head?
00:46:22 The whole herd.
00:46:23 Huh.
00:46:24 [laughing]
00:46:26 It was a big stand, huh?
00:46:28 I never had bigger.
00:46:29 You and Fred start skinning now.
00:46:32 I'm gonna need your help.
00:46:33 [grunting]
00:46:34 [grunting]
00:46:39 [grunting]
00:46:40 That'll last you all day, almost.
00:46:47 I'll have it resharpened, you can see here how thick that gets.
00:46:50 Getting through that's a bitch.
00:46:53 Things start coming across.
00:47:06 Don't happen quick.
00:47:08 [grunting]
00:47:09 I always keep the balls.
00:47:20 Those are good eating and put starch in your pecker.
00:47:24 Then we start coming off of here.
00:47:30 [birds chirping]
00:47:34 [dramatic music]
00:47:36 [laughing]
00:47:56 [growling]
00:47:57 [growling]
00:48:02 [grunting]
00:48:03 Give this to Charlie.
00:48:09 It'll keep us from getting sick.
00:48:11 [coughing]
00:48:23 [coughing]
00:48:26 [coughing]
00:48:27 [dramatic music]
00:48:31 [mumbling]
00:48:53 [dramatic music]
00:48:55 Oh Lord.
00:49:06 Will you deliver us from evil.
00:49:10 [dramatic music]
00:49:15 [birds chirping]
00:49:17 Come and get it.
00:49:27 Come and get it.
00:49:43 Miller, um, what was Charlie doing earlier with the powder?
00:49:47 It's wolf poison.
00:49:49 That was shriek now he was using.
00:49:50 He does that, we won't have any trouble with wolves.
00:49:53 He thinks wolves are the devil himself.
00:49:56 Charlie does.
00:49:57 And the, the rock circle?
00:50:00 Oh, what was that?
00:50:01 These are all Indian burial grounds.
00:50:07 [fire crackling]
00:50:09 Chose a sacred place to camp.
00:50:15 So we're not the first hunt in this herd after all.
00:50:30 Those Indians have been hunting these here buffalo for ages.
00:50:38 The times are changing.
00:50:40 Ain't that right Charlie?
00:50:42 Amen.
00:50:43 Oh nothing, no thing is permanent.
00:50:46 The eyes of our Lord are upon us from the very beginning of time to the end of days.
00:50:53 Never.
00:50:54 Miller.
00:50:59 How do you know Fred?
00:51:01 He's, he's a, he's a savage desperado.
00:51:06 He's like a damn bandito, isn't he?
00:51:10 I don't trust him.
00:51:12 I could pick him up and throw him.
00:51:14 Why would you hire him then?
00:51:18 It's hard to find a skinner who ain't had a brush for too long.
00:51:21 Makes a good hand, works hard, works fast.
00:51:24 Most of them run their mouths off quite like that.
00:51:27 Boom!
00:51:28 Did you have to do that so loud?
00:51:31 My ears are still ringing from the rifle.
00:51:34 I was getting damn sick of your cooking, Hodge.
00:51:39 All a body needs now is a woman.
00:51:50 That's a carnal temptation of the woman's flesh, I'll get you.
00:51:54 What, you saying you ain't never had a woman, Charlie?
00:51:57 Huh?
00:51:58 Well, I guess you still got one good arm to pull your pecker.
00:52:03 Ah, shit.
00:52:11 You remember that little whore back in Butcher's?
00:52:15 What was her name?
00:52:18 Francine.
00:52:20 Francine.
00:52:21 That's right.
00:52:24 That was a damn pretty whore.
00:52:26 Yeah, Jizzy, that was a shit-ass whore.
00:52:29 Work of the devil is what it is.
00:52:31 That's the first thing I'm gonna do when I get back.
00:52:34 See old Francine.
00:52:36 I reckon she's pretty heated up for you, Will.
00:52:41 The way she's looking at you.
00:52:44 I didn't notice that.
00:52:46 Well, you didn't notice.
00:52:51 You sure as shit noticed.
00:52:53 Well, how was she?
00:52:56 Give us all the details.
00:52:58 Was she your first?
00:53:00 You ain't even had her.
00:53:07 Look at her.
00:53:09 That's the finest piece of tail I ever saw you, and you haven't had her.
00:53:12 That's enough, Fred.
00:53:14 Out here thinking about what you can't have will drive you off your feet.
00:53:18 Now, lighten up, Miller.
00:53:21 What else we gonna talk about out here? Killing animals?
00:53:25 Not when young Will here's in love.
00:53:31 Shit.
00:53:34 Well...
00:53:37 I can't wait to get back to St. Louis myself.
00:53:43 [Gun cocks]
00:53:45 [Guitar riff]
00:53:47 [Gunshot]
00:53:53 Women. Pocket full of money.
00:53:59 Some good eats.
00:54:01 You like it too high, Fred.
00:54:03 You like it too high.
00:54:05 Yeah, too high.
00:54:08 I'll be damned too high.
00:54:12 I know you.
00:54:14 This ain't no living out here.
00:54:27 Ripping hides off dead animals in the middle of nowhere.
00:54:31 Hell no.
00:54:37 [Growling]
00:54:39 All right, just breathe easy and don't overthink it.
00:54:53 [Gunshot]
00:55:04 [Gunshot]
00:55:06 [Groans]
00:55:14 [Growling]
00:55:16 Miller.
00:55:43 Miller.
00:55:45 There's no sense shooting more weed than skin.
00:55:49 Miller.
00:55:51 Now, I told you before that I'm not skin and stiff buff.
00:55:56 I told you that.
00:55:58 I'll help with the skinning if need be, but help you or not, you will skin them, Fred.
00:56:04 You'll skin them if they're bloated, you'll skin them if they're froze,
00:56:07 you'll skin them if you have to pry their hides loose with a goddamn crowbar.
00:56:12 When you crawl away from here, you crawl away quietly.
00:56:17 If these buffalo spook, I'll shoot you.
00:56:22 Goddamn it.
00:56:40 [Gunshot]
00:56:42 You know, the Indians used to use this bone for just about everything.
00:56:58 Everything from needles to war clubs.
00:57:03 They'd make a knife out of it so sharp, it'd split you right in two.
00:57:08 Toys for the little ones and combs for the women.
00:57:13 I've seen necklaces carved so pretty out of this stuff,
00:57:17 you'd think it'd be made in St. Louis.
00:57:21 A goddamn waste.
00:57:25 We don't belong out here.
00:57:30 [Sighs]
00:57:32 [♪♪♪]
00:57:35 [♪♪♪]
00:57:38 [♪♪♪]
00:57:41 [♪♪♪]
00:57:59 [♪♪♪]
00:58:02 ♪ God's always watching you, wherever you go, there he is watching you ♪
00:58:14 [♪♪♪]
00:58:17 [♪♪♪]
00:58:20 [Sighs]
00:58:25 [Clicks tongue]
00:58:27 [♪♪♪]
00:58:30 [Clicks tongue]
00:58:33 [♪♪♪]
00:58:36 [♪♪♪]
00:58:39 [Gunshot]
00:58:44 [♪♪♪]
00:58:47 [♪♪♪]
00:58:50 [♪♪♪]
00:58:55 [Gagging]
00:58:58 [Groans]
00:59:00 Here. This will clean you out.
00:59:03 Drink it.
00:59:05 Drink it!
00:59:09 [Growling]
00:59:12 [♪♪♪]
00:59:15 [Growling]
00:59:18 [♪♪♪]
00:59:21 [Growling]
00:59:24 [♪♪♪]
00:59:27 [Growling]
00:59:30 [♪♪♪]
00:59:33 [Growling]
00:59:36 [♪♪♪]
00:59:39 [Growling]
00:59:42 [♪♪♪]
00:59:45 [Growling]
00:59:48 [♪♪♪]
00:59:51 [♪♪♪]
00:59:54 Bella!
00:59:57 [♪♪♪]
01:00:00 [♪♪♪]
01:00:03 [Panting]
01:00:06 [Gasping]
01:00:09 [♪♪♪]
01:00:12 Bella!
01:00:15 [♪♪♪]
01:00:21 [GUNSHOT]
01:00:37 [SINGING]
01:00:40 [SINGING]
01:00:43 Getting damn sick of buffalo meat.
01:01:01 Damn sick of it.
01:01:02 [GUN CLICKING]
01:01:05 Hey, god damn it!
01:01:14 Any of you hear me?
01:01:16 Said I'm sick of buffalo meat.
01:01:18 We've been here three weeks.
01:01:33 That's a week longer than we're supposed to be here.
01:01:34 We say we pack it out of here tomorrow.
01:01:43 Nights are getting cold.
01:01:45 There ain't no telling what the weather is going to do
01:01:47 this time of year.
01:01:48 Isn't that right, Charlie?
01:01:49 Leave Charlie alone.
01:01:54 Miller, god damn it.
01:02:01 Even if we stay, how are we going
01:02:07 to get all them hides back?
01:02:08 We'll do what we can now, come back in the spring
01:02:18 and pack out the rest.
01:02:20 [GUN CLICKING]
01:02:22 I know what that means.
01:02:23 That means you want to stay here until you
01:02:27 wiped out the whole herd.
01:02:29 It's my party.
01:02:32 You can't kill every god damn buffalo
01:02:34 in the whole god damn country.
01:02:35 It's your buffalo meat.
01:02:37 You're a god damn lunatic.
01:02:49 Miller, I-- Miller, he's right.
01:02:53 We've been here long enough.
01:02:54 How many more are you going to get?
01:03:00 When we're done, we'll sure have something to show for it.
01:03:03 We have something to show.
01:03:06 We got enough.
01:03:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:03:11 Miller, what are we still doing out here?
01:03:25 I'm out here to hunt buffalo, haul back their hides,
01:03:29 and sell them.
01:03:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:03:34, [GUNSHOT]
01:03:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:03:49 [PANTING]
01:03:52 [GUNSHOT]
01:03:59 [GUNSHOT]
01:04:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:07 [GUNSHOT]
01:04:14 Think you can step on my head?
01:04:18 [GUNSHOT]
01:04:20 You can take your 2,000 pounds and try to crush my skull in.
01:04:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:32 [GUNSHOT]
01:04:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:38 [GUNSHOT]
01:04:39 Now, you're all going to die.
01:04:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:45 [GUNSHOTS]
01:04:49 Not fucking smiling.
01:05:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:03 [GUNSHOT]
01:05:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:11 Trying to get out of the valley.
01:05:24 I need some help.
01:05:25 Well, there ain't but 200 of them left.
01:05:26 Why don't you let them go?
01:05:28 Get on your horse.
01:05:30 Will, get on your horse.
01:05:36 I'll head down valley 200 yards.
01:05:41 All you have to do is stay here, quiet, and don't spook them.
01:05:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:56 Do buffalo ever go crazy?
01:06:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:23 Miller, do buffalo ever go crazy?
01:06:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:33 Easy, easy now.
01:06:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:42 [GUNSHOT]
01:06:57 God damn it, Will!
01:07:00 [GUNSHOT]
01:07:01 [SCREAMS]
01:07:03 [GUNSHOT]
01:07:04 God damn it, Will!
01:07:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:07:12 Go, go!
01:07:18 Get out of here!
01:07:19 Leave!
01:07:20 Leave!
01:07:25 Miller!
01:07:31 Miller!
01:07:33 Miller!
01:07:35 You damn fool!
01:07:37 You've scattered us!
01:07:39 You've lost your fucking minds!
01:07:42 [SCREAMS]
01:07:46 You goddamn fool!
01:07:48 What happened?
01:07:49 There's my bison!
01:07:50 Now we'll be here another week, one hour or more!
01:07:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:00 Will, let go!
01:08:25 You said it'd be all right.
01:08:26 You said we could have some more snow time.
01:08:28 Let the animals be a second chance.
01:08:30 Come on.
01:08:31 I told you I didn't want to come.
01:08:33 I told you.
01:08:36 [INAUDIBLE]
01:08:39 Hey!
01:08:40 We need cover!
01:08:41 He's coming in fast!
01:08:42 [INAUDIBLE]
01:08:44 Pick up!
01:08:54 Miller!
01:08:55 [INAUDIBLE]
01:09:08 Will!
01:09:14 Help me take this.
01:09:15 All right.
01:09:17 [GRUNTING]
01:09:20 Will!
01:09:27 Get over here!
01:09:29 No!
01:09:30 You're going crazy, Will!
01:09:32 You're killing us!
01:09:33 I'm taking care of myself!
01:09:34 You've never been through one of these blizzards!
01:09:36 I'll leave you alone, you goddamn animal!
01:09:38 I'm here, too.
01:09:40 Will!
01:09:41 [GRUNTING]
01:09:42 As quietly as you can.
01:09:44 The more you move around, the more likely you are to get
01:09:46 froze.
01:09:48 [GRUNTING]
01:09:51 [PANTING]
01:09:55 [PANTING]
01:09:59 [PANTING]
01:10:02 [CREAKING]
01:10:28 [CREAKING]
01:10:31 You all right, boy?
01:10:55 Yeah.
01:10:56 Jesus Christ.
01:11:03 I can't see a fucking thing.
01:11:05 [GROANING]
01:11:08 Shit, my fingers, my feet are damn near froze.
01:11:17 [GROANING]
01:11:18 I'll wake Charlie, and we'll head back to camp.
01:11:24 Get a fire going.
01:11:28 I'll take a look at that pass.
01:11:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:11:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:11:46 [GROANING]
01:11:59 [GROANING]
01:12:07 [GROANING]
01:12:10 Well, how'd it look?
01:12:18 Huh?
01:12:22 How'd it look?
01:12:24 Drink.
01:12:25 Well, snowed in good.
01:12:33 I couldn't get within a half mile of that pass.
01:12:36 I told you sons of bitches we had to get out of here.
01:12:41 You didn't listen to me.
01:12:42 And now look what you've gotten us into.
01:12:43 God damn it.
01:12:44 How long will we have to be here?
01:12:51 We're here until that pass thaws,
01:12:53 which won't be until spring.
01:12:54 Oh.
01:13:01 Spring?
01:13:02 Six months at the least, eight months at the most.
01:13:04 So might as well dig in good and get
01:13:07 ourselves set for a long wait.
01:13:09 Uh-uh.
01:13:10 Not this fella here, uh-uh.
01:13:12 No, this fella here's going to get himself out.
01:13:14 If you can find a way, Freddy, you go to it.
01:13:19 Is the pass the only way out?
01:13:21 Unless you want to walk up over the mountains.
01:13:23 What's wrong with that?
01:13:24 You can't live off the land in the high country
01:13:27 in the winter.
01:13:28 We should at least try it.
01:13:30 We have to try it.
01:13:31 You ever try to weigh out a storm on the side of a mountain?
01:13:35 You wouldn't last an hour, especially you.
01:13:38 Well, it's a chance I'll take it.
01:13:40 There ain't nothing between here and Denver, Fred.
01:13:43 And Denver's a long way off.
01:13:45 Well, pick me out some landmarks, god damn it.
01:13:47 I'll find it on my own.
01:13:49 We need to get a fort set up before nightfall.
01:13:51 Fuck it.
01:13:58 I'll sit here on my fat ass, and I'll collect my 60 a month.
01:14:04 Now, I want my money.
01:14:05 You better get that belt out and give me that money.
01:14:16 [music playing]
01:14:19 I trusted you.
01:14:33 It'll be all right, Charlie.
01:14:35 It'll be all right, Charlie.
01:14:37 [music playing]
01:14:41 [panting]
01:14:43 I'm cold, it's all.
01:14:49 I'm cold.
01:14:51 Anybody, anybody.
01:14:53 You don't think I'm leaving?
01:14:55 I fell asleep and I'm cold.
01:14:59 I'm sick of burning hell.
01:15:00 [music playing]
01:15:04 [panting]
01:15:07 [music playing]
01:15:10 [panting]
01:15:13 [music playing]
01:15:40 [music playing]
01:15:43 No buffalo.
01:15:58 Well, we ain't got much meat left,
01:16:00 and the flower's ruined.
01:16:01 We got one more sack of bean.
01:16:03 We ain't too high to find game.
01:16:04 I'll go out tomorrow and get us something.
01:16:08 You see the stock?
01:16:10 Yeah.
01:16:11 They made it through with luck.
01:16:14 With luck.
01:16:15 Fred, I swear you ain't got a cheerful bone in your body.
01:16:19 You got no call to complain.
01:16:21 I got call, and you know I got call.
01:16:23 How's about a little story?
01:16:35 [clears throat]
01:16:37 It says here, in the beginning, there
01:16:40 was the heavens and the earth.
01:16:42 And it also says--
01:16:44 That's my book.
01:16:45 She was formless.
01:16:46 That ain't yours, that's mine.
01:16:48 You becky little cocksucker.
01:16:50 Now, Charlie, is this the kind of God that you believe in, huh?
01:16:53 One that does bullshit like this?
01:16:55 You get your crazy thieving hands off.
01:16:59 That's enough.
01:17:00 Here's your book right there.
01:17:01 [grunting]
01:17:04 [laughing]
01:17:07 [laughing]
01:17:10 Oh, shit.
01:17:12 We'll get you another book when we get back, Charlie.
01:17:15 Blasphemer.
01:17:17 Bleeding blasphemer.
01:17:20 I can't hear what you're saying, Charlie,
01:17:22 but it doesn't sound good.
01:17:23 Can't you ever shut up?
01:17:25 [laughing]
01:17:28 [grunting]
01:17:32 [groaning]
01:17:36 [ominous music]
01:17:39 [chewing]
01:17:50 [music playing]
01:18:04 [chewing]
01:18:07 You got any more in that pot, hog?
01:18:14 Mm, yeah.
01:18:16 There you go.
01:18:18 [grunting]
01:18:21 Oh.
01:18:30 Thank you, Charlie.
01:18:31 [grunting]
01:18:34 [gasping]
01:18:51 [grunting]
01:19:17 [crying]
01:19:20 [grunting]
01:19:25 [ominous music]
01:19:31 [music playing]
01:19:35 [ominous music]
01:19:38 [ominous music]
01:19:42 [ominous music]
01:19:45 [ominous music]
01:19:48 [ominous music]
01:19:51 [ominous music]
01:19:54 [ominous music]
01:19:58 [ominous music]
01:20:01 [ominous music]
01:20:05 [ominous music]
01:20:09 [ominous music]
01:20:12 [chickens clucking]
01:20:25 [birds chirping]
01:20:33 [ominous music]
01:20:36 [birds chirping]
01:20:39 [panting]
01:20:42 [panting]
01:20:45 [purring]
01:20:53 [purring]
01:20:56 [purring]
01:20:59 You OK, brother?
01:21:01 Some men, right?
01:21:03 I got the stomach of a buff.
01:21:05 [purring]
01:21:08 Hey.
01:21:15 Hey.
01:21:16 You want to die?
01:21:20 Is that what you want?
01:21:22 [purring]
01:21:25 Look at me.
01:21:29 You know, I wish I was crazy, but I'm crazy.
01:21:32 He isn't even here.
01:21:35 And I ain't gonna die for no fucking buff.
01:21:37 You hear me?
01:21:38 I ain't gonna do it.
01:21:40 We can get out of here.
01:21:45 You know what?
01:21:47 You and me, we can sleep out at night.
01:21:52 [thunder rumbling]
01:21:59 [clicking]
01:22:01 Well, help me dress this down.
01:22:04 [clears throat]
01:22:06 Goddamn kill.
01:22:19 [clicking]
01:22:22 [sniffles]
01:22:28 [sniffles]
01:22:31 [sniffles]
01:22:34 [sniffles]
01:22:52 [sniffles]
01:22:55 [pouring]
01:23:01 We can get through.
01:23:11 I want it clean and through.
01:23:13 The other side of the pack.
01:23:16 40, 50 yards of hard pack,
01:23:19 then clean as a whistle after that.
01:23:21 We get through it easy.
01:23:24 [panting]
01:23:27 Well?
01:23:33 Wanna get loaded up?
01:23:35 We aren't taking a chance on a cave-in.
01:23:38 Get those horses buried under a couple of tons of wet snow,
01:23:41 and then what?
01:23:44 Aren't you even gonna go look?
01:23:49 Still got a few days.
01:23:52 We'll wait.
01:23:54 Huh? Huh? Huh?
01:24:00 We're gonna wait.
01:24:06 All we've been doing is waiting!
01:24:09 Goddamn it.
01:24:18 [panting]
01:24:21 What the fuck are you looking at?
01:24:27 Huh? Huh? Huh?
01:24:30 Oil, come with me.
01:24:41 Let's get more wood.
01:24:46 [clicking]
01:24:49 [clanking]
01:24:54 [clanking]
01:24:57 [clanking]
01:25:07 [clanking]
01:25:10 Well, I couldn't figure out,
01:25:18 if we was all eating the same thing,
01:25:21 why was I the only one getting sick?
01:25:25 I-- I don't know what you're talking about.
01:25:29 It's for the wolves.
01:25:31 What's that say in your book, Charlie, about killing?
01:25:36 If you're gonna kill a man,
01:25:38 you ought to give him a lethal dose, Charlie.
01:25:41 'Cause dying by degrees, that makes a man suspicious.
01:25:46 Now, suspicion, that ain't a sin, is it, Charlie?
01:25:51 [grunting]
01:25:54 Have mercy on the one--
01:25:59 [grunting]
01:26:02 [groaning]
01:26:05 [grunting]
01:26:08 [grunting]
01:26:37 [clanking]
01:26:40 Going somewhere, Fred?
01:26:54 [whimpering]
01:27:06 He tried to kill me with wolf poison, goddamn snake.
01:27:11 I always knew you were a coward, Fred.
01:27:18 He tried to goddamn kill me.
01:27:24 I gotta get out of here, Miller.
01:27:29 I can't stand this anymore.
01:27:34 [breathing heavily]
01:27:37 I didn't need your help getting off this mountain.
01:27:43 [breathing heavily]
01:27:46 [gunshot]
01:28:09 [whistling]
01:28:12 [grunting]
01:28:21 [soft music]
01:28:34 ♪ ♪
01:28:38 [birds chirping]
01:28:41 [snoring]
01:28:44 [sighs]
01:28:55 [soft music]
01:28:58 ♪ ♪
01:29:23 How long you think we'll be getting back to Butcher's?
01:29:26 Less than a fortnight. We'll get back quicker than we came.
01:29:29 I don't think I'll hardly stop.
01:29:32 Just get some greens on my belly and slosh it with some whiskey.
01:29:38 See that girl, son.
01:29:41 Then I'll be off to St. Louis. You won't ever see me again.
01:29:47 [footsteps]
01:29:50 [sobbing]
01:30:00 [soft music]
01:30:09 ♪ ♪
01:30:14 [grunting]
01:30:17 Come on!
01:30:21 Hey!
01:30:23 We're too top-heavy, goddamn it!
01:30:26 We're top-heavy as hell. I'm telling you, we're not gonna make it down.
01:30:33 Take it careful. The axles will hold.
01:30:36 Hold on.
01:30:38 [grunting]
01:30:41 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:30:44 Easy now, easy.
01:30:47 [grunting]
01:30:50 [soft music]
01:30:53 ♪ ♪
01:30:58 There are 1,500 hides.
01:31:05 Better than 3,000 back at the camp.
01:31:08 Say, 4,700 in all. My God, that's better than $18,000.
01:31:13 I don't ever recall a hunt being that big.
01:31:17 I'm gonna ride into Butcher's Crossing with the real load
01:31:24 and watch their eyes pop out of their heads.
01:31:28 [soft music]
01:31:31 ♪ ♪
01:31:36 [horse whinnying]
01:31:39 ♪ ♪
01:31:41 Hey, Fred, you thought I was crazy?
01:31:43 You thought I was fooling around?
01:31:46 You're gonna be a rich man.
01:31:49 I asked for 60 a month. I've been getting it.
01:31:52 Fred Snyder takes care of hisself.
01:31:55 Don't ask nobody for nothing.
01:31:58 Easy now, easy.
01:32:01 Step up.
01:32:03 Step up.
01:32:05 [soft music]
01:32:08 ♪ ♪
01:32:13 Miller, God damn it.
01:32:15 Whoa, whoa.
01:32:17 Miller!
01:32:19 Miller!
01:32:22 [horse whinnying]
01:32:25 Miller!
01:32:27 [horse whinnying]
01:32:30 [soft music]
01:32:33 ♪ ♪
01:32:40 [birds chirping]
01:32:43 ♪ ♪
01:32:50 [hooves clopping]
01:32:53 ♪ ♪
01:33:00 [birds chirping]
01:33:03 ♪ ♪
01:33:10 [birds chirping]
01:33:13 ♪ ♪
01:33:20 [soft music]
01:33:23 ♪ ♪
01:33:30 [hooves clopping]
01:33:33 ♪ ♪
01:33:40 [hooves clopping]
01:33:43 ♪ ♪
01:33:50 [hooves clopping]
01:33:53 ♪ ♪
01:34:00 [hooves clopping]
01:34:03 ♪ ♪
01:34:07 Where is everybody?
01:34:09 ♪ ♪
01:34:12 McDonald?
01:34:14 ♪ ♪
01:34:21 [birds chirping]
01:34:24 ♪ ♪
01:34:31 [hooves clopping]
01:34:34 ♪ ♪
01:34:41 ♪ ♪
01:34:49 Where's McDonald?
01:34:51 ♪ ♪
01:34:57 McDonald!
01:34:59 Who's that?
01:35:01 What are you doing in here?
01:35:03 ♪ ♪
01:35:10 My God.
01:35:14 I'd given you up for dead.
01:35:17 You found your buffalo?
01:35:19 Biggest kill that ever come through this territory.
01:35:23 Just like I said it would be.
01:35:26 [laughing]
01:35:29 [laughing]
01:35:33 [laughing]
01:35:37 [coughing]
01:35:41 [coughing]
01:35:44 [coughing]
01:35:46 Ain't you looked around you?
01:35:49 The bottom's dropped out of the whole market.
01:35:52 The hide business is finished for good.
01:35:56 You're finished. You.
01:35:58 We had an agreement.
01:36:00 $4 a piece for prime hides,
01:36:03 and I aim to hold you to it.
01:36:05 I wish you could, but you can't hold me to nothing,
01:36:07 because I got nothing.
01:36:09 If you'd have gotten back when you were supposed to,
01:36:11 you'd have got your money.
01:36:13 I got what I got and paid for it
01:36:15 when you was in the mountains.
01:36:17 I got 30, 40,000 worth, 10 cents a piece.
01:36:20 You want them?
01:36:22 Just last year, prime hides, $4 a piece.
01:36:25 That was last year.
01:36:27 You remember beaver?
01:36:29 When they stopped wearing beaver hats,
01:36:31 you couldn't give the skins away.
01:36:33 Looks like everybody who owns a buffalo robe has one,
01:36:36 and nobody wants any more.
01:36:38 I got 3,000 hides,
01:36:41 prime, cashed, up in the mountains.
01:36:45 You don't listen to me, do you?
01:36:47 Miller.
01:37:01 [panting]
01:37:28 Well...
01:37:31 you had your hunt.
01:37:34 Yes, sir.
01:37:36 Yes, sir.
01:37:39 And you lost your tail just like I told you you would.
01:37:44 Tell me, boy...
01:37:57 was it worth it?
01:37:59 I...
01:38:07 I saw what I needed to see, sir.
01:38:11 Young folk...
01:38:17 always think there's something to find out.
01:38:20 Not enough to get a job and work.
01:38:23 You have to find something bigger.
01:38:26 [sobbing]
01:38:32 [sobbing]
01:38:51 [sobbing]
01:38:53 [gunshot]
01:39:17 [gunshot]
01:39:19 [gunshot]
01:39:24 [gunshot]
01:39:29 So now you're...
01:39:31 young and soft.
01:39:34 [gunshot]
01:39:36 [screaming]
01:39:49 [men shouting]
01:40:01 [men shouting]
01:40:03 [men shouting]
01:40:05 What is he doing?
01:40:08 Someone get the bucket!
01:40:11 Why is he working so hard for this?
01:40:17 I can't believe he's burning it all down.
01:40:20 He's burning it all!
01:40:23 [men shouting]
01:40:25 [men shouting]
01:40:27 We gotta put this thing out!
01:40:32 [men shouting]
01:40:35 [men shouting]
01:40:46 [men shouting]
01:40:52 [men shouting]
01:40:54 Why doesn't someone do something?
01:41:05 My God!
01:41:14 My God!
01:41:17 [horse neighing]
01:41:45 [horse neighing]
01:41:47 [fire crackling]
01:41:49 [fire crackling]
01:41:51 [fire crackling]
01:41:53 [fire crackling]
01:41:55 [fire crackling]
01:42:14 [fire crackling]
01:42:16 [music]
01:42:40 [fire crackling]
01:42:42 [music]
01:43:00 [music]
01:43:02 [music]
01:43:12 [music]
01:43:24 [music]
01:43:26 [music]
01:43:36 [music]
01:43:46 [music]
01:43:48 [music]
01:43:58 [music]
01:44:08 [music]
01:44:10 [music]
01:44:20 [music]
01:44:30 [music]
01:44:32 [music]
01:44:42 [music]
01:44:52 [music]
01:44:54 [music]
01:45:04 [music]
01:45:14 [music]
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