• 2 years ago
MAGGIE MOORE(S) Trailer (2023) Jon Hamm, Tina Fey
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 Push, jump, or fell.
00:05 Shot in the back of the head, dragging yourself away.
00:07 Thank God that's all full.
00:09 Vehicle's registered to Maggie Moore.
00:11 Did you say Maggie Moore?
00:13 Two dead Maggie Moores in one week of harm.
00:16 Yeah, that's weird.
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:18 [KNOCKING]
00:19 Mr. Moore!
00:20 Can I help you?
00:21 I'm looking for Jay Moore.
00:23 He's not here. They're separated.
00:25 Oh.
00:26 Big fight.
00:26 You need to leave.
00:28 I need to leave?
00:29 This is my house, Maggie!
00:31 She did yell the word "filth." I caught that.
00:34 Well, Jay Moore's into something.
00:36 My wife is threatening to go to the cops.
00:40 I would like you to scare her off the idea.
00:44 [MUSIC]
00:48 [GASP]
00:49 [MUSIC]
00:51 They're gonna nail me for this, you understand?
00:53 [MUSIC]
00:54 Loyalty member?
00:55 Oh, I see. There's two Maggie Moores in the system.
00:58 What are the odds of that?
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:03 Is Maggie one a mistake for Maggie two, or is Maggie two to cover for Maggie one?
01:07 [MUSIC]
01:08 If we remove the second Maggie Moore, it'll make it look like my Maggie was just a mistake.
01:13 [MUSIC]
01:14 We gotta make it look like it was an accident, and I'm off the hook.
01:17 [MUSIC]
01:18 I pretty clearly said, "Scare her," not, "Set her on fire."
01:22 Somebody out there's really good at what they're doing.
01:25 Jay looks like he's been shoved around a little bit.
01:28 Junior detective?
01:29 Who would do this?
01:30 We'll find out. Sooner or later, we always do.
01:32 This nutcase is setting me up.
01:35 Uh-uh. That's crazy. False.
01:37 She just dropped a dime on Maggie's husband.
01:39 Life insurance.
01:40 700K.
01:43 [MUSIC]
01:50 Well, that ties it all up in a nice little bow, doesn't it?
01:52 Give me some backup now!
01:54 Wash your car.
01:55 Wash your ass.
01:56 How we doing?
01:58 You seem really worked up over this.
02:00 Hey.
02:01 Oh!
02:02 But wait, there's more.
02:03 Maggie Moore.
02:04 Maggie Moore.
02:05 Maggie Moore.
02:06 Maggie Moore.
02:07 [MUSIC]
02:08 [MUSIC]
02:09 [MUSIC]
02:10 [MUSIC]
02:13 [MUSIC]
02:16 [MUSIC]
02:19 [MUSIC]
