Amy's House of Art | movie | 2021 | Official Clip

  • last year
A mockumentary about a young artist who murders people and uses them as her medium. | dG1fRkhJVS1VaUpFZ1k
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 Okay, a little bit about me.
00:08 I live in Florida.
00:10 I like to collect antiques.
00:13 I like to garden and right now I have 32 corn plants
00:18 growing in my backyard at this very moment.
00:22 I guess I chose corn because you don't really see a lot of in Florida.
00:29 And is such an interesting crop to look at.
00:32 Honestly, I could just stare at it all day.
00:36 [MUSIC]
00:39 All day.
00:40 [MUSIC]
00:46 All day, just seriously.
00:50 [MUSIC]
00:53 And I kill people and I make decorative art out of them.
01:01 Yeah, I can tell you more about that if you want me to.
01:05 Okay.
01:05 [MUSIC]
01:14 So welcome to my living room, got a lot of fun things.
01:18 I'm home.
01:19 [LAUGH]
01:20 This is one of the first pieces I got.
01:22 It is not real.
01:23 My gosh, I'm a vegan.
01:25 Okay, we're in a vegan household.
01:27 I would not ever have a real animal harmed in my home.
01:32 [LAUGH]
01:34 So moving on, this is my very first art piece.
01:41 So one that inspired it all.
01:45 So I hanging up to remind myself of where it all started and
01:49 where I can go from here, it's really great.
01:52 This is my wall of shame.
01:56 [LAUGH]
01:57 I'm kidding, it's all the faces of my exes.
01:59 As you can see, I've made some poor decisions.
02:03 [LAUGH]
02:05 I'm kidding.
02:07 This is one of my favorite art pieces, I would say.
02:11 There's a lot of heart behind it.
02:14 Why I feel compelled to add them to my piece on the wall.
02:21 I can give you some examples, right?
02:23 George, he could not wash the dishes within a week's time and
02:27 I thought, bubble inside.
02:29 Just little stuff, not doing the laundry or
02:34 not opening my car door for me or chewing too loudly.
02:39 All of these things that are just so repulsive,
02:44 so infuriating, I just, that earned them a spot on the wall.
02:49 [MUSIC]
02:53 This is Jillian.
02:57 We were close friends, but not much anymore, so we can move on.
03:01 [LAUGH]
03:03 Anyway, so this piece I got this mannequin.
03:06 Hello, hey, hey.
03:07 [LAUGH]
03:10 We're moving on.
03:12 Hello, where are you?
03:15 Hello, I don't know where they, there she is.
03:21 Stephanie, she is so good at hide and seek.
03:24 [LAUGH]
03:27 Yeah.
03:27 [MUSIC]
03:34 This is Stephanie.
03:36 [LAUGH]
03:39 She and I didn't really talk much when she was still alive and
03:44 we don't really talk much now, but we do spend a lot of time together.
03:51 I would say, yeah, we're best friends.
03:56 We do makeover.
03:57 [MUSIC]
04:00 We're learning German together.
04:03 [FOREIGN]
04:11 Yeah, I love having her around.
04:14 She always pops up in strange places.
04:17 [LAUGH]
04:19 I have a hard time finding her sometimes.
04:20 She just goes wherever she wants.
04:22 Stephanie, hurry up.
04:28 But yeah, yeah, she's my newest Ruby.
04:30 [LAUGH]
04:32 I am about to show you my art studio, come in.
04:36 This is where all of the magic happens.
04:41 So many crazy things have happened in here.
04:44 [LAUGH]
04:45 I wish that I could tell you about them.
04:46 I did recently try a gun.
04:50 [LAUGH]
04:52 That was a lot harder than I expected.
04:54 [SOUND]
04:55 [SOUND]
04:56 [LAUGH]
05:00 Okay, okay.
05:05 I would say one of my favorites is Slitting the Throat.
05:09 [SOUND]
05:12 Get on there, get on there.
05:15 What do I think people would say if they knew what I was doing?
05:19 Well, I'd like to think they'd be open-minded.
05:22 They're gonna grow so well.
05:22 [LAUGH]
05:25 [SOUND]
05:28 Maybe one day I could have my own art gallery.
05:31 And the people attending, they could be like, I know that person.
05:38 [LAUGH]
05:39 Or, my gosh, they're actually not missing.
05:44 [LAUGH]
05:44 Or, like, shit, that person ghosted me when they were still alive.
05:50 And then I could say, and now you know exactly where I am.
05:54 [MUSIC]
06:00 That's art.
06:02 Okay.
06:03 [MUSIC]
06:13 [MUSIC]
06:24 [MUSIC]
