• 2 years ago
Journey of Jesus Christ Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Kevin Sorbo hosts a dramatization of the life of Jesus Christ.
00:00 My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
00:14 The Good Book is about to come alive.
00:16 Jesus Christ the Redeemer offers His love, light, and sacrifice to all of us.
00:21 And in a stormy sea of uncertainty, we need Him now as never before.
00:32 Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
00:42 Everything you'll see, feel, and hear is assembled together from the words and deeds
00:46 of the Savior of the world, written in the Holy Bible.
00:51 He calmed the storm.
00:54 Peace, be still.
01:00 He raised the dead.
01:03 Lazarus, come forth.
01:09 He showed us the way with His words of life and gave His life as a ransom that we could
01:13 live again.
01:14 What shall I do then with Jesus who is called the Christ?
01:18 Crucify Him.
01:19 Crucify Him.
01:21 Crucify Him.
01:22 It is finished.
01:24 On the third day, Jesus rose from the tomb.
01:27 Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father.
01:32 But go to my brethren and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and to my God, and
01:40 your God.
01:42 What would any of us give to be a witness to His birth or of His ministry, to be Peter
01:48 for a day, or Mary in that moment of knowing?
01:51 And behold, thou shalt conceive and bring forth a son.
01:57 Be it unto me according to thy word.
02:01 His very presence He promised to all who believe in Him and is atoning sacrifice for you and
02:06 for me.
02:07 All who hear His voice are invited to come unto Him.
02:10 No one is forbidden.
02:12 So take this journey with me, and see Him with the wonder of your own eyes, and be blessed
02:18 by His endless grace.
02:20 Amen.
02:26 you