• 2 years ago
Bulli Public School student Esther Cooney Button competes at the Premier's Spelling Bee state competition on Friday, November 3 at the Eugene Goossens Hall, ABC Centre, Sydney. Videos by the Cooney Button family
00:00 Esther is a year four student at Bulleye Public School.
00:04 She loves dogs, playing soccer, and eating tiramisu,
00:08 just like me.
00:09 As an avid soccer fan, Esther dislikes
00:12 when the Matildas lose.
00:13 Esther is a bit Matilda obsessed.
00:17 The person she admires most is Sam Kerr,
00:20 because Esther believes Sam is an amazing role model
00:23 for women and girls, and that she's the best striker ever.
00:27 Esther, your practice word is soccer.
00:30 Sentence one day, Esther will play for the Matildas
00:33 and become the best soccer player in the world.
00:36 Soccer.
00:37 - Soccer.
00:38 S-O-C-C-E-R.
00:40 Soccer.
00:41 - Correct.
00:42 Polyester.
00:44 These sheets are made of a mixture
00:46 of polyester and cotton.
00:49 Polyester.
00:50 - Polyester.
00:52 P-O-L-Y-E-S-T-E-R.
00:57 P-O-L-Y-E-S-T-E-R.
00:59 - Correct.
01:00 (audience applauds)
