'Day Shift' Interviews with Jamie Foxx, Dave Franco and Director J.J. Perry

  • last year
Netflix's "Day Shift" stars Jamie Foxx, Dave Franco and director J.J. Perry chat about their upcoming supernatural action film in this interview with CinemaBlend's Sean O'Connell. They discuss what they loved most about making the movie, how they filmed some of its coolest action scenes, and of course, Jamie Foxx has more “Spider-Man: No Way Home” behind-the-scenes drama for us.
00:00 You know, I almost blew it.
00:02 - In what way?
00:03 - As soon as I got on the set
00:04 and there was all three Spider-Mans, I was like this.
00:07 Ah, we up in here, baby, 'bout to go live!
00:10 (upbeat music)
00:13 - Guys, good to see you again.
00:16 How are you doing?
00:17 - Back at you, man. - Back at you, baby.
00:20 - You both have experience bringing original movies
00:22 to Netflix, and streaming is the way
00:24 that so many audience members are taking in new films.
00:27 Jamie, I'm curious, is opening day any different
00:30 for a streaming movie versus when it's going to theaters?
00:33 Do you hear from more people who are telling you
00:35 that they're checking your new movie out?
00:36 - It depends on how good it is.
00:37 It depends on how good the trailer is.
00:38 I tell 'em all the time, we're not in the movie business,
00:41 we're in the movie trailer business.
00:42 Our trailer for this movie overperformed.
00:47 It did 19 million views in less than 24 hours.
00:50 That's pretty big when you look at the landscape
00:54 of all these movies that come out.
00:57 - Money.
00:57 - And I think it's because J.J. Perry,
01:01 whose forte is action, and that opening scene
01:05 of me pulling the shotgun and shooting
01:07 the old grandmother, people are like, what is this?
01:09 So it had a real wow factor.
01:11 So there is a difference, though.
01:13 When you're trying to get people to the theater,
01:15 of course, there's more elbow grease,
01:17 and especially coming out of a pandemic
01:18 and things like this, but you'd be surprised.
01:21 You can't take the audience for granted.
01:24 You can't even take an audience for granted
01:25 that's sitting at home.
01:26 So we wanna do as much as we can
01:28 to get people to hit that subscription
01:30 and see something we think is just really,
01:32 I think it's really amazing and first time.
01:37 We dropped "Power" on Netflix around the same time
01:41 this movie is dropping.
01:43 - Works every time.
01:44 - So I'm excited to be in J.J. Perry's debut movie,
01:49 and I'm also excited to be with this young man next to me
01:52 who I said I'm not gonna do the movie
01:54 unless he's in the movie, because he brings
01:56 so much to it, and to watch his talents flourish
01:59 in this has just been amazing.
02:00 (man screams)
02:02 - Hey, hey, don't you puke in here.
02:04 I swallowed it.
02:05 - Dave, at one point in "Day Shift,"
02:07 you referred to your characters as a team
02:09 as "Crockett and Tubbs," and I'm just curious,
02:12 if you're referring to the 2006 "Michael Mann" masterpiece,
02:15 and you think Bud just looks like Jamie Foxx,
02:17 the actual actor?
02:19 - There was some thought that went into that.
02:21 I mean, you know, the movie's a little cheeky.
02:24 It kind of fits the tone of the movie
02:26 for people who kind of dig deep like that.
02:29 But yeah, I mean, the movie, from the get-go,
02:32 it's like, it doesn't take itself too seriously.
02:35 It wants you to have a good time.
02:37 It's got practical effects that are a little campy
02:41 in the best way possible.
02:42 It feels a little old school, a little throwback,
02:44 and so I think that specific joke
02:46 just tied in nicely with it all.
02:49 - Welcome to the "Day Shift," motherfucker.
02:51 - Hi, J.J., how are you?
02:53 - What's up, Sean? What's up, my brother?
02:55 - Can you do me a favor and take me through
02:56 the conversations of how you guys tried to figure out
02:59 how many different ways you can behead someone?
03:02 (Sean laughing)
03:04 - You know, all the years of being on the road
03:06 as an action director and action guy,
03:08 I pitched so many directors so many things,
03:11 and a lot of them go, "No, no, no."
03:12 I just throw them back in my bag of tricks.
03:15 And you know, after 32 years of having this bag of tricks,
03:18 when I dumped it out on the floor,
03:20 there were a lot of nuggets in there, brother,
03:22 and I didn't use them all.
03:23 So hang on till we get to, if we get a sequel,
03:26 I'm gonna take it up another level.
03:28 - All the heads are coming off.
03:30 - It's all, heads are gonna roll, baby.
03:32 - It's not "Eclipse," "New Moon," "Breaking Dawn,"
03:34 "Point One," it ain't like that, all right?
03:37 - Why do you know the names
03:38 to all the specific "Twilight" films?
03:40 - You do a shot in this movie that I had to go back
03:42 and rewatch about a half dozen times.
03:44 It's in the middle of a car chase,
03:46 and it comes out of the sunroof of the car.
03:49 Walk me through that. How did you do that?
03:50 And why did you choose to do it in that moment?
03:53 - So I've been doing a lot of car chases in my career,
03:57 and the Russian arm is a pursuit or a precision vehicle
04:01 that has a crane arm and a remote head on it.
04:04 Became a tool in the cinema in the mid '80s, I believe,
04:08 or late '80s.
04:09 So that changed the perspective of car chases,
04:12 of vehicular chases,
04:13 and it was the gold standard up until three years ago,
04:17 until the FPV drone hit.
04:20 Nobody's quite nailed it.
04:22 Ambulance did a good job.
04:24 I think we did pretty good.
04:25 But what I've done now is I've been working
04:27 with that drone company,
04:29 and his name's Tommy Tibiato.
04:31 We've been R&Ding things.
04:32 I just had him in Puerto Rico on this other second year.
04:35 I will reinvent vehicle chases with that drone
04:38 when I get my next movie.
04:40 It's coming.
04:41 I've already R&Ded the shots.
04:42 I can't tell you because the other action director's
04:45 listening, he'll steal it from me.
04:46 But that perspective of being in the over,
04:49 in the back seat in and over,
04:51 throwing it out, and all of a sudden, the whole world is,
04:54 you know, you're--
04:54 and then diving back in on it,
04:56 that, for me, it was a game-changer.
04:59 And, you know, I asked the kid, Tommy,
05:01 I was like, "Hey, Bubba, so if I was in the back seat of a car with gloves on,
05:04 could I throw the drone out of the car if it checked up in a slide?"
05:06 And he goes, "Well, yeah, I think so."
05:09 I said, "Let's go try it."
05:10 And we tested it. I have all the tests on my phone.
05:12 - So that's where it was born. - Yeah.
05:15 It was born at Starbucks in Culver City talking about ideas.
05:18 You know what I see when I see a van?
05:21 Big old dollar sign.
05:22 Jamie, you talk about bringing people back to theaters.
05:25 This movie, "Over My Shoulder," did just that.
05:28 And we covered a lot of stories about Andrew Garfield,
05:30 Tobey Maguire going back and seeing themselves.
05:32 Did you get to go back and see "No Way Home"
05:34 with an audience, the return of Max Dillon?
05:37 Man, it was crazy.
05:38 It was like a rock concert when we did that film.
05:43 It was like--
05:45 And I thought Sony did a fantastic job of mystique.
05:48 You know what I'm saying?
05:49 Holding things, keeping things.
05:51 You know, I almost blew it.
05:53 In what way?
05:54 As soon as I got on the set and there was all three Spider-Mans,
05:57 I was like this, "Ah, we up in here, baby.
06:00 'Bout to go live."
06:01 And somebody just dove on me like I was a fire.
06:03 I was like, "Man, what the-- what the hell?"
06:04 Said, "No one's supposed to know."
06:06 "Okay, my bad. Okay, we ain't supposed to know
06:07 that all three of them are here."
06:09 But I think that they did a great job in doing that,
06:12 bringing some mystique.
06:13 And I think that that's what was needed to get people back
06:16 in the theater.
06:17 And I think that same muscle that's flexed in Spider-Man
06:21 gets flexed here, where you see these incredible stunts.
06:24 You see this incredible comedy.
06:26 And you see incredible cast like, you know,
06:30 Snoop and us all in the same--
06:33 in the same situation.
06:34 And so that's why we're, you know, we're happy.
06:36 No matter where it is, we're just happy that our art
06:41 is getting out there.
06:42 So it's on the agenda today.
06:44 ♪ My clothes are hot ♪
06:45 ♪ My eyes are closed ♪
06:47 Like every day, hunting vampires.
06:52 It just strikes me that because Jamie and Dave
06:55 both have recent experience directing.
06:58 So I'm curious if that meant that they were over your
07:00 shoulder a ton and asking a bunch of questions or absorbing.
07:03 No, so I welcome that because I feel like the more directors
07:08 you have on set, especially--
07:11 let me rephrase it.
07:12 The more good directors you have on set that care about
07:15 the project, that care about every frame that you're
07:17 shooting, the better.
07:19 You know, so Jamie is not just an amazing talent, singer,
07:22 actor, entertainer.
07:24 He was also a producer on my film.
07:26 And he was also a huge asset in shooting
07:29 the film and in post.
07:30 And Dave, too, like always coming with great ideas.
07:32 And you know, I have a very open forum as far as, you know,
07:36 ideas.
07:37 I-- look, I don't pretend to be the smartest guy in the room.
07:40 I think if you're in the smartest guy in the room,
07:41 you're in the wrong room.
07:43 And I always end up in the right room
07:45 because I always end up somehow being
07:46 the dumbest guy in the room.
07:47 So I ended up OK on that one.
07:49 I can't wait to see both of you guys continue as directors.
07:52 I'm really intrigued by both of your storytelling abilities.
07:54 Jamie, when are we going to see something
07:55 from "All Star Weekend"?
07:57 Man, it's been tough, you know, with "The Lay of the Land"
08:00 when it comes to comedy, man.
08:04 You know, it's-- we're trying--
08:06 we're trying to break open those sensitive corners where
08:09 people go back to laughing again.
08:12 And that's why I think even in this film, which is great,
08:16 is like the one thing we kept hearing in the screen
08:18 is how much people were laughing.
08:21 So hopefully we'll keep them laughing
08:22 and run them into "All Star Weekend" because we
08:26 were definitely going for it.
08:27 God, help me!
08:28 [GUNSHOTS]
08:30 What the-- vampires just tried to kill me.
08:34 And now I just pissed my favorite fucking--
08:36 Hey, hey, hey, everybody pisses themselves the first time.
08:39 Really?
08:40 Did you?
08:40 No, I-- no, I didn't.
08:41 But listen, you did.
08:43 [GUNSHOTS]
08:46 [AUDIO OUT]
