Expedition Niger: Real Africa | movie | 2023 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world and is also plagued by numerous terrorist organizations that repeated | dG1fai1Lb1FBUVY1RzQ
00:00 [Music]
00:07 [Alarm bell]
00:10 [Music]
00:36 It is one of the most unknown and poor countries on earth.
00:40 And yet full of wealth.
00:43 The Niger. Rich because of the smile of its people.
00:48 The vastness of its deserts.
00:54 And the mystique of its peoples.
01:02 But bitter poverty, unbridled population growth, and not least climate change, also endanger this wealth.
01:12 They threaten the country, the people and their traditions.
01:19 But still, the Tuareg and the Bodabe can lead their nomadic life in the heart of Africa.
01:29 As two of the last nomadic tribes on earth.
01:32 [Music]
01:46 On one of the rare expeditions through the Niger, we get to know them and their habitat.
01:53 And love them.
01:58 Accompany us on our journey and dive into the pure Africa.
02:03 The Niger.
02:05 [Music]
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