Disney Q4 Earnings Preview: What Investors Need To Know About The House Of Mouse

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Disney Q4 Earnings Preview.

#1 Morning Stock Show To Get You Ready For The Stock Market Open, PreMarket Gainers, Earnings This Week, Economic Data & More!

Benzinga PreMarket Prep 8:00AM ET- 9:00AM ET BenzingaTV on YouTube.
00:00 Disney, man, look at this trading range again. They're trying to put a wall there, man.
00:04 Under 80 buck, 80 to 85. We're back, or actually 86. I mean, that is consolidated. Look how long
00:12 we've been in this range since the middle of August. That is a long consolidation period.
00:18 I don't know what they're going to do with the earnings. I don't know what they're going to do
00:20 with ESPN, but holy mackerel. This thing, it gets over, and Honda, it's shape, of course,
00:27 is shaping up on the monthlies like that. But at the top of the range right now, up at 86,
00:32 but man, if this thing clears 86, gets a sustained 86 bid, participated a little bit last week.
00:40 The market helped it out, nice rally, but keep an eye on it. Actually, 86 to 86 and a quarter,
00:47 that's super extra major resistance for the house of Mars. I'm very worried about the parks.
00:55 Obviously, I haven't been to the parks, I don't know anything, but just that discounting hearing
00:59 that they actually lowered the price for kids. I've never heard of Disney lowering the price at
01:06 all. This is just a deal. It's not like it's lowered permanently or anything. I don't know
01:10 if anybody else can verify that, but it was going around. I was hearing in the media that they had
01:14 lowered prices for the kids significantly there. I mean, nobody lowers prices unless there's actually
01:19 maybe not as busy as they were. I'm somewhat worried that the parks, we keep saying we're
01:24 firing on all cylinders. I mean, they were driving, holding Disney up when it was $100
01:30 and $100 plus was holding it up, all their other businesses sucked. All their other businesses
01:34 still suck. It's a matter of the parks, is it good enough to make up for the other crappy businesses
01:41 like ESPN and Disney Plus has been a disaster. Obviously, they've got other businesses, they've
01:47 got all kinds of different media, but the media part of this company hasn't been doing well for
01:51 a very long time. The parks is why Disney has traded where it is. Mitch, you're good here.
01:58 Are you looking at interest over time? This is an interesting thing though.
02:01 Yeah, Disney tickets on Google Trend.
02:02 Doesn't look like there's as much interest in Disney tickets as a plane. I like this when you
02:06 go in this stuff. This is full on Chris Camilo stuff here happening.
02:11 Oh yeah, I always check this guys, a little bit of Google Trend action. This is going to help you.
02:15 How do you do that?
02:16 You just literally go to Google Trends.com.
02:18 Can you show us how to do that? Because I don't do Google Trends.
02:21 Yeah, just literally search Google Trends. It'll come up as the first thing and then
02:24 you're going to get to this site and then just put in what you're looking for. What are you
02:28 looking for? Are you looking for EVs, Tesla models? Are you looking for Disney tickets?
02:34 That's what you would search. If I was looking for Disney tickets, I would search for this.
02:39 So it's going to take your search data and let you know. There's been a quick drop here.
02:44 Normally there's an increase in the holidays. A lot of people like to go to Disney for Christmas,
02:51 for the holidays. They have fireworks at nighttime, things like that. Well,
02:56 it isn't looking so hot there. Of course, we saw the recent merger with Cedar Fun and Six Flags.
03:03 I don't know. I'm also worried about maybe SeaWorld and companies like that. Well, SeaWorld.
03:10 I've been worried about SeaWorld for a long time and I have no idea why SeaWorld still-
03:15 Exists.
03:16 ... exists. I kind of don't know why it exists. I thought back in 2020 when stocks were going
03:21 down, this was one, but not SeaWorld. I guess everybody likes Shamu. I know we had some issue
03:25 with one of them one time, but- Yeah, a big issue. A big issue.
03:30 I don't know. I don't know why SeaWorld's where it is, but that's a story for another day.
