DEFEATED Trump SULKS out of Courtroom, TESTIMONY went HORRIBLY for Him

  • last year
DEFEATED Trump SULKS out of Courtroom, TESTIMONY went HORRIBLY for Him


00:00 See what a scam this is?
00:01 This is a case that should have never been brought.
00:04 It's a case that should be dismissed immediately.
00:07 The fraud was on behalf of the court.
00:09 The court was - the fraudster, in this case,
00:12 they made references to assets that were very valuable.
00:17 And they said - they had no idea.
00:20 They had no idea what the numbers were when they said
00:22 $18 million for Mar-a-Lago.
00:25 And it's 50 to 100 times that amount by any estimation.
00:29 It's a terrible thing that's happened here.
00:32 We're taking days and days and weeks and weeks.
00:36 And it goes on, and then you look at the outside world
00:38 and what's happened.
00:40 But, of course, they're getting the wish because
00:42 I don't have to be here, for the most part,
00:44 but I certainly do have to be here because I want to be here.
00:47 Because it's a scam.
00:49 And this is a case that should have never been brought,
00:52 and it's a case that now should be dismissed.
00:55 Everybody saw what happened today.
00:57 Everybody saw what happened with their star witness,
01:00 who admitted that - I never told him what he originally said.
01:04 I did.
01:05 He admitted that he lied, and he has absolutely no credibility
01:09 whatsoever.
01:09 That's their only witness.
01:11 That's their only witness.
01:13 And I think you saw what I had to say today,
01:15 and it was very conclusive.
01:17 Everything we did was absolutely right.
01:19 To think that we're being sued and spending all this time and
01:22 money, and you have people being killed all over the world,
01:26 that this country could stop.
01:28 With inflation and all of the other problems that this country
01:31 has, I think it's a disgrace.
01:34 And when you look at the numbers,
01:36 the poll numbers that came out today from the New York Times
01:39 and CBS, I'm sure the Times was not too happy.
01:43 But people are sick and tired of what's happening.
01:47 This is a sad - I think it's a very sad day for America.
01:51 But anyway, this is a case that should have never been brought,
01:54 and it's a case that should be immediately dismissed.
01:58 Thank you.
01:58 Thank you very much.
02:09 That is Donald Trump sulking as he is leaving the courtroom
02:13 as his testimony concluded in the New York Attorney General
02:17 civil fraud case.
02:18 Up next is Ivanka.
02:21 And if Ivanka's testimony is anything like Donald Trump's,
02:25 well, be ready.
02:26 We will be here at the Midas Touch Network.
02:28 Donald Trump's testimony was incriminating.
02:31 He looked like a complete and utter fool.
02:34 He admitted to all of the elements of New York Attorney
02:37 General Letitia James and the people of New York's
02:40 civil fraud case.
02:42 Let's break it down, but let me show you the press conference
02:45 held by New York Attorney General Letitia James
02:48 after Donald Trump's testimony concluded.
02:51 Play the clip.
02:52 --the defendants and the Trump organization.
02:55 He rambled.
02:57 He hurled insults.
03:00 But we expected that.
03:02 At the end of the day, the documentary evidence
03:06 demonstrated that, in fact, he falsely
03:09 inflated his assets to basically enrich himself and his family.
03:13 He continued to persistently engage in fraud.
03:17 The numbers don't lie.
03:19 And Mr. Trump obviously can engage
03:22 in all of these distractions.
03:23 And that is exactly what he did, what
03:26 he committed on the stand today, engaging in distractions
03:31 and engaging in name-calling.
03:33 But I will not be bullied.
03:34 I will not be harassed.
03:36 This case will go on.
03:38 We look forward to hearing the testimony of Ivanka Trump
03:41 on Wednesday.
03:42 And then we plan on closing our case.
03:45 And then there will be some motions on Thursday.
03:49 And then the defense will present their case in chief.
03:54 Justice will prevail.
03:57 And it's important that all of you understand
04:00 that we have already been victorious in our motion
04:02 for summary judgment.
04:04 And now we look forward to disgorgement
04:07 and to the remaining counts in our action
04:10 against Donald Trump and his repeated and consistent fraud
04:15 against the citizens of the great state of New York.
04:20 So we've been talking about the various parts of Donald Trump's
04:23 testimony-- morning, morning recess, what
04:26 happened after morning recess, after the lunch break.
04:30 Then Donald Trump's lawyer, Alina Haba,
04:32 started whining and complaining, saying,
04:34 the judge is being mean to me.
04:36 The judge is yelling at me.
04:37 I'll show you that clip in a little bit.
04:39 But we did a whole other video on that.
04:41 So what went down in the afternoon?
04:43 More Donald Trump rambling.
04:45 He started talking about his so-called worthless clause,
04:49 which he claims allows him to make
04:51 any type of financial representation fraudulent
04:54 or not, because it's all covered by his disclaimer, which
04:57 he refers to as the worthless clause.
05:00 There is no such thing.
05:01 But Donald Trump says, it goes on forever,
05:05 this worthless clause.
05:06 There's no such thing as a worthless clause
05:09 that goes on forever and immunizes fraud.
05:12 And one of the funny things that the New York attorney general
05:14 lawyer said is that the, oh, it goes on forever.
05:18 What else goes on forever?
05:20 And the crowd laughed, because he was talking about Donald
05:23 Trump rambling about the worthless clause was something
05:26 that actually went on forever.
05:27 Everything with Donald Trump is projection and confession.
05:31 And Judge Ngoron, at one point in the afternoon,
05:34 was like, all right, you are a broken record, Mr. Trump.
05:38 Because Donald Trump would say--
05:40 he would just, as he was answering questions,
05:42 he wouldn't actually answer the question.
05:43 He would just say, and this courtroom is a disgrace.
05:46 And the New York attorney general is a disgrace.
05:49 And she's a disgrace.
05:50 And she's a political hack.
05:52 And then Judge Ngoron would just say, OK, are you done?
05:56 You sound a little bit like a broken record.
05:59 All right, next question.
06:01 I mean, Donald Trump acting like a petulant third grade
06:04 little fascist.
06:05 No offense to petulant third graders,
06:08 because they don't even behave as bad as this.
06:12 Donald Trump then kept on bragging,
06:13 my net worth is far greater than I even
06:16 put on my statement of financial conditions.
06:18 It's far greater.
06:18 Everybody knows what a good business person I am.
06:21 This is a disgrace.
06:22 This is a disgrace.
06:23 Stop going into ancient history.
06:25 You don't know the statute of limitations.
06:27 That's what Donald Trump was saying,
06:29 as the New York attorney general lawyer named Kevin Wallace was
06:32 just methodically and surgically, though,
06:35 hitting the elements of the fraud charge
06:39 that Donald Trump is being prosecuted
06:41 for in this civil case.
06:42 And then he let Donald Trump ramble,
06:44 just so Donald Trump kind of cycles through it
06:47 and then admits to all of the underlying elements in doing
06:51 so.
06:52 And that's exactly what Donald Trump did.
06:53 And Donald Trump also admitted-- this
06:55 was key-- that he recognized that banks
06:57 relied on the statement of financial conditions.
07:00 And when asked, all right, so in preparing this, Donald Trump,
07:04 you claim that you weren't the one
07:06 who prepared the statement of financial conditions.
07:08 You say it was Jeff McConnie, your former controller,
07:12 and Allen Weisselberg, your former chief financial officer.
07:16 So are you confident that their representations were accurate
07:20 and the information was accurate,
07:22 to which Donald Trump's response was, quote, "I hope so,"
07:26 is what Donald Trump said.
07:27 I hope so.
07:28 And by the way, Jeff McConnie already
07:30 admitted to fraud during his testimony.
07:32 Allen Weisselberg claims he couldn't recall anything,
07:35 and he is a convicted felon.
07:37 So that should tell you just about how it went.
07:39 Let's talk just briefly about some other key developments,
07:42 and I'll summarize it super quickly for you.
07:45 Donald Trump shows up.
07:47 Let me show you the press conference
07:48 that he gives when he arrives in front of the courtroom.
07:52 Again, a broken record here.
07:54 Play this clip.
07:55 The numbers are much greater than
07:57 on the financial statement.
07:59 And we've already proven that.
08:00 They said Mar-a-Lago's worth $18 million.
08:02 Mar-a-Lago's worth anywhere from probably 50 to 100 times more
08:07 than that.
08:08 And it's a terrible, terrible thing.
08:11 These are political operatives that I'm going
08:13 to be dealing with right now.
08:15 You have a racist attorney general
08:17 who made some terrible statements.
08:20 And you see some more that came over the wires today.
08:23 It's a very sad situation for our country.
08:25 We shouldn't have this.
08:26 This is for third world countries.
08:29 And it's very unfair.
08:31 It's very unfair.
08:32 But in the meantime, the people of the country understand it.
08:35 They see it.
08:36 And they don't like it.
08:37 They don't like it.
08:38 Looking very nervous, actually.
08:40 And Donald Trump, when he started the testimony,
08:43 was speaking very low.
08:44 And so Judge Ngoron had to say, can you please speak up
08:47 so we can hear you?
08:49 And then Donald Trump began his unhinged rants.
08:52 He started telling stories.
08:53 Or as Judge Ngoron says, look, we're
08:55 not looking for essays here.
08:57 Can you please just answer the question?
08:59 When asked why Don Jr. was a co-trustee,
09:03 Donald Trump responded, he's a good boy.
09:05 He's a good young boy, Donald Trump said.
09:09 Going through the statement of financial conditions,
09:11 Donald Trump says, banks don't care.
09:13 Banks don't care about this.
09:15 Lenders don't care about this.
09:16 Nobody cares about the statement of financial conditions.
09:19 You don't know the way real estate's run.
09:20 And they don't care about it.
09:22 In any event, I had a worthless clause,
09:24 which lets me do anything.
09:25 I have a worthless clause.
09:26 And again, it's already been ruled upon.
09:28 There's no such thing as a worthless clause, which
09:30 means that you can engage in any conduct.
09:32 And by the way, Donald Trump's disclaimer
09:35 is not a strong disclaimer.
09:37 In fact, Donald Trump is responsible,
09:39 and the Trump Organization is responsible,
09:41 for fraudulent representations and detecting fraud
09:45 per their retention agreement with their accounting firm,
09:48 Mazers.
09:50 Mazers accountants have already testified against Donald Trump
09:53 in this matter.
09:55 Donald Trump continued to whine about how
09:57 he says Mar-a-Lago is valued at 100 to 150 times what
10:02 the judge says the valuation is.
10:04 The judge says it's $18 million.
10:06 Donald Trump's saying that while sitting next to the judge.
10:08 The judge isn't saying that Mar-a-Lago is
10:10 valued at $18 million.
10:12 The judge is looking at undisputed evidence
10:15 and undisputed facts, which is that Donald Trump signed,
10:19 under penalty of perjury in the Trump Organization,
10:21 signed a deed which states that the Trump Organization,
10:25 the revocable trust, quote, "intends to forever use
10:29 the Mar-a-Lago property as a commercial property."
10:32 So then when confronted with that and saying,
10:34 you gained all of the benefits of suppressing
10:38 the value of Mar-a-Lago by paying less in property taxes
10:41 by saying that you conveyed and you intended to convey forever
10:45 the property as a club, as a commercial property,
10:49 Donald Trump's response is, "My intentions could change.
10:53 Just because I say intend doesn't mean
10:56 that I will always intend."
10:58 Well, the exact language says, "intend to forever."
11:01 But in any event, what that does not permit you to do
11:04 is to lie to people at that point in time
11:07 about what your intentions are.
11:09 I suppose in the future, if your intentions change
11:12 and you want to seek to undo the deed that you signed,
11:15 where your intentions were something previous,
11:17 well, then you're gonna have to face the consequences
11:19 of paying property taxes on something
11:21 that's worth $1.5 billion.
11:24 And then at that time, perhaps things can change.
11:26 It's not exactly the way it works.
11:27 But when you made these critical representations
11:31 saying that you intend to forever utilize Mar-a-Lago
11:35 as a commercial property, not a residential property,
11:38 that's fraud and you just stipulated to it.
11:40 That's why, folks, there's something called
11:42 the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination,
11:45 which Donald Trump had the right to assert,
11:48 but which he did not.
11:49 Also, when asked about his 10,000 square foot triplex,
11:53 Donald Trump's response was,
11:55 well, the reason that he said it was 30,000 square feet
11:58 is because you could include the elevator shafts
12:01 and things like that, he said,
12:04 when provided with the 2021 financial statements.
12:08 Donald Trump says, "I was too busy
12:09 to even look at these things.
12:10 I was too busy dealing with Russia and China,"
12:13 to which the New York Attorney General lawyer said,
12:15 "You were not the president in 2021.
12:18 Please just look at the financial statements.
12:20 You were not president in 2021."
12:23 Donald Trump was asked questions about Aberdeen.
12:26 He said, "It's the most beautiful golf course in the world,
12:28 the greatest golf course in the world.
12:30 It's so brilliant."
12:31 Then the judge said, "Just answer the question."
12:33 I'm striking that response.
12:35 "Just answer the question,"
12:36 to which Donald Trump's lawyer, Chris Keis, said,
12:39 "I thought that was a brilliant response, Mr. Trump.
12:41 I thought that was a brilliant response."
12:43 I mean, come on, Christopher Keis.
12:45 How embarrassing can you be?
12:46 What a disgrace you are,
12:48 and what a disgrace you have become.
12:50 There was a moment too,
12:51 where Donald Trump was trying to mimic the prosecutor,
12:54 and Donald Trump goes, "Trump has no money.
12:57 Trump make phony statements.
12:59 Trump defraud banks."
13:01 And then Judge Ngorin's like,
13:03 "I'm granting a motion to strike here.
13:05 Stricken, stricken, stricken.
13:07 Just answer the questions, Mr. Trump."
13:10 Then Alina Haba stands up, and Alina Haba goes,
13:13 "You must listen, Judge, to what he's saying.
13:16 Listen to his stories."
13:18 And Judge Ngorin goes,
13:19 "I'm not here just to listen to him rant.
13:22 He can answer the questions that are being asked of him.
13:26 He could answer those questions."
13:28 Let me show you right here.
13:29 This is Alina Haba whining that the judge yelled at her.
13:34 Here, play this clip.
13:36 - You have a right to hire a lawyer
13:37 who can stand up and say something
13:40 when they see something wrong.
13:43 But I was told to sit down today.
13:45 I was yelled at, and I've had a judge
13:48 who is unhinged slamming a table.
13:50 Let me be very clear, I don't tolerate that in my life.
13:53 I'm not gonna tolerate it here.
13:56 And you know what?
13:56 You shouldn't either.
13:58 - There was also just some weird moments
14:00 where Donald Trump said that he got a lollipop lease,
14:03 and he goes, "I got a lollipop.
14:05 That's a nice term, a lollipop."
14:07 What, how is this even real life?
14:09 Oh, what, do you have a lollipop?
14:11 What are you even talking about?
14:13 And then Donald Trump continued to yell
14:15 at the New York Attorney General
14:16 while she was sitting there going,
14:17 "You don't know anything about my properties.
14:19 You don't know anything about my properties."
14:21 And New York Attorney General Letitia James
14:23 just started basically laughing,
14:24 and she put her hand over her face.
14:26 She started laughing and saying, "What is going on here?
14:29 What are you doing?"
14:32 Notably, Donald Trump's lawyers did not do
14:35 any direct examination of Donald Trump.
14:38 They didn't ask Donald Trump any questions at all.
14:40 Think about that.
14:42 Trump's lawyers, and this is where I said,
14:45 you have to, it's something called evidence.
14:47 You need disputed evidence in a case.
14:50 The reason the judge granted summary judgment
14:53 against Donald Trump is because Trump's lawyers
14:56 and Trump aren't putting on evidence.
14:57 Okay, if you are innocent, if you are not liable,
15:00 to all the magusplainers out there who go,
15:02 "Ben, you don't know how it works.
15:05 Intentions change all the time."
15:07 Okay, well, intentions don't change
15:09 the moment the intention is made,
15:12 and fraudulent representations are based on that.
15:14 To all the magusplainers who go,
15:16 "Ben, you don't understand it.
15:17 The fair market value is always 5,000% greater
15:22 than the stipulated valuation that you provide
15:25 for your properties with appraisals."
15:28 Okay, that's not true, but okay,
15:29 let me just accept you magusplainers for a second here.
15:33 Then why didn't Donald Trump's lawyers say,
15:36 "We wanna ask him some questions."
15:37 So can you please clarify this, Mr. Trump?
15:40 And Mr. Trump, can you point to that?
15:41 Wasn't that accurate?
15:43 Isn't this true?
15:45 Isn't this accurate?
15:46 That's what you do as a lawyer.
15:47 You go through with the client on direct testimony.
15:52 What about this?
15:52 To prove that the statements would be accurate.
15:56 Then you would go, "Judge, this is accurate."
15:58 But instead of doing that,
16:00 what did Donald Trump's lawyers do?
16:02 They attacked Judge Ngoron's law clerk again
16:04 and demanded a mistrial.
16:06 You heard that right.
16:07 At the end of the testimony of Trump,
16:11 they said to Judge Ngoron,
16:12 "We wanna file a motion for mistrial
16:14 because of your clerk passing you notes."
16:16 And Judge Ngoron said, "No,
16:18 I'm not allowing you to file that motion.
16:20 I'm protecting my staff."
16:22 And they go, "But we must file this motion."
16:24 And Judge Ngoron says, "No, you're not filing that motion.
16:26 I'm 1000% confident that I can take confidential notes
16:30 from my law clerk.
16:32 That's what we do here in New York.
16:33 I can rely on the guidance of my law clerk
16:36 and stop bringing up my law clerk."
16:39 Some other news to report.
16:40 The New York Attorney General says that the end of trial
16:43 is gonna be about December 15th.
16:46 That's when they expect the trial to conclude.
16:49 Ivanka is expected to testify on Wednesday.
16:53 And then after that,
16:54 the New York Attorney General is gonna rest.
16:57 Tuesday, November 7th is voting day.
17:00 Make sure you're going to vote
17:02 and make sure you're telling others and states,
17:05 please, a lot of people watch these videos.
17:08 Here's how you can help in addition
17:10 to just enjoying these Trump videos that we're doing
17:12 and getting the knowledge.
17:13 Vote, vote, vote,
17:14 and make sure people are voting on November 7th.
17:17 And I'm especially looking at those in Virginia.
17:20 I'm especially looking at those in Ohio.
17:22 I'm especially looking at those people in New Jersey.
17:24 I'm especially looking at people all across the country.
17:27 Make sure you're getting out the message to vote.
17:29 November 7th is voting here in the United States.
17:32 It's an off, off year.
17:34 So a lot of people don't remember that vote,
17:36 but we'll see if Donald Trump's lawyers
17:39 even try to put on the defense case
17:41 after the New York Attorney General's office rests.
17:44 And we will keep you posted.
17:46 Here's just the funny part right here.
17:48 Here's Alina Haba's laptop.
17:50 She's basically just promoting her law firm
17:53 with a billboard on our laptop.
17:55 Oh, one more, one more funny thing.
17:57 Here's the photo.
17:59 Here's the cartoon sketch of Donald Trump.
18:01 Look at him.
18:02 I'm Ben Micelles from the Midas Touch Network.
18:06 Make sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel.
18:08 We're gonna be doing more updates throughout the day.
18:11 And if you wanna support the growth
18:12 of this independent platform,
18:13 go to and have a great one.
18:16 Hey, Midas Mighty, love this report?
18:18 Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram,
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18:23 of the day.
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18:26 (upbeat music)
18:29 (upbeat music)
