Psoriasi, Marchisio: “Sento responsabilità di fare la mia parte”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “I personaggi pubblici devono sentire il peso, ma allo stesso tempo l’onore della responsabilità che implica la loro notorietà. Ritengo sia mio dovere fare la mia parte, perché le persone con psoriasi possano sentirsi a loro agio”. Così Claudio Marchisio, ex calciatore, paziente e testimonial della campagna di sensibilizzazione di Ucb Pharma sulla psoriasi, a margine dell’evento ‘Mettiamo la psoriasi fuori gioco’, svoltosi a pochi giorni dalla giornata mondiale della psoriasi (29 ottobre) e con il quale si è voluto fare il punto sull’omonima campagna di sensibilizzazione.


00:00 What was the reaction of the family when you found out that you were going to play for Real Madrid?
00:04 I didn't expect it, but my mother and sister are already in the family and we suffer from it.
00:11 But when I found out that I was going to play for Real Madrid at the age of 30, I thought I had almost missed it.
00:17 But it wasn't like that. I already knew what it was, because I already talked to my mother,
00:22 I asked her and my sister for information.
00:25 Not only the social doctor of the club I was playing for, but also the family doctor,
00:30 we were able to make a path that is much better today.
00:34 The decision to become ambassador of the Meti Lapsorisi campaign,
00:38 I have to say thanks to the people.
00:41 Those people who saw me in the spring and in the summer, asking me why I had all those marks on my legs.
00:47 At the beginning it was difficult for me too, of course.
00:52 Then, over time, I understood how to deal with the disease and then with people.
00:58 So how? Not hiding, showing it, talking to them, informing them,
01:03 regardless of whether they suffered from it or not.
01:07 And from there, in addition to making me feel better, I think it was that responsibility to give information as much as possible,
01:13 to put people at ease, when even just a look or a word
01:19 can raise doubts about something that is not known.
01:22 We know very well that public figures can be the crossroads of this world.
01:28 I think you have to be very responsible and really understand what you have to do.
01:33 We know very well that there is always more information and many times we don't even know how to recognize it.
01:39 So this is a very big responsibility that is very dear to me.
01:43 And it is not only because you can suffer from it, but because you want to instill only positive and true information into the world of the youngest.
01:55 And not only, as we have heard before, of elderly people who have less ability to use social media,
02:01 to understand them, to give them this opportunity to talk about it and to inform them in the best way.
