FTS 16:30 07-11: Figures show that Israel has invested a 10% of its GDP in the campaign against Gaza

  • last year
Palestine: Authorities report more than 10,400 people dead including 4,000 children // Thousands rally in Japan to call for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine // The Portuguese prime minister announces his resignation after being implicated in a corruption investigation. teleSUR
00:00 In Palestine, figures show that Israel invests nearly 10% of its GDP in the ongoing military
00:15 campaign against Gaza, resulting in the deaths of more than 4,000 Palestinian children, while
00:20 total Palestinian deaths stand at over 10,400.
00:28 In Japan, locals gathered to reject G7 foreign ministers' meetings and to call for an immediate
00:34 ceasefire in Palestine.
00:42 And Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa announced his resignation after being involved
00:47 in a wide-ranging corruption investigation.
00:53 Hello welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrero from the Telesur headquarters in Caracas,
00:58 Venezuela.
00:59 We begin with the news, stay with us.
01:11 Israel has invested nearly 10% of its gross domestic product in a military campaign that
01:16 has resulted in the death of more than 4,000 Palestinian children.
01:20 The Ministry of Finance figures contemplate an investment of 200 billion shillings, which
01:28 is equivalent to about 51 billion dollars.
01:30 According to the national media, the money to finance the war does not exist and raising
01:35 it from the national or international market will face complications.
01:39 Additionally, an investigation carried out by the British media specialized in finance
01:44 points out that Israeli campaigns after the outbreak of the war are operating at 20 percent
01:50 or less of their capacities and that one out of every three has closed down.
02:04 Journalists demonstrated on Tuesday in Palestine in front of the United Nations headquarters
02:08 in Ramallah to denounce the killing of journalists in Gaza and the West Bank while covering the
02:14 war between Israel and Hamas.
02:17 Demonstrators at the protests organized by the Palestinian Journalist Union warned that
02:21 there is a plan to commit massacres against journalists in the coming days.
02:26 Demonstrations called on the international community and the United Nations to intervene
02:30 immediately.
02:38 The statement made by the spokesperson of the Israeli occupation army is stating that
02:42 they do not guarantee the lives of journalists in Gaza.
02:45 It is considered as a threat to them and a pre-justification for further crimes against
02:50 them.
02:51 Consequently, we have noticed a significant increase in crimes against journalists since
02:56 the statement was made, and we anticipate and warn that there is a plan to commit massacres
03:01 against journalists in the coming days.
03:04 Therefore, we appeal to the international community and we have submitted a message
03:08 to the United Nations to intervene immediately in order to provide international protection
03:14 for journalists.
03:15 Secondly, we urge the initiation of proceedings by the International Criminal Court to prosecute
03:21 the killers of Palestinian journalists.
03:24 The UN Security Council failed once more to reach agreements when Israel's run-less bombing
03:29 of Gaza.
03:30 Since the beginning of the conflict, four drafts have been presented to the Security
03:34 Council.
03:35 All of them failed.
03:36 A 15-member also failed to reach an agreement in the session convened by China and the United
03:41 Arab Emirates on Monday behind closed doors.
03:45 To date, more than 10,000 Palestinians have died in Israel's shillings.
03:49 At the end of the council, the Chinese Ambassador Shang Yun and the Emirati Ambassador Lana
03:55 Psaki issued a joint statement in which they called for an urgent humanitarian ceasefire
04:01 and called that "war does not have the last."
04:03 On Tuesday, China said it would work to put an end to the fighting after the UN Security
04:13 Council failed again on Monday to agree on a resolution to the month-long conflict between
04:18 Israel and Hamas.
04:21 As to why the United States side only once opposed no cessation of the conflict, I think
04:27 it is better to check with the United States directly.
04:31 What I can tell you is that as the rotating president of the Security Council, China will
04:36 continue to work with all parties concerned to promote responsible actions by the Security
04:41 Council and to play a positive and constructive role in the efforts to put an end to the fighting
04:47 and to alleviate the humanitarian situation with a view to ultimately realizing a lasting
04:52 peace between Palestine and Israel through the two-state solution.
04:57 United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Japan on Tuesday for a meeting
05:02 of G7 foreign ministers to see the common line and Gaza's calls for a group for a ceasefire
05:07 in the Palestine armed conflict.
05:09 It should be noted France was the only G7 member to vote in favor of a UN General Assembly
05:15 resolution last month calling for an immediate humanitarian truce.
05:19 United States voted against it while Japan, Britain, Italy, Germany and Canada abstained.
05:25 In this regard, all locals gathered in rejection of the G7 foreign ministers' meetings in Tokyo.
05:32 So, Israel is massacring the people of Gaza and the G7 is effectively supporting it.
05:39 In reality, we should be applying economic sanctions and various other forms of pressure
05:43 to stop it.
05:44 But we are in fact accomplice to it.
05:47 I came here today to strongly protest against that.
05:50 So, Israel… let's take a very short break but remember you can now join us on our TikTok
05:56 account @slsweetenglish where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates,
05:59 and more.
06:00 Stay tuned for more news.
06:01 Welcome back to From the South.
06:21 On Tuesday, in Venezuela, the leader of the Alianza Opositora del Lapis, Antonio E. Carril,
06:26 requested the public prosecutors to open an investigation against the President of Guyana,
06:31 violating the sovereignty of some territories of the South American country.
06:37 We agree with the referendum, yes, but we cannot waste time.
06:40 We cannot waste time and that is why we are going to the public prosecutor's office to
06:44 initiate a criminal investigation because there is a citizen of a foreign nationality
06:48 named Mohamed Irfan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, who is committing
06:53 crimes on Venezuelan soil, and of course, the public prosecutor's office should also
06:59 initiate investigations against the gentleman who violates the sovereignty of the country.
07:04 The Venezuelan opposition leader also pointed out that all political parties must unite
07:09 to fight against the actions of the Guyanese government.
07:12 We have to unify all of us in relation to this.
07:16 This is not a problem of internal politics.
07:18 This is a problem of the state and it has to be responded to with great seriousness
07:22 and with great responsibility.
07:24 These are criminal acts and we have come to ask the Attorney General to act because these
07:29 are criminal acts that are occurring in the jurisdiction of the Bolivarian Republic of
07:33 Venezuela.
07:34 Cuban and Chinese parliamentarians have, political leaders have, forwarded and consolidated their
07:42 historic relations.
07:44 On Monday, Ana Maria Marí-Mateo, Vice President of the National Assembly of Peoples Power
07:49 and the Council of the State of Cuba, held a meeting with Xi Tai-Fen, a member of the
07:53 political Baruch, and the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist
07:57 Party in the Maragua Hall on the national capital in Havana.
08:02 The meeting serves to forward and consolidate the historic nature of the relations between
08:08 the two countries.
08:09 In every action we take, at every moment, not only in the political sphere, but also
08:18 from the point of view of state management, as well as from the management that even the
08:24 Chinese business community itself makes in order to strengthen our relations.
08:29 It is also honoring those excellent ties that have been cultivated for so many years between
08:36 our peoples.
08:37 Meanwhile, Xi Tai-Fen said that Cuba and China represent true cooperation between the socialist
08:44 countries.
08:45 In the past 63 years of diplomatic relations under the dedicated cultivation of the historic
08:52 leaders of both sides, the ties between China and Cuba have become more and more solid and
08:59 dynamic over the years.
09:02 On Monday, at least 14 people died in a fire at Cerro Obligado in the Biaudel region in
09:09 southern Chile.
09:10 It happened in the commune of Coronel inside a house where there were 8 adults and 6 minors,
09:18 all of Venezuelan nationality.
09:20 Five fighting units arrived at the place to contain the flames, but it was not possible
09:25 to save the lives of the people inside.
09:28 According to what was reported, a house had only one exit and one window and could be
09:34 being used as an informal daycare center.
09:37 The regional authorities shared that while the accused of the fire are being investigated,
09:42 they have contacted their relatives and are now managing humanitarian aid.
09:47 Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel La
09:54 Televisión English, where you'll be able to watch an interview, top stories, special
09:58 broadcasts and more.
09:59 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
10:02 world's most recent events.
10:03 One final short break, don't go away.
10:05 See you next time.
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10:36 Welcome back.
10:37 On Monday, the earthquake of magnitude 5.2 with epicenter in the town of Mana in the
10:42 center of Ecuador, shocked several cities, including Quito, the capital city.
10:46 The total movement was registered at 2233 local time and occurred at a depth of 21 kilometers,
10:53 according to the Health Physical Institute.
10:55 Residents of the highlands of Riobamba, Quito and other 13 provinces of the country assured
11:01 through social networks that their houses shook strongly.
11:04 The Secretary of Risk confirmed the occurrence without issuing any report of victims injured
11:10 or damage of consideration.
11:13 Tens of thousands of Las Vegas hotel workers said a deadline last week for a general strike
11:24 threatening major disruptions to the city's economic backbone that could coincide with
11:29 the stripping in a role Formula One rises later this month.
11:34 The Culinary Workers Union said about 35,000 members whose contracts expired earlier this
11:41 year were ready and willing to walk off the job at 18 casinos if deals were reached with
11:47 casinos, yachts, MGM, Resorts International, Cesar's, Interpreneurs and Winds Resources
11:57 by November the 10th.
12:00 We've worked hard for these companies.
12:04 We deserve to not be left behind.
12:06 We deserve to not have our hours cut.
12:08 We deserve to not have to work two and three stations.
12:12 Also in the US, on Monday, the Screen Actors Guild's Afstra Negotiators responded in a
12:19 statement that they still disagree with the latest proposals presented by the studios.
12:25 Represented by the Association of Motion Pictures and Television Producers, the major production
12:29 companies on Saturday made what they called their last, best and final proposal.
12:34 The essential points of debate result around the terms of use of artificial intelligence
12:38 in the industry.
12:39 The Guild, which represents some 160,000 performers from extra to big screen stars, said it was
12:47 terminated to get right agreements and therefore, these strike responsibly.
12:56 On Tuesday, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa announced his resignation after being
13:01 involved in a wide-ranging corruption investigation.
13:04 The Public Prosecutor's Office announced in a statement that it was investigating Costa
13:08 and several members of its Cabinet for alleged crimes of privation and active and passive
13:15 corruption and influence peddling.
13:17 The investigation, in which more than three locations were searched for cases of lithium
13:23 ion mining consumptions in the Romano and Baroso mines in the north of the country,
13:28 as well as a project for a hydrogen energy production plant and another for the construction
13:34 of a data center, both in Siena.
13:43 Non-profit groups and activists involved in the rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean
13:47 on Tuesday in Italy denounced plans of Prime Minister Giorgio Malani to send tens of thousands
13:52 of migrants rescued by Italian ships to a center in Albania.
13:57 Social activists said it was a "depredation" and against international law.
14:01 Albania agreed on Monday to temporarily take in some of the thousands of migrants arriving
14:06 on Italian shores while their asylum applications are being processed.
14:15 We are enormously worried because the people who will be rescued by these military ships
14:20 take into centers in Albania, RICs being subjected to a deportation.
14:24 A deportation that RICs violating international law.
14:28 Above all, it wounds the humanity because people rescued by ships from one country then
14:33 are deported to another that is outside of the European Union and put inside these centers,
14:39 RICs becoming something that really destroys their and also our humanity.
14:46 On Monday, scientists published the result of a study conducted by NASA's James Webb
14:51 Space Telescope and the Chandra X. Wright Observatory that confirms the existence of
14:58 black holes in the dawn of the universe.
15:01 The research shows that the black hole known as UH Zeta 1 is 13.2 billion years old and
15:09 scientists know that it is a black hole 10 times larger than our own Milky Way.
15:23 We have come to the end of this brief but before we say goodbye we want to thank our
15:27 Caribbean audience, especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
15:32 We are pleased to share our new cases and contribute to provide an alternative news
15:38 sources of the latest worst updates.
15:40 You can find these and many other stories on our website at TELUSURI English.net and
15:44 also on our socials, we are on Facebook, On X and on Instagram as well.
15:48 For TELUSURI English, I'm from the south, I'm Ana Marrero, thank you for watching.
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