• 2 years ago
For the season finale, Robin and Sara put their differences aside to face a monster of a challenge: they must create a giant Peep and ultimately destroy it.
00:00 No pressure Robin, this only took us two days. Three, two, one.
00:04 Hey guys, welcome back to Homemade vs. the Internet. My name is Sarah. I'm Robin.
00:17 Killed it. Trending. And speaking of trending, what we're gonna do now is watch a trending
00:25 food culinary show. Uh-huh. So let's watch a trend...
00:31 Killing it. Let's watch the video. Oh, whoa. Hello. Is this an ad?
00:40 Giant f***ing peeps. It's a giant peep over a cityscape. Are you sure that that's an actual...
00:48 Because see, I think that it was photoshopped onto that city. Like, I don't think it was as big as a
00:54 skyscraper. Why are you watching it again? Are you hoping to gain more insight? No, I think I know her.
00:58 So this is a team project. You guys have to make a giant peep. Does it have to be a peep? Yes. Like
01:05 a peep. I cannot be more excited about this video. I have no idea how to make a marshmallow. Me neither.
01:12 Like, literally none. Oh, we do have towels though. This is pretty great. Gelatin, sugar, and what is
01:18 this? Oh, just some chocolate for the eyes. We have to make a giant f***ing peep. Their faces. Looks like
01:25 we've got a crap load of sugar. Corn syrup. Tons and tons of corn syrup. Yellow spray. Got that. Got
01:31 some gelatin to make it set. Vanilla extract to make it delicious. More sugar. Oh my god. I guess
01:39 these are inspiration. I think we should try a peep. You think we should? No, but we were told to.
01:45 Yeah, I know. So what are you gonna be looking for here as you try these? Uh, the trash can.
01:49 It's kind of nice to hold. Still going. First step is to figure out how to make a marshmallow.
01:59 DIY giant marshmallow. DIY giant marshmallow. Wow! With 10 exclamation points. So the challenge
02:14 here is that you have this peep, and the way you make a peep is like you pipe it, and then you kind
02:19 of come back here, and then you go bloop, and get the little beak thing. If we try to pipe it into
02:23 this shape, it's not gonna work. Like, it will collapse before it sets. What if, what if we made
02:29 a giant marshmallow? Now we're talking. And pipe the head. Yeah. Now we're talking. So the cylinder is the body of the peep.
02:36 So why don't we make a giant marshmallow today, and then tomorrow pipe one on top of it, maybe?
02:42 Are we gonna like pipe it like, like keep going in circles until it's like a big enough, you know
02:48 what I'm saying? Because if it's just one like boop, it's gonna be like a little head and a huge body.
02:54 Are my words coming across? No, I, yeah, I'm trying to figure out, yeah. We should be experts by the end
03:00 of this, or hopefully we'll at least be finished. You know what I think we should get though, is one
03:04 of those oval dutch ovens. Nice! Now we're going. Do you want to follow me, or do you want me to just go get that?
03:12 You go, just go ahead and go. Okay. I will see you tomorrow, Sarah. All right. I just got some ice because it
03:18 says I need ice cold water. Chefing. All right. This is gonna be great. This is gonna be a great idea.
03:27 Just because my mood has improved does not mean that I'm actually liking this challenge any better.
03:36 The shape of your dutch oven has actually made this all very exciting to me. I mean, if nothing else,
03:41 I do feel confident that we're going to get an oval shaped large marshmallow out of this.
03:45 You know what you can do? What? If you just make a big bin of ice water like this,
03:51 you just sort of go, oh I need a half cup. Smart!
03:54 So when you make candy, you heat sugar to a particular, this is softball stage, it's liquid,
04:05 it's going to be 238, and then when it cools, it's like a soft candy, like a gumdrop or a
04:12 marshmallow, like that texture when it cools. You can't tell what the consistency is going to be
04:18 like while it's in the pot, so that's why you cook it to a particular temperature. There's softball
04:23 stage, hardball stage, hard crack, like the higher you cook it, the more brittle. You're making candy.
04:29 This is candy making right here. Why do we not have a one cup measure? Oh well. Good thing I went
04:38 to culinary school and know that two half cups make a cup, huh? I was on the math team at culinary
04:43 school. I can tell. So there's some discussion going on in the comments. We have doppelgangers,
04:49 celebrity doppelgangers. Do you know who Adam Savage is? I don't know. No, but I like that name.
04:54 Don't you see it? A little bit. I'm not really fond of that. Who is yours? Okay, mine, one of my
05:03 friends in college used to tell me that I looked like her and I thought she was just like trying
05:07 to make me feel better about myself, but then someone in the comments said it and I was like,
05:12 wow, maybe this is a thing. The actress Brie Larson. I was like, yeah guys, keep them coming,
05:18 love this conversation. Who's Brie Larson though? Just agree, just agree. Wow. Right? I was like,
05:28 wow guys. I see it. Thank you so much. So my shirt is a result of Kyle who tweeted at me and he said,
05:37 I can't wait to see you slaying and puree in this season and I was like, wow, that's the most
05:41 amazing thing I've ever heard. So I got a shirt made for it. Find a picture of Brie Larson wearing
05:46 a slaying and puree t-shirt on the internet. Do you think if you sent her one of those,
05:50 she would wear it? Totally. I bet she would. I know that Brie Larson watches The Bachelor and
05:55 I feel like we have a similar vibe to that show. Awesome. Just like really good reality show.
06:01 And like, ew, don't be weird. Two people that are like destined to be single the rest of their
06:06 lives. Just like so desperate beyond measure. Willing to make a giant peep on camera just to
06:12 get a f***ing like. Oh, and speaking of likes, you guys, if you like giant peeps and you like us,
06:19 you need to like this page right now. I feel like that's a pretty narrow, like, I feel like we
06:24 should widen that. Okay. If you like any size peep. Here is a culinary school moment, guys.
06:30 So I'm going to make sure our thermometers are calibrated. And so the best way to do that is to
06:36 boil a pot of water and put it in there and see if it says 212. And if it doesn't say 212, then
06:42 you know, like your thermometer is right. If it says 217, then you know it's reading five degrees
06:46 hotter than actual temperature. I'm getting into the softball phase. I've never heard that before
06:51 until today. I thought that was the period of my life where I was miserable and playing softball.
06:55 So now I'm going to take it off the heat and slowly pour it into this gelatin and water mixture.
07:03 Well, one of them's off. Turns out yours is. Perfect. It actually does turn out that way.
07:09 Yay. Personality thermometers. Somehow mine's a little colder.
07:13 It's your LeBron moment right here.
07:19 Got that. Get this on camera. She's about to get totally dusted with this stuff.
07:26 Is it too chunky at the bottom? Well, no. Now we're just going to like.
07:37 There you go. Robin, you want to lick the spoon? No.
07:40 This is a mess. So since we took this to the softball stage, you know, Sarah,
07:53 and since it's kind of forming soft peaks here, we could have just taken it
08:03 to the hardball or even hard crack stage and it would hold its shape better.
08:07 Like the higher temperature you cook your. What the hell does this thing come up?
08:12 What a nightmare. I feel like we don't get catty and gossipy enough about our co-workers here.
08:20 That's what one of my friends texted me. She was like, I really like the show, but I think
08:23 it needs more drama. And I was like, what kind of drama? She's like, I don't know. It just needs
08:28 drama. I'm making another little mixture of. I feel like that's kind of the moment they were
08:37 looking for. The drama. That's the drama. That was the drama right there.
08:41 It says if you use a lightly oiled spatula it might help. Yeah, I know. Oh, he knows.
08:53 I feel like this is kind of a I love Lucy episode. How old were you when I love Lucy was airing?
09:01 See, that's funny. So we've got this, what's going to be the base of our peep
09:09 made here, which is four batches of this marshmallow
09:14 mixture in this oval that we're just going to let it set in overnight.
09:19 Day two. Day two of the peep. You had any revelatory ideas? No, not really. Honestly,
09:34 I think if we both made a batch and like loaded up a big old bag with a big piping tip. Okay. I
09:41 mean just kind of like build it up. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. So not just like one continuous. No,
09:46 no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What do you think? I'm ready. I think we should go for it.
09:50 Confidence level? Zero. Yeah, not great. It's kind of going to look like the like turd emoji.
09:55 We need to get this out. Well, yeah, it's all futile if this doesn't come out of the bag.
10:01 This is on the firm side of the marshmallow scale. Yeah, we'll be fine.
10:09 Oh, that's so not coming out of there.
10:16 So let's just put a little layer of marshmallow around this right here.
10:23 Oh, there we go. Good job. Look at there. That really actually was our LeBron moment right there.
10:32 We just totally did it. How heavy is this? Don't.
10:35 I'd say like four pounds between three and. Yeah.
10:42 Let's well, let's figure out our piping scenario. I'm trying to think of something
10:48 that's even narrower. I think we should just re-hand it with like just cut like this. You do?
10:53 I think you might. You could be right. It's so big that.
10:59 Where's the mic down when I said you were right? We'll get a few bags and we'll kind of keep the
11:04 marshmallow in here and I can keep kind of whisking it and keeping it loose and I can just load.
11:08 It's going to be like speed. You'll man the marshmallow. I'll man the loading of the bags
11:14 and keep them loose so that we don't have a bunch of hardened bags of marshmallow and a head that
11:20 big. And I'm going to do the eyes. I really have a really good plan for the eyes. Oh, God. What
11:26 does that mean? Like I'm gonna melt some chocolate and stick a dot on there. All right, cool. If we
11:30 get to the point where the eyes actually are important, it's going to be a win. Three packs
11:35 of gelatin. I've got this thing memorized. Do you? I think I do too. Cup and a half of sugar. Yep.
11:45 What would this cost me at home to make a marshmallow this size? Well, let's see. It's
11:51 costing us our soul and our integrity. So what's the price on that, Sarah? A hundred bucks. A
11:58 hundred bucks. Yeah, that seems about right. So we're just going to score this to maybe help the
12:03 new batch stick to the old batch. Do you want to oil this actually? Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm
12:12 going to actually oil the inside of this bag too. I'll keep one nearby for inspiration.
12:18 Sarah, please don't mess this up. Don't forget vanilla. Oh, it tastes good. I mean, oh, shoot.
12:26 I think we're ready. Is the Ziploc bag ready? We have a minute. The Ziploc bag's ready. I'm ready.
12:30 See, okay. And I started before you, so I'm going. So I'm going to keep mine going while you get
12:35 your... But yeah, I would just put it on like stir. Oh, yeah. Look at there.
12:45 Are you guys peeping this at home? Maybe we will need another batch. Yeah, you were like,
12:50 this is only going to hold like a third of a batch. Okay, well, maybe I was wrong.
12:55 Twice in one. How wide do you want to cut it? Or how wide do you think? You want me to cut it? Yeah.
13:02 Wait, I need my inspo. It's coming out beautifully. We are going to need more batches,
13:10 aren't we? It's pretty fun. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We need more. You're totally sabotaging
13:16 the entire "this is not fun" motif that we have established so far. I'm having so much fun. No, no, no, no, no, no. Stop that.
13:25 Whoa. Is this the first time I've come over here to cook? It feels very weird. I hope we got a huge,
13:34 like, tracking shot of that. All right, I'm gonna make another batch. Oh, man. If you just get it
13:45 into a general shape, we could take a paring knife and some boiling water and cut off
13:50 like any little... And we need like a marshmallow sander. Do we have one of those? I wonder if Home
13:55 Depot has like a marshmallow section. If they do, I'm definitely about to be like on a cardboard cutout.
14:03 This is our last batch at the moment. Should I just finish it with this one? I say go for finishing.
14:09 Do you want it smaller then? No, that's good. Same size? As if I've got this like calibrated down to...
14:15 How many microns should we cut the peep neck hole?
14:20 [Sandpaper noises]
14:28 [Laughter]
14:35 Oh, my lord. I turned my back for one second.
14:41 Robin! This is the point where it could fall apart. No, Robin, look! Oh, no, you're doing great. Thank you!
14:48 [Laughter]
14:56 Do you think we need more? Marshmallow? Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I'm not, I don't see it.
15:06 I'm not seeing. And so this, the eyes are going here. It does look like a snake. Once we get the
15:16 yellow on there, I think it's going to really reveal itself. I think we all have a little
15:21 peep inside of us waiting to blossom, and this one is really close.
15:24 See? We didn't, like this literally is going to be our friend right here.
15:36 Ooh. Like this could be a game changer. I'm just trimming to try and make it a little bit smoother.
15:45 It's a little bit rough. Okay, do you think I'm ready to add? I think you're ready. I think we need
15:52 to just like make a move, don't you think? Yeah.
15:56 Oh, there it goes.
16:03 Shot right there. Look at that! Get it now! Take a picture, quick! This definitely has that poop emoji
16:12 uh dynamic, but I feel like even at this point, if it kind of falls, like I mean the points go
16:16 down on the peep, you know? I mean, it's not an elephant, it's a peep. You know? I've said this
16:22 throughout this whole episode. We're not making an elephant, we're making a peep. Get that, what the
16:28 hell is that? Oh, now you're a perfectionist. Well, yeah. Now that I know the beat, we're like,
16:35 we're sledding downhill now. Y'all can edit out like this actual pride that we're starting to
16:39 take in this creation, right? So I think we should put a little base coat on there, sprinkle it with
16:45 sugar, finish it up. It looks so peepy. That smells exactly like the hair salon. Have you been recently?
16:53 Yeah, I have actually. Did you expense it? I expense everything. I haven't paid rent in four years.
16:58 Let's not get too much of a close-up. What do you think? Yeah, I can't wait for all the comments
17:04 of people telling us what we should have done to make it better. Okay. These eyes are gonna
17:08 have to really bring the peep out, aren't they? Are you gonna do the honors? Honor is a real word
17:14 that I wouldn't associate with this project, Sarah. I mean, unless one of us fell on our chef's knife
17:20 sword, that would be the honor. That would actually be the honorable thing to do at this point.
17:25 So I'm gonna go microwave these to melt the chocolate for the eyes, and we can hopefully
17:30 move on in our lives after this. Right there. Whoa. What? Like right there. There? It's gonna look like
17:37 a snake. Look at it. Okay, you're right. Who cares? Whoa, easy. That was so much icing.
17:48 Just like a little dot. I got it. Look at the inspo. It's a little dot. Okay, remove. Ding dong. Done.
17:56 Yeah. Ding dong. Sorry for the language. Look at that. Like from here up, it's not a bad. Agreed.
18:07 Ta-da.
18:09 Go team. We're done, and we did it, and it vaguely resembles a peep. It's very yellow. It is yellow.
18:27 We achieved a good color. It's made of marshmallow. It has two eyes, and the beak. The beak. The beak is really
18:34 the only thing we really accomplished well in this whole thing. I think the size is nice too.
18:39 Yeah, and it's yellow. It is yellow. It's really yellow. It feels like an accomplishment. It doesn't
18:46 look like an accomplishment. So we had an idea. Do y'all want to drop it off the fifth floor?
18:51 Oh god. Here we go, Sarah. Ready. We are gonna drop a peep. You ever dropped a peep before off a five-story
18:58 building? This feels like the pinnacle of my professional career. I can't decide if this is the
19:03 best or the worst thing I've ever done professionally. Guys, I'm scared. First. Peep. The factory made peep.
19:14 You ready? We're gonna go at the same time. One, two, three, go. Hit the target.
19:18 Boom. Bullseye. Getting cocky. It's kind of fun. So now that we've confirmed that gravity is real. Yeah, it really is.
19:29 From the looks of it, it accelerated at 9.8 meters per second. I'd agree. Am I doing this or are we doing this together?
19:35 I may go over with the peep. We got one take, guys. No pressure, Robin. This only took us two days.
19:44 Three, two, one.
19:57 That's a sturdy peep right there. I think the whole building just heard that. I think we just shook the building.
20:03 I definitely nailed the aim. It's the only thing I've done well the last two days.
20:06 One giant indestructible peep. Wow. Your turn. Damage minimal, Sarah. Yeah, literally. All right. This peep just
20:18 flew down five stories and it looks perfect. This peep is not gonna die. All right, so you're right about here.
20:26 You want to lean? Give it a good lean out. I'm nervous. Hey, y'all catch her if she falls. Yeah. Sarah's nervous.
20:34 Can someone like count me down? Reach out a little farther. Kind of shove it out a little bit. Can you count?
20:39 Yeah. Two, ten, one. What? What? Five, three, sir. Three. Robin. Three, two, one.
20:52 Oh, good lord. She's perfect. So there's no winner for this episode because we've all won. All right, Sarah.
21:02 We did it. Peep down. Thanks for watching our peep episode, everybody. Don't forget to like and subscribe.
21:10 All right, bye.
21:11 Done. Done. Got it. Going home. Season three's a wrap.
