Date With The Angels S2E02 - The Gorilla

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:20 You have a date with the angel, starring Betty White.
00:26 Bill Williams as Gus Angel, presented by the Plymouth Dealers of America,
00:33 who proudly sell and service the beautiful new Plymouth for $19.57.
00:42 The time, about four months after Vicki and Gus Angel were married.
00:47 The plot, there's no business like monkey business.
00:50 The main character, there's no business like monkey business.
00:56 [music]
01:05 Come on, darling, we better get going if we're going to see the Falls.
01:08 They might turn them off.
01:13 The gang of Henshaw, Taylor, Malcolm, and Chase, care of George Clif...
01:16 Why care of George?
01:18 Read it and see.
01:22 [music]
01:25 [laughter]
01:28 That'll pay him back for the exploding matches he gave to me.
01:31 Even on your vacation.
01:34 You know, if I were Mr. Taylor, I'd take a pretty dim view of this.
01:38 My so-called dignified insurance staff playing practical jokes on each other.
01:42 Well, Taylor's not as lenient as Mr. Henshaw used to be, but we're educating him.
01:46 Oh, darling, isn't this great?
01:52 Great?
01:55 You have a wonderful knack for changing a subject.
02:00 Should we go?
02:02 Uh-uh.
02:05 Don't forget George's butterfly.
02:07 Can you see George's face when he opens this letter?
02:10 [music]
02:26 Did you yell?
02:27 Yeah.
02:28 How do you like that Gus Angel pulling a cheap trick like that on me?
02:31 Well, George, you should have checked the envelope first.
02:34 You know, you can feel those things through the paper.
02:36 Yeah?
02:37 Yeah, let me read that note.
02:39 "Dear gang, there's every animal in the world up here in Yellowstone,
02:42 so we thought we'd send you one. Gus and Vicky."
02:46 Hey, is Vicky in this too?
02:48 That's what it says.
02:50 You know, George, we've got to get up a nice little reception for them when they get back.
02:55 Yeah. Let me see.
02:57 Hey, I'll tell you what we'll do. How about turning their lawn upside down?
03:02 How do you do that?
03:03 Well, you just cut it up in one foot squares and turn it over.
03:07 And when they come home all they got is roots.
03:11 Nah, nah, everybody does that.
03:14 I know what we'll do.
03:15 Hi, Feliz.
03:16 Hi, Geet.
03:17 Hey, when do we go on strike?
03:18 Oh, no, we were just discussing getting back at the Angels.
03:21 Oh, get a load of that.
03:25 The old butterfly trick.
03:27 Yeah, Clemson fell for it.
03:29 Oh, well, gee whiz.
03:32 See, I know. Why don't we dump a load of gravel in their driveway?
03:36 Oh, no, no, it's too expensive.
03:39 It's a thought.
03:43 I know where we could get...
03:45 What?
03:46 What?
03:48 Well, go ahead. I like it already.
03:50 Yeah, this is the best one yet.
03:53 They say there's every animal in the world up in Yellowstone.
03:55 Right, right.
03:56 Well, we're going to show one they have never seen.
03:58 Now, here's what we do.
04:00 Geet, Kenny, you have work in here?
04:03 Why else would we be here, Mr. Taylor?
04:06 Sorry.
04:07 Um, who did the correspondence with the Lydia Blyard people?
04:11 Well, I believe that was Gus Angel's account, sir.
04:14 Oh.
04:15 Well, it looks like I'll have to bother him the moment he gets back from his vacation.
04:18 Yes, sir.
04:19 Well, why didn't you tell me that Angel had sent us a letter?
04:25 Oh, Mr. Taylor, don't open that.
04:27 Sir, Mr. Taylor, sir, don't...
04:41 Mr. Drake, tell Keats and Kenny to return to Clemson's office immediately.
04:46 Mr. Taylor is...
04:47 Shut up, Clemson.
04:57 Gentlemen.
05:00 Gentlemen.
05:02 For some months now, you three men, and Angel, of course,
05:07 have engaged in a series of undignified and ridiculous and utterly childish practical jokes.
05:14 Come back here.
05:15 Sir, I merely happen to be passing Clemson's office.
05:17 Me too, sir.
05:18 George, this is your office.
05:21 Shut up, Clemson.
05:25 I am telling you, here and now, there will be no more practical jokes in this office.
05:30 Do I make myself clear?
05:31 Yes, sir.
05:32 Yes, sir.
05:33 Yes, sir.
05:34 Yes, sir.
05:35 That will do.
05:36 Now, you all know how I dislike threats, but this is a business office,
05:40 and by thunder, it's going to be operated like a business office.
05:45 That is all.
05:48 Fellas, I don't know about you, but he made me feel absolutely juvenile.
05:51 Yeah.
05:52 And you've got to admit, he's been a pretty good sport.
05:54 Now, what have you got in mind?
05:56 Now, here's what we do.
06:19 [LAUGHTER]
06:35 [LAUGHTER]
06:57 I'm so tired I'm seeing double.
06:59 Just the same.
07:00 I'm glad we drove straight through.
07:01 Give us the whole weekend to rest up.
07:21 What happened?
07:28 I'm all right.
07:29 Oh, I just screamed.
07:33 Your butterfly came home to roost.
07:37 Now, what does that mean?
07:40 There's a gorilla in the bedroom.
07:59 Well, he's tired, he's tired, but a gorilla's in the bedroom, too.
08:05 Why, it's a gorilla.
08:08 And the big funny joke is over.
08:11 You know who did this, don't you?
08:13 Sure.
08:14 Keats thought of it, and Wilma was taking care of the house for you,
08:17 so George had the key and Carl organized it.
08:20 It had to be them.
08:21 It would take at least two of them to lift it.
08:23 How do you like those guys?
08:26 This is not the moment to ask me that question.
08:38 But you're not going to go to bed without getting rid of him, are you?
08:41 Well, sure.
08:42 What harm can he do?
08:43 He's stuffed.
08:46 I'm too tired to be reasonable.
08:48 Get him out of here.
08:49 Honey, he's too heavy.
08:51 Tomorrow I'll call Murph and he'll help me get rid of him.
09:04 [music]
09:21 Oh, hey, Gus, let's put this thing down.
09:23 It weighs a ton.
09:24 Yeah.
09:26 Good morning.
09:27 Me Jane.
09:30 Honey, Murph had a wonderful idea on how to get even with those guys.
09:34 Now, honey, we shouldn't get Murphy mixed up in this.
09:36 Well, that's what neighbors are for.
09:39 Like I told Gus, these three clowns are going to expect some reaction out of you,
09:43 and all you do is just nothing.
09:45 Sure, they won't be able to stay away.
09:47 You know darn well the three of them will be by this afternoon
09:49 to see how pale and frightened we are.
09:53 Well, he isn't exactly cuddly.
09:56 I'd love to see their faces when you pretend that you don't know nothing about them.
10:01 They'll flip.
10:04 I don't mean to sound like a stuffed shirt,
10:06 but hasn't this practical joke thing gone just about far enough?
10:09 Well, who are you hurting?
10:11 Come on, Gus, let's get him out of here.
10:14 Can you get that door?
10:24 You know, I got a friend who does this for a living.
10:28 Carries gorillas out of bedrooms?
10:31 No, he's a live gorilla.
10:34 Well, I mean, he isn't alive.
10:39 Well, he is alive.
10:42 But you see, he's got this gorilla suit, and when he gets in it, he looks alive.
10:46 See, he works in pictures and stuff like that.
10:49 You know, I bet there'd be plenty of work around for a guy like that.
10:52 Oh, yeah, there sure is.
10:54 You know, I've known this guy a long time.
10:57 He works all the time.
10:58 Him and me used to drive a cab together.
11:01 Well, see, we didn't both drive the same cab.
11:05 I had my cab, and he had his cab.
11:11 Do we know him, Ern?
11:12 Yeah.
11:13 Do you think you can get this guy to come over here?
11:16 Who?
11:17 This gorilla friend of yours.
11:18 Kelly?
11:19 What do you want with--
11:24 Gus, no!
11:25 Oh, you're hurting him!
11:26 Yeah!
11:27 Gus, we have one gorilla.
11:29 We don't need two.
11:30 They deserve it.
11:31 What those guys did to us.
11:33 No.
11:34 Can't you see their faces when the stuffed gorilla moves?
11:37 Well, I just don't want you.
11:40 I-- I--
11:47 Merv, do you think you can get this fella?
11:49 I'll call him right away.
11:53 Now, here's what we'll do.
11:55 Double.
11:56 I had the last minute like this, Mr. Kelly.
11:58 Merv's done me a lot of favors.
11:59 Besides, it sounds like fun.
12:02 Yep.
12:03 Old Kelly will do a real good job for him.
12:05 You're sure you won't stay and watch?
12:07 Oh, no, no.
12:08 Kel's right.
12:09 They wouldn't act natural with a stranger around.
12:11 Well, we'll give you a scream by scream report.
12:16 I think they're here.
12:17 I'll sneak out through the patio.
12:18 See you later.
12:19 Come on, Mr. Kelly.
12:20 Now, remember, at first we're going to pretend we don't
12:22 know anything about any gorillas.
12:23 Now, stand between the beds where the stuffed gorilla was.
12:27 What do I do when I get in the bedroom?
12:29 Ad-lib.
12:30 [laughter]
12:33 Gus, good to see you, boy.
12:35 How are you?
12:36 Well, you're--
12:37 Welcome home, dear.
12:38 How was Yellowstone?
12:39 Hi.
12:40 Hi, Vicki, honey.
12:41 Oh, I just wanted to say hi.
12:42 Glad to see you.
12:43 Well, I just stopped by to return your key,
12:45 and look who I run into on the front porch.
12:47 Well, I happen to be in the area.
12:50 And suddenly, I remembered you were about due home.
12:53 Did you just get in today, kid?
12:54 Last night.
12:56 Late.
12:57 Oh.
12:58 [laughter]
13:02 I'll take the key now, George, while I think of it.
13:05 What key?
13:06 All keys.
13:07 [laughter]
13:09 Sure.
13:10 Drove right through, huh?
13:12 Straight through.
13:14 Never mind, George.
13:15 I can get the key from Wilma.
13:16 Oh, that's a funny thing.
13:17 You know, I made a special trip here, too.
13:20 Key.
13:21 Well, here-- here now.
13:22 That's the main thing.
13:24 Yeah, well.
13:26 Yeah.
13:27 Well.
13:28 Well.
13:29 [laughter]
13:31 Uh, everything all right when you got home?
13:35 Sure.
13:36 Why shouldn't it be?
13:37 No reason.
13:38 I-- I just thought there was Wilma looking after everything
13:41 and all that.
13:42 No reason.
13:44 [laughter]
13:46 I must call Wilma and thank her.
13:48 The place looked perfect when we came in last night.
13:51 [laughter]
13:52 Oh, gosh.
13:53 I just happened to think-- I-- I wonder if you have a black tie.
13:56 Dolly and I are going to a formal dance at the country club next week.
13:59 Well, I must have mislaid mine, so I'll just go in the bedroom
14:02 and borrow yours.
14:03 I don't have one.
14:04 You don't have one.
14:06 [laughter]
14:07 Oh, say, Vicki, that reminds me.
14:09 Wilma seems to think she left a screw loose.
14:11 She seems to think she left a sweater around here somewhere.
14:13 She did.
14:14 I found it this morning.
14:15 Good.
14:16 I'll get it.
14:17 Here it is.
14:18 What?
14:19 [laughter]
14:22 Yeah.
14:23 That's it.
14:25 Oh, Gus, if the-- if the fellas will excuse you,
14:28 can I see you outside just a minute?
14:30 Honey, we can't be rude.
14:31 Oh, no, no, no.
14:32 Please, go ahead.
14:33 We're like one of the family.
14:34 Go ahead.
14:35 Make yourselves at home.
14:36 Sure.
14:37 Thank you.
14:38 Do you think we put that gorilla in the wrong house?
14:41 [laughter]
14:43 What's the matter with you?
14:44 Can't you see what they're doing?
14:45 They're just toying with us.
14:47 They are?
14:48 Well, they've got that gorilla stashed somewhere,
14:50 and they're just trying to make us sweat.
14:52 Sure.
14:53 Look, you look in the bedroom, and I'll go in there, too.
14:56 [music playing]
14:59 It's OK, George.
15:04 It's right where we left it.
15:05 I was right.
15:06 It's out on the back porch.
15:07 Now, look, here's what we're going to do.
15:09 [laughter]
15:10 You're talking about the gorilla.
15:12 He's in the bedroom.
15:13 [music playing]
15:16 Sorry, you were right.
15:22 So were you.
15:23 Now, there has to be some-- look, even I know
15:26 we can't both be right.
15:28 Come on.
15:29 [music playing]
15:33 [thud]
15:34 [laughter]
15:37 Wait a minute.
15:39 You know how they do this, don't you?
15:41 This room somehow connects with the service porch,
15:43 and every time we charge into one room,
15:45 they shove the gorilla in the other.
15:46 Yeah, either that, or they've got some pretty shaggy laundry
15:49 out there.
15:50 [laughter]
15:51 Now, come on.
15:52 Let's get this monkey out of here.
15:53 He's costing us $10 a day.
15:54 Yeah.
15:55 [thud]
15:56 [music playing]
15:59 [laughter]
16:01 [thud]
16:02 [music playing]
16:05 Carl?
16:06 Yeah?
16:07 Uh, do you remember him having loose eyeballs?
16:11 [laughter]
16:14 Loose eyeballs?
16:16 Well, either they're loose, or he's watching us.
16:20 [laughter]
16:23 Oh, come on.
16:24 [clears throat]
16:27 Uh, Carl?
16:28 Yeah?
16:29 Does he feel kind of mushy to you?
16:31 [laughter]
16:34 Oh, it's just that the room is warm,
16:36 and he's softening up a bit.
16:38 You know, you're right, though.
16:39 There's something different.
16:40 They've done something to him.
16:42 Well, come on.
16:43 Let's get him out.
16:44 No, no, no, no, no.
16:45 Now, wait a minute, George.
16:46 Let's sit down and attack this thing intelligently.
16:48 Intelligently.
16:49 Yeah.
16:50 [laughter]
16:58 Now, the first thing is, we know we put a gorilla in here
17:01 yesterday.
17:02 Right.
17:03 That's right.
17:04 The angels came home last night and saw that gorilla.
17:05 And just a moment ago, you saw a gorilla in the kitchen.
17:08 Uh, laundry room.
17:10 That's right, in the laundry room.
17:12 [laughter]
17:15 [cheering]
17:19 [laughter]
17:22 Oh, did you see their face?
17:25 This is Mr. Kelly.
17:27 He works for the movie.
17:28 Oh, no.
17:29 I had an idea there was a man in here.
17:32 No, no, no, it's a funny gag.
17:34 It's a funny gag.
17:35 [laughter]
17:38 When we came home last night and saw your gorilla,
17:41 well, we had to do something.
17:42 She slept in the other room.
17:44 Who didn't?
17:45 [laughter]
17:47 Hey, Gus, I enjoyed your butterfly.
17:50 Uh-oh, wait a minute, kids.
17:52 So did Mr. Taylor.
17:53 We've had it.
17:54 Oh, yeah.
17:55 Yeah.
17:56 He was always stank when he opened that envelope for you.
17:58 It was a butterfly, isn't it?
17:59 Oh, no.
18:00 Yep, I'm afraid we're going to have to find some other little
18:02 game to play at the office.
18:03 He told me to warn you, Gus.
18:05 I'm warned.
18:07 You know, it's a shame Keats couldn't have been here to see you.
18:10 The whole thing was his idea.
18:12 Nah, he'll be around.
18:13 Oh.
18:14 That is a shame.
18:16 Yeah.
18:17 He will?
18:18 Oh, sure.
18:19 He's got-- yes!
18:21 [laughter]
18:22 Yes, he is!
18:23 Now, here's what we'll do.
18:25 Oh, my goodness.
18:26 Can you stay just a little while longer, Mr. Taylor?
18:28 Oh, I'd love it.
18:30 All right.
18:31 Well, the same gag we did on you, except we'll do it in the living room.
18:34 And when Jim Keats sees us, he'll know--
18:36 There he is.
18:37 There he is.
18:38 Now, you come in in a little while, and don't let him see you.
18:40 No, no, no.
18:41 Have fun.
18:42 [music playing]
18:54 Hello, Mickey.
18:55 [horn honking]
18:56 [laughter]
18:58 [music playing]
18:59 Good times?
19:00 I'll-- I'll call Gus.
19:01 Oh, no, no.
19:02 I realize this is a very poor time to call, but you see,
19:05 my vacation is starting Monday, and, uh, well, I wanted to brief Gus
19:09 on one of our plans.
19:11 Uh, Lila and I go to Europe, leaving Monday.
19:16 You can't leave soon enough.
19:18 Yeah.
19:19 Don't you mind?
19:20 Yes, yes.
19:21 You're quite right.
19:23 I just hope you have as good a time as we did.
19:26 Right.
19:27 Thank you for the candy.
19:28 That was so sweet of you.
19:29 Oh, not at all.
19:33 Oh, ho, ho, Angel.
19:35 Mr. Taylor, I didn't know you were here, sir.
19:37 Yes, I just wanted to tell you something here,
19:39 and then I'll be on my way.
19:40 Oh, don't go.
19:41 Don't go, Vicki.
19:42 This will only take a second.
19:43 Uh, this is the, uh, Blyer's account.
19:45 These papers, Gus, were at my home,
19:47 and I wanted you to have them before I left.
19:49 Send everything to her home, and nothing to the plant.
19:51 And, uh, everything in tr--
19:54 Well, I-- I guess that's it.
19:56 Well, I'm awfully glad you're home,
19:59 and, uh, you can know how glad I am that I'm going.
20:02 Oh, yes, we can.
20:04 Oh, well, goodbye.
20:05 Goodbye, sir.
20:07 Oh, oh, Gus, there is just one thing more.
20:10 Uh, I, uh, I had to give the boys
20:13 quite a dressing down the other day.
20:15 It's about those eternal practical jokes.
20:19 Angel, they've got to be stopped.
20:22 Now, uh, you're the stabilizing influence down there,
20:25 the officer.
20:26 [laughter]
20:31 And, uh, I'd kind of like to have you take charge
20:34 while I'm away.
20:36 You know, it's absolutely ridiculous.
20:38 Men, grown men, acting like children.
20:41 Why, uh, why, even Keats is guilty.
20:45 Wrong one.
20:46 No, no, no, no, I thought he was the wrong one, too.
20:48 I, I, I, but, but he was.
20:50 He was guilty.
20:51 Yes, he, he was the one who, uh,
20:54 he punched those little holes in the paper drinking cups,
20:57 you know.
20:58 How ridiculous.
20:59 A dignified man like Keats, uh, uh, you know,
21:02 thinking that it's funny to see water dribbling down
21:04 somebody's shirt front.
21:05 No, no.
21:06 You know, we have a business firm, and I--
21:09 [laughter]
21:16 We have a business--
21:18 [laughter]
21:34 We got it in Yellowstone.
21:36 [laughter]
21:39 Our Yellowstone?
21:41 [laughter]
21:43 Well, this friend of ours is the curator of the museum
21:46 up there, and he didn't know what to--
21:48 And he has this gorilla in his museum.
21:51 And, uh, and it was confusing the tourists,
21:55 so he asked us if we'd bring it down--
21:59 what were you saying about--
22:01 [laughter]
22:03 Was, uh, was it here when I came in?
22:07 Well, yes, he, he's too big for the closet,
22:09 and, uh, you want me to deal directly with Miss Blyas, sir?
22:14 Yes, oh, oh, yes, Gus, you see,
22:16 you're the only one that can--
22:19 Yeah, but he's not indigenous to Yellowstone.
22:21 [laughter]
22:24 Well, that's what was confusing the tourists.
22:27 [laughter]
22:30 Offhand, I would say that your, uh,
22:33 your Yellowstone friend is imposing upon you.
22:36 Well, we're gonna get him out of here the minute we can.
22:39 [laughter]
22:42 Well, Lila and I are booked on, uh, for Liverpool,
22:46 on one of the big steamers, and, uh, you know,
22:49 I'm just old-fashioned enough to--
22:51 or, uh, maybe I'm just old enough to think
22:54 that an ocean voyage is the only voyage.
22:57 I--
22:59 [laughter]
23:01 Yet I, I, I, I--
23:03 I may be old-fashioned, but, uh, I always say
23:06 that an ocean voyage is the only voyage.
23:10 I--
23:12 [laughter]
23:16 I, uh, of course, this may make me feel old-fashioned,
23:20 but, uh, that's the way I am.
23:23 I mean, I mean, uh,
23:25 could I have a glass of water, please?
23:28 Let me get it.
23:29 No, no, no, I'll get it. I need the water.
23:32 [laughter]
23:35 [music playing]
23:37 [laughter]
23:40 [music playing]
23:51 [music playing]
23:53 [laughter]
23:56 I might have known.
23:58 Come in, come in, come in.
24:01 Well, how appropriate.
24:03 Now we have a two-headed friend.
24:05 Hmm.
24:07 Gentlemen.
24:08 Mr. Taylor, shut up, Clemson.
24:11 Now, uh, which one of you would like to explain
24:14 this childish nightmare?
24:17 Well, you see, sir, Keats, Clemson, and I, uh,
24:20 well, we rented that gorilla with the idea of stashing it
24:23 in the angel's bedroom so that when they came home tired
24:26 from their vacation, they'd--
24:28 Oh, I know.
24:30 [laughter]
24:31 That's the funniest thing I ever heard of.
24:34 We kind of thought it was a vacation.
24:36 Isn't it?
24:37 And when we found the gorilla, I thought of Mr. Kelly here,
24:40 and he was kind enough to-- to come over and scare them.
24:44 [laughter]
24:46 Now, what else?
24:47 Well, then when we found out Jim Keats was coming over,
24:50 we thought it'd be funny--
24:52 All right, all right.
24:54 This is exactly the childish nonsense
24:56 I've been talking about.
24:57 Now, today is Saturday, and technically,
24:59 you're on your own time, but I--
25:02 Did you say Jim Keats was coming over here?
25:05 Well, yes, sir.
25:06 That-- that's what started all the trouble
25:08 when the-- when the doorbell rang.
25:09 We thought--
25:10 [music playing]
25:12 Mr. Taylor, no.
25:14 Now, here's what we'll do.
25:16 [laughter]
25:19 [music playing]
25:23 [music playing]
25:26 (SINGING) Got a date with an angel, going to meet her at 7.
25:30 Got a date with an angel, and I'm on my way to heaven.
25:34 [music playing]
25:37 [music playing]
25:40 Ladies and gentlemen, your Plymouth dealer
26:02 invites you to watch the Lawrence Weld program
26:04 top tunes and new talent on this same network
26:07 and the dramatic show "Climax" every week on another network.
26:11 Tom Kennedy speaking.
26:13 Good night, everybody.
26:14 [applause]
26:17 (audience applauding)
