• 2 years ago
Episode 2059 Adam Greentree - The Joe Rogan Experience Video - Episode latest update
00:00:00 Hello
00:00:02 Everything I enjoy my country. I'm loving your country. Yeah, it was good. Um, it's good to be back. Yeah, you were here
00:00:09 You did another one of those wild back country elk hunts, which you haven't been able to do because of kovat for three years four years
00:00:16 Four years. Yeah Wow and five years since the last podcast
00:00:20 Did you document the whole thing like you did the last time in your internet stories? I did. Yeah
00:00:24 Yeah, I tried to capture as much as I could
00:00:27 Sometimes it's hard because you're stuck in the moment. So the last thing I want is like
00:00:31 Right does fuck with it, right? Yeah, so I couldn't capture it all but I
00:00:36 Tried to at least mention everything that I was going through but there was like one stage
00:00:41 I just felt like I was in the war and I actually slipped between two fallen down trees and I nearly broke my legs like
00:00:48 Straight across the front of me shins. Oh shit, and it's like I didn't capture it and I'm sort of hurting
00:00:54 So you don't get to see the whole story, but I reckon I at least give the people 80% of the story, you know
00:01:00 What happened? Well, you almost broke your legs
00:01:02 Well, I was fucking rooted for starters like stuff like this is day 26 or something like that. What is rooted mean to your people?
00:01:09 Yeah, really guess rooted means really exhausted, okay, like just yeah fucked, you know, right and
00:01:19 I was coming back in the dark, you know, you're trying to you know
00:01:23 I'm conserve everything as you go on so you're trying to use your headlight as less as possible as well
00:01:28 Like you're out there for a month, right?
00:01:30 So a lot of the times your headlight yet torches turn right down if it's on at all
00:01:35 So it's turned right down and I'm coming back down the mountain to camp
00:01:39 Pretty much stepped on one bit of deadfall like a big fallen
00:01:42 Pine tree and then slipped off it and there was another pine tree only like a foot apart
00:01:48 So I went between the two of them and all my body weight come over the top of it
00:01:52 Oh, and then yeah, like I just remember I like least bruise the bones because it was hard to walk, you know
00:01:58 Oh boy, but it's like at that point
00:02:00 Yeah, you feel like the whole world's against you right really really tough trip
00:02:03 Like and I think a lot of the over-the-counter guys went through that this year
00:02:08 It was a really difficult year for Elk was that because of the heavy snowfall?
00:02:12 So I think because of winter kill for one and then a lot of the other states are not doing any over-the-counter anymore
00:02:20 So that pushed more people in the Colorado and then Colorado shut down some units and limited units because of the winter kill
00:02:28 So there was a lot of hunters jammed in the areas
00:02:31 I think the bulls didn't come down. So I think a combination of a lot of things Colorado's just reintroduced wolves, which is just
00:02:37 It's such a shell game because
00:02:42 When there's like stipulations to reintroduce wolves like Ronella's talked about this before
00:02:47 Like they reintroduce wolves and then the idea is when the wolves get to be a certain population
00:02:52 Then they will allow hunting but then the wildlife protection groups come in and they sue
00:03:00 To make sure that you don't open up wolf hunting
00:03:03 So then they only can issue depredation permits to ranchers and P
00:03:08 You know people don't like the idea of hunting wolves and I get that but you shouldn't also like the idea of rampant wolf
00:03:17 populations that are invading into people's
00:03:19 communities and eating their dogs and threatening children like the reason why Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood and all that shit there was
00:03:27 A story cuz they used to eat kids what was happening?
00:03:30 Yeah
00:03:30 Yeah
00:03:30 They ate people for a long fuck of time until people got wise and said, you know
00:03:35 We should probably kill these fucking things and that's what they did for the longest time and then the greenies got in like we need
00:03:41 To bring them wolves back
00:03:42 And it's generally people that have zero experience with real wildlife predators
00:03:47 There should be a balance, you know, there should be grizzly bears. It should be mountain lions
00:03:51 It's not like anybody wants to eradicate those things but
00:03:54 Reintroducing wolves, especially what they did with Montana. They took those big-ass Canadian wolves and brought them down. Yeah
00:04:02 Well, like, you know me I like I do think there needs to be a balance and I think people hunters are part of that
00:04:09 Balance as well, you know, yeah, and I think a big part of that, you know is keeping everything in check
00:04:14 You know
00:04:15 so if the if
00:04:16 The elk populations too big then there should be more tags like it's a really good system over here in that sense in America
00:04:22 And then if there's a winner kill
00:04:25 Like there just has been this last season then yeah limit the tags and things like that
00:04:29 So because I've been on a few hunts now where you don't feel comfortable
00:04:35 Shooting an elk because you're not seeing any so it's just like she I actually I actually don't want to shoot an elk here
00:04:40 It doesn't feel right
00:04:42 Doesn't seem like there's enough elk here for me to be shooting them
00:04:45 All right, and I experienced that in a few areas this trip and I remember
00:04:49 the last time I hunted so four years ago and
00:04:53 Kimmy my wife actually said it to me
00:04:56 We I think we hunted for 14 days and we hadn't seen a bull elk and she she's like even if one steps up at this
00:05:03 Point I'm not shooting it because it doesn't feel right
00:05:05 Yeah, you know and it's true, but there could be lots of elk in that area another time of the year
00:05:10 But hunting season starts hunters go in sort of pushes them out
00:05:13 So it's a little bit hard to say but yeah, you don't feel right, you know
00:05:16 You want to shoot something that's in a good healthy population and now considering the fact that you are
00:05:21 Getting these over-the-counter tags. How do you know what units to pick? You don't you just guessing?
00:05:28 Yeah. Yeah, so you going online doing any research?
00:05:32 Full or lots of research
00:05:34 Yeah
00:05:34 Hunting fool super handy and stuff like that talk to the guys pretty frequently for coming up to a trip
00:05:39 Mm-hmm
00:05:40 And then sort of just leaning on the hunting community a little bit, you know
00:05:43 And you've got guys and this is what happened this trip because I'm starting from fresh again. It's been four years
00:05:47 The spots that I used to hunt elk in aren't like that anymore or they're limited entry now. So and I didn't draw
00:05:54 So I am starting from the you know from scratch from the draw board and then so I sort of leaned on the hunting community
00:06:01 A little bit and I had a few guys reach out
00:06:03 Well, I had actually a bunch of people reach out which was really nice and you know, try this spot
00:06:08 You know, I hunted here last year. You're welcome to join me in this camp. So I had a lot of that which was really nice
00:06:12 But even those guys don't know, you know, like you think you've got an animal figured out like fuck think again
00:06:20 You know like and and that's I think that's why I love bow hunting so much and it's so
00:06:24 I've constantly got a passion for it because you never actually fully work it out
00:06:29 Like as soon as you start thinking you've got something worked out
00:06:32 You're fucked like they'll change it up on you and that happens to me every year and just about every species, you know
00:06:37 So you can go in there with as much knowledge as you like and obviously that helps but at the end of the day
00:06:42 That's why it's so good. So appealing
00:06:44 Well, you like a crazy hard hunt
00:06:46 But these are nuts the ones that you go on are really nuts like the one that you did last four years ago that you
00:06:53 Documented where you had that close encounter with a grizzly bear and you had a bad pistol. Yeah
00:07:00 Fucking pistol
00:07:02 Shit yeah, that was a terrifying encounter
00:07:05 Yeah, the video of you with your gun pointed out where you can clearly see that the rounds not chambered
00:07:10 Because it does it literally doesn't fit in there
00:07:13 Wasn't a good situation. No. Yeah, it's it's I've sort of fucked myself because I
00:07:19 Want to go to a place where there's just elk running around everywhere and stuff like that
00:07:23 But because I've done these hard hunts now, it's like I can't go backwards
00:07:28 Like and I'm not I'm not lining myself up for a disastrous hunt
00:07:32 but
00:07:34 Like I want it to be that tough, you know
00:07:36 Like I don't want to go in on the first day and kill one the trips done
00:07:39 Well, what would you do if you walked in you saw a 350 bull in the first day? It's still sure
00:07:44 You have to yeah
00:07:46 Well, you should never put this the old saying right should never pass up on a bull on the first day that you would kill
00:07:50 I don't agree with that. I know no, I don't was that because what do you what are you in it for?
00:07:56 Well, you're in it to kill a bull. Yeah, there's also luck. Yeah, but I can't spit on luck
00:08:02 Yeah, I think like day
00:08:05 27
00:08:07 Broke me on this last trip when I say broke me it just I just got to the point where I was completely satisfied
00:08:13 So I still didn't stop hunting. I was still gonna hunt to the very last day of season, which way you accepted your feet
00:08:18 But I accepted it. Yeah, and that's what I actually went out there for, you know
00:08:22 And I started thinking about I'm not really here to kill a bull like that's what's pushing me and getting me to that point
00:08:27 But I'm here for the whole package, right?
00:08:31 and like
00:08:33 Like your time poor, right?
00:08:35 Like you don't have a lot of time and there's a lot of hunters that don't have a lot of time
00:08:38 Whereas I come over from Australia and I'm just like I've got 30 days, right?
00:08:42 So, you know and that's why I don't want to kill on day one or day two
00:08:46 I would like you said if something stepped up I would but it's not so much about the kill
00:08:51 It's that whole package, you know
00:08:53 And a and a big part of that package is breaking my own self down and getting past that point
00:08:59 You know and I did I put a video up and I was like I fucking cried, you know
00:09:04 and it's just like and
00:09:05 That's hard to show the people but I do want to show the people that it's just not about the kill and it is hard
00:09:11 And it's not like all there's an animal. I stalked it. I shot a kill - they got the meat, you know, right?
00:09:16 You're gone. You're going on like a vision quest. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, you're trying to find out something about
00:09:21 Yeah, I've got no interest in climbing Mount Everest and I've said this many times before but if there's a fucking animal at the top
00:09:27 Of it, I'll do it. I'll do it, you know, and I'll push myself to that limit, you know, I don't get the Mount Everest thing
00:09:33 Yeah
00:09:35 I've been offered to go with people multiple times like yeah, you can have a good time up there
00:09:40 Yeah, it doesn't look like a lot of is the reason why there's no houses up there
00:09:44 Yeah, there's like one selfie at the top and then you coming back down. Yeah, I mean, I understand it
00:09:48 It's the people enjoy doing things that are very difficult to do and I fully support them doing it
00:09:54 I just don't have any interest in it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's just not not my thing. Yeah, it doesn't float you by no
00:10:00 Not at all. And if I had 28 days to do what you do, I don't know if I'd do that
00:10:06 Because what but I guess what you're doing is I mean you hunt so much in Australia and Australia is so game-rich
00:10:14 Because there's so many invasive species in Australia. There's deer everywhere. There's stags everywhere. You have so many pigs
00:10:20 It's it's like it's a great place to get your meat. 100% Yeah, it's a fantastic place to think
00:10:26 there's 27 huntable species in Australia and
00:10:29 There's like one or two of them that actually need a tag and that's it and then and
00:10:37 And open season on everything, you know
00:10:39 So there's we don't have to wait for September to roll around to go and get some meat or have a hunt or something like
00:10:44 That's nice. It is it's friggin awesome
00:10:46 Yeah
00:10:47 but we don't have the system that you have in America either which is and it's crazy that Australia doesn't have it because
00:10:53 These animals are a resource
00:10:56 Yeah, and and they're not then they're not treated as a resource at the moment. We've just fully labeled them as feral animals and
00:11:04 Then it sort of just gives everyone the right just to kill them in any way possible
00:11:07 And that so they they're chopper shooting them. Well, they have been for the last few years
00:11:12 They just go around aerial culling them and they just shoot them and leave them there and the meat just rots on the ground
00:11:17 Do they do that just to reduce population to reduce the possibility of diseases? Well, there's no diseases in any of our
00:11:24 Red meat animals that can be passed on the humans
00:11:27 So it's not so much for disease. There is a threat of foot rot, which they have in some parts of Asia
00:11:33 but
00:11:35 That basically Australia is just saying let's eradicate him. They want zero of these animals. Oh god. Yeah. Yeah, and then so they shoot
00:11:43 thousands and thousands of deer
00:11:46 Thousands of them and just like this is just in a month
00:11:49 They'll shoot thousands of them just leave them rot on the ground do they do it because they think there are a nuisance
00:11:54 I do yeah. Yeah, but they're delicious
00:11:56 They are delicious and then no more that of a nuisance and cattle or sheep, right?
00:12:02 You know if they're talking about erosion and stuff like that, well like or introduce species cattle and sheep introduced species
00:12:08 Yeah shit with introduced species to some places, you know, are they talking about it because of erosion?
00:12:14 Like what are they saying the nice and says a big part of its erosion?
00:12:17 Yeah, then damage to like trees and fences and stuff like that. And and and that's true to a certain degree
00:12:24 but
00:12:26 Yeah, it's what's the benefit of the resource? Oh a hundred percent
00:12:29 Yeah, especially if you want really healthy meat, it's just everywhere especially if there's people starving. Yeah
00:12:35 This is just shot and left. It doesn't make sense. That's so crazy
00:12:38 It feels like we're living in the bloody Stone Age when they do that. Yeah, it's just cutting off your nose despite your face
00:12:44 Yeah, it's so stupid. It just I don't understand why people would accept that
00:12:47 Yeah
00:12:48 and as a hunter you like you I get to see these animals up close and you know and you realize that they are a
00:12:53 Beautiful animal and have a lot of respect for them
00:12:55 And then so you see when you see that happening it is pretty upsetting. Yeah, that's a bummer
00:13:00 So have you been there when they've helicopter shot? Yeah. Yeah. Whoa, so you're out hunting and
00:13:05 The gunshots going off. Yeah
00:13:07 There's a guy a couple of guys in Australia that just filmed it
00:13:11 they're hunting on private property and the helicopter comes over and she's like shooting right behind them and
00:13:15 Yeah, and they don't care that you're there. No, they don't care or they don't know. Wow. Yeah, that's a bummer
00:13:23 Yeah, it is a bummer. Yeah, it's pretty sad
00:13:25 Why why do they have that attitude about it?
00:13:28 Why don't because they're just labeled and pushed as a feral nuisance animal and that's it, you know, and there's like it's
00:13:35 We don't have the same system as you do here where it's like every all the hunters that I made here full cherish the animal
00:13:41 And the meat, you know, they collect it all, you know, and it's not about like, you know, just I'll leave that part
00:13:47 It's like how much more meat can we get off it?
00:13:49 Can we trim a little bit more off the bone, you know, and right and even I'm like that
00:13:53 I can't take the meat home. I always donate it whatever animal that I harvest here, but it is it's like
00:13:57 How much more can I get off it? What else can I take?
00:14:00 You know and it's and it's because so much passion and everything goes into it. Why don't they let you bring meat back to Australia?
00:14:06 Customs is really strict in Australia and because there's no diseases in our red meat
00:14:11 I think they've really really strict that they don't want that. Well, how are you gonna get a disease from a dead animal with frozen meat?
00:14:17 I don't know more stupidity. Yeah, that's so stupid
00:14:20 I've heard that they do that with Africa if you bring an African animal back to the United States, you can't bring the meat back
00:14:25 Okay, is that true? Well
00:14:27 Because I've never brought meat back into America. Mmm
00:14:32 Yeah, I tried to take it into Australia, but I know that it's a no-go
00:14:34 So like I said, I've just always donated it, but I think you can bring back meat from Australia
00:14:40 You guys probably can because yeah, it's so I know you can from New Zealand
00:14:44 Yeah, so we can bring a certain amount into Australia from New Zealand, but it has to be commercially processed and packaged
00:14:52 Mmm, so which isn't a bad thing still but look there's that many people with their hand up to take me
00:14:57 It's like nothing goes to waste when we harvest it best meat. Yeah, it's amazing
00:15:02 Yeah
00:15:02 once and once you get a taste for it and like I don't even taste the gamey Nesta any meat anymore because that's pretty much
00:15:08 All we eat at home
00:15:09 But once you've eaten game meat and then you go and buy a store meat and eat it. It's the blandest shit going
00:15:16 I don't know
00:15:18 I mean, I think when people say gamey meat and they're thinking about that
00:15:23 They're thinking about someone who has handled meat incorrectly. That's spot-on. Yeah, they let it sit out in the Sun
00:15:29 They didn't cool the meat off quickly enough. They didn't hang it. Yeah, they did something wrong. Yeah, it's not prepared correctly
00:15:35 Yeah, it has to be something wrong
00:15:38 Unless you're eating something like a bear that's been eating a rotten animal or I've heard people catch
00:15:44 They've eaten bear that have been eating nothing but fish and they're nasty. Yeah, okay. Yeah
00:15:50 That makes sense. Yeah, it does make sense. Yeah, cuz I
00:15:53 Everyone's always said like like the tar in New Zealand arts a smelly goat, you know
00:15:58 Or the pronghorn here in America, right because I do that smell to him
00:16:02 But once it's prepared prepared correctly, yeah, it's delicious
00:16:06 I think the thing about the pronghorn too is that you hunt them in the summer and it's very hot and a lot of times
00:16:11 People are dragging the carcass across the say yeah, yeah, you know and they just don't take care of it
00:16:17 No, where is it's just being quick with it, you know
00:16:19 Like field dress it straight away like even before photos you can knock the stomach out and stuff like that
00:16:23 And then set it up right get it as cool as possible because you've only got a
00:16:27 Cool the temperature of the animal from what it was when it when you harvested it and then I believe
00:16:33 It can up or down about 10 degrees and it's still fine, you know, so it's just keeping it under that range
00:16:40 Yeah, and somehow not just getting it to ice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah having ice ready having a cooler ready
00:16:46 Yeah, you know
00:16:47 What do you do in terms of do you bring a cooler with you when you these 28 day trips?
00:16:53 Because I know you know, I actually cut a fucking toothpick brush in half
00:16:56 Just save weight. So I know you do a lot of radical shit to save weight
00:17:00 Well, you have to write every bit counts including the bow and the accessories on it, you know
00:17:05 So I'm shooting just carbon bows for the last 10 15 years now
00:17:09 Because that bow a lot of the times ends up on your backpack
00:17:12 So it's like what's the use of cutting a toothbrush down to a quarter, you know?
00:17:16 And you've got like toothpaste foot to brush your teeth like three times in the mouth
00:17:19 Like you do all that shit and then you carry a big heavy bow, you know, right?
00:17:23 Unless you need a heavy bow to shoot really well, like obviously, you know
00:17:26 you don't want to step on your own feet like that, but
00:17:30 Once I kill that that's it. You're done
00:17:33 You're hiking the animal out because you can't get a cooler back there, right?
00:17:36 You know and if you had a cooler in your truck at the trailhead and you're back there for 30 days
00:17:41 There's no ice back there anyway, or someone's gonna steal it. Yeah, but being pretty lucky at trailheads here in America
00:17:47 I've never had anything like that happen. But well most people are respectful. Yeah, but it just takes that one takes the one dickhead
00:17:53 Yeah, yeah, and there are dickheads. There is yeah, so look the second I kill
00:17:58 I'm out of there. And if I'm way back, I usually try and I've carried him out before
00:18:03 I've had a buddy come in and carried him out
00:18:05 I've had a guy with pack horses ready on on call. So you kill he comes in you get it out
00:18:11 or this trip I had a bunch of friends and
00:18:15 Guys that sort of were telling me spots to hunt and they were pretty much on call and then yeah
00:18:21 I sent him a photo. I dropped that bull had the bull down sent him a photo
00:18:25 They're like we're two and a half hours from the trailhead. We're on our way now
00:18:28 And then yeah by the time I feel dressed it and prepped it
00:18:31 They rocked up with backpacks and then yeah, three of us carried it off. That's nice. Yeah
00:18:36 Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Yeah, I don't know to do a couple of families that helped me. That's not true now this trip
00:18:43 So did you stay in the same place for 28 days? I end up moving so
00:18:48 Kimmy my wife come with me for the first 15 days and it was hell like
00:18:53 Day one or day two we seen two nice bulls that would leave in the area
00:18:58 and then we never seen a bull in there again for 15 days and
00:19:01 She actually had a bit of elevation sickness
00:19:05 We'll climb it up one morning and she started feeling sick and we get all like
00:19:09 we're way out there and we get way back and we're climbing up this mountain and a gunshot goes like
00:19:14 straight off in front of us because
00:19:17 Colorado's got muzzleloader at the same time. Mm-hmm. And that was about the point that she's like look book me a flight
00:19:23 I'm gonna go home. It's one of the kids birthdays
00:19:26 So then she went home and we're already doing pretty radical stuff like back there
00:19:30 And then I was like right fuck it now when you say a gunshot went off
00:19:34 Straight in front of us like how far in front of you a hundred yards
00:19:38 Was it shooting in your direction? No, I was shooting to the side but still like that shit happens, right? Oh, yeah
00:19:45 Yeah, people just shoot into like movement. Yeah, but it was more to the point of
00:19:49 Actually wasn't about our safety at that point. It was more about other hunting's not good. Let's let's shoot, you know, and
00:19:57 Yeah, so she ended up going home and then I was like, right
00:20:00 I'm gonna go pretty radical now and just fucking on a massive mission
00:20:03 The muzzleloader thing to me is so straight at the same time or are you talking about just shooting?
00:20:09 I'm just all all the time. I get at the same time
00:20:13 It's weird because why would you have a rifle and bow season bow seasons quiet?
00:20:17 Yeah, that doesn't make sense
00:20:19 But the muzzleloader thing in general all it's gonna do is prevent you from getting a good second shot
00:20:24 Because there's muzzleloaders that you can shoot that are good to hundreds of yards. Yeah, so it's like you're not limiting the effectiveness
00:20:33 Unless you are saying that you have to shoot iron sights and then aren't you limiting the ethical shots that you can take?
00:20:41 You probably are but how do you how do you argue that and then traditional bow hunting or even bow hunting?
00:20:47 Oh, yeah, you know cuz I know I guess take time to get it. I'm not saying it should be illegal. Yeah
00:20:51 Yeah, I'm just saying like what are you doing? Yeah, I would rather use an actual rifle
00:20:56 Yeah, and just like a really sighted in rifle with a great scope and you know a good round like a real rifle
00:21:03 I met a guy with a
00:21:05 crossbow this year not while I was hunting it was after the hunt was done and
00:21:09 He said he's he had a scope on his crossbow and he said it's accurate out to a hundred and forty yards
00:21:16 Wow as in like shooting a golf ball at a hundred and forty yards. Well, if you got a rest
00:21:21 That's the thing about a crossbow. You could sit it on a log. Yeah, that's nuts
00:21:25 Like how much further can we go with this stuff? Yeah, that's a weird thing. I heard someone describe it like
00:21:32 Transmen or trans women competing against biological women. You call yourself an archer
00:21:37 Someone describe it that way. I think that's pretty accurate. Then the traditional bow hunters are probably saying that about me and you shoot
00:21:43 Sort of but you know
00:21:48 The traditional thing is weird, too
00:21:50 Like I get it I get all of it
00:21:53 Hmm, but I think if you're gonna shoot a traditional bow
00:21:56 You have to be a guy who's been practicing for a long time and you have to put a lot of hours every day doing
00:22:02 That yeah, cuz it's essentially like you have to judge just based on how far you know an arrow drops
00:22:09 It's all in your head like like throwing a rock on a rock. Yeah. Yeah, so enough rocks
00:22:15 Yeah, it's not even throwing rocks. It's the same. It's like throwing a baseball. Yeah, you know
00:22:19 Well, you have to be really good at it. Yeah, I did it for about three or four years like pretty like hard up and
00:22:26 The best way that I can sum it up is to be regularly successful with a traditional bow
00:22:31 I'd have 50 shots every single day and I'd have 25 shots for form
00:22:36 Minimum and then I'd have 25 shots as in aiming to be and and so you had to do that every day
00:22:44 So once you get time poor
00:22:46 Like it's really hard to keep that up and then and and I was successful in doing it
00:22:51 But the beauty of a compound bow was like even if I was flat out at work
00:22:55 Once a week I could shoot the bow stays sighted in
00:22:59 Yeah, you pick it up and away you go again. It's still hard like you're still fully handicapped
00:23:04 Yeah, so it's like it's hard enough without being like I'll go traditional bow hunting now
00:23:09 So I was just Northern Territory Australia like last month and I had a couple of days with a compound and it was like had
00:23:15 A brilliant hunt like that done really well and I was like I stuff it
00:23:19 I'll go with the trad bow for the next couple of days
00:23:21 Then so I hunted with the trad bow and shot a bunch of pigs and a buffalo and stuff like that
00:23:26 And then when I went back to the compound, I felt like I was shooting a sniper rifle
00:23:30 Yeah, because the recurve so hard, you know, but I would imagine that it would help your compound bow
00:23:36 100% it does. Yeah. Yeah, and and so my effective range with a trad bows like 30 yards
00:23:42 Ideally, I'm at 10 or 15
00:23:44 So even having the stalk in that close which with traditional gear and then having the compound and being at like 40
00:23:51 50 and being just like oh this thing's done, you know, right and shooting it
00:23:55 So do you bring a lot of arrows with you when you go on these back country on the Northern Territory one?
00:24:01 I do yeah this hunt Colorado one. How many you bring five hours in the quiver? That's it. Yeah. Yeah, I think for practice
00:24:08 yeah, I think I took seven or eight so I had a couple in the backpack this trip and
00:24:14 Because I shot a grouse as well
00:24:17 So pretty much arrows done because usually you're shooting them off a branch
00:24:20 and then I
00:24:23 One of the days I stacked it pretty hard
00:24:26 Like fell over and hit the rest and bent the rest down or the red rest shifted
00:24:31 Then I so I had spare arrows to actually pull it back up and shoot my bow in the place and luckily it just sort of
00:24:37 Ripped that grub screw down
00:24:39 So I could see the position that I had the city and I had one shot and it was bullseye straight away
00:24:43 So but I still wanted a couple of shots because of it. So yeah, but like you're going to shoot one bull, right?
00:24:50 No, it wasn't like I had a mule deer tag or another tag with me
00:24:53 It's just like but sometimes you have to take follow-up shots. Sometimes things hit branches about five hours in the quiver. You should be
00:25:00 You should be especially if you're limited to a distance, you know, are you still using those?
00:25:06 two blade
00:25:08 Solid broadheads, which what company do you use use Kyuga broadheads? Yeah. Yeah, so they've got a broad
00:25:13 It's really in polish house because they like how can you tell if you're not hitting the bone or not, right?
00:25:19 Like I watch these videos of these white tail dudes
00:25:23 Shooting white tail and the arrows hanging out of the white tail this much and they still kill it
00:25:27 Because they got a broadhead that's fucking like 10 inches. Well, they use in a mechanical mechanical
00:25:33 it just expands and opens them up, but
00:25:36 Like because we're shooting Buffalo
00:25:38 So I do that Buffalo hunt once or twice a year and then like some of our bigger deer like the red deer are pretty
00:25:44 Solid as well with a two blade broadhead
00:25:47 You can still split bone and punch all the way through the animal, you know
00:25:51 And it's like if you shoot something in Australia using that sort of set up like 70 or 80 pound bow a good like micro diameter
00:25:58 Shaft so there's no restriction on the shaft actually passing through the animal after the broadhead and a decent solid broadhead
00:26:03 If you're not picking your arrow up in the dirt somewhere out the other side, you're like shit. Where did I go wrong?
00:26:07 You know and it's like so there's there's hardly any what we'd call like flag and a animal where the arrows hanging out of it
00:26:15 It's like punch straight for a hole in one side now the other like that's what you want
00:26:18 I just know so many people that have made shots with those little single
00:26:22 Bevel small tiny broad heads and they just you know, the animal will run so far
00:26:29 Whereas if you hit it with a good two inch cut rage
00:26:33 That fuckers not going any if you get past the bone. Yeah for sure
00:26:37 If you've shot it in the right place like double lungs is double lungs
00:26:41 Yeah, so if you've actually got double lungs that animals dead, you know
00:26:45 And it's just like but there's pros and cons to it for sure
00:26:48 Yeah, I'll lack a blood trail whereas you'll shoot something with your setup and and crime scene. Yeah, there's just yeah
00:26:55 Yeah, just a pain to the ground. You can't means is shooting a four blade. Is he yeah, he's shooting a carnivore
00:27:01 It's like
00:27:03 With what cams doing? I know it's just shit just dropping everywhere around you. Well, he wasn't forever
00:27:08 He would he would go with a muzzy trocar. That was his thing. Yeah, yeah
00:27:11 Fixed head. That's all he ever shot. And then Wayne Endicott's like you really have to try these and he had like a
00:27:19 Questionable hit on a deer and he's like shit and then he saw the deer run 30 yards and die instantly
00:27:25 Yeah, whoa. Yeah, and it's just because you're just opening them up
00:27:28 yeah in the Nile shooting the rage that trip with you guys and
00:27:31 I made like a pretty average shot
00:27:35 like I'd expect the animal to probably run a hundred yards before he pulled up and dropped and
00:27:39 It was just like he ran 20 yards and just dropped and I was like, wow and got over there
00:27:44 And yeah, pretty much already field dressed him and everything, you know, yeah
00:27:48 Yeah, it's that's the weird
00:27:53 Debate amongst bow hunters. Yeah, it's played or mechanical when I really got fixed on a fixed blade was
00:28:00 Called this big red stag in like he come down through the the mist like couldn't even seem just
00:28:05 Could hear him up there raking a tree like in the rut
00:28:08 And then started calling and hearing coming down the mountain and he sort of come come
00:28:13 Slightly angling on but pretty much facing me and I was like like shit
00:28:18 I'll wait for him to turn and he was pretty much gonna come straight over the top of me
00:28:22 So I thought I can slip it in there and as I shot he turned so hit him right on that bone that front leg bone
00:28:28 And it split the ball joint of the leg bone like straight in half
00:28:33 Angled down went in through a rib
00:28:37 Through his heart out through another rib and into the bottom joint on the far side leg and like it just dropped you on the spot
00:28:44 because it pinned his legs together obviously died pretty much instantly through the heart and
00:28:49 Carrot like took all the meat out deboned it thought I'd keep all those bones and boiled them out
00:28:54 And so it split for lots of bones to go through that stag. Otherwise, I was just wounding it
00:29:01 Yeah, and it was from that point there that I'm like, I'll never shoot anything else and I don't have to change like from shooting
00:29:08 You know
00:29:10 Goats or deer a small deer to shooting a massive buffalo. I don't change my setup
00:29:15 You know, so the arrows always at around 550 grains the broadheads the same I can resharpen them
00:29:22 So you talk about these long trips? Mm-hmm and trying to save weight. I
00:29:26 Don't carry spare broadheads or anything because those broadheads like they'll pass through an animal. They'll hit a rock on the other side
00:29:33 Yeah, you pick it up you file it off
00:29:35 Then you know you get it razor-sharp. So it's shaving hairs again and away you go
00:29:39 Yeah, you know, that's why I like to set up but every now and then I'll have limited blood trail
00:29:45 I'm like shit. I should be shooting a big expandable broadhead. Mm-hmm, but I don't want to change I get it. Yeah
00:29:51 Yeah, it's that six in one half a dozen and it's like that's like nearly American hunting culture and the two-blade
00:29:59 Fix broadheads like Australian hunting culture. That's why I asked because everybody over there uses those. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you got we're getting that way
00:30:06 There's a lot of people shooting those broadheads now
00:30:08 But like you guys had release aids and sites like ten years before
00:30:12 Australia would go to it and if you shot sites in a release aid you're a fucking pussy like in Australia
00:30:17 Oh shit, you're a pussy. You're no way you're shooting
00:30:19 Exactly, and then I was hunting with an old friend of mine John and he had a release aid and I'm like
00:30:26 What's the big deal about those release aids, dude?
00:30:28 And he's like, well have a shot of my bow and like we're just sitting around camp
00:30:31 You were shooting fingers shooting fingers like always shooting fingers with a compound with a compound
00:30:36 Yeah, and I open sites like that's all that's all anyone just instinctive timber arrows, dude
00:30:41 it was insane like you had the spine test and check all your arrows and like twist broadheads to get them right and glue them on
00:30:48 and stuff like that and
00:30:50 he was one of the first sort of technical what we'd call a technical bow on her in Australia that I knew and
00:30:55 I remember him shooting and it was just like seriously like golf ball size at 20 30 yards like every time like how the fuck
00:31:03 Can you do that? Because you know our arrows sort of had a spread of at least a tennis ball or slightly bigger
00:31:09 You know, and then I shot with his release. I'd like four or five times and I'm just like holy shit. What am I doing?
00:31:15 All right, it's just like pinpoint pinpoint pinpoint, you know
00:31:19 Just a minimal amount of movement on the back end a hundred percent and the same release every single time and it's like
00:31:26 Fascinating about archery. It's just one little tiny movement one way or the other as it translates 80 yards ahead
00:31:32 Yeah foot and a half hundred percent
00:31:34 Yeah, just so nuts and it comes down to so much the bow tune your sight your your release the arrow
00:31:41 How straight the broadhead is it just there's so much to it. What release you shooting these days. So now I'm shooting a spot hog
00:31:48 I'm not a techie guy. So I don't even know the machine of the cam Haines one
00:31:52 Yeah, like a cam Haines the whippersnapper or no the wise guy the wise guy that's the purple one
00:31:57 Yeah, cuz I had a hunt in New Zealand and I had a release aid that I'd been shooting for 10 or 12 years
00:32:04 Jam up on me on a big red star
00:32:07 I called this big red stag in and like
00:32:09 Pulled the trigger and it didn't go off and then and then because I pulled the trigger and it didn't go off
00:32:15 I I looked down like what the hell's going on and then it went off and it shot between this red stags antlers like I'm
00:32:21 lucky I didn't hit him and wound him and
00:32:24 That like I need to fail me once and I'm like, okay, I'm not doing that again. Well gritting it or something
00:32:29 they
00:32:31 They actually changed the metal material that they were using is a Carter. Yeah. Yeah, they changed it and
00:32:38 I've had two since and they've both done the same thing
00:32:42 They get jammed up and like like you'd see the amount of hunting I've doing I'm going through water
00:32:47 I'm going for dirt and grit
00:32:48 I'm going for a crap and it's just like it like properly locked up where it's holding on to 80 pounds of out letting go
00:32:55 And then so I mucked around up at my farm like I can shoot out to what however distance you like
00:33:01 I'm up at the farm and then I was trying like trying to get it to go off and I still couldn't get it to
00:33:06 Go off and then so that's why I changed because that wise guys got very limited
00:33:11 Moving parts in it. Yeah, it's the most simple really it is
00:33:16 Yeah, so I bought three because I like I now I keep one in the backpack
00:33:20 So I've just like cryovac it so no crap can get in it in the backpack and it's just in the backpack sitting there waiting
00:33:25 as a spare
00:33:26 Also, if you just breathe on that thing it goes. Oh, yeah, it's sweet. It's so hot. Yeah, I love it
00:33:32 And it's either loaded or it's not. Yeah. So yeah, I really like that. It's very simple
00:33:36 I like the belt buckle though better than the boa
00:33:39 Yeah
00:33:40 So I've got the bow one and I don't like that you don't know that it's in the same position each time, right?
00:33:46 Whereas the belt buckle I've got a mark on mine, you know, we talked about the littlest things help
00:33:50 Yeah, I've actually got a mark on mine
00:33:52 So I know what one to do it up to each time and yeah
00:33:55 It's it's sweet
00:33:56 The only thing that people don't like about the wise guy is that it's so hot that you can't get a surprise release
00:34:02 Because you're essentially if you touch it, it's going off. Yeah. Yeah, but I've always shot like that and I don't want to change like I
00:34:09 Let's just say a deer bust out of the brush and runs past me
00:34:15 Want to be able to punch it what you call punch it
00:34:17 It's like I'm on bang, you know
00:34:19 Whether you're leading it by a foot or whether it's going slower and it's a couple inches you're leading it by whatever
00:34:24 I've always liked shooting that I've been thinking a lot about that, you know
00:34:29 Because I've talked to Joel Turner and he brings you through, you know that whole shot IQ process
00:34:34 I think you can shoot a release and make it go off
00:34:39 But you make it go off while you're in control
00:34:44 Of all your faculties and you're not panicking and you have a shot process
00:34:49 Yeah, I mean if I have a hinge and I pull it back for people that don't know what a hinge is
00:34:54 The hinge is a release that you don't have a trigger. You're just rotating the release and eventually it goes off
00:35:01 Well sort of because it gets to a click and the click is saying hey, we're real close
00:35:06 It goes click it gives you an audible click and what that is is to let you know that this release is about to go
00:35:12 Off and all you do is pull and it goes off
00:35:15 How is that any different than keeping your shit together and putting a finger on? Yeah. Yeah, what I think it is is a
00:35:22 Lot of these people first of all in the target archery world. That's a different world like you're standing still
00:35:30 There's all these people watching you you have a target. It's a bullseye
00:35:35 It's a circle and another circles and X in the center and all you're trying to do is make this
00:35:42 absolutely perfect shot into the X and you have all this time to set up and relax and
00:35:47 That's not the same thing as
00:35:50 Bow hunting yeah
00:35:51 Bow hunting is a very different thing and I think the anticipation of the moment and the extreme anxiety that comes with the animal being
00:35:58 It's really about managing that anxiety
00:36:01 It's not about whether or not you can make a trigger go off
00:36:03 Because you can make a trigger go off and still have perfect form and shoot a perfect shot
00:36:09 Remy does it cam does it you do it? I just think it's experience
00:36:13 I think because there's some people that are really good on paper
00:36:16 But they're not good hunting right and a big part of that is that I try not to think about it because I don't have
00:36:21 a shot process
00:36:23 And but you also shoot animals more than yeah anybody alive
00:36:27 Yeah, so I think I don't need a shot process and I don't like to think about it because that's when I think I'll fuck
00:36:32 Up right now. I'm just doing I'm doing that's it right you do
00:36:36 Yeah, and and that's why I don't want to change either
00:36:40 All right
00:36:40 Because I do see heaps of people go on the back tension and stuff like that and I tried one years ago
00:36:45 And I missed an animal straightaways. I'm just like yeah fuck that it's done
00:36:48 Yeah, it's one of those things where they say you have to get worse before you get better. Yeah, so you do you do?
00:36:54 Hinge I've hunted with a hinge, but this year I hunted with a thumb button and
00:37:02 I just had it set pretty hot and I executed a perfect shot
00:37:06 yeah, but I went through a thought I have a process in my head and
00:37:10 You know I'd also had the luxury of having one elk hunt
00:37:15 It was just a couple weeks before that
00:37:16 Or I shot a nice elk and also I shot a pig a few weeks before that so no monkey on your back right you have
00:37:23 Experience and I think a lot of people drawing on an elk in September is the first animal that you know
00:37:29 How they do it at least II I seriously don't know how they do it
00:37:32 I think that's where target panic yes from because it was from the uniqueness and the novelty of the experience
00:37:37 You're overwhelmed like this is the moment you've been preparing for yeah instead of like oh, I've been here before
00:37:43 Hmm, you know if you ever see Remy shoot an animal. It's like he's been there
00:37:47 He puts the pin on it, and you know hits the trigger, and it's a perfect shot, and he knows what he's doing
00:37:55 Yeah, I also shoots a two-blade a guy said to me
00:37:59 He's like only 1% of over-the-counter hunters are successful, and I'm like yeah
00:38:05 But they probably get the hunt three days in the season right he's like it even practice
00:38:09 Yeah, I'm like I just did ten years of hunting yeah in a month
00:38:13 You know so and it's just like and I came from a hunting rich environment right like I just come back from the Northern Territory
00:38:20 Australia and like I had
00:38:22 Like loaded up big time, and I'm just like so all that pressures off
00:38:26 But then when an elk bugled I went the shit still because I'm just like there's so much
00:38:31 Not pressure, but it's just like there's I wasn't saying anything so it's like this is your one opportunity
00:38:37 Yeah, you're about the fuck it. You know and it's just like so there's all that pressure
00:38:41 So I don't know how American hunters do it. Let's say coming off the back
00:38:45 Percent yeah, that's the 1% yeah
00:38:48 I've thought about this a lot because I'm very attracted to things that are very difficult to do and I've always tried to figure out
00:38:54 Why are they difficult like why are certain things difficult and it a lot of it boils down to psychology a lot of it boils down?
00:39:01 to the way your mind processes that moment and
00:39:04 There's something about bow hunting that is so unique in that
00:39:09 Every situation is different you can have similar situations. Oh, this is in a meadow. It's 60 yards
00:39:17 I've been here before I know what to do. It's minimal amount of wind
00:39:20 I don't have to wear out wind drift. I can handle this, but then there's
00:39:24 You know like cam shot this elk at two yards this year
00:39:28 And he was crouched down on a trail he came to full draw
00:39:34 He expected the animal to go like past him where you get a broadside shot is like right in front of them
00:39:40 Yeah, so now he has to figure out what pin to use because you know
00:39:43 Two yards with the meter pin you have to that's what you have to use yeah, you have to use a 50 meter pin
00:39:50 Yeah, that's literally what you have to use because the arrows not coming
00:39:53 It doesn't it doesn't hit its apex for quite a while so when it comes off the bow. It's coming off low
00:39:58 So if you shoot a 20 yard pin on an arm an animal, that's two yards away. You're gonna hit it crazy low
00:40:06 Yeah, yeah nuts isn't it yeah?
00:40:08 There's no two the same yeah, like there's really there's no two animals the same. There's no two situations the same
00:40:15 They might be similar like you just said like same yardage and that
00:40:18 There's no two that react the same, and it's just I think that's a big part of the appeal in hunting
00:40:23 Yeah, you know is is a part of that. You know yeah, you are you're essentially every time you're doing it. You're getting an education
00:40:29 Yeah, and that's why I got like cam or got yourself or Remy is so successful because you have so much education
00:40:37 Whereas for a new person the learning curve is so big so when they say that 1% are successful
00:40:43 I'm surprised it's even one yeah out of a hundred guys. How many of them prepare properly?
00:40:48 Yeah, how many of them are out there really?
00:40:50 Definitely know there's more
00:40:52 Hardcore guys out there now than ever before ever before because you like some of those places are 14 20 miles into the backcountry
00:40:59 And you see I used to seem to just get to five or six miles in the backcountry
00:41:04 And I wouldn't see anyone right right unless our on horses or something like that you wouldn't see anyone this trip
00:41:10 I was further into the backcountry than ever before and I seen ten times as many hunters as ever before Wow so maybe we should
00:41:17 Stop talking
00:41:19 Fit dudes yeah like carrying in proper camps dude. There was yeah, there was one morning
00:41:27 I got up. I just had this massive snowstorm like two days before. I'm like this is gonna kick the elk off
00:41:32 This is gonna be sick, and I'm way back. There's no human footprints or anything like that
00:41:37 no friggin elk footprints either at that point and
00:41:40 Like by the time you get back to camp cook dinner
00:41:43 You're in bed pretty early like two hours up. You know after dark sort of thing and you I'll say the word again
00:41:49 You're rooted. You know so like you're like you put your head down. You're fucking fast asleep two seconds flat and
00:41:55 I get up in the morning, and it's like dark still and I climb out of my tent and
00:41:59 There's like this light colored blob like just across from me, and I'm like what is that?
00:42:06 And then I like I start walking closer to it
00:42:09 And it's a dude set up a tent like right near me like 50 100 yards from me
00:42:15 So he hiked in in the pitch black of night dude and set up his tent there
00:42:20 And then so I went back in the tent
00:42:22 I'm like shit like I'm like I've got company like this is its competition back then right you know
00:42:27 There's no elk around so last thing. I need is another hunter like pushing in on me. Did he know you were there?
00:42:32 I don't know if he walked in and out on the dark
00:42:35 I wouldn't think so but the other thing was it was blowing a gale
00:42:38 And it's like one of the only flats and it's sort of like on a little saddle on the mountain
00:42:43 So it's a limited amount of places to yeah
00:42:45 Yeah, and probably slightly out of the wind there compared to where he'd walk from was he cool
00:42:49 Well, I don't know I didn't hang around the talk
00:42:52 You know like you're in the zone right and that zones wild so the last thing that you want to see is someone from civilization
00:43:00 Right, but occasionally you know you might run into someone like yourself, okay?
00:43:03 Yeah, but they fucking noticed me, and then they tell their friends, and they think I'm in a bomb spot
00:43:08 So then all their mates hang and come come in as well. You know so he's trying to keep a low profile back there
00:43:14 and
00:43:16 Yeah, so then I just made me coffee really quickly, and I was like I'll go and sit on that
00:43:20 There's like a rock that I wanted to sit on a perfect glassing point
00:43:23 That's why I camped in that spot
00:43:24 and
00:43:25 Then so I made my coffee and looked up and he's walking up to the rock and this dude goes and sits on the rock
00:43:30 That I wanted the glass from so then I just high-tailed it like in a completely different direction
00:43:34 You know and it's like that. Hey well both. They're not looking at elk. They'll stuff all back there, but but yeah those sort of guys
00:43:41 They're out there now yeah, and it's just when did that change?
00:43:46 When me you and cam and
00:43:50 Talking about fucking back country hunting was that what it is was by guys. I don't know probably was it covered dude
00:43:58 Never started realizing my fuck. I better start looking at defending for myself
00:44:03 Yes, I think defending for yourself and being able to gather food. That's that's a big deal. Yeah, I know during covert I
00:44:11 Just got swamped with messages like how do I start in bow hunting like how do I get a start in it like I want?
00:44:18 to go and
00:44:19 Because like that like it's one of the most amazing things there is that I think people are missing out on is going and harvesting
00:44:26 Your own meat yeah, you know and I say it all the time
00:44:28 It's like I hate being labeled as a hunter like I'm just aware just human and like I really do think
00:44:33 Hunting is a big part of being a human. I don't think everyone can do it
00:44:37 You know and I don't want everyone to do it because look what I'm having a bitch about right now like you get to a trail
00:44:43 Head there's 30 other cars at the trail head, and it's like rough hard country, and there's 30 other cars there
00:44:48 Most of those cars have multiple people in them, so there's that many people
00:44:53 You know sort of walking around in the wilderness. Just gotta go deeper you do I?
00:44:57 Or find spots that they don't know about but that's the thing about you coming over from Australia. That's not really an option
00:45:03 It's not yeah, there's a lot of guys that spend so much time scouting
00:45:08 Yeah, and so much time e scouting. Yeah, they're looking on I'd be
00:45:12 I'd be better next year if that makes sense because I already done so much
00:45:17 Land and walking this year that it's sort of others no sign there. There's no sign there
00:45:21 There's right even older sign you know like I've
00:45:23 Constantly taken note of like the trees that have been nibbled at by the elk in the winter so they winter there
00:45:29 Or where there's a shed antler you know you sort of taken all that sort of thing in and oh there was heaps of hunters
00:45:34 There so stay away from that all those bugger all hunters there, so
00:45:38 As long as I get the followed up next year. I think I'm better off right so next year
00:45:43 You'll try to do the same sort of situation. Yeah, but it's that whole I'm trying to make it harder
00:45:48 I don't want to go backwards so like so you'd rather have less information and make it harder
00:45:54 It's sort of because you want to learn on the spot. Yeah, yeah, just like
00:45:58 The big thing I want to do next year is walk
00:46:02 From the very start of the season to the end of the season so just walk one way
00:46:07 And it's hard to find a mountain range that you can do that because if there's no elk you keep traveling
00:46:12 You know and you run you run out of
00:46:15 Country basically so like this year. I did just short of 500 miles
00:46:19 But if there was game right I might have only did a hundred miles or ten or ten yeah
00:46:27 But because there was no game
00:46:28 Like literally like no prints on the ground that it's like there's no you staying here pack up camp move right and then I end up
00:46:35 Walking so far that I walked out to a highway at the end of the unit and called a friend
00:46:40 And it's like hey is there anyone they can pick me up because my truck is like seven days walk away
00:46:47 And then and then so yeah, he's he's dad
00:46:51 Knocked off work and like absolute legends. That's pretty cool
00:46:55 He's dad knocked off work drove like three hours to where I walked out pick me up and then drop me back to my vehicle
00:47:01 Well, that's a nice guy you owe that dude. Yeah, I do I that dude send him a boomerang or some shit
00:47:08 Yeah, there you go yeah, I'll do yeah, well don't do that you might get him eaten by crocodiles fucking
00:47:13 They're bad - at the moment are they bad yeah, they just seem to be more regularly everywhere
00:47:21 Yeah, are you allowed to hunt them there?
00:47:23 Yeah, I think you can get a permit. I'm not funny you shoot deer out of a helicopter
00:47:29 But these fucking monsters tell me about us tell me about it. What the fuck yeah, yeah, so about I was about 12 years ago now
00:47:38 We went in the community so like an aboriginal community, and they had had kids taken right
00:47:44 And that's the only water source and they had kids taken out of that water for us
00:47:48 Pretty sad
00:47:50 Yeah, that's right. I just don't understand. I killed those fucking things so I'm not saying kill all of them
00:47:55 Yeah, they kill everyone that's around people management right Jim Shockey was on the podcast a while back
00:48:01 And he was telling a story about how they had actually hired him to go to Africa to hunt crocodiles
00:48:06 Because there was so many crocodiles that were taking people in this village
00:48:09 And they would set up stakes in the water so that the crocodiles couldn't go through the stakes
00:48:15 You'll get to them
00:48:16 But they figured a way around the stakes and this woman while he was there was washing clothes, and she got jacked Wow
00:48:22 Yeah, he said everyone there was like missing a hand by taking out of your leg
00:48:26 He said it was just an epidemic and that's like their everyday life. It's not big
00:48:30 These are big big 18 foot 19 foot crocs like yes chair to nothing everyone's food
00:48:36 Yeah, just giant African crocodiles, which are just the most terrifying animal in the world to me
00:48:42 Yeah, because they could lay there underwater, and you don't even know they're there
00:48:45 They jump up and get you yeah, and they're so fast if you ever see the video that I done in
00:48:50 Northern Territory and
00:48:52 Is it online it's online well, how would Jamie find it? Oh, I think I pinned it to
00:48:58 my Instagram and
00:49:02 I sort of talk people through it like after obviously I'm not talking when I'm walking up there
00:49:07 So I'm going up there
00:49:08 And there's like all these like little water holes as it's drying up
00:49:11 And there's all these pigs laying on like two or three water holes that way and no pigs laying on a water hole this way
00:49:17 So I'm like oh, that's a bit sus already
00:49:19 And then I just seen it - I could just see its eyes above the water in the back of its tail. Oh, this is it
00:49:25 So there's a small water hole yeah, Javs out there on the bank
00:49:30 You can see a big saltwater crocodile you can see snout his eyes
00:49:33 Closest to the bank, and then you can see like the rigid in front of his tail. Oh God water
00:49:39 I actually watched him come from the center of that billabong there
00:49:43 Right at the edge when he noticed the line that I was taking to the edge of watch this thing sink away
00:49:48 Yeah, you can see properly hunting me here, you'll see his eyes and snout just disappear under that dirty water
00:49:56 Look how slow he drops away
00:50:00 And he's doing that to try to get you and you're walking close to this mother
00:50:04 Look at his tail prime see the water
00:50:06 So he's ready to go how far away you from here
00:50:11 10 meters maybe why oh my god look at it. It's getting ready look at its tail
00:50:18 He just
00:50:20 Jesus Christ those things are terrifying dragging into that water and then twisting and tearing your limbs off
00:50:44 Bro
00:50:45 You could take him Joe. You're not taking all that I would take him from a distance with a 300 windmill
00:50:52 Oh, they're so prehistoric. I fuck those but like so that that crocs probably never seen a person before
00:50:58 And there's nothing else getting around there. That's walking upright like a human, but I was still food
00:51:03 I was still on the menu everything's on the menu
00:51:05 Completely on the menu whereas if you see a lot of other animals in nature that have never seen a person you know
00:51:12 I mean, yeah, no you're so foreign that they just want to get the fuck out of there, right?
00:51:16 And he could have sunk down and turned around and something that water
00:51:18 I would never know that it was there, but instead he's like fuck food sweet. Yeah, have a crack you know
00:51:24 Yeah, so but that seems more common at the moment
00:51:30 I don't know why if the populations getting too high
00:51:33 but you used to get around and see like a soldier to every now and then the saltwater crocodile every now and then and
00:51:40 But nearly like hard to find you know certain river systems not but like tucked away water like that
00:51:46 Whereas now it's just like every fucking water holes got a croc in it
00:51:50 So we just bought a property up in the Northern Territory of Australia
00:51:54 And it's got a beautiful big lagoon on it and Kimmy's like oh fuck. That's gonna be sweet for swimming. I'm like
00:52:00 That's the wrong state of Australia
00:52:03 you know because the top of all the top of Western Australia and all of
00:52:08 Northern Territory and the top of Queensland that's where the crocs are saltwater crocodiles are in that district and they're deep inland
00:52:15 Yeah, they can be yeah, so and this property that we've purchased is it is inland as well
00:52:21 But they get pushed in there like the normal territory have a big wet season
00:52:25 Water will rise like over the top of the land and everything like that water will rise and those big salties can move into a little
00:52:31 Waterhole where they've never been before so you might have a property and been like now this water is sweet
00:52:36 And then the next year there's a big salty in there, and they can go for a year without eating
00:52:41 That'd be freaking desperate if they did like you're definitely on the menu if they do that
00:52:46 I mean, that's just an extraordinary animal. Yeah, I mean evolution just has honed those motherfuckers to a razor's edge
00:52:53 Oh, yeah, yeah, I think I told you about the story where like I shoot a big boar pig and
00:52:58 Like the arrow zips through it and it just dropped over onto the riverbank
00:53:02 And I walked over there with another arrow just to see if I had to follow it up
00:53:06 And so I walked up and like I'm like a meter above it
00:53:09 Anyway, I was just just on the side of the water like not in the water just on the side of the water
00:53:14 And it was just like in the final stages of its life
00:53:17 And I looked down and put the second arrow away like it doesn't need another arrow
00:53:21 It's sweet, and I looked down and put the second arrow away and just heard the water erupt
00:53:25 There's big saltwater crocodile come out grabbed it
00:53:28 I could still see it in slow-mo
00:53:30 Grab this pig like threw it over in the water and then started swimming away of it and actually took and it was a big ball
00:53:37 Pig actually took it underwater for like 30 40 yards and then come back up with it
00:53:43 And then another big salty was trying to get it off that saltwater crocodile
00:53:46 Now that pig was already dead. I would have just jumped straight down the back
00:53:52 Oh my the bank and I would have been right in the line of fire
00:53:55 Oh, you know, it's like it's that's how quick it happens, dude
00:53:58 You know, it's just like they're just sitting there waiting
00:54:01 I had another trip. I love these crocodile stories because
00:54:07 They make my skin crawl me and Kimmy did like a hundred and twenty kilometers across like inland Northern Territory
00:54:15 and
00:54:17 It was funny because you know
00:54:19 You when you're in society like back at home, you got all the different things going on
00:54:23 Whether it's bills kids, you know, just a thousand things going on work and stuff like that
00:54:28 and
00:54:29 Kimmy really enjoyed that trip because all you had to worry about every day was water
00:54:34 food where you're going to camp
00:54:37 But with water comes fucking crocodiles because you have to go down and collect the water like we're walking 120 kilometers
00:54:43 You can't carry enough water for 120 kilometers. You literally feel it and it's stinking hot
00:54:47 So you're filling your water bottle up multiple times a day
00:54:50 And I'm like you stay back here
00:54:54 And and I'll race down watch the bank where I feel the water up at and because you're looking over this water hole
00:55:00 I came with binoculars glass and that you can't see a croc anywhere like during the daylight like you can't see a croc anywhere
00:55:05 And I go down and I'm fast like I don't muck around down there you go down you scoop up the water
00:55:11 It's and it's dirty water. You can't drink it
00:55:13 Then you take it back up the bank away from the crocs and you filter it up there from one water bottle to the another
00:55:19 So anyway, I race down there. I scoop up the water
00:55:21 I'm halfway back up the bank like way away from the water though and
00:55:25 Kim's like look behind you and I turn around behind me and big saltwater crocodile eyes come up straight behind me like that's how quick that
00:55:32 I went down scooped water got away from there right where I filled up the water croc eyes come straight because they had sensed movement
00:55:37 They just they're just onto it. They're probably looking at you the whole time, you know, but you just can't see
00:55:42 And then but at nighttime like you'd shine a torch around and it's just like red eyes everywhere
00:55:48 So during the day, there's like no you can't see a croc and then you shine a torch in a water hole at night
00:55:54 There's just eyes everywhere. Do you feel safe in a tent? Yeah, because I they'll only come so far at the bank
00:55:59 So this last mission that I did with a couple of friends
00:56:02 We had no choice but to camp within like 20 yards of the bank
00:56:08 But it's a high bank and the saltwater crocodiles were trying to come up that high bank every night
00:56:12 So we end up running fish in line, you know, like three or four inches off the ground
00:56:18 And like tying tin cans and like whatever we could that we make noise
00:56:22 Across there just so you'd hear him coming up overnight
00:56:25 Yeah, it's a that's
00:56:28 Uncomfortable. Yeah some sickening reason I still sleep fine
00:56:32 But that's really uncomfortable. But generally you're a hundred yards up the bank
00:56:38 They won't they won't come that far unless they're really desperate
00:56:41 So I had a buddy tell me that he'd had crocs travel to 300 yards
00:56:46 Up a bank and they took his dogs off a chain like they actually ripped the dogs off the chain with our locked up
00:56:53 but he was like
00:56:55 Camp there for weeks and weeks sort of thing
00:56:57 So the crocs were patting and that sort of thing and that's what they do and that's why you don't fill up water at the same
00:57:02 Place like twice in a row. Oh
00:57:04 Yeah
00:57:06 Do you know anybody that's ever gotten attacked? I know people that have come bloody close. I don't know
00:57:12 Don't know of anyone that's been attacked because they're fucking dead
00:57:16 No, I
00:57:20 Great way to get not fucking worse than here bears are walking across the hand at least that danger there is at the water
00:57:27 Yeah, it's right at the water. So if you go down you need water
00:57:32 Yeah, but yeah, and they could be an inch off shore. They can be and then generally I'll try and fill up water
00:57:40 Behind a tree so there'll be a tree right on the bank and I'll stay behind the tree and try and fill up water
00:57:45 Oh, and then I can dodge. Yeah, I had one I tagged you in it
00:57:51 But I know you hate that shit, but I'm like fuck I'm tagging you anyway
00:57:54 And I'm walking around at night with a torch and like walking through like ankle and knee-deep water
00:58:00 Trying to spot barramundi and I was trying to debunk the myth of
00:58:07 Salt water crocodiles and freshwater crocodiles won't live in the same body of water
00:58:13 You know and that's that so that people are like, oh if you see freshwater crocodiles, there's no saltwater crocodiles
00:58:19 Well, I know that's bullshit. It's a freshwater crocodile smaller. They're smaller. They're not aggressive like that. They can be territorial
00:58:26 They won't eat us for starters. So a fresh he might bite you but he'll let you go
00:58:31 Whereas a salty will bite you and hold on to you and fucking eat you, you know
00:58:35 And then so I'm going around this torch and I'm seeing all these fresh ease
00:58:39 Freshwater crocodiles everywhere and then I hear something moving up like there's sort of rapids below me and I hear something moving through the water
00:58:48 I'm like, oh no, that's not a fucking freshie and I turn around start walking down there and shine the torch and it's yeah
00:58:53 it's a big salty and he's like coming straight up the water towards me and
00:58:56 Yeah, so if I can they do live they do coexist with each other
00:59:00 So if you see a freshie don't think you're safe and jump in for a swim
00:59:03 There could be a bloody salty in there too. So is that just a lack of
00:59:06 People traveling in their area and so they've developed this I think so
00:59:12 I think probably anyone that lives in the NT knows it's a myth, you know, but
00:59:16 Maybe tourists and that don't you know, it's like they're horrible names, right saltwater crocodile lives in freshwater as well
00:59:24 Right, but a freshwater crocodile pretty much just lives in freshwater as far as I know
00:59:28 Yeah, yeah
00:59:33 But
00:59:34 There's a place called car hills crossing up in the Northern Territory
00:59:38 heading out towards a part of Arnhem Land, it might be actually the border of Arnhem Land and
00:59:43 There's so many saltwater crocodiles on that crossing and people come unstuck there all the time because it's tidal, right?
00:59:50 So they'll try and drive across there of a car and get their car will get washed off
00:59:53 And they got to swim back to the bank of all these crocodiles in the water
00:59:57 So it's pretty sketchy, but I still feel like Australia is safer than hunting bloody
01:00:02 Wyoming or somewhere or Montana because of the grizzlies and they're actually on land and can come to your tent anytime they like
01:00:08 Yeah, you know, there's been a lot of discussion about
01:00:12 Removing them from the endangered list. Yeah, okay and putting tags on them, which they really should do
01:00:18 Yes, there's a lot of places where they're overpopulated
01:00:20 I know they're talking about that in Wyoming and there's places in Montana where they're trying to have that discussion
01:00:26 But again you deal with these wildlife activist groups that don't want you doing that and some of those
01:00:31 Litigations and lawsuits and it's a hard push, isn't it?
01:00:34 Because you don't want it the other way where everything's just getting slaughtered, of course
01:00:38 So there has to be a bit of a fight back
01:00:40 But there needs to be some sort of middle ground where it's like oh shit
01:00:42 This is actually going to be better for the elk and deer population and people population
01:00:48 You know and and probably better for the bears as well. You know, you the grizzly just wipe out the black bears
01:00:54 The problem is that this these people that are the wildlife activists
01:00:59 They do not like hunting in any way shape or form and they don't want to give up any ground
01:01:02 You know, I'm gonna send you this Jamie because this is pretty crazy a friend of mine filmed this in
01:01:08 In
01:01:11 California a wolf
01:01:13 That is near Bakersfield. Oh, well, yeah, and he doesn't know how it got there and he suspects that someone released it there
01:01:21 but this was
01:01:24 You know
01:01:26 This is right off of you know a mile or two off of
01:01:31 Highway 5 which is just bananas like that. This thing was there. I'm not a husky. Is it? No, it's a fucking
01:01:37 Love one
01:01:41 So this
01:01:45 I just said it to you
01:01:46 so this friend of mine filmed this from the side of the road a couple years ago and
01:01:52 They think that it's very possible that someone you know, some rogue
01:01:58 Activist group just decided to start releasing wolves. Oh, I'm sure it's a look at that multiple of the whole smokes. Yeah
01:02:05 So this is in
01:02:08 Beautiful-looking animal amazing animal look at his eyes. This is in Central, California
01:02:13 and
01:02:14 You could see he's on Cattleland as a you know, they're filming it and the wolf's aware
01:02:20 They're filming it and you see a cow. Oh the cast
01:02:22 Goes, what are you the cow is no no idea
01:02:25 No idea what a wolf is never seen one before and all sudden there's a wolf there. I'm sure that's happened
01:02:31 Multiple multiple times. I'm sure there's there's a lot of people that think the wolves should be everywhere
01:02:36 Hmm and they don't have cattle and they don't have yeah dogs
01:02:40 They don't live there and they just they're just and they look beautiful. So people like you can't shoot him
01:02:44 You can't hunt him, you know
01:02:45 It's just like I we've spoken about that a few times where it's like I if it's a pig or something ugly
01:02:50 It's like I don't yeah hunt them as much as you like and then it's a beautiful deer and it's like you can't shoot that
01:02:54 I know like come on my own agent said that to me. She was like you should shoot pigs cuz they're ugly like that
01:03:01 So I got the same feelings towards a pig as a beautiful deer and they're good feelings
01:03:07 You know and it's like you as a hunter you understand this as well that it's not like, you know, nah shoot it
01:03:13 I want to kill it. You know, it's not about that at all. No, they're all cool. They are
01:03:16 It's cool that they exist
01:03:17 We're very fortunate that we get to be around them in the wild because it's such a unique moment
01:03:22 When you're around an animal that you know, especially the places that you go probably never seen a person before. Yeah
01:03:28 Yeah, yeah, I come across that a fair bit and I just actually had an accountant with a dingo
01:03:33 wild dog in Australia that had never seen people before and he actually arced up at me like was like barking flat out at me and
01:03:42 Didn't know what I was and then and then I was I pretended to be prey
01:03:46 so I turned and started running away to see what he'd do and he come flying down the bank and like was like
01:03:52 Like coming at me and then he hit hit my scent and then it was a completely different story
01:03:57 Soon as he smelt human he knew it was danger and he spun around and bolted
01:04:01 And he actually there was a little water hole there that he just walked out of like there was wet prints coming out of the water
01:04:07 hole in the half-eaten wallaby
01:04:10 And they were on a killing rampage there these dingoes end up finding three wallabies
01:04:16 One dead that hadn't even been eaten. It just been killed
01:04:19 That one that I was just talking about that a half-eaten
01:04:23 They'd a half eaten another one in the creek and that also killed a wild
01:04:26 Cattle calf and and we're eating that as well all in this one area. They were just cutting sick
01:04:32 How many dingoes do they travel with like in a pack? It depends the first dog that I seen
01:04:40 He was a male and he was by himself and he might be just like a traveling male
01:04:44 But then I've seen packs of 16 to 20 before Wow. Yeah
01:04:49 They could do some damage
01:04:51 They generally always run the other way
01:04:53 And that's why that was a weird encounter like he fully like me and Kim were both walking down the bank in the distri
01:04:59 River and he both will in plain view and just stood his ground on the top of the bank on the other side
01:05:04 Just going off at us. How big are they the size of?
01:05:07 Like
01:05:09 A cattle dog bit bigger than a cattle dog 40 pounds. Yeah, it's 40 pounds. Those dingoes right there. Yeah, they're dingos
01:05:18 So people keep them as pets
01:05:20 These will be in a zoo
01:05:22 Those are in the zoo. Yeah, they'll be some sort of fancy. How they look just like a dog. Yeah, that's what's crazy
01:05:28 Well animal. Oh look at him go. They don't seem like if I saw that I'd be like, oh someone left their dog out here
01:05:33 Oh, yeah
01:05:34 I've seen one in Arnhem land about three years ago that looked like it was crossed with like a Tasmanian tiger
01:05:42 Really? Yeah
01:05:44 It was had this cool back end like with faint stripes on it and a tail and I was like and then my buddy Isaac
01:05:51 Butterfield you met him when I was here last month. Mm-hmm. The big tall comedian, dude. Yeah
01:05:55 We were talking about doing
01:05:58 Like basically a search mission for him throughout Australia doing a series on it
01:06:04 Which I think would be really cool because I haven't been extinct for that long
01:06:08 And there's a lot of remote country in Australia that there's still definitely a possibility that they're out there
01:06:13 So there's a lot of sightings. Yeah, and I do you think that that one with the stripes?
01:06:17 Is that possible that they could be a hybrid? I really don't know
01:06:20 I didn't say too much about it at the time. So I probably shouldn't have fucking mentioned it on JRE
01:06:24 Why would you want to keep that a secret because I didn't know and I don't if it is out there
01:06:30 I really don't want the place getting stampeded with people looking for it
01:06:34 Well, you know people been looking for them for quite a while because there are so many sightings of them of the file scenes
01:06:40 Yeah, you know, I mean, there's a lot of people that go looking for him
01:06:43 There's a lot of people that absolutely believe that they still exist. Yeah, I've there was a Willem Dafoe movie a few years back
01:06:50 Yes, the hunter. Yeah, it was about a guy trying to kill the last style scene. Yeah, I set up a lot of trail cameras and
01:06:59 And like I haven't seen anything on trail camera like that
01:07:03 But then I've never seen a wild dog on trail camera and there's plenty of wild dogs in Australia, right?
01:07:09 and then I did another series of Isaac Butterfield looking for the Black Panther in Australia because they come over as like mascots on the
01:07:15 US ships and then when I think when they were told to like put them down as in like
01:07:20 Don't bring them back. They didn't want to put them down like these these soldiers had these animals near him every day
01:07:27 That they kicked them off on the mainland of Australia
01:07:29 And then so we did this Black Panther one and I set up a couple of trail cameras
01:07:34 And obviously we never got any photos of a Black Panther and then you know Isaac's like do you think they're real then?
01:07:40 I'm like, well, there's koalas here
01:07:42 There's deer species here in the mountains. There's wild dogs in the mountains. There's possums in the mountains
01:07:48 There's all these things that definitely exist right there and there's no photos of them, right?
01:07:53 So it's like everyone haven't scouting cameras. Yeah, they really doesn't prove that there's no Tasmanian tiger
01:07:59 No, there's so much land, you know, there's only so many cameras. You'd have to get so for a hundred percent
01:08:05 Yeah, but that's the argument the Bigfoot people used to them
01:08:08 Those people are lost I'm sure there's been other species that we
01:08:18 Haven't discovered probably inked or maybe not extinct. So there's hope for something like that
01:08:24 well, especially when you get to places like
01:08:26 some some of these intense
01:08:29 Dense jungle rainforests or you know, like what how much of that's been explored? Yeah. Yeah, you know
01:08:35 I remember watching a documentary about a man who spent his entire
01:08:39 career looking for the giant sloth in the Amazon because it used to exist and there's been a bunch of indigenous people that have
01:08:47 Told stories about encountering these giant sloths
01:08:49 Yeah
01:08:50 So this guy was absolutely convinced that these sloths were there and he was kind of banking his career on and it wasn't working out
01:08:56 And you can see the desperation in him. He was just realizing like what have I done with my life?
01:09:01 Yeah, I might be looking for something that actually doesn't exist
01:09:05 It's this yeah, you know these people would tell him stories about is like this guy could be bullshitting me cuz I'm some fucking white
01:09:11 Dork, yeah, you know the Pacific Northwest or wherever the fuck he's from. Yeah, you know looking in the Amazon for a
01:09:17 There's some really interesting
01:09:19 aboriginal paintings
01:09:22 That there's so many the same that you're like it was that a creature that existed
01:09:26 That we haven't found the bounds the bones for that, you know, or that's still roaming that we haven't seen, you know
01:09:33 Like what I I don't know. They're real weird like tall
01:09:37 Tall animals and yeah, there's just it's just like why did they paint that over and you know
01:09:43 That's like there's 700 dialects of the aboriginal language. So there's a lot of different
01:09:47 Mobs of aboriginal people, you know, so and it's like but why did they paint that there and they painted the same painting there and
01:09:55 Maybe they never even got along with each other or communicated for them both to the same drawing, you know
01:10:01 And then I watched that Graham Hancock documentary, which was friggin brilliant to watch
01:10:07 And I started actually thinking because they're starting to really date back
01:10:11 some
01:10:13 extreme
01:10:15 aboriginal
01:10:17 Civilizations now in Australia that I don't know if Graham's ever been to Australia, you know
01:10:22 see and witness it and study it but love for him to come out at some point, but
01:10:27 There's every chance that those animals existed, you know, but we just haven't found them yet
01:10:33 And I was talking to Jamie when I first got here about that that boneyard in in Alaska
01:10:39 Yeah
01:10:39 where they're digging all that and it's just like like what's next and they just they keep finding stuff that just seems to date back
01:10:46 Date back. I've seen he's found these ancient bones that have saw marks on them
01:10:51 With it. Yeah, you haven't seen that yet. No. Oh my god, very clear
01:10:55 markings like it sounds like
01:10:58 Sawed through where it seems like there was a mass extinction event that happened and it's documented. Look at that
01:11:06 Holy smokes. Yeah, not just one sounds like they sound it like they waste pit. No, not necessarily
01:11:13 No, because they've found things that are there that they didn't look these found multiple. Oh, he's smart
01:11:19 This is very recent. Now. Here's what's crazy. The saw supposedly was only invented 5,000 years ago
01:11:24 Oh, well, and a lot of these things he's dating. They're way older than 5,000
01:11:29 I was 10 some team looks like someone was hunting and hunting sick
01:11:32 Yeah, not only that but someone who had access to a saw and they were getting the marrow out of these mammoth bones
01:11:37 which is nuts man, that's and there's
01:11:40 carvings on them they found
01:11:42 Short face bear skulls. They found the the skulls of cats that weren't even supposed to be in Alaska
01:11:49 Oh, he's found a bunch of species that weren't even supposed to have it. This is so cool
01:11:53 Oh man, John Reeves is the fucking man and his his place that he's got there is insane
01:12:00 It's absolutely insane. It's so filled with animals and a very thick carbon layer
01:12:06 Look at these Bison has there. Did you see the one that we have out front? Yeah, I did. Yeah, I'll study
01:12:11 Yeah, I have to find a university that I can send that to and get it carbon-dating. Oh, yeah, cool
01:12:17 I'll say but you don't know exact dates of any of he has some
01:12:20 And he just sent some of those bones that have been sawed. He sent some of those to be carbon dated
01:12:26 Yeah, so he's gonna find out within the next few months. This is gonna be really interesting
01:12:29 Fascinating because if they're older than 5,000 years ago, okay now we have
01:12:33 Historical evidence that predates the invention of the saw because whatever those things are cut with that's a saw
01:12:40 Yeah, I mean it's a smooth clean cut and it looks like human beings did it to try to get access to the marrow marrow
01:12:46 Yeah, yeah, it sounds like the original butcher shop. Yeah. Well the area that he's at though
01:12:52 because of the thick carbon layer
01:12:55 What what he thinks when he's listened to Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock discuss discuss the Younger Dryas impact theory
01:13:03 He thinks he's in an area that got hit right and that these things died off
01:13:08 Instantly that there was you know a large
01:13:10 Area where they existed in and he's fine finding
01:13:15 Hundreds and hundreds of these animals in a small area the area is only like six acres Wow
01:13:22 Well one of them is six acres and the one that he's currently digging at is four acres
01:13:28 So there's there's multiple areas where they what they do is they're blasting water into the permafrost
01:13:34 Yeah, so they have like a cliffside and they're blasting water into this permafrost
01:13:38 Then they'll see a woman woolly mammoth tusk well, and if you've ever seen his the the documentation that he has on his Instagram
01:13:45 He's got warehouses filled with mammoth bones and this guy must be one of the most exciting people there is
01:13:52 Can you imagine just like blasting a wall me like what's that come and see yeah?
01:13:56 Well, he's so fucking cool, but the other thing that he's
01:13:59 Documented is that the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan dumped these bones in the East River
01:14:05 So they had these guys go out and he announced it on the podcast
01:14:09 He told everybody where it would be and these guys went out there and they find mammoth bones
01:14:13 They found mammoth bones in the East River
01:14:16 You know they found these fifteen thousand twenty thousand year old bones that are at the bottom of the East River that were dumped there
01:14:22 By the museum how long ago the 20s the 30s
01:14:26 Far yeah far out, so that's one that they just found so they found that in the East River
01:14:32 He's gonna gift it to me. Yeah
01:14:34 You're gonna enough gifts in here
01:14:40 Dope to have that one because the reason why those guys were there is because he announced it on the podcast and so they have it
01:14:46 Zip-tied because it's cracked
01:14:48 But that thing was at the bottom of the fucking East River, which is just absolutely amazing
01:14:53 But but John because you know he's a gold miner
01:14:58 And so his land that he has up there is originally for gold mining
01:15:02 But along the way he's found a fucking fortune in mammoth bones, and it's such an extraordinary area
01:15:09 So okay this gets more interesting
01:15:12 Here's a picture of one of the straight cut bones still frozen beneath ice wedge and the frozen muck about 50 to 60 feet below
01:15:17 the surface
01:15:19 So who knows how many?
01:15:21 thousands of years of
01:15:23 Ground is covering those things and because it's permafrost
01:15:27 They're able to get these things out completely preserved
01:15:31 It's so so interesting and just the fact that this is very small area
01:15:38 That he's finding these things. I'm walking around all the time like look
01:15:41 I've never found anything like that, but yeah, I'm just constantly looking for something like that. That's undiscovered
01:15:47 You know it's like without going out of my way like I'm just doing it while I'm hunting, but so the Aborigines did they use?
01:15:53 bone or
01:15:57 Rock for arrowheads do they have that so they they didn't need our bows and arrows so that was never discovered
01:16:03 I didn't have a need for it because I was so efficient with spears
01:16:07 Boomerang so boomerangs were basically for hunting flocks of birds so a big flock of birds would take off so very
01:16:13 suited for Australian conditions big flocks of birds boomerang spears were you know your wallabies kangaroos things like that I
01:16:22 Believe a lot of the spears were just a hardened timberhead
01:16:27 So like over a fire and hardened up
01:16:30 Yeah, I'd have to look into it more
01:16:32 I don't want to say the wrong thing, but I'm sure there was cases where they did use stones
01:16:37 We're gonna come right back, so I gotta take a leak, but we're back sweet, and we're back. We're back. We're back
01:16:41 One of the things we were talking about last time you were here was that when you you explained that there's?
01:16:47 700 different languages that these Aborigines have and that a mob that's what they call like a tribe a mob of Aborigines
01:16:57 Could be just ten kilometers away from another mob. Yes, so one community to the next they don't know what the other people are saying
01:17:05 Yeah, they wouldn't know their language. We're just crazy. It is crazy. Yeah, and then
01:17:09 Like imagine that many different countries inside of America right like there'd be so much conflict
01:17:16 So a lot of these communities had conflict with one another and then certain amounts of them were actually pushed off the land
01:17:23 Has it become you know farmland or whatever it might have been and have now been pushed into like communities?
01:17:30 Where there's all these other separate countries essentially dialects
01:17:35 That have got a now coexist and like they've been at war with one another since the dawn of their time. You know so it's like
01:17:43 Pretty full-on when you think about it like that and then the other thing that's really hard is how do they teach that in schools?
01:17:51 Where there's 700 different dialects are these and they're not documented these dial a lot of them are a lot of them
01:17:58 Dying out with the people
01:18:01 Unfortunately Wow yeah, yeah, it's a shame this thing that you were saying about these cave paintings that show these animals
01:18:09 Can you can we find those you probably could yeah?
01:18:12 I'm sure there's something documented on the net more than me just saying they look similar. I'm sure there's something like that
01:18:20 But like whether they're a spiritual
01:18:23 Person or animal or being is is hard to say, but you know you hear stories about
01:18:29 The hairy people and things like that like like that ain't people I
01:18:34 Australian yeah, really skinny Darth Vader we put the Western word on it
01:18:43 What is it yeah, we yeah, we like your Bigfoot oh?
01:18:49 So did they whoa what is that image? That's the yaoi?
01:18:53 So this is like the bloody devil ate something that
01:18:58 So these and there's more wow there's more than one of these yeah
01:19:03 Huh?
01:19:06 This thing that they what are they showing?
01:19:09 Yeah, look at the similarity in them Wow
01:19:16 Isn't that cool and what are those things to the left of it like what is that thing I?
01:19:20 Don't know like what are all those things looks like a
01:19:26 giant ball floating with a string attached to it like
01:19:30 But there's so many scroll back down again Jamie. There's so many similar images of these long armed creatures
01:19:38 with four fingers
01:19:42 Well that amazing I do they know how old these paintings, I'm sure they do know some of them
01:19:48 But there's so there's like this
01:19:53 artifacts going back 70,000 years now
01:19:57 Yeah, what is that thing so and there was like big big
01:20:05 Like events in the last 10,000 years as in like media strikes and things like that so it's quite interesting isn't it?
01:20:13 Yeah, there was a big one. That's detailed off the coast of Australia around 5,000 years ago like look at these things how weird
01:20:20 Look at their heads
01:20:23 Aliens Joe yeah, right yeah, so like yeah, I
01:20:29 Think there's even some paintings of like
01:20:33 Like spaceships real or what you would consider as spaceships
01:20:37 Now did the Aborigines do they have a history of the use of psychedelics
01:20:46 Take it there yeah, well, I guess because there was a lot of bush medicine
01:20:52 That they used so you know whatever the side effects could have been of that look at those fun. Yeah
01:20:59 Like look how many there is bush medicine like what does that mean?
01:21:03 like just natural
01:21:06 Herbs you know natural things that you know might be the sap of a tree it might be leaves boiled up
01:21:14 It might be some sort of nut
01:21:16 Australian rock art maybe the oldest in the world
01:21:20 Does it actually say how old look how 60,000 years fucking yeah
01:21:27 60,000 years ago, and they look like aliens. I mean those look at incredible giant black eyes huge heads
01:21:33 That looks exactly like the classic gray alien
01:21:37 Some paintings might also mean something else so like I know we're looking at those as faces, right?
01:21:44 so one of my company's logos is it's a bunch of dots and
01:21:52 The words Nalia, which is in the Nalumar language, which is like the community that I'm there in the Nalumar language
01:22:00 It means like people come together to create a community
01:22:04 And then so those those drawings that we just looked at
01:22:08 Could also be similar to that like there's two communities that are coming together
01:22:12 The line in the middle might mean this is their land which could be a ridgeline
01:22:17 You know so your lands area lands here, and then the circle the whole circle around it could actually mean the world or
01:22:23 Community everything together so even though it looks like a face it could actually mean something a lot different right?
01:22:30 And that's one of the difficulties in Australia with teaching
01:22:33 The traditional peoples past is there's so much to it
01:22:39 And there's so much that's not understood from one community to the other so it does make it very difficult
01:22:45 But it's sad that it is getting lost well
01:22:48 When you're dealing with 700 different languages and people that have lived in this area for 60 plus thousand years
01:22:55 I mean that is crazy. I mean how much work is being done to document all this stuff. I don't really know
01:23:02 They've a lot of these communities are very remote, so I don't know how much help there actually is for them
01:23:10 I don't know how much how many people can go to a place like that to document it
01:23:15 I don't know how many people actually qualified to document it either so
01:23:19 Yeah, it is very difficult, and do they have a written language when it comes to this yeah, I believe so yeah
01:23:26 Yeah, so there's 700 written languages. I don't know about written language really
01:23:32 Because it's one thing to speak a language because that's what you know, but what reason do they have to write it down right?
01:23:40 Do they have an alphabet like we do or do we do they share the alphabet I?
01:23:46 Don't believe so
01:23:48 Whoa yeah, I don't know enough to say too much, but I don't want to offend these people you know right
01:23:54 And I'm definitely no expert on it
01:23:56 I can only give you you know what I do know and what I've heard and right and learn it myself
01:24:01 But I think a part of the struggle in Australia with Aboriginal culture is that it's not a written language
01:24:09 So like how can it be passed on to someone else you're either in the family and you grew up listening to the language and understand
01:24:16 It right you know or you don't so or you don't yeah, and then we might lose it forever
01:24:22 Yeah, I'm sure when you're talking about 60,000 years old and said over 700 different dialect. Oh, that's a fucking dinosaur
01:24:29 Yeah, wow whoa?
01:24:31 It's apparently called a yaroo, or it's a very close
01:24:36 Representation of a place see a sore I think as well just yeah
01:24:39 Wow isn't it fascinating and how old is that so I mean some tradition
01:24:45 Whoa?
01:24:48 Yeah, that's fucking crazy getting adrenaline rush
01:24:53 Wow
01:24:57 They have drawings of fucking dinosaurs amazing I this is where I was getting there
01:25:04 I
01:25:06 Lot of versions of that I was trying to track a lot of different versions of a place you saw just so like
01:25:11 It looks like one
01:25:12 Yeah, I don't know which was the original reprieve or picture from this, but it's in color in some places
01:25:16 And it's being talked about and other
01:25:18 Different parts of the internet. I'll just leave it look at that one. This is the ancient history of UFOs one over here
01:25:25 Yeah, look at that fucking. What is what is that that looks like a person or some thing?
01:25:30 It was a dozen of ever yeah very what we're looking at yeah, but just you just got a wonder like with these people tripping balls
01:25:37 Maybe they had a dream time
01:25:40 Which sounds like it would have been like their traditional religion?
01:25:44 Have you seen these up close these not those as I said some of these yeah?
01:25:49 Yeah, there. There's a part. There's a place in Western Australia
01:25:53 Where there's over 70 this is just on a peninsula on the coast there's over
01:25:59 70,000
01:26:00 Thousand rock art pieces just on that part of the coast
01:26:04 70,000 and the story is that there was people that lived on the mainland on the coast
01:26:11 This is the Pilbara region of Western Australia, and then there was people that lived on the islands so the dampy archipelago's
01:26:18 40 odd islands, I think just off the coast and there was another community of people that lived on the islands
01:26:25 I think they called them like the boat people or the canoe people or something like that because they traveled from island island and canoes
01:26:31 And they looked and talked and acted so much different than the people on the mainland
01:26:37 That when these canoe people used to come towards the mainland the people on the mainland would clear out of there
01:26:42 Like would leave that's how
01:26:45 Freaky these other people were to them. It's like so fascinating to think about I
01:26:50 What does that mean? I don't know what did these people look like no idea, but the fact that there was 70 over 70,000
01:26:57 Rock-arts on the mainland that says that there was a lot of people on the mainland and they would clear out of there when these
01:27:03 Canoe people would come it's insane
01:27:06 Wow, yeah, what was canoe people? I don't know I just I wish there was a video
01:27:12 I wish there was something of it's like sucks not to go back, but it's cool
01:27:16 That we can't go back right. It's ancient. Yeah, but it is so interesting that they were so different
01:27:23 That these people would be like what the fuck we got to get out of here these things are different than us. Yeah
01:27:28 Yeah, they must have
01:27:31 Must have been so much so foreign to all look they have images of the things
01:27:35 These could be 50 to 70,000 years old
01:27:44 50 to 70 imagine getting in a fucking canoe 50 to 70,000 years ago anyway across the ocean and some hollowed-out log
01:27:51 Why where's that from?
01:27:54 So what the Kimberley's Australia, so that's Northern Australia, and it shows deer yeah, that's what I'm curious about because yeah
01:28:05 Dear obviously introduced species to Australia so that what was there animals that was deer like
01:28:11 That's
01:28:13 What's craziest if they're introduced what was deer like in Australia if it wasn't them
01:28:20 That is insane that's so cool to look at so are there any deer that are native to Australia no deer at all
01:28:29 No deer at all
01:28:31 So what the fuck is that that's if Australia didn't have introduced species
01:28:35 It would be the most fucking boring
01:28:37 Countryside in the universe is it possible that there was something like that 50 60 thousand years ago
01:28:44 I just wiped him out or something or a hundred percent asteroid wiped him out
01:28:48 There's no like the fact that no bones have been discovered from it right you really don't know but like we need a John Reeves over
01:28:55 There with a hose yeah, we do, but you don't have permafrost. No. We don't know yeah, so you have to start digging
01:29:00 How would you even find it?
01:29:01 I don't know and and how they perished over that time right considering the interior of Australia's all desert right you know
01:29:08 Yeah, so yeah quite interesting
01:29:10 No, it's an amazing place, and it is amazing that it's one of the few places that doesn't have a native deer species
01:29:18 Yeah, it's got all weird species like imagine never seen a kangaroo and seen it for the first time right like this thing hopping around
01:29:25 Like Joey in its pouch standing up. Yeah like what the fuck what the fuck and even an emu
01:29:30 You know like it's got all the weird species
01:29:33 Yeah, and all the weird species that have got no appeal to be hunted and then we've introduced deer and pigs and goats and bloody
01:29:40 Camels and donkeys and everything else that's just fried to kangaroo. You can eat. I've had kangaroo. You can eat kangaroo
01:29:45 It's very lean it's delicious. So there's a market for a kangaroo in Australia now
01:29:50 Yeah, yeah, which is like odd that we're eating our bloody emblem. You know it is odd. Yeah
01:29:58 Yeah, well at certain places eagles are like pigeons like you go to Alaska eagles are everywhere
01:30:03 Yeah, and New Zealand's the same. It's like yeah, and so New Zealand's really got no predators
01:30:09 I think they got like a stout like a little ferret
01:30:12 You know which picks on a lot of ground nesting birds and stuff like that
01:30:15 That's it, but they don't have you know that there's no bloody bears running around or you know anything like that
01:30:21 Well the Europeans brought over animals to New Zealand to turn New Zealand into a hunting paradise, right?
01:30:26 That was like when was it the 1800s?
01:30:29 Filthy filthy rich dream like let's just turn this whole island into a hunting Mecca
01:30:35 That sounds like what a really rich person would do way back then
01:30:38 Royalty yeah, just have the ability to do like get a boat. Yeah, feed up a stag
01:30:43 I've seen the images of
01:30:46 Like the tar getting taken up to I think it might have been the top of Mount Cook in
01:30:52 Like a trolley system on wires. You know like they they went all out to get them to where they wanted them. You know
01:30:58 So great, and it started with bugger all of them, and just they've just thrived
01:31:02 Yeah, New Zealand's doing the same thing as Australia where they just you know the helicopter hull Cullen them
01:31:08 And you know right but on a red academ are they around trying to eradicate?
01:31:12 Oh, yeah, which is which is a shame because New Zealand's got a really good hunting culture as well
01:31:17 So yeah, that's what it's shocking. Yeah like obviously if numbers get too far out of control
01:31:22 Yeah, sure, but trying to eradicate the whole species
01:31:24 It's just yeah ridiculous. I was telling someone about
01:31:27 Just I think it might have been just yesterday
01:31:30 About I was actually in New Zealand. I was climbing a mountain
01:31:34 I don't know if I told this story here or not and like I had to like
01:31:38 I had ice spikes on and ice axe to get up there, and I shot a bull tar and
01:31:43 As I was up there
01:31:46 I heard something and looked up and could see all this snow and ice flicking up in the air
01:31:49 And then I've seen a friggin tar like full doing cartwheels through the air falling off the mountain
01:31:54 And I had to grapple to the mountain to make sure it wasn't going to hit me
01:31:58 And this tar fell down the bottom I end up getting down the bottom
01:32:01 She was dead already like she'd splattered on the rocks
01:32:04 But I end up putting another two out of their miseries that had broken had broken legs
01:32:08 And it's just like you hardly ever see nature slip up like that right you know
01:32:13 And it's just but this day the Sun come out melted that top layer of snow
01:32:17 Then it come over freezing cold, so it was just like
01:32:19 Slick ice up on the mountain and then so that they'll fall off and quite a few of them in the end so
01:32:26 Yeah, pretty New Zealand's like you know you people always ask me like what's the most scariest place to hunt you know?
01:32:33 And it's like fucking New Zealand. It doesn't even have scary animals
01:32:35 Did you break your leg up there and have to get helicopter down? I actually fractured my spine
01:32:40 I
01:32:42 Haven't told that story. That's how long it's been it's been bloody five years since I did a podcast
01:32:47 I think that was year for four years ago
01:32:51 Yeah, I was on a hunt like I climbed in over a couple of days up the mountain like started from the bottom climbed up
01:32:58 The top I was chasing
01:33:00 Shammy you know shammy mm-hmm
01:33:02 Yeah, I was chasing shammy which had like regarded as one of the hardest animals to harvest with a bow
01:33:06 And they're not necessarily a hard animal stalk. They're just hard to get to
01:33:10 But really cool hunt good really good eaten. You know great experience, and I think I end up killing a shammy on
01:33:18 day-4 and
01:33:21 The weather was rolling in right really bad, and I actually climbed into a you know pretty horrible spot
01:33:26 But I was confident in doing it because I was always going to get a helicopter out
01:33:30 You know like get an animal on the ground
01:33:32 Process it pack up camp call in a helicopter and get the helicopter back off the mountain because going down can be pretty risky
01:33:39 it's it it always feels safer going up than actually coming down with a bunch of weight on your backpack and
01:33:44 I looked at the weather had a GPS on me
01:33:49 Which could tell me the weather and I looked at the weather and it was coming in really bad for like the next four or
01:33:54 Five days was forecast
01:33:56 So I called the helicopter in a little bit early, but they're like hey
01:34:00 There's a there's a gap in the weather we can come and pick you up right now
01:34:03 And I'm like yeah look look let's get it done
01:34:06 I was pretty keen to get off the mountain
01:34:07 I was only like camped on this tiny little
01:34:10 spot like a tiny little flat spot that just sort of fit the tent and
01:34:14 Like me coming out the front of it and the back of it was just like sheer cliff for like 200 yards straight down
01:34:20 Yeah, it was pretty pretty sketchy spot, but the weather was still good. I felt comfortable there
01:34:25 I can hear the helicopter coming in and as the helicopters coming in these
01:34:29 Fucking horrible clouds just start rolling in like at my height
01:34:34 And I hear the helicopter coming in coming in, but it sounds like it's friggin below me
01:34:39 And I've just got me sleeping not me sleeping bag out me mattress because it's bright orange to flag them down in like the clouds
01:34:46 So I've walked onto the far side of the tent and I can just every now and then see these lights
01:34:52 Flashing and they're like a hundred yards below me flying in the clouds
01:34:56 And I hear this chopper like coming in I'm like it's gonna
01:34:59 It's I thought it was gonna smash straight into the mountain and you see him coming in coming in like I mean
01:35:04 It's like sheer rock straight below me and the helicopters below me
01:35:07 And then they seen that they were about to fly into the rock wall and then they pulled back and then I just heard him leave
01:35:13 And I'm like fuck. I'm here now for the next four or five days
01:35:16 What sucked was in the panic of them saying yeah, we're coming to pick you up now
01:35:22 I packed up and got super wet like packing up in the snow was starting to drizzle out of them clouds
01:35:28 So I was already wet my sleeving bag was wet. Everything was wet from packing up. I'm like shit
01:35:33 there's I probably should start hiking out and then so I looked at my GPS and
01:35:37 It looked at the time like it was a pretty gradual climb all the way down into this Creek
01:35:45 Like so there's a glacier up above me and it's been melting forever
01:35:48 However many years and it's carved out like a bit of a creek
01:35:52 And so it looks safe and then I started climbing down and the first I don't know two hours
01:35:59 wasn't too bad like it was pretty gradual like bit of rock hopping and slippery stuff and
01:36:03 I had one little leap to do it was like
01:36:08 Two and a half meters or a meter down
01:36:11 Onto a rock to go out to this next rock and it was like there was a big glacier pool below me
01:36:17 And it sounds weird, but you calculate and everything as you go on, you know
01:36:20 So it's like this is the best place to jump down because if I did fall at least I'm landing in water
01:36:25 And and that's just a two-second process in your head, you know
01:36:29 And that that's happening all day like that
01:36:31 There's never a point that you can switch off in that country like you're constantly on the ball
01:36:36 Otherwise, that's when you're gonna come unstuck
01:36:38 Anyway, what I didn't realize was the rock that I was jumping down onto
01:36:42 Had actually quite a bit of a slope to it and it had like clear ice a layer of clear ice on it
01:36:48 You gotta remember I've got this shammy in my backpack and
01:36:51 Friggin a wet wet everything because I packed up in the wet
01:36:55 So the pack weighs a lot and it weighs a lot anyway, because you're going back for like 14 days
01:36:59 Man, I hit this rock and my feet come on out from under me that fast
01:37:04 It like it was just like full chest weight on the rock bang
01:37:07 Started sliding off the rock backwards. So I'm on my stomach sliding backwards legs going first
01:37:13 And I slide off the back of that rock and I got a heavy backpack on so it just pulled me
01:37:18 I just started plumbing and down to this ice-cold water and like
01:37:22 back neck first
01:37:25 And I just remember hitting the water it pulled me all the way under like it like it was a good enough fall probably six
01:37:30 Seven meters down into it from that where the rocks lit off and it pulled me under
01:37:35 I just remember my breath getting sucked out of me like like I mean like it's
01:37:39 Crystal clear like that blue water straight off a glacier and it ripped me down
01:37:45 And then sort of I struggled to come back up get to the surface and by the time I got to the surface
01:37:50 It was flowing pretty hard
01:37:52 It was pushing me into one of the drainage chutes
01:37:55 From it and then so I hit this drainage chute sort of scramble and trying to grab on and then it pulled me down legs
01:38:01 First as well like down into the chute in the next lot of water
01:38:04 Then by the time I got to that point there was no there was no going back up
01:38:09 There was no chance I could go back up because it's dropped me into a spot where I wasn't on the sides of the bank
01:38:15 Anymore, I was stuck in this glacier
01:38:17 melt and
01:38:19 Then I end up getting out of there and I got to the next point there was like a big tree like falling down in
01:38:25 The water there's no trees on the side
01:38:26 It's just whatever's been washed down over the years like a big stump and I end up wrapping my hand around that my arm around that
01:38:32 Get to my legs and then like weighed twice as much again because now everything's you know
01:38:38 full of water and soaked
01:38:40 You know the pack on yeah
01:38:41 I still got the pack on and then and then I got like got up on the rock then it's just like one rock in
01:38:46 All this water and then it's a fucking long story. So I'll probably skip a few bits
01:38:52 But I end up like fighting with it for the rest of the day
01:38:56 And then I end up falling over another two times one time. I actually had to volunteer to jump
01:39:04 I had nowhere to go
01:39:05 I was just like stuck in this little canyon in the water and I literally had to
01:39:09 come up with the guts to be like jump into the next water chute, which is just like a
01:39:14 Slide cut out of the rocks from the water running down there for fucking millions of years
01:39:18 And I've still got my backpack on I can't leave nothing because that could be what saves me at the end of the day
01:39:24 I've got a sleeping bag or other clothes in there. I got meat from the chamois. I still I had this skin from the chamois
01:39:32 I still had everything in there and
01:39:34 I
01:39:36 Like have you ever done anything where you fucking like probably got to convince yourself to do it because like I was I
01:39:43 Didn't know if that was gonna kill me going to the next step or if that was gonna save my life
01:39:47 And then so you're calculating all that and then having to have the guts actually jump into the next chute of water and go down
01:39:53 Man, I fucking I just remember just fucking doing it and I jumped perfect. I landed on the backpack
01:39:58 I put all the weight on the backpack
01:40:00 Sleeted into the next bit just like pump with adrenaline, right?
01:40:03 so I'm not even feeling the cold at this point because adrenaline is just going sick and
01:40:07 I end up going down a bit further and then I could just hear this like deafening sound of water
01:40:14 And I'm like fuck me dead like what next because constantly it seemed to be like what next what next what's next?
01:40:21 And I hear this deafening sound of water and I get to the fucking edge and it's like three four hundred yards
01:40:27 Straight straight down. Oh my god, and it's just like like then it was like no, there's no going any further
01:40:33 You're like to go further is definitely deaf. You need to work something out here, you know
01:40:38 And it got to the point it takes a lot of courage to even be like I need someone to save me
01:40:44 like at least for me because I've all like I've always you know, like it's it's
01:40:49 The way that you're brought up the will the way that I was brought up because you know
01:40:54 I've never had the father figure in my life. I didn't have any of that. So it was always everything I do I do for myself
01:41:00 That's why I never usually ask people for help. This is the biggest ask for help there fucking is
01:41:05 Right, and it's pressing the SOS button on the emergency device, you know, and it's like and I sat there for 20 minutes and
01:41:12 still pump with adrenaline over that time now fuck like getting adrenaline talking about it now and
01:41:20 Then realizing there's fucking definitely no way off here. It's time to hit the button
01:41:25 Like this is where you don't get to see your family again
01:41:27 Or you don't get to do any of this again or live life
01:41:30 You need to hit the button and just fucking like still hitting the button hurt and you got to hold it in for like 10
01:41:35 Or 20 seconds. It was fucking the longest 10 seconds of my life and
01:41:38 Like at this point I've taken the backpack off
01:41:41 I took a jacket off because it was just so fucking heavy and wet
01:41:45 And it's sitting there and I'm holding the button in for like 10 seconds and it's like then it's like SOS, you know
01:41:52 And it's like oh shit
01:41:54 And then but there's no reply to it or anything like that at that point
01:41:58 It's it sort of just says the signal successful as in scent and that's about it
01:42:04 And it's getting light and I'm like I need to set up some sort of camp
01:42:08 I need to go for my pack. See what I can use like what's gonna work out here and I pull me pack out
01:42:15 And then like I've only got a spot that's like the size of one body laying down to even stand on in this area
01:42:21 And it's barely flat
01:42:23 The only thing that's kept it flat is the trees falling off from up at the alpine
01:42:28 Tops at some point in its life falling down there and then all the shale and rock that's fallen off these big washouts
01:42:35 With the water has like leaned up against that big stump. So it's like laid out a flat bit and
01:42:41 I could fit about
01:42:44 Three quarters of a little one-person ten on there. And so I set the ten up there. I
01:42:49 set the
01:42:52 Mattress that I was telling you that I was trying to flag down the helicopter
01:42:55 We if I'd set that just on there that just sat on there
01:42:58 And then I pulled the sleeping bag out and it was fucking soaked
01:43:01 like the sleeping bag was drenched and I'm like, it's still gonna be something and
01:43:05 Went for the rest of me pack
01:43:08 I pulled the shammy
01:43:09 Skin out and sort of laid that they're hoping it'd give me some warmth as well. And I've like stripped down then
01:43:15 All the like bigger layers to try and get that off me and I climbed in this wet cold sleeping bag
01:43:22 Which is the worst feeling fucking ever in that situation
01:43:25 Like you do you start you're starting to think like this is this is the end this might be deaf
01:43:30 And I climbed in there. I was trying to get warm and then I kept looking at that signal by my phone
01:43:36 Like it's through my phone
01:43:39 My phone it's usually through my phone. Sorry. My phone had already died
01:43:43 So it's just for the little device and remember the old phones how you had to go for the fucking alphabet on them to type a
01:43:48 Message I thought I'm trying to type a message to my buddy. That was keeping tabs on me as all this was happening and
01:43:55 And the message just went out as in I need help and he like I like I've been around this dude for forever
01:44:01 He's one of my best friends. So he knows what I'm like
01:44:03 He he knows if I'm like I fucking need help that it's not good, you know and that message
01:44:09 I didn't know if it went out or not. I had to turn it off because I had like four or five percent in it
01:44:15 So I shut it down
01:44:17 Anyway, I'm laying in there laying in there and then obviously the adrenaline's coming off and I think I dozed off
01:44:25 For a little while. It might have been 40 minutes or so. It's like a power nap and
01:44:30 I woke up and my body was just quivering flat out like like it from fucking deep in it was just
01:44:37 quivering flat out and
01:44:40 That feels like death
01:44:42 That probably that actually it scared me because I like I couldn't stop
01:44:47 I was just fucking quivering flat out like hyper like my core was trying to warm back up
01:44:52 Yeah
01:44:52 And it took me to took me a little while to think about that because I shut I end up shutting myself down
01:44:57 I stopped myself shaking and then I was like you fucking idiot. That's exactly what your body's supposed to do
01:45:03 It's trying to warm up and then I sort of loosened up again
01:45:06 It started shaking and then I went to move this arm and this leg and they wouldn't move
01:45:11 Like I couldn't move them and then I was like, ah shit like as in the adrenaline
01:45:15 It was from that first fall I think or it was from the jump that I did
01:45:19 I don't know if I'd bruised it. I don't know if it's about
01:45:25 Nearly hypothermic. I don't know what really happened there
01:45:28 I just I just couldn't move that leg and I couldn't move this arm. So then that scared me a bit, too
01:45:33 and I started thinking about Kim and the kids and like like shook me up and
01:45:37 Then and I got teary as well, which was weird because then I fucking warmed up
01:45:42 Like when all that happened, I was starting to warm up
01:45:45 Anyway, I tried to sleep. You can't sleep here in a wet sleeping bag. It's free like everything's fucking frozen around you
01:45:51 There's fucking rocks rolling from the top of the fucking mountain down into the river that what the creek that's now turned into a river
01:45:58 There's rocks rolling down there. You listen to that all night. There's like smaller debris and rocks hitting the tent
01:46:03 It's just like and you can't move because I'm on a pad this big
01:46:07 Anyway, I don't even know how but the morning came at some point. I got up turn the GPS back on
01:46:15 No, there was no message. No nothing. So I hit the SOS one last time and I held it in nothing nothing
01:46:21 I
01:46:22 think I
01:46:23 Sat around for the first couple of hours of morning like just holding me chest and stuff like that trying to get warm again
01:46:29 And I got to the point and it's like no one's coming for you
01:46:34 like
01:46:35 it's fucking on you and that was the best thing that happened to me because it was almost like I hit the
01:46:40 Button and it was almost like a give up as in like, oh someone's coming for me. It's fine
01:46:44 You know and then it wasn't till I realized and said to myself no one's fucking coming
01:46:50 Just fucking get up and do something and I was like, I'm fucking gonna start a fire
01:46:55 Even if it takes me half a day at least this is turning. Let's try and start a fire
01:47:01 Let's do something, you know like fucking stay in it
01:47:03 And then so I started pulling all the different rubbish out of me bag that I carried from the trip
01:47:08 I started piling that up. There's like no branches or anything around
01:47:14 so then I'm back at that tree where my tent was and I'm trying to carve into that tree like to try and get into
01:47:20 The middle of it try and find some dry because you know, it's been raining for you know a day and a half now
01:47:25 Maybe even longer down low because I descended so far down and then I'm trying to get in there and I'm like
01:47:32 I'll burn the tent. I'll burn what else can I burn?
01:47:35 You know, I started thinking about all the things that I can burn
01:47:37 I'm like, yeah, if you're here for another night, you can't that you can't burn any of that, right?
01:47:42 So I left the tent set up left the shammy skin in there
01:47:45 And then I just got it to the point where I was like I could probably start a fire now
01:47:50 It's not gonna last long because there's no wood on it. It's just all you know trash that I had in my bag and
01:47:55 Then I started thinking what else can I do? I'm like, you know, I'm gonna build a fucking helicopter pad because there was no
01:48:01 You know, it's all shit like no commercial helicopter could live that land there
01:48:06 Only a rescue helicopter at that point could pick me up from where I was because they you know
01:48:11 They could drop down a rope and lift me up
01:48:13 But if I build an actual pad, I knew once the weather cleared I could just call in the commercial helicopter to pick me up
01:48:20 So I was like fuck it and I'm so I start grabbing like rocks
01:48:24 It's just rocks everywhere and I was gonna build basically a retaining wall and then start feeling it
01:48:29 It would have taken days to do but I was just keen to keep busy and then I was fully trapped
01:48:35 I could not go back up. I couldn't go up the creek. I couldn't go up the sides
01:48:38 I definitely couldn't go down low and that roars the whole time right beside me just screaming that water pumping down there
01:48:44 Anyway, so I start collecting rocks and then I thought I heard a fucking
01:48:49 helicopter and
01:48:52 I was like fuck and this is like this is five or six hours now after morning
01:48:56 And I'm listening and it's getting louder. I just see this fucking big helicopter
01:49:01 Bank up this like it's a fucking you're in a draw system in between these massive mountains and it just comes cruising straight around
01:49:09 And I was like, holy fuck like I was like so fucking pumped and then this arm still wasn't working
01:49:17 I got this leg to move will start working in the morning
01:49:19 This arm still wasn't working properly and I was so fucking pumped and the dude comes around and he gives me the thumbs up
01:49:26 Oh fuck man, my thumb must have been so straight. I was fuck. I was like this, you know
01:49:31 I was so excited and
01:49:33 Then at the same time I was like, I don't want to leave anything. I'm fucking rescued now
01:49:40 I don't want to leave anything behind. I don't want to leave this beautiful place like it's being touched
01:49:44 So if I can packed up the tent, I jammed the top of the chamois skin back in me backpack. I picked up the rubbish
01:49:50 I stuck that back in me backpack
01:49:52 The dude sort of had to look around to make sure it was good to come down. He just come down on this winch, dude
01:49:58 I fucking gave him a big hug. Wow, and he's like, how the fuck did you get here?
01:50:02 And I was I was like I came from the top and he's like hold cuz I seen this fucking rock face
01:50:10 That was straight below me
01:50:12 And I was thinking they wouldn't even take my backpack to tell you the truth
01:50:15 And I'm like just leave the backpack here and he's like, yeah
01:50:18 But I'll bring it up on the next run and then fucking he lift me up. I got into this big bird
01:50:25 Rope went back down if I can come back up of the fucking the backpack and everything
01:50:29 And I'm like, how did just?
01:50:31 Like how did you know that I was here and my buddy actually rallied the locals and they come out as a training exercise
01:50:40 Because I didn't actually even get the fucking SOS that I was down there
01:50:45 Oh my god, so they come out there as a training exercise and pick me up knowing that I was probably there
01:50:50 But that's how they had to hope I'm not getting them in trouble by saying this
01:50:53 I doubt it. Anyway, they fucking probably saved my life
01:50:57 So they shouldn't be in trouble, but they come out as a training exercise and come and pick me up. What would you have done?
01:51:02 I don't know. I couldn't I I
01:51:05 Don't think I could have physically went anywhere without
01:51:10 Greatly in danger in my life more than what it already was
01:51:14 Like there I had a chance to survive for so long
01:51:19 But walking anywhere from there. There was such a great chance of fucking dying within the first couple of minutes down was 100% death
01:51:27 100% death going down all these rocks of ice all over him. She fucking dropped down there and then
01:51:34 When I flew out of there in the helicopter
01:51:38 I just kept looking to see if if I had done that somehow
01:51:41 If I could have went and because you couldn't jump off the waterfall because it just hits massive big rocks down the bottom
01:51:47 It's not hitting in big waterfall big rocks down the bottom past that point was fucking dozens of spots as
01:51:55 Bad as that going along the way that there was no way I was going further anyway
01:52:00 So even if I risked limb and limb to go further, I was still fucked and you couldn't get back up couldn't get back up. I
01:52:05 Was I was in such a shit spot and but that shit spot. It's probably the only thing that saved
01:52:12 It is the only thing that saved me
01:52:14 But it the thing that I saved myself because I'm like you're fucked if you go beyond here
01:52:19 This is this is where you stay, you know, this is this is as far as you go, you know
01:52:23 So the SOS message that I sent out
01:52:27 The International Rescue Center got that message one guy got that message then they tried to call me on my mobile phone number
01:52:34 I'm fucking hitting the GPS
01:52:36 Fucking SOS because your phone don't work. Otherwise, I would have called authorities off my phone and sent me an email
01:52:42 To be like we didn't get the message correctly
01:52:45 We're not sure where exactly where you are and it's just like well at least send one and then the dude went on a fucking two
01:52:49 hour lunch break
01:52:51 Isn't that insane? I was reassured afterwards that they put all their stuff through training again, so that wouldn't happen again
01:52:59 So hopefully I've saved someone else along the line
01:53:03 That sounds like a terrible place to visit
01:53:06 They said do you want to go to the hospital or do you feel okay?
01:53:09 and I said I feel okay and they dropped me back at my vehicle which was parked at like sort of like a trailhead and
01:53:15 I got out of the flight and
01:53:18 Then my bag was on the ground
01:53:20 So I hadn't even lifted the bag up yet
01:53:22 And I lent down to get the bag and I just fucking crippled like my back was like fucked fucked up
01:53:29 and I got back to Australia and I went into the hospital because I'm like
01:53:33 Like it feels like my bladder is about the burst my back's all fucked up. I can't move
01:53:39 I was all hunched over. They did x-rays and they're like, yeah, you got lines
01:53:43 Fractures through your spine. You're very lucky that it wasn't any worse and it probably I'd know a month later. I was fully
01:53:51 Picking up dumb heavy things again felt alright
01:53:55 So yeah, so if anyone's like what's what's the scariest place to hunt? It's fucking New Zealand. No predators. No, nothing
01:54:02 But no grizzlies no saltwater crocodiles. It's still the scariest place to hunt like I've nearly come unstuck there twice now
01:54:08 You know every year I hear about stories about guys just a small slip on the mountain, but they just keep going and they're gone
01:54:15 So, yeah skip skip ends ed fuck
01:54:21 Damn yeah four years ago that story still works, you know, do you did you ever think about going back there?
01:54:31 You know, it's funny because like I've done
01:54:36 That real sketchy stuff in New Zealand four or five times now and I've shot tar and I've shot shimmy and I've done them in
01:54:42 beautiful ways like the bow
01:54:44 walking from the bottom to the top and days in and getting them and it's like
01:54:47 and I want to do it again, but
01:54:50 Like how your fucking time comes up at some point, you know, and it's like and I'm I don't think I'm any more sensible than ever
01:54:58 but
01:54:59 Well, maybe I'm a bit more sensible. That would make sense because I'm a little I don't have to do that again
01:55:04 I will do New Zealand again, but I won't do that sketchy
01:55:08 Country and it's like I'll do that because there's probably no one back there
01:55:12 Like that's what puts you there to start with you're fully off the grid
01:55:16 You don't see any other hunters because that's all public lands in New Zealand
01:55:20 But you're back far enough and doing the dumb enough stuff that people don't do it and it's it is
01:55:27 It's and you had no backup batteries. Do you keep back about yeah, but they all frozen died
01:55:33 That night in the tent where I told you I was in a shitty spot and I wanted to get the helicopter back in
01:55:37 That was a super cold night and like I have spare batteries in my sleeping bag to keep them warm with me
01:55:43 They still all died. I
01:55:45 Got up in the morning. The phone was dead
01:55:48 My main camera battery was bit dead
01:55:51 Then a battery bank was dead as well
01:55:54 Yeah
01:55:57 But that's generally what I do
01:55:58 I've always got a spare battery and you just sort of lean on your phone for GPS for you know
01:56:03 These new phones at least in Australia now, they've been trialing it. There's a SOS on
01:56:09 Your phone now. Yeah, that's iPhones - yeah, and it's and it's really handy because you get to pick your situation
01:56:16 You know car broken down in the middle of nowhere
01:56:19 You immediate help there's there's different things because I tested that out not long ago in remote Western Australia as well
01:56:27 I didn't use that. Yeah, I did
01:56:29 for car tires
01:56:31 stuck in the middle of nowhere and
01:56:33 Then so I use that
01:56:36 Got to tell them the problem and it's like like proper communications got to tell the authorities the problem
01:56:42 They notified police I told him of two people that I knew of that could rescue me. One of them was my eldest son and
01:56:49 Then yeah, he'd come out with spare tires and then rescued us like the next day
01:56:54 So we had a cold sleep in the car that night. I mean a buddy Campbell
01:56:57 It's like a single cab - and I'm like cunt. I'm in the front
01:57:02 He slept in the back
01:57:05 Yeah, and then he got the punches. So I've got the best spot and then yeah me son come out
01:57:10 But if it wasn't for that like no vehicles came
01:57:13 We're broken down on the road in Australia and no vehicles drove past us in a day and a half
01:57:19 Like it's remote and it's hot like what do you get you've only got so much water that you can drink
01:57:24 You can't drink the radiator water. It's got fucking shit in it
01:57:27 Say yeah, it's another quick and easy way to die
01:57:30 And you're on a road in Australia, you know
01:57:34 Yeah, well you do so many of those trips. It's remarkable that this has only happened a couple of times. I
01:57:40 Prepare
01:57:43 You know and it's like it mightn't sound like I was prepared that time in New Zealand
01:57:47 You know and and on a couple other things is like you're not prepared you're not prepared and it's like well I am prepared
01:57:53 I was I would have fucking died ages ago, you know, and it's like you've always sort of got that back up and
01:57:59 Yeah, I think you've just got to be good in those situations
01:58:03 I've been in those situations other people and they panic and they make more decisions that are bad, you know
01:58:09 Yeah, and it's so it's like and it's realizing before you go in that this could be a part of this adventure, you know
01:58:17 But everyone's time comes up you do you do stupid stuff enough and fucking
01:58:21 Yeah, you can only handle poisonous snakes for so long before one bite you. Yeah, so you're rolling the dice so often
01:58:28 Yeah, so it's like I'm not gonna roll the dice in New Zealand like that again
01:58:31 I'll roll the dice in grizzly country here. I
01:58:36 Know you have a truck that you have completely outfitted and set up, right?
01:58:42 Yeah, Toyota Land Cruiser 79 series. You can't get him here. I I was actually thinking about
01:58:47 Because one of the next projects I want to do is buy land in America build an off-grid cabin
01:58:54 Have a nice big truck here and RV and like live that American dream, you know
01:59:00 Mm-hmm
01:59:00 And so I I was like, oh I might freight my 79 series over here like it's fully decked out how I want it
01:59:07 It's like a freaking weapon, you know, right and I looked it up and got the price back and I was like, yeah
01:59:12 No, I'll just buy an American truck when I get there. Well, you can you can't buy a 79 here
01:59:17 We could buy an 80 an 80 series. That's yours. Yeah, so that's the old one old one. Yeah, but another one
01:59:24 Yeah, that's the new ones the same but I've like extended the chassis 300 mil. It's got
01:59:29 Coil springs the whole way around it. It's like the new ones like twice as decked out as that thing again
01:59:36 It just needs a tray and a canopy
01:59:39 I haven't posted much because it's not finished. But hmm. Yeah, but of that one of that one. Yeah, probably
01:59:46 Yeah
01:59:47 and so how long does it take to figure out like what to put in there and how to set it up and like
01:59:52 Like how do you outfit something like that?
01:59:54 I've spent more time and money on that truck than I have time driving it and money buying it from original
02:00:01 So it's like that's at least a year in the making, you know
02:00:05 And it's just like it goes to one place gets one thing done and it's like and you're trying to figure it out as you go
02:00:10 To right. Well, some of the best off-road stuff comes from Australia. Yeah, old man. You move. Oh, yeah
02:00:16 Yeah, there's there's fanatics there and these fanatics have started their own business, you know
02:00:22 Yeah, like I are bees huge back home. Jeff. I are be here. What is a air be? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah huge back home
02:00:29 Yeah, I have my Land Cruiser here. Yeah, I see I spied it. I was like, oh, yeah. Yeah things
02:00:35 That's my apocalypse vehicle is it ready to go? Well, that's what mine is. Yeah, you know the backseat comes out
02:00:41 Yeah, it's removable. So no bed in the back behind the two front seats is flat. So I take it hunting
02:00:46 I take the backseat out
02:00:48 All my stuff and if I have to sleep in and I can sleep in there and it's got
02:00:51 Heated seats and leave it rigged up ready to go. Mm-hmm. It's got a big-ass gas tank. Yeah
02:00:57 No, that's the same one
02:01:00 Yeah, no, I really haven't posted much on this it's just like I've just been building it and just it's yeah
02:01:07 It's gonna be the ultimate at least for me in Australia. I've been driving a Tesla around here in Austin
02:01:12 What is this the opposite it's the so opposite but it suits people here in the city, right?
02:01:20 Well, it's bizarre how fast it is. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and just dead quiet and just why you go. Yeah. Yeah, it just goes
02:01:27 Yeah, just a cyber truck yet. No, I drove one. I mean I saw one last week Elon
02:01:33 I shot it with that's the one you yeah
02:01:35 Like obviously he's the owner so he's not choked up about he's not
02:01:39 Yeah, yeah, he wanted to see what he knew that it wasn't gonna go through. Yeah, I wish I had a single bevel
02:01:45 That's all as soon as I was like, dude wrong era. Yeah
02:01:49 Yeah, I think I could have gotten there and tried like an iron will I did?
02:01:54 We did all these tests on that arrow
02:01:57 The Nexus Nexus arrows that we made. Mm-hmm with a solid broad it on it shooting all sorts of dumb dumb things
02:02:04 You know
02:02:05 But like I had it like a gas like a solid gas can there and it would pierce that
02:02:10 But and that's the two blade broadhead
02:02:12 Field point wouldn't pierce it just about every other broad that I shot it shot it
02:02:17 I just snapped and crumbled or bent over. Mm-hmm. But what they actually struggled with was just pool glass
02:02:24 Like the glass like the arrow wouldn't break the glass from a pool, you know, like the pool fencing glass. Mm-hmm
02:02:30 And so it's not as strong as like armor glass or anything like that
02:02:33 The arrow would bounce off it and survive but it took like four shots to break that glass
02:02:38 Huh, it would punch through any metal you shot of that, but it wouldn't go for that glass. Wow. I don't know why I don't know
02:02:45 How it handles that shock, but yeah, it was it was quite incredible. But yeah as soon as I say no, I'm like, oh damn
02:02:50 I know that's all I had here
02:02:52 I was thinking if I had an iron will and if I had my 90 pound bow and I had
02:02:57 You know a collar on the front of the arrow. Yeah
02:03:00 Punch it, but I used a three blade and it just bounced how cool that
02:03:07 Cuz if that was a normal car, it would have ended up in the door on the other side
02:03:11 I don't present one where I threw yeah windows up obviously, so you're not hitting like glass through the window
02:03:16 But it just would have punched right for ya. No, those things are extraordinary. It's a crazy car
02:03:21 I mean the fact that he's decided to make it bulletproof. Oh, yeah, no reason other than it's cool and then
02:03:26 Dorian sent me like this link to this company that's making like the campers for the back of them now. Oh, yes
02:03:33 Oh, it looks epic. It looks so cool, but you only have a certain amount of mileage
02:03:38 Yeah, that mileage dwindles substantially when it gets cold. Yeah, that's why it wouldn't suit me in Australia not because of the cold
02:03:43 No solar you can't really charge it with so much more electricity than solar
02:03:48 I have to lay out a giant grid of solar and leave it there for a few days. Yeah, I feel like it makes sense if
02:03:54 You're got solar on your house
02:03:56 Mm-hmm, then you're plugging in at your house to recharge it
02:04:00 Yeah
02:04:00 You know that that makes a lot of sense and so I looked into electric vehicles in this house that we're living in now because I
02:04:06 Decked the roof out of solar and I was like, I'll put a smart charger and everything in there
02:04:10 We'll just get an electric vehicle for just doing the town staff or the kids are growing up
02:04:14 So they're getting their driver's license and you know a nice safe car like that
02:04:17 But by the time I looked into it much it's just not practical
02:04:21 For me and and the rest of the family too because they're always going and doing things far away places as well
02:04:28 So yeah, that's the thing about the kind of stuff that you do like you could never take a cyber truck into the northern country
02:04:35 Northern territories, yeah, not it would not make it just sitting there on my phone like waiting for it to recharge
02:04:41 It's 300 miles away and it would die done. There's nothing you do
02:04:45 Where is my all my cars have long-range fuel tanks on them?
02:04:48 So you're good for a thousand kilometers and just like and it's a long time between fuel stations in some of that remote country as well
02:04:54 Right, and do you have to make sure that you drive a certain speed so you don't burn up too much gas?
02:04:59 Are you cognizant of that? We know not really. I've usually got plenty of spare that how much how big is the gallon?
02:05:05 I mean how many?
02:05:07 liters
02:05:09 What's leaders
02:05:11 How many liters is I I've got?
02:05:13 130 which is the main tank so 130 liters for the main tank and then 90 liters for the auxiliary tank and it's just on a
02:05:20 Switch what is that like 60 gallons?
02:05:23 130 liters is how many gallons Jamie 60 50?
02:05:34 35 that's it. Mine's bigger than that. Yeah, is it? Yeah, I got a 40
02:05:38 Nice. Yeah, so you bought that like when the shit was going down in LA
02:05:44 I was starting to think this shit was gonna go down in LA before I was thinking about earthquakes and things like that
02:05:49 Yeah, if you get trapped and you have to drive off-road, I wanted something that was lifted something that a real off-road vehicle
02:05:56 Suspension. Yeah. Yeah real power. It's got a supercharged Corvette engine in it
02:06:02 Like I had a daddy for covered 2.0. Well, I was before Kovac that I had it built
02:06:07 It's all I've always been worried. Oh, yes, you should especially like you better off being worried and prepared
02:06:13 Yes, they're not at all. I want to say worried like I don't yeah
02:06:16 What I worry about like a legit worry at night when I'm alone and I've been doing this a lot lately is global war
02:06:23 I'm really worried about that. That gives me real legitimate anxiety. Sometimes I'm alone
02:06:29 Well, I'm alone at late at night of our hands. I know that's part of the reason why I think I worry about it
02:06:35 I just that the world has never seemed more haywire than right now to me. Yeah
02:06:39 Never seem more vulnerable and there's so much
02:06:43 There's just so much tension and there's so much between this Palestine Israel thing and the Ukraine
02:06:51 Russia thing and then China and Taiwan
02:06:54 There's so much potential for chaos. There's so much potential for horrors
02:06:59 And it just sometimes I just really freak out. Hmm, you know, I think about it a lot but more for my kids sake
02:07:07 You know, yeah that too. Well, look if you have to provide for your kids, like how
02:07:11 What do you do? How long you know, how long before you're out of water? How long before you're out of food?
02:07:17 You know, how many bullets do you have? Like what do you what do you do? Yeah, um, like I
02:07:24 Unfortunate enough to be very prepared in that situation like I'm in the farm and Scott
02:07:28 Yeah, water tanks are full and providing for ourselves and things like that
02:07:32 But well if you could get to your farm also, there's so much game out there
02:07:35 You would be so long as these assholes don't keep fucking gunning them down from helicopters. Yeah, but for the people that live in
02:07:41 Towns and city. Yes, just like what's your option? You know, not much. Yeah, not much. It's such a precarious
02:07:49 Scenario because so many people have had things provided for them for so long. They have no skills. No understanding
02:07:57 No knowledge, no ability. They would have to learn from scratch while starving and that's terrifying
02:08:03 Yeah, and that's just assuming you're not getting attacked. Yeah, that's assuming you know, you haven't been invaded
02:08:08 It's assuming that you haven't been hit with a nuclear bomb and everything's gone. It's assuming the power grids up
02:08:15 It's assuming, you know, there's gas to pump
02:08:18 you know, there's so many variables that are completely out of your hands and
02:08:21 You know because of what's going on in the world right now
02:08:25 I've never felt more like things could fall apart at any moment. Yeah, like now it's like again
02:08:32 It's always late at night when I'm by myself. I
02:08:34 Just think because you know as a father, you know and a husband and a provider
02:08:40 You you think like you have to figure out a way to take care of everybody
02:08:44 Like how do you take care of everybody? And then you know, there's the Walking Dead scenario, right?
02:08:49 Like you got to really worry about people when resources get scared. Yeah people get sketchy as soon as people get desperate. Yeah
02:08:56 It's very very very scary. Some of these streets look like the Walking Dead already, man, right?
02:09:02 like
02:09:04 four years out of the country and then coming into some of the cities that I've like I've always said like Salt Lake Austin's the
02:09:11 Most beautiful cities that I've ever been to and then so it was really in my face when I come back here
02:09:17 I'm like, is this covert is the current government like what all the what is this and how how do you battle this now?
02:09:23 You know, it's fentanyl. It's kovat. It's the current government. It's
02:09:28 Mean one of the things we found out about Los Angeles is the people that are working on the homeless situation are being paid
02:09:35 Exorbitant amounts of money like this. There's people that work on the kovat situation or excuse me the homeless situation in Los Angeles that are making
02:09:42 240 plus thousand dollars a year and there's no incentive whatsoever
02:09:47 Yeah to fix it. Yeah, and there's so much bureaucracy so much. They probably don't want to fix it, right?
02:09:55 Yeah, well, they they have no incentive. The incentive is to keep the problem going so that they keep getting these cushy jobs
02:10:01 That's what they have. That's a sad and there's no performance
02:10:05 benefit like this they're not paid based on the amount of homeless people that are moved into shelters and and
02:10:12 Reintegrated into society. No, they're just paid because there's a homeless problem and there's a budget
02:10:18 We need to raise the budget for the homeless problem. We need to fix the unhoused situation. Sure you do
02:10:24 Yeah, what you really need to do is keep getting paid and that's what a lot of them are doing and there's no
02:10:29 No hope in sight. Yeah, and it's it seems to me that it's reached a tipping point
02:10:33 That once things get so sideways that people are just camping out in the streets when you go to Los Angeles
02:10:39 Like there's parts of Los Angeles. You're like what the fuck is going on? Like this is not sustainable
02:10:44 I have a friend who had a house in Venice and
02:10:47 in front of his house
02:10:50 30 feet from his house. There's people camping 30 feet like right outside his house
02:10:55 You've got crackheads people are there openly doing drugs of fentanyl and
02:11:00 They're they're tapping into the power lines and shit
02:11:04 And they're they're putting generators in these tents like they have no plans on leaving and there's no no one to force them out
02:11:11 No one to try to say hey, you can't do this
02:11:13 You can't litter on the street, but you can pile all your bullshit on the street
02:11:17 Yeah, all your garbage human shit, you know, and then you have places like skid row
02:11:22 which
02:11:24 Mike Glover who runs
02:11:26 he runs
02:11:29 Forget the name of his organization
02:11:31 but it's a
02:11:33 Preparedness organization where it teaches people how to you know prepare for the worst and what you have to do if you know
02:11:40 Something happens and he said skid row was the worst place
02:11:45 He's ever seen and all the places has been to all the third world places
02:11:48 He's been around the world in terms of like just a sheer amount of homeless people the open-air drug use
02:11:55 The no hope no law enforcement. No, nothing. It's just fucking that's
02:12:00 The last two trips just it seems to be a lack of law enforcement out there. Yeah. Well
02:12:07 It almost seems like it's engineered
02:12:09 I mean if you were real conspiracy theorists you would think it's engineered to collapse society
02:12:14 And I'm sure there's some very legitimate people that can't help being on the streets at the moment whether it's from job loss through Kovac
02:12:21 Whether it's from mental illness
02:12:24 It's mostly mental illness and drug abuse people want to label it as job loss
02:12:28 But it seems like if you talk to the people that actually understand the situation, it's very little of it
02:12:33 Yeah, because there's resources for those people, but there's not resources for people that are like severely mentally ill and also
02:12:40 There's many since cities that incentivize people. They actually give people money to stay homeless. They pay them
02:12:46 They give them a month monthly stipend and they they live on the street and they get like 600 bucks a month
02:12:51 And they something needs a change in the system
02:12:54 I and the thing is these fucking people keep voting the same way they want things to go the same
02:13:00 I just don't know what they think. They think that voting any other way is
02:13:05 racist sexist transphobic
02:13:09 homophobic xenophobic
02:13:10 It's like they they have this fucking ideology in their head like they're in a cult
02:13:15 And they think their way is the only way to do it as long as they're safe in their home
02:13:19 They don't take into consideration what the overall effect them on society all these laws and lack of
02:13:26 Enforcement of laws. I mean, there's so many cities that all these business like San Francisco businesses are just pulling out
02:13:34 Left and right because they're just constantly getting robbed. They're constantly getting looted you go to a drugstore in San Francisco
02:13:40 Everything's locked up everything
02:13:43 it's all behind locks and cabinets and and
02:13:46 People just go in there and steal whatever they can they can't stop them. They're not allowed to stop them
02:13:51 You're allowed to steal $900 worth of stuff. Oh, they don't I've seen I've seen those videos
02:13:56 It's insane it's a complete collapse of society and again
02:14:02 It happens so quickly that you have to kind of extrapolate and go from here in 2023 and say well
02:14:08 What's it look like in?
02:14:09 2033 because in 2013 you saw none of this. Yeah. Yeah, do you remember any camping on the streets?
02:14:15 No, Jamie, do you remember any camping on the streets in 2013? I don't remember any
02:14:19 Some of it. Yeah, sure maybe in skid row
02:14:23 There was homelessness. It definitely wasn't like it is here. Nothing not what I seen in Salt Lake like last month
02:14:30 No, you see it in Salt Lake you see it in Minnesota is really bad in Minneapolis. It's really bad in Detroit
02:14:35 It's really bad right now in New York because they made it a sanctuary city
02:14:39 So then they have all these people so the way the New York State works
02:14:42 Coleman Hughes who was on the podcast before explained it that it's actually a New York State law
02:14:48 Where you have to provide housing to homeless people, but that was supposed to be for people that live there
02:14:54 So these people have come here from South America
02:14:57 Mexico and they've made it a sanctuary city and so now you have entire hotels that are no longer hotel
02:15:04 I did they just load it up with these migrants and
02:15:07 You know, so the next president if he's up to it's gonna have a hell of a job in front of him
02:15:12 Fucking look and how do you get past the New York State law that says that you have to have housing for these people you have
02:15:18 To change the law that's insane and New York is they don't want to hire Republicans. Everybody's a Democrat
02:15:23 There's no I there's no one person that can do this job like like seriously like there's not no doesn't but then the problem is
02:15:31 Even with a whole party involved they get fought against so hard
02:15:36 But how can they make up any ground to really change? Well, that's a giant problem with our system this two-party system
02:15:42 It's just so crazy, you know
02:15:44 And it's a it's also a problem when people get into power and they want you to listen to them and do I mean you saw
02:15:49 That in Australia with the Kovac. Yeah, they just decided
02:15:52 I mean I thought of Australia as this rugged
02:15:56 Individualist place that's all about freedom and then Kovac came and it was just you have to take this
02:16:03 To state the state. So I tell this story all the time
02:16:08 So because we're governed by the mines because that's where all of our work is
02:16:12 Mm-hmm, and then the government pushed onto the mines that to work on the mines you had to be vaccinated
02:16:19 Right. So and the community that we're in is like all mine base. It's a it's a mining community
02:16:25 So they all got vaccinated
02:16:27 They I didn't have to I didn't have to go to the site
02:16:32 I just stayed in the office and my home and did my own thing
02:16:35 So I didn't have to get vaccinated but all my workers had to get vaccinated
02:16:39 Or they didn't have a job because I couldn't send them to a job site. So that was even pushed down the main
02:16:46 We did a few things around that but anyone that had to go to the mine sites went got vaccinated
02:16:51 They still all got covered. They still all spread it
02:16:55 They still all had to have time off work because I was sick and a decent amount of them got really sick after having the covid
02:17:02 Vaccination and some of them long term
02:17:04 So it did nothing that was proof that the vaccination did nothing because I lived in a community where everyone had to get vaccinated
02:17:11 At least like I said, they still got sick. They still spread it. They still had to have time off work
02:17:15 Yeah, they were lied to they were told that it was gonna stop transmission
02:17:18 I mean, there's that famous Rachel Maddow clip where she was like the if you get vaccinated the virus stops with you
02:17:24 Yeah, it's bullshit. It was never even tested to do that. Yeah, it was tested to provide these antibodies
02:17:30 Does it give you any but they never tested it to stop transmission and they had to admit that over time
02:17:35 but this has just been the story of
02:17:37 pharmaceutical drugs in America the massive amount of profit that they can make by forcing people to do that just
02:17:45 that
02:17:46 Amount of money. Hmm just went really far to enforcing this because there's so many people were on the take
02:17:51 It might they're on the take voluntarily
02:17:54 Whether they're on the take psychologically because they this was set up as the one way to get out of this and everybody believed them
02:18:00 I felt like Australia was like, oh, what's that country doing? We better do that
02:18:04 Yeah, and it made me realize how badly the government's actually run
02:18:08 It's like the worst run business there is right and it should be the best run business model
02:18:13 There is and it's the worst because I would just scramble. No, you need to do this
02:18:18 I'll covert stays in the air for three hours, you know
02:18:20 You need to wear a mask, but if you're eating or drinking you can have it off and it's like people see that
02:18:26 So what's the fucking difference doesn't make you're on a plane ride for like six hours to WI
02:18:31 Western Australia and like everyone's got their mask on and then when the food gets served everyone's got their mask down
02:18:38 It's nonsense. This is dumb shit. This is so dumb, you know, and it's just like
02:18:43 What was the death toll from people committing suicide because I couldn't do what kept them mentally healthy anymore
02:18:49 Yeah, like what they they weren't comparing apples to apples. Also, how many people turned to alcoholism?
02:18:55 and
02:18:58 Family breakups and stuff like that. It was just it was ridiculous. So they they weren't that would just well
02:19:04 They destroyed the economy in so many cities to I mean Los Angeles, especially the restaurant economy
02:19:09 Mmm, Los Angeles lost like 70% of the restaurants at one point, which is just madness
02:19:13 Yeah, it is and it's just poor policymaking because that didn't happen in Florida
02:19:17 No, we were actually mean Kimmy were in New Zealand in the backcountry when it really properly broke out
02:19:23 Like we'd heard about it on the news don't really follow it
02:19:26 Don't really follow the news, but you know, you were hearing about it in China and things like that
02:19:31 and we're in New Zealand making me and a good friend Tyler in the backcountry and
02:19:37 There's one rise that you come up and you just get a little bit of phone reception there and we'd touch base with the kids
02:19:43 you know each afternoon each night there and we come up to this rise and
02:19:48 I
02:19:50 Start getting messages flat out, you know
02:19:53 It's my son Noah and it's he's like you need to come home. You need to get home now
02:19:58 They're shutting down the world basically
02:20:01 and so I get that message on like shit and I turn around Kim and Tyler behind me and
02:20:06 The Sun's gone down
02:20:08 So the grounds dark but the sky is slightly lit up still and I just see these 14 bright as fuck lights in a row
02:20:16 like leaving like the atmosphere like cruising across like the horizon and
02:20:23 the first thing that jumps into my head after getting that message and covets gone mad is like all the fucking rich and famous like
02:20:30 Joe Rogan's on one of them ships
02:20:32 And I seriously thought that I was like this ships leaving the earth. It's gone the shit
02:20:37 And I was like and I said the Kim I'm like, holy fuck. What's that?
02:20:41 And they both looked up more like holy shit straight away
02:20:44 I'm on my phone 14 lights in a straight line and it's fucking the launch of Starlink
02:20:49 And so the Sun was still hitting them and you know making them glow obviously
02:21:00 Cover drill
02:21:02 That's the real scenario. That's the real scary scene because kovat, you know
02:21:07 All the people did lose their lives and the economy that got destroyed and it was a catastrophe in a pandemic
02:21:12 It's fairly minor compared to something that could happen if we got hit by a meteor
02:21:17 There was a nuclear war. Yeah, you know. Yeah, so you do have to be prepared to go for yourself. Yeah
02:21:25 Yeah
02:21:26 Yeah
02:21:28 They can't I don't think they can pull the wool over our eyes like that. Well, but you know, it's a little bit more
02:21:33 It's like the boy that's get cried wolf though
02:21:36 Like what if there is something legit next right and it is a legit vaccination
02:21:40 Like most of us are gonna be like nah, fuck that. I'm not doing that shit again, right?
02:21:44 But what if it is legit, you know? Yeah, that's a long discussion. It is it's bad in both ways
02:21:52 Now there's talk of at least in Australia and and I haven't read too much on it
02:21:58 because it's been hard to find since that there's a vaccination that cattle are going to get and
02:22:02 For anything to go to the stock the stockyards like the sale yards for cattle. They have to have this vaccination
02:22:09 That vaccination gets passed on the people
02:22:12 Yeah through food through food
02:22:15 and and and
02:22:17 Like right now I'm trying to buy acreage because I want to run
02:22:19 Unvaccinated cattle like pure blood cattle you could call it and sell direct to consumer
02:22:25 Because I believe that's going to be a big market in that and you don't take your cattle to the market to be sold
02:22:30 They get sold for you direct because if that's something that comes out
02:22:33 I'm not gonna want that made either because I'm eating meat now and I'm fine. I'm happy. Why am I gonna change anything?
02:22:40 Why am I gonna get a vaccination?
02:22:42 Something that they can profit off of they're gonna do and if they can profit off of forcing cattle to get vaccinated
02:22:47 Then these pharmaceutical drug companies can force these cattle ranchers to make sure they vaccinate their cattle
02:22:54 It's fucking mad. It's really crazy. And it just shows what happens when absolute power corrupts
02:23:00 absolutely when money gets involved and
02:23:03 You know, there's just so much money was made and now they're scrambling to figure out how to try to make that kind of money again
02:23:09 Do it again? Yeah, it's like they made
02:23:12 hundreds of billions of dollars in profit and then it went off like nobody's wants the kovat vaccine now that the
02:23:18 Compliance for the new boosters and the bivalent boosters is like far far far lower. Yes. Everybody got kovat anyway
02:23:26 Yeah, that's right. So many people like well fuck this. Yeah. Yeah and look it was shit
02:23:30 Like the first time I got it all shit, you know, it didn't feel great
02:23:33 But I've had the flu before and I've had colds before and then the next time I got I had it for a day and a
02:23:38 Half right, but nobody ever told you how to get a flu vaccine. Nobody said you have to do this
02:23:43 Yeah, there was such a lack of information
02:23:45 I don't know if it was the same here, but there was such a lack of information
02:23:48 Like what are the home remedies, you know what? Well, that was the thing
02:23:51 There was a lot of misinformation on purpose and that's what I got caught up in that where they were accusing me of taking
02:23:56 Veterinary medicine. Yeah, you guys are out of your fucking mind
02:23:59 You're literally talking about ivermectin, which is a drug that's in the World Health Organization list of essential medications
02:24:06 People have been taking there's fucking billions of prescriptions have been handed out to humans to call that a veterinary medication medication
02:24:12 That's like saying penicillin is a veterinary medicine medication because they use it on animals, too
02:24:18 It's fucking mad. Yeah, and the media was involved in tactics
02:24:22 Yeah, business tactics that show you that our media is bought and paid for which is really scary at least in Australia
02:24:29 You don't have advertisement for pharmaceutical drugs. Yeah on television. Yeah, whereas they have that here in America flat-out. Yeah
02:24:35 Flat out. Yeah. Yeah, and it's everywhere and in at the end they have to list all the side effects
02:24:40 May include rectal bleeding
02:24:43 Suicidal thoughts. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, I think it was like my fall faith in the government. Oh, no
02:24:50 Yeah, it might have been a Chris Rock joke and he's you know, he's like do you wake up tired?
02:24:56 You need this pill and it's like who the fuck doesn't wake up feeling tired, right?
02:25:00 Well, that's the thing if you can advertise for things you could always come up with a reason why people need that
02:25:07 Yes, that's the Sackler family. That's what they did with that if you've seen that a Netflix documentary
02:25:13 On the the Sackler family and oh my god the people that pushed opioids
02:25:19 Yeah, yeah, we got the entire fucking country hooked on heroin. Mm-hmm, and they did it by telling you, you know pain
02:25:26 You know, but what about breakthrough pain? You just need a little bit more
02:25:30 Your body telling you something else. I got I and this how I've been my whole life
02:25:35 I try not to take anything unless I absolutely have to yes, you know and even at that point I'm like us
02:25:41 It's just a headache. It's gonna go away. Do I really need to take something for it? Everything has a side effect
02:25:47 Yeah, it does
02:25:47 It's like I'll take because I'll take that to fix that but then it's gonna feel like it's gonna burn a hole in me gut
02:25:53 Yes, you know or something along those lines, you know
02:25:56 The one thing I have been trying to take in Australia, which is so friggin difficult to get is like a plasma injection
02:26:04 I've had this fucked heel for like 12 years. I've been PRP me. Yeah, I've been the multiple doctors and
02:26:10 This last one sort of heard me out. I struggle with I struggle with it for the last 10 years. What is it?
02:26:16 What's wrong? I split my heel in three places the bone
02:26:20 Yeah in the bone and then there's a scar tissue or a fragment of bone above it now to do keyhole surgery
02:26:26 Could make it actually worse
02:26:29 So they don't want to do that and I don't want to do that because I'm putting up with it
02:26:32 But it takes the edge off a lot of my nicer thoughts when I'm hiking and hunting
02:26:37 I can't run anymore because of it because the next day it blows up and my heels all twisted and everything like that
02:26:42 So they've been giving me cortisone. I've had two cortisone injections. It wears off after two days
02:26:48 Yeah, and and I'm pretty sure it only works for the first two days because they put a numbing
02:26:53 Injection in there first, so I don't feel it right
02:26:56 Lidocaine it's really hard to get in Australia or they just don't want to give it the last doctors like oh, it's really expensive
02:27:02 I'm like, I don't care like I want this fixed. It's my life
02:27:05 You know
02:27:06 I want this fixed and I said and that actually could kill me because it stopped me from
02:27:11 Having the right balance on that foot and if I'm in sketchy country, that's the difference between falling or not
02:27:17 Right, so I want it good, you know, and the last doctor has heard me out about that
02:27:21 But he keeps giving me this cortisone that keeps wearing off. You shouldn't get too many cortisone shots either. They're bad for your joints
02:27:27 Yeah, I thought yeah. Yeah when have you looked into stem cells if you looked into this?
02:27:32 I haven't I only like listening to you and you sort of being a promoter of it. Yeah
02:27:37 I mean you've had MRIs on the seal. Yeah
02:27:39 Yeah, yeah
02:27:40 This this places you can go specifically outside of the country that can really do some stuff
02:27:44 But they can do some things in America as well. You're talking about plasma. You're talking about platelet-rich plasma. Yeah RP injections
02:27:50 Yeah, so that's supposed to be helping it
02:27:52 Or it possible to help it. Yes possible to help it, but I've heard there's no side effects. It even works or it doesn't
02:27:59 Yeah, platelet-rich plasma doesn't seem to have any significant side effects. It's your own blood. They take your own blood
02:28:05 They spin it spin it back in your body. Yeah
02:28:07 Man, so like Mexico. Yeah. Mmm. Tijuana is a really good spot the CPI
02:28:13 Yeah, okay, so you know I think I seen Shane there lately. Yeah, he just went there. Yeah
02:28:18 Yeah, he went there and got a bunch of stuff injected into his back. Yeah back and shoulders. He's got pretty significant injuries. Yep. Yeah
02:28:25 Yeah, it's a
02:28:28 Sketchy yeah, I've had stem cells. Yeah, I've had it in America. They've they cured my shoulder
02:28:34 I had a shoulder issue that my doctor was telling me you're gonna have to have surgery and then I got I had a full-length
02:28:40 rotator cuff tear and
02:28:42 Six months later. I went back got an MRI is like it's gone. Well, it's gone
02:28:46 Yeah, and I have any problems with that shoulder anymore. I mean zero I lift weights with it
02:28:51 I do all kinds of things that it's very strong. Yeah, that's a nice side of modern medicine, right? Yeah. Oh, listen
02:28:57 I'm not anti modern medicine. Yeah, no matter. I've had multiple surgeries of modern medicine is amazing. The problem is money
02:29:04 Yeah
02:29:04 The problem is not these people that are innovating and trying to figure out new ways to help people and heal people
02:29:09 The problem is that that you have your scientists you have your innovators and then you have the people that are selling it
02:29:15 Yeah, completely different human beings and those people don't give a fuck. They might as well be selling cigarettes
02:29:21 They might as well be selling, you know nuclear waste
02:29:23 They don't give a shit, but it's fully promoted as good for our health like we're helping you. Yeah. Yeah, I mean they have
02:29:30 They have
02:29:32 Antidepressants that make you suicidal so they provide you with another drug that you take with the antidepressant
02:29:39 That is supposed to stop the suicidal thoughts, but those
02:29:43 Side effects for that also include suicide. It's like it's just wild shit
02:29:50 it's wild shit and
02:29:52 None of them don't are saying that one of the main ways to stop depression is exercise and exercise is actually
02:29:59 1.25 times more effective than SSRI. Yeah, but they're not prescribing exercise. Yeah, they're not telling people
02:30:06 Hey, I want you to hike an hour a day. I want you to jump rope. I want you to do sit-ups
02:30:11 I want you to elevate your heart rate for 20 minutes four times a week and let's see if that helps
02:30:15 Yeah, come back and feel good about yourself. Yeah
02:30:17 Change your diet
02:30:19 I get bored super easy and I think like boredoms the other thing that sort of leads to like
02:30:25 Mental health issues and stuff like that like people that don't have their thing, you know, like I'm very lucky. You're very lucky
02:30:31 We've found something that we're really passionate about and and so you chase it
02:30:36 Yes, and and originally that's the only reason I promoted bow on him because I was like who doesn't know this exists
02:30:41 Like if it makes me feel that healthy because of everything that goes with outdoors exercise everything like that
02:30:47 Yes, who doesn't know this exists? Well, and they're all in the backcountry now, unfortunately, but you know, that's just a part of it
02:30:53 I still prefer to promote it and everyone know about yeah me too, you know
02:30:57 And and someone's thing mightn't be bowing it might be collecting cards. I don't know anything anything, but hopefully something that's difficult
02:31:04 Yes having that thing, you know where you and that's what I keep talking about. Like I'm constantly looking
02:31:09 What's the next way to test myself? I like those tests, you know, like I I had that
02:31:14 Rough childhood or whatever no excuses who gives a shit, you know
02:31:18 What else is difficult, you know, I'll beat that now. What else can I try and beat?
02:31:23 You know, I think that's how help me with other things in life
02:31:26 I would 100% have some serious mental issues and maybe suicidal if I didn't have my thing
02:31:32 You know anything can't be constantly work, you know, like that does keep you busy
02:31:37 But I always find that wears off over a certain period but you need a passion
02:31:41 Yeah, have a passion find something, you know, and if you don't have a passion healthy, yes
02:31:47 Yeah, and if you don't have that passion then yeah the whole exercise like going out of your way to exercise
02:31:52 Yeah, it feels shit at a time. But then afterwards you're like, oh fuck I got that done, you know, I feel great
02:31:57 You know, I'm looking forward to you got to look forward to life
02:32:01 But then you got to do it all over again the next day. That's what people have a hard time
02:32:04 I I'm not saying shit. I don't exercise. I just hunt and work and keep busy like well that is exercise though
02:32:10 You're doing it so often. Yeah, if I didn't do it, then I would exercise, you know
02:32:15 And I always feel fit like I'm in me 40s now. I'm just like this last trip
02:32:20 I'm like this is gonna kill me like I haven't been in the fucking Rocky Mountains for four years
02:32:23 Like but it's like you hit day four day five and it's just like you're used to it. Oh, you're loving it
02:32:29 You know, it's just it is it's but I think people don't find that thing, you know
02:32:34 And it can't be just going out getting getting drunk all the time, right?
02:32:37 I think that wears off and the next day you feel like shit. It's gonna I don't think people have the knowledge
02:32:42 They don't know what it is that they're interested in and they don't have the time to find a thing. Yes, that's what's unfortunate
02:32:47 I've seen people come in the bow hunting and drop straight out of it
02:32:51 But it's because they're looking for their thing and it's not bow hunting, right?
02:32:54 You know, it's not hunting and then I've seen guys like that. I follow them on social media, obviously after meeting them and
02:33:00 You I see a move through different things, you know
02:33:03 And they are and some people might be able to stick to one thing too. So they do a lot of things
02:33:07 Yeah, I've always thought if I never did discovered bow hunting would I be like mad in the surf and instead, you know
02:33:13 Probably and you get to go to all these different places, you know and see different places
02:33:17 Like there's more to it than just catching a wave right like catching a waves your bull elk on the ground
02:33:22 Yeah, but there's all the rest of it in between
02:33:25 You know that you get to do like like find something that takes your places and find something that's complex that makes you concentrate on
02:33:32 Getting better at it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah 100% like how hard bow hunting
02:33:37 Like you'd never fucking master it. No, you'd never master it. No, you just get better at it. Yeah, it's it's constant
02:33:45 It's never-ending and you always have to practice. Yeah. Yeah practice constantly
02:33:49 Yeah, and so like I build a lot of things, you know, and I just and it's the same because you never actually master it
02:33:55 There's so much to building something. What do you build in the table a house?
02:33:58 There's so much in between so it keeps me busy. It keeps my mind ticking
02:34:02 Yeah, keeps me muscles going blood flowing things like that
02:34:06 So I think that's the other reason why I like that not just that it's a manly thing to do
02:34:11 Well, I think human beings are designed to do things and we're designed to have puzzles and complex things whether it's playing chess or whatever
02:34:19 It is like human beings need things that are complex. Yeah, it helps fuel you
02:34:24 It helps keep you going and it gives your mind something that it can focus on which is what we need
02:34:30 and it used to be survival used to be just I mean your mind is designed to try to hunt gather find food and
02:34:36 Fend off enemies. That's what it used to be fend off predators
02:34:40 Yeah, and now you're stuck in a cubicle all day and you're slowly going mad
02:34:44 Yeah, because your body does not get any of the things that it needs. Yeah, your mind is like today. I couldn't do it
02:34:50 I know people have to do it because that is their survival right now, right?
02:34:54 The society we live in and I always say it it's not my design
02:34:58 Like this is not how I'd have survived society. I don't think it's how anybody it's not
02:35:04 Yeah, it's not anyone's design, but it's like fuck if you want to do that
02:35:07 You need a vehicle to travel. I need fuel. I need time off work. So I have to work
02:35:13 I have to make money
02:35:15 Yeah, so then people get stuck in that so their survival is because they're paying bills and everything is working in that cubicle
02:35:21 Which fucking seems disastrous for the mind?
02:35:24 Fucking traffic disaster over my mom. It's terrible unnatural environment such a weird
02:35:31 It is such a weird setup and system, but we're all in it
02:35:36 Yeah, and we're just gonna adapt and fucking get on with it. So but it's like what are you gonna do?
02:35:41 Or what do you aim towards?
02:35:43 You know my originally when I went in the business is because I was like I want to hunt
02:35:48 But when I go away hunting for a couple of weeks, there's no money coming in
02:35:52 How do how am I able to go hunting and still be financial and it's like well start a business
02:35:59 I have other people working for me. I'll set that up, you know put the years in to do that
02:36:03 To get to a point where I'm like I can hunt money does keep coming in. So it's like
02:36:09 People need to find what like what's their vision and aim towards it, you know, whether you're successful unsuccessful
02:36:15 At least you're aiming towards something. Yeah
02:36:17 But it is hard and I feel for these people that are stuck in a cubicle or in a situation
02:36:22 They don't want to be in you know, and it's just like where's the light at the end of it for him, you know
02:36:26 not everybody's gonna make it out but enough people that are listening to this or
02:36:30 Realizing they have to do something and it's conversations like this are important because they hear that and they go god damn it
02:36:38 This resonates. Yeah, I got a figure away. Yeah, I got to find something that I do that's different
02:36:42 Yeah, and it does like I think a big thing is it doesn't happen overnight. You know, it's like people
02:36:47 Even me, you know, and I'm like not nowhere near famous as bloody anyone you have on here, you know
02:36:53 But and I'm sure you get a lot to whereas people think they can just jump into that situation
02:36:59 But it would have taken you
02:37:01 Years and years to get to the point that you're at now would have taken you years and years to get to the point
02:37:05 Of even when you first had a podcast, yeah
02:37:07 And they don't see that background story, you know
02:37:11 Because it's a it's if you go through my Instagram, you just see all the glory bits generally
02:37:15 I try and show you but and anyone's Instagram
02:37:18 You just see all the glory bits and you don't see that big gap in between that was fucking hell
02:37:22 You know and it was like, you know, I've fucking I've been broke
02:37:27 I've had no fucking money starting the business and then I've had all those struggles
02:37:31 I've had all those stresses that you don't see
02:37:33 Yeah, you just see Adam Green tree out hunting or if I can live in life and it's just like yeah
02:37:38 It took so much to get to here. So everyone today wants something to happen very quickly
02:37:43 They do a short attention span and they want results instantly. They want six minute abs. Yeah, you know, they wanna lose weight in 30 days
02:37:51 That's me, that's me
02:37:55 I'm just like I'll just eat clean for the next week and blah blah doesn't do shit
02:38:00 But if you look at things have like little goals like tiny little goals
02:38:05 Yeah, even if it's like oh today I'm gonna research this and have a real goal
02:38:10 That's what's also important right down that goal right down a checklist of things. You're gonna do that day and do those things
02:38:16 Yeah, that's a hundred and a giant factor in my life
02:38:19 Yeah, and you just keep eating a little bit of it off and then you got the whole pie
02:38:23 Yes next thing, you know, like oh my god, I've done this for 480 days now and look how much different I feel
02:38:29 yes, I love um, it was it was just a little real or something and
02:38:34 It was about if you spend this much time a day
02:38:37 Doing something that in so many years you're a professional at it
02:38:43 I can't remember exactly how it went, but all it is is just saying what you said, you know
02:38:48 You've got this big goal, you know, and you've got the picture and it's written down and it's like every day or each week or each month
02:38:54 You keep tapping a bit of that away. Yeah knowing that
02:38:59 At some point you're gonna be there where you want to be and it's like that once you've done it
02:39:06 It's easy to think back on because you've already done it
02:39:08 I'm even talking about multiple things because you've already been at that point
02:39:12 You've already gone through that shit and you know, what's on the other side of it, you know, and that's
02:39:17 Like I sum up hunting like that as little bit, you know, I've done enough of those horrible backcountry elk hunts
02:39:23 That you know at some point even if you're not successful you still succeed
02:39:28 In yourself you still grow and that's the end goal and result for me
02:39:34 But because I've done it before I already know it's coming. Yeah, so it's easier to keep going through that shit
02:39:39 Yeah, Kim's never been through that. She's she hasn't killed a bull. She hasn't had an opportunity to shoot a ball
02:39:44 So she's not enjoying those weeks in the mountains
02:39:48 But I know it's on the back end of it, right and I'll say it every time. I've always been successful
02:39:54 I'm waiting to not be successful because that'll be even better for me like in here what I'm chasing and mental health
02:40:01 Not being successful even be better
02:40:03 Because you just drive you even further exactly
02:40:06 What's the next year like or what's the year after that? Give me a couple of others
02:40:11 You have to have some success to get to that point. Yes wanting to fail Kim hasn't had
02:40:16 You know, my first elk hunt was on a big ranch in New Mexico and I'll see him bulls every day. It was sweet
02:40:24 You know, it was still a hard hunt you hunt with the bow, right? And then I killed one
02:40:28 It's like oh sweet and then next year. I'm like, I'll do this over-the-counter thing
02:40:32 Fucking cam Haines, you know like that, you know, that's what all cam used to do
02:40:37 So it's like I want to experience that and bit more like Australia
02:40:40 We just out on your own doing your thing
02:40:42 And I went through hell on that first backcountry hunt and I killed one on the last day like day 30 or something like that
02:40:48 But I'd already then I'd done that and I had all the feelings and I'm like, I want that feeling again
02:40:54 And you know back to doing it that way. Yeah, and it's the same with a business, you know
02:40:58 I've had seven or eight businesses now and I know what the end result is if you keep putting in so it's easy to start
02:41:03 Another business and keep going forward. Yeah someone that hasn't done that just this isn't successful
02:41:09 This is too hard, you know, and it's just like but yeah, that's also what separates the men from the boys. Yeah
02:41:13 Yes, I've been unsuccessful in business too before once you get past that point
02:41:19 It's actually not a bad feeling because you know what not to do, right? You've got that experience
02:41:23 You know, right and we're not all the same and not everyone can have a business
02:41:27 Not everyone will have a business because I know people that just like their nine-to-five job and they get paid every week
02:41:32 They don't have to stress about chasing clients bills any of that stuff
02:41:36 So there is as different people to you know, those people also need something that interest them
02:41:41 They do and hopefully it's not sitting on the fucking couch watching shit food watching TV and drinking beer
02:41:47 Yeah, you know and it's like and you see so many people stuck in that cycle, you know
02:41:52 Yeah, but if they're happy fuck it good on them. Yeah, maybe
02:41:57 Maybe hey, we need someone
02:42:00 I don't buy all the people that lined up for covert injections straight away. I just think I
02:42:06 just think humans are
02:42:09 inherently tribal hunter-gatherers
02:42:12 And I think there's certain human reward systems that are deeply ingrained in our DNA and you can either accept those and find some way
02:42:19 to satisfy those needs or you can live a life of misery or with a throw called we said that
02:42:26 Most men live lives of quiet desperation. Yeah. Yeah, you don't want to be one of them. No hell no, that's most men
02:42:32 Yeah, it's most people but it's not you Adam country. I can't do it. I can't either I can't do it
02:42:38 And that's and it's and it does upset me when I do see people doing it, you know
02:42:41 But they're of a different make and a different model, you know, but it's that's true, too
02:42:45 It's but it is it's sort of like fuck do this. Yeah, you can't speak to everybody
02:42:49 But but what you're saying is speaking to a lot of people. Mm-hmm. That's what's important my brother
02:42:55 It's always good to see you to my thanks for coming out here. Thank you. How long you down for I mean