مدفوعات الديون الحكومية.. صداع في رأس الولايات المتحدة

  • last year


00:00 $33 trillion is the amount of debt to the US government.
00:07 Last month, the US government paid over $1 trillion in interest.
00:14 These numbers are starting to scare many investors,
00:18 especially if we look at the outlook or the expected new releases from the US government
00:24 with the US budget deficit rising to 8% of the economy.
00:30 This means more debt releases in the coming period.
00:35 This is the big rise we've seen in debt releases in the financial year 2024.
00:41 The US government said that in the three months until the end of October,
00:47 an additional $1 trillion was allocated from the bonds.
00:51 The estimates are that we will record figures not only in the amount of debt,
00:56 but also in the benefits of these debts,
00:58 especially with the increases we've seen in the interest rates in the past period.
01:04 When we look at the US bond inflation,
01:09 we notice that the interest rates were on the rise.
01:13 This rise was not only related to the US federal bond,
01:18 but also to the fact that investors are buying these new expected releases
01:23 that we've seen in the past period.
01:27 The estimates indicate that the US bond exchange rate will be about 7% of the GDP
01:34 in the next five years.
01:37 If we look at the deficit level at 8%,
01:40 and compare it with the average in the period between 1973 and 2022,
01:45 when it was only 3.6%,
01:48 we understand the size of the problem that the US government has faced.
01:52 These increases that we've seen raise the question,
01:56 who buys these US bonds?
01:58 Historically, there was a dependence on the federal,
02:01 the Chinese government, and the Japanese government.
02:04 But today, the situation has changed.
02:06 The Chinese government has practically reduced the amount of its purchases from the US bonds.
02:12 The same is true for the Japanese government.
02:15 Today, the US families and the US hedge funds own about 7% of the US bonds.
02:22 The more we have a deficit in the balance sheet,
02:26 the more pressure there is on the issuance of more bonds.
02:30 This will increase the US interest rates.
02:34 KIA.
