Bawumia storms Kennedy Agyapong's house to pay a surprise visit | AM Newspaper Review

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00:00 Thank you for staying with us.
00:01 Time now for us to get into the news review
00:04 and the usual culprit on a Friday morning.
00:07 My man, my brother, in everything good.
00:10 Although, say, he's sometimes optimistic.
00:12 He's rocking some white pants today.
00:14 Bukumbangku spoke about a white shirt.
00:16 A man can never be careful
00:18 unless he's decked in a white shirt.
00:20 But Ojam decided to come in white trousers.
00:25 - And drives a white car.
00:26 - And drives a white car.
00:28 Oh, okay.
00:29 Is your car white?
00:30 - I didn't say so.
00:31 My brother.
00:34 - Charlie, thanks for coming.
00:35 Lovely shirt, by the way.
00:36 - Thanks, grateful.
00:38 Yours is also splendid.
00:39 - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:41 How are we gonna do 'em?
00:42 This one is by Seraban.
00:44 Seraban Clothing, Seraban.
00:46 I'm buying pressure for you, so.
00:47 - No problem.
00:49 I understand.
00:49 - I think I'm at my mischievous best this morning.
00:54 I'm full of mischief.
00:55 - I know, I know.
00:57 We always do it behind the scenes,
00:58 but if one is to bring it on, say what?
01:00 Come on.
01:01 (laughing)
01:03 - Anyway, so let's do this.
01:08 My producer is whispering some things into my ear
01:11 that I shouldn't.
01:12 - I don't know why you.
01:13 - He wants to fuel the mischief,
01:14 but I will not go down that road.
01:16 If you're joining us this morning,
01:18 time now for the news review.
01:19 It's brought to us courtesy of Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic.
01:21 They're offering, if you're a man out there,
01:23 you've crossed 35, some would say 40.
01:25 I advise from 35, start checking out your prostate.
01:28 If you're a woman, what's your fertility status?
01:31 Do you know?
01:32 And that's why you ought to end up
01:33 at Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic.
01:35 They will sort you out for the screening for free, okay?
01:39 And this is where you can locate them.
01:40 Here in Accra, at Spintex, opposite the Shell signboard.
01:45 In Kumasi, if that's where you are,
01:47 Kronum Abuehia, behind the Angel Educational Complex.
01:50 In Takrade, Anaji Estates is where you can locate them.
01:53 If you come back to the greater Accra region,
01:54 Tema, they are located in Community 22.
01:57 There's Techiman Hansway and Esiamanzama.
01:59 Their call lines, please give them a call today.
02:02 Get yourself checked.
02:04 0244-068, 0244, let me just check that number,
02:09 867-068, today it's playing games with me,
02:14 or 0274-234-321.
02:17 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic, the end to chronic disease.
02:21 But just the start of the news review,
02:24 and here we go.
02:25 So I have the Daily Graphic and the Finder newspaper.
02:28 What do you have this morning?
02:29 - I have the Daily Guide, the Ghanaian Times,
02:31 and the Daily Statesman.
02:33 - Okay, so you know how we do it.
02:35 Before we get into the papers, I always want to find out.
02:37 What's been your most topical issue this week?
02:41 One or two, and what are your thoughts on these?
02:45 - I think first would be the dialysis situation.
02:48 I mean, that is at the heart of our conversation
02:51 in the country here.
02:53 We had to push with our news reportage,
02:55 ensure that we follow up on all those who matter,
02:59 to ensure that this issue is resolved.
03:01 Now, the good news is that we heard from the health minister
03:04 which has also been captured by the papers here,
03:06 that four million Ghana cities would be,
03:09 have been approved to clear the Colibu debt,
03:13 dialysis debt, and we hope that that situation is resolved.
03:17 Until you are met with such a situation,
03:19 you would not understand the point here.
03:21 - Until you are there.
03:22 - Yeah, yeah, the fees for dialysis.
03:23 People are now rationing their dialysis session.
03:26 So what we are talking,
03:27 you think that this is a disease for the rich.
03:29 I'm so sad--
03:30 - And now on the back of gallamcy and everything.
03:31 It become a disease for everybody.
03:33 - In Eratos' documentary, we have seen that.
03:36 We are all now exposed to kidney diseases
03:39 because of the gallamcy.
03:42 The fish you eat, all the, I mean,
03:45 natural stuff that you eat, they are polluted to an extent.
03:49 Now, if you go to some regions for,
03:51 I can speak about the northern, for instance,
03:54 I understand Upper West has two,
03:56 Upper East Region had none.
03:57 Until recently, there was an advocacy to get some,
04:01 and we had individuals, private individuals
04:03 coming in to help, and they are now installing
04:05 a dialysis center at the Bogatanga Hospital.
04:09 So you have a population of over one million
04:12 having a single dialysis machine
04:14 to deal with kidney situation,
04:16 and we are getting reports that the situation
04:17 is escalating day by day.
04:19 People are not able to afford it.
04:21 People move all the way from Walewale,
04:24 from Boga to Tamale for dialysis session.
04:27 Others move from Wa, if it is trooped,
04:29 North East, Savannah, to all those areas.
04:31 So you can imagine the pressure,
04:33 and the reason we have to be deliberate about the situation.
04:37 I don't know whether our people who are
04:40 at the front of policy making have not had
04:44 this clever answer in future.
04:46 We have these challenges, so let us put
04:48 the situation in order before we get to a dire situation
04:52 whereby we all have to be running
04:53 health as close as the country.
04:54 It is not only the aged.
04:56 There was a report by my colleague, Maxwell Agbaba.
04:58 A 16-year-old boy is also having kidney problems.
05:01 As young as we are, we can also have,
05:03 it doesn't matter, the age bracket.
05:04 So this is something that all of us must have interest in.
05:08 You must not leave it to the media alone.
05:10 The civil society organizations, the religious bodies,
05:12 let's come together, put pressure
05:14 for the right thing to be done.
05:15 I know some of the big men,
05:17 they may have these machines at home.
05:20 So they don't care.
05:21 Some may not care.
05:22 - Yeah. - Because some of them--
05:24 - Some can even, they can even afford to have it at home.
05:26 - Some of the big men, they have it in this country.
05:28 They have it at home.
05:29 - Yeah. - I know some,
05:30 but I wouldn't mention it.
05:31 - So whatever happens at Kolebu
05:32 or the Fiancanta Hospital, they don't--
05:34 - So if you and I don't come out,
05:36 then we'll fight together for it.
05:38 - Then the future of our children--
05:40 - And the immediate future is seriously at threat.
05:43 And I think that's a good move.
05:45 - They're getting help from Parliament
05:47 and they are raising the four million cities
05:49 to clear the debt at the Kolebu Teaching Hospital.
05:52 - In the coming months and years,
05:53 we're going to see many, many, many diseases
05:56 that are not commonplace here.
05:57 Because when I expose to mercury, arsenic, cyanide,
06:02 chromium, and all of these other heavy metals
06:06 that are meant to be hidden deep within the earth,
06:08 God in his infinite wisdom,
06:11 place them there for a certain reason.
06:15 - Yeah. - By digging.
06:17 We're exposing them to the higher part of our environment,
06:21 exposing ourselves to them.
06:22 And now we're getting hurt by those toxins.
06:27 And just because of a few people's greed.
06:30 - Greed.
06:31 - There's this quote about satisfying the need of the masses
06:36 versus a few people's greed.
06:38 And that is Ghalamze.
06:40 That is it.
06:41 I mean, no matter how you want to look at it,
06:43 from the bottom to the top,
06:44 to the politicians in there doing this,
06:47 it is because of a few people's greed.
06:49 - Yeah.
06:50 - And the rest of us will bleed because of them.
06:53 Because of them.
06:54 - It's so sad, it's so sad.
06:55 But we hope that we'll get there someday.
06:57 Let's continue to push.
06:58 The last time I attended a TUC engagement
07:01 with John Ramani Mahama,
07:03 they gave their manifesto,
07:04 what they call the workers manifesto.
07:06 And some of these issues were raised that,
07:09 look, this is our manifesto from the Trade Union Congress.
07:12 We want you, the political parties,
07:14 to feature them in your manifesto.
07:16 So when you come into office,
07:18 we would hold you accountable.
07:19 - And that is a very strong group.
07:20 Their numbers are huge.
07:21 - Exactly.
07:22 So let's continue the movement.
07:24 The movement should be stronger
07:26 for us to push forward our demands.
07:29 And then those outputs at the helm of affairs
07:31 will work on it for us.
07:32 If not, we'll talk, the media will talk,
07:35 nothing will come up.
07:36 I think the next big story has to do with
07:38 the fact that over the weekend, last weekend,
07:40 we had the MPP elect his flag bearer.
07:44 Amidst all the, I mean, the troubles,
07:47 I mean, it was successful.
07:48 I was on the grounds from the MPP headquarters.
07:51 Later, I was at the Vice President's campaign office,
07:54 and then proceeded and ended at the Accra Sports Stadium,
07:59 where they held a final handing over.
08:01 The President Akufo-Addo said that
08:02 the 2024 election is not going to be an easy one.
08:05 They should all go out and campaign.
08:07 And the battle lines have now been set,
08:10 and I think that getting to the 2024 election,
08:13 we know what we want as Ghanaians.
08:14 The presumptive candidate for the movement
08:17 that is being led by Alan Chamanté,
08:19 he's already on standby as a third force.
08:22 We have John Mahama elected by the NDC,
08:24 Baumea is here.
08:25 So we are now looking at what their message will be.
08:27 It is now that we should be hearing from them
08:30 the messages that they want,
08:32 the policies that they want to implement
08:34 if they are given the opportunity to lead the country.
08:36 And we must all be keen.
08:38 Let's record all the information
08:40 or the promises that they will give us
08:41 so that if any of them is given the mandate,
08:44 then we can hold them accountable
08:47 for the promises that they have made to Ghanaians.
08:51 So for me, these were the big stories
08:53 from Saturday till today.
08:57 But the outstanding one has to do with the health issue,
09:00 because your health is your wealth.
09:03 - There's something interesting, though, that comes to mind.
09:05 You know when you read our constitution,
09:06 the bit about contesting in an election,
09:09 I don't know, but it talks about a political party
09:12 and all of that.
09:13 Do you know where I'm a bit curious?
09:16 You know, Alan says his is not a political party,
09:18 it's a movement.
09:19 I'm wondering whether per the constitution
09:23 and what it stipulates,
09:24 his movement will qualify to be there
09:31 to contest the election.
09:34 If you're an independent political party
09:36 or an independent candidate,
09:39 there are things that go with it.
09:40 But this whole bit about a movement,
09:42 I don't know, I'm not too,
09:43 but we'll see how that pans out.
09:46 Because you know--
09:47 - It's an alliance of people
09:48 from the various political parties coming together
09:52 to push a particular agenda.
09:53 - So you have a movement, so to speak, on the ballot
09:57 in terms of without a political party structure.
10:02 Because even the independent candidates
10:04 also have to have party offices
10:06 and districts this and district that.
10:08 Can you write on a movement to contest
10:12 or do you still need all these requirements
10:14 that a political party--
10:15 - I think we have to--
10:16 - I think those are the dynamics that we ought to look at.
10:17 - It is something that we need to explore
10:18 in the subsequent discussions.
10:19 But I mean, it falls within the remit of politics.
10:22 So far it is politics, a movement,
10:24 whether a political party or,
10:25 I mean, it all fits into the definition of politics.
10:28 And so far as you're fighting
10:29 for the governance of the country,
10:31 whether movement or a political party,
10:32 they are all in the same, what do you call it,
10:35 the same category.
10:36 So, but I think it is something worth exploring.
10:38 - But you know why I bring it up?
10:40 Because every time before elections,
10:42 you have candidates that are disqualified
10:46 by the electoral commission.
10:48 And so if Alan wants to make his mark,
10:50 I think that's something he has to get clarity on.
10:53 - Maybe if he says it is a movement,
10:55 the requirement of getting district offices
10:58 across the country may be exempt.
10:59 Maybe that is the angle he's coming from.
11:01 That's the clarity you don't want to,
11:03 because if at the last minute,
11:05 the EC tells you, oh, you can't,
11:06 we've seen it in this country before.
11:08 You can't contest, then it becomes a big issue.
11:10 Any other stories?
11:11 - All right, so we can just zoom into the newspapers.
11:14 Daily Guide, the big story here is
11:17 Balmier's Tom Skane's house,
11:19 his main contender in the just-ended Congress.
11:22 He went to pay him a surprise visit
11:24 after winning the election.
11:27 I don't know whether you saw the expression,
11:29 the body communication from Kennedy and Japone
11:31 when the results were announced by the EC
11:33 at the Ohindujan Sports Stadium.
11:37 You realize that--
11:38 - What did you see?
11:38 - I saw him biting his, is it lips?
11:41 His finger was also on his, I mean,
11:43 around the lip region.
11:45 And I don't know how he was feeling at that moment.
11:47 We could realize that his body communication,
11:49 he wasn't comfortable, he was anticipating that
11:51 at least I should have been the one being declared.
11:54 But he had been speaking after the Congress.
11:56 He said that he's not going to support any MP
11:58 because what the MPs have done--
11:59 - He's not going to--
12:00 - No, he's not going to support any MP.
12:02 - Okay.
12:03 - Any MP who has an intention to contest the election
12:05 should not come to him for any support
12:06 because what they have done to him,
12:09 he has not forgotten.
12:11 - Oh, wow.
12:11 But didn't he learn from Sir John?
12:14 Fear delegates.
12:15 - So he now fears MPs.
12:17 That is his--
12:17 - Ah, so now it is fear MPs, eh?
12:21 - So as part of rallying support
12:22 from all those who matter in the party
12:24 ahead of the 2024 elections,
12:26 I mean, the vice president,
12:28 after being elected as the flag bearer,
12:29 is moving from one person to the other
12:32 to at least try and seal the differences.
12:36 He was at the MPP headquarters.
12:38 He has also paid a courtesy call
12:39 on the former president, John Ejekunku,
12:42 and then he will subsequently visit Dr. Fiya Akoto
12:45 and all the people who matter.
12:47 Because you know now he's looking for his running mate.
12:51 There's pressure.
12:52 I know there are other stories that are captured,
12:53 but we can do that analysis as well.
12:56 Where should the running mate come from?
12:59 Should it be from Ashanti?
13:01 Should it be from the Central?
13:02 Should he just go from there?
13:02 - We've seen about seven people's names come up.
13:04 - Exactly, seven people.
13:05 The names that have come up, Charlie,
13:06 some way be, maybe, actually.
13:07 (laughing)
13:09 Ghana-Czech Republic strike new chord.
13:11 Quasimodo political agenda according to Witness.
13:14 And we have four million Ghana citizens approved
13:17 to clear the Colbu teaching hospital dialysis.
13:20 So I think we are fully dealt with
13:23 some of these stories that I've just mentioned to you.
13:26 But the back page of the Daily Guide,
13:28 Stars coach faces a sack.
13:31 Black Stars coach Chris Hilton faces the sack
13:33 ahead of Ghana's 2026 World Cup qualification
13:36 or qualifiers against Madagascar and Comoros next year.
13:38 So if he fails to qualify, I mean to win this game,
13:41 meaning his job will be--
13:43 - On the line?
13:44 - Yeah, so.
13:46 - But some have said that there seems
13:48 to be some plan to do that.
13:50 Is it from the GFA to sack him or something of the sort?
13:53 And that the administration--
13:55 - You know government has a bit of a say,
13:57 though you cannot interfere in football.
13:59 The funding and all of that,
14:00 they have a bit of a way of going about it.
14:03 And I hear a name that has come up is George Boateng or so.
14:07 And people are saying he's going to be a disaster
14:10 because he has no track record,
14:12 he has no credibility, so to speak.
14:15 I mean, this is just, I'm just re-echoing what--
14:17 - Okay, but that is a--
14:18 - It is not to take away from him
14:20 because sometimes you pick that person you think cannot
14:22 and that person rather.
14:23 - Look at Zidane, when he started his coaching--
14:26 - The question I'm asking is that Kweisi Appiah,
14:29 the performance--
14:30 - He's now in Sudan.
14:31 - Yeah, so if you want to look at the analysis,
14:32 the performance of Kweisi Appiah
14:33 and this particular current coach
14:35 or the subsequent coaches that came,
14:37 what would you say that they have done better
14:39 than Kweisi Appiah?
14:40 - Okay, so Kweisi Appiah in his, was it second coming?
14:43 Then there was Otuwado, who got us to the World Cup.
14:48 - Exactly, yeah.
14:49 - And of course we crashed out at the initial stage.
14:51 But at least we beat South Korea
14:53 by three goals to two.
14:54 We went to the World Cup.
14:56 Then he left, he resigned.
14:59 And then we opted for his,
15:02 I think Chris Huting was his technical--
15:04 - Yeah, technical advisor.
15:05 - Advisor.
15:06 And this is how it's gone.
15:08 So I don't know, some are also saying
15:10 maybe it's time to go back to the foreign coaches.
15:14 I don't know.
15:15 - Do you think that we should go for--
15:15 - I don't know.
15:16 - You don't think our own can do it?
15:18 - Do you know what I think?
15:20 I think we need delivery and that's all.
15:22 It doesn't matter.
15:22 Look at the Black Wings.
15:24 - Yeah.
15:25 - Is that the, yeah.
15:26 Have you seen the lady?
15:27 I think she's from Sweden or Australia
15:29 or one of those places.
15:30 - I've not--
15:31 - They've won, is it, 11, 12 matches and beaten.
15:33 That's what I'm talking about.
15:35 That's someone who can put the players in line.
15:36 - But meanwhile we are not putting any attention
15:38 on them at all.
15:38 - And that is my problem.
15:39 That's what I always get.
15:40 - We are not investing more on them.
15:41 - I've said it here time without number
15:42 that these football players, the men,
15:47 they are not delivering.
15:49 The women are and we are not motivating them.
15:52 Over time it may start affecting their morale.
15:54 They may, look at, is it, this team that recently beats
15:59 the Moroccan team at the club championship.
16:02 - Yeah.
16:03 - You know, fantastic.
16:05 - Yeah.
16:06 - Last year, Hazake's ladies and all of that.
16:08 We are not investing in females.
16:10 Look at the US.
16:11 And in the US there's some parity.
16:14 What the male team gets is what the female team gets.
16:17 - Yeah.
16:18 - So if you perform, you're on the same level.
16:20 Look at us.
16:21 - That is a sad situation there.
16:23 Would you go for the daily graphic or I should?
16:25 - Let me quickly do that.
16:27 Two power packs to generate 750 megawatts.
16:30 That's according to the energy minister.
16:31 Scammed, waiting in pain and in vain.
16:35 That story's on page 13.
16:36 WIAC releases BEC results.
16:38 Over 22,000 candidates scripts under scrutiny and justice.
16:42 Ankama did no wrong.
16:43 That's according to the judicial council.
16:45 On the back page, finance ministry to settle
16:47 four million Ghana City Kuala Lumpur renal unit debt.
16:52 So let me get into some of those stories.
16:55 But then on page 17 as well, politics.
16:57 Selection of running mates.
16:58 Mahama Baumia must look south.
17:00 That's according to Professor Alidu.
17:03 - Yeah.
17:04 - Saidu.
17:05 - So the one who went the magic.
17:07 It is historic that we have,
17:09 I mean, tribe plays a critical role in politics.
17:12 Two leaders leading two major political parties
17:16 from the northern part of the country.
17:17 - Right, unprecedented.
17:18 - Yeah, so what has happened for the past years,
17:21 is like the NDC has not paid much attention to the north.
17:24 The MPP, which holds the view that they don't have
17:28 much support, has invested much time.
17:30 It appears they are getting more of the support
17:32 from the north.
17:33 And now that Baumia has been elected,
17:35 going to the-
17:36 - It likely means they'll get even more support
17:38 from the northern belt.
17:39 - So that's where the contest is going to be keenly,
17:41 I mean, it's going to be keen to watch.
17:43 Because now who would break or lose
17:45 for each of the political parties
17:47 will have to be the choice of the running mate.
17:50 Some of the view that now that Ken has performed well
17:53 in the just ended Congress,
17:54 why don't you just go with him?
17:56 Others are also rooting strongly that look,
17:58 Ashanti region is the World Bank
18:00 or the electoral World Bank of the MPP.
18:03 So far as elections are concerned in Ghana.
18:05 So why don't you go for one?
18:07 And that's why some of the names came,
18:09 I mean, just the recent newspapers we saw,
18:11 names like, say, Shey Mensah Bonsu,
18:13 Edutum, the education minister,
18:15 and then some are just saying that the running mate
18:18 should come from Ashanti region
18:19 to get the full backing of the Ashantis.
18:21 If not, they may tilt towards Alan's movement.
18:24 So it is now a mind game for-
18:27 - Now we saw those young people,
18:30 all those people who recently masked up,
18:31 purportedly lending their support to Alan Chabatingu.
18:35 - So it is a break or lose for Bamiya
18:37 to take a candidate from the Ashanti region
18:41 or any part of the country.
18:43 Mahama too- - Or the central region.
18:45 - Yeah, the pressure too is on Mahama
18:47 to pick from Ashanti region.
18:49 This time around, we are not likely to see someone
18:50 from central region partnering Mahama.
18:53 The pressure is on Ashanti region.
18:55 - How did you- - That is a grapevine-
18:57 - Which crystal ball did you look in?
18:59 - That's a grapevine information.
19:00 - All indications, I mean, most indications point
19:03 to the fact that Professor Nana Jeno Pukwajima
19:06 might come on board again.
19:08 And we all know where she's from.
19:09 - Yeah, in the contrary,
19:10 we have other grapevine information coming in that,
19:12 look, now that the MPP has elected a lot now,
19:14 we must also be strategic.
19:16 Getting a leader or a running mate that can help us
19:19 sweep most of the regions to win the 2024 election.
19:22 So it's gonna be critical.
19:23 This is a crucial moment.
19:24 We know meetings have been held upon meetings.
19:26 They think that, we may think that it's too early,
19:28 but they have already started a consultation.
19:29 You've seen parliament, MPs jostling for the flag-bearer.
19:33 I mean- - I mean, I mean,
19:35 but you look at some of them though, and it's laughable.
19:38 I'm sorry, you look at some of them.
19:40 Because some of them, if you even look at their,
19:43 their lack of decorum, their lack of sophistication,
19:47 even in terms of emotional intelligence,
19:50 and speaking to people, you ask yourself,
19:53 are these the people we really want to be
19:55 anywhere close to leadership?
19:56 And if not for politics, whether they would,
19:59 they would have sniffed anything close to
20:01 the positions they occupy.
20:03 - Yeah, as a leader, you must have that stomach
20:06 to room all manner of, let me say, nonsense.
20:08 Some of them don't have that patience.
20:11 They don't have that political intelligence to accommodate.
20:13 - Some of them are arrogant.
20:15 - Exactly, some of them, you interview them,
20:17 you ask them questions, and they demean alone.
20:20 I'm someone who takes- - I mean, there was one,
20:21 one of these people in the fray, who some time back,
20:25 met one of the hosts here,
20:29 someone who has been on the AM show.
20:30 - Okay. - And I just don't want to
20:32 mention the person's name, right here.
20:34 And the person was like, "Hey, you, da, da, da."
20:38 - What kind of- - They take things personally.
20:39 - What kind of rustic, cavemanish behavior is that?
20:44 Someone like that, it's despicable.
20:48 - There's currently tension, political tension.
20:50 So you need someone who can calm the nerves of Ghanaian,
20:53 because they're agitated.
20:55 They are looking at how the economy
20:56 can be better going forward.
20:58 And someone who has that appealing character,
21:02 someone where he speaks, at least, it reduces the tension.
21:06 The person speaks to the conscience of the people,
21:08 appeals to pity.
21:09 Not someone who is so rude, someone who is intolerant,
21:12 someone who thinks he knows it all.
21:14 And then we don't want to listen to anyone
21:15 at all because he thinks I've gotten to where I've gotten
21:17 because of my profession, or my intelligence,
21:20 or the resources that I have.
21:22 - Anyway, let's get into some other stories.
21:24 There's also the Scorpion Man of Funsi.
21:26 Before I get into them all, I just want to look at this.
21:29 It's on page 21, interesting story.
21:31 - Yeah. - So it may be unusual
21:33 for humans to associate with or keep scorpions as pets,
21:37 because they are venomous creatures.
21:39 In fact, scorpions have long been feared
21:40 for being dangerous creatures,
21:42 as their venom is so deadly that you would need
21:45 twice the antivenom treatment to cure the pain.
21:49 However, Nourudin Afabe, a 40-year-old herbalist
21:52 at Funsi in the Wawes District in the Upper West Region,
21:55 is sending tongues wagging in the area.
21:58 Mr. Afabe, popularly known as Trouble, that's his name,
22:01 has gained popularity in the Sisala Enclave
22:03 for the potency of his herbal medicine
22:05 in treating scorpion stings
22:07 and also for keeping the arachnids as pets.
22:11 Now, he carries about 30 live scorpions in his red hat.
22:15 - Wow.
22:17 - In his red hat, ostensibly to demonstrate the potency
22:20 of the herbal concoction for the treatment of scorpion bites.
22:24 Wrapping them in a red hat and wearing it,
22:26 he carries them around, particularly at social gatherings,
22:28 such as weddings and festivals, to market his products.
22:31 In demonstrating his prowess,
22:32 the herbalist often places his fingers
22:34 on the tails of the scorpions without being stung by them.
22:38 - Wow, that's interesting.
22:39 And that story was written by my good brother,
22:41 Mohammed Fugu, The Daily Graphic.
22:44 - This is amazing.
22:45 - I saw it on social media fed by one Fatah Wayamga.
22:48 I mean, he had been an advocate of tourism
22:50 in the Upper West Region.
22:51 I saw it on his social.
22:53 So I was really surprised that someone is keeping,
22:56 I mean, these creatures as--
22:57 - Live scorpions.
22:58 - Yeah.
22:59 - As a--
23:01 - And these are the black type.
23:02 I see most of them are the black scorpion, you know,
23:05 and then--
23:06 - If you have never had an experience
23:06 with a scorpion before, you may not understand what we're--
23:08 - I say back in school, Bishop Herman.
23:10 - Yeah.
23:11 - You know, in the boarding house,
23:13 there was this day it was just gone.
23:14 'Cause I was sitting on this little raised,
23:17 I think there was water underneath that point,
23:18 around, I think, house six and another one.
23:23 And I just felt something.
23:27 So I moved my legs.
23:28 Apparently, a scorpion had--
23:29 - Wow.
23:30 - Come to, the way it would have stung me.
23:32 And back then, the school farm and everything,
23:35 you would see all kinds of snakes, scorpions.
23:39 It was, I mean, that day I just,
23:41 because the pain you would feel.
23:42 - Yeah, that's true.
23:43 That's interesting.
23:45 - It is what it is.
23:46 There's also the story, and we'll just go back to it.
23:48 All of us, reminder, protect your kidneys.
23:50 A consultant physician and kidney specialist
23:52 at the Department of the Kolibu Teaching Hospital,
23:55 Dr. Winfred Vah, has advised people to protect their kidneys
23:58 and not do things that will harm them.
24:01 He mentioned some of the harmful practices
24:03 to include recurrent kidney infections,
24:05 also called pyelonephritis, smoking, drinking alcohol,
24:10 not drinking enough water daily, and obesity.
24:14 Other causes are family history of kidney disease.
24:16 You have to watch yourself if there is that.
24:18 Abnormal kidney structure and old age.
24:21 He also mentioned the top three causes
24:23 or risk factors of chronic kidney disease in the country
24:25 to be diabetes, high blood pressure,
24:28 and inflammation of the kidneys filtering units.
24:32 Glomeruli, I think, known as,
24:35 you might need to hear me on this one, glomerulonephritis.
24:40 One thing I've realized, in medicine,
24:43 anything itis is not good.
24:45 Once itis is at the end, you might want to--
24:49 - So it doesn't matter your age,
24:51 you should protect your kidneys.
24:52 - No, no.
24:53 - Some people--
24:54 - I mean, you get exposed even more when you are aged.
24:57 Age is also, old age is a factor.
24:59 Of course, let's say you are old
25:00 and you have diabetes or hypertension or both,
25:03 there's even more of an exposure.
25:05 But if you're not watching your diet, you can be 20.
25:07 Like he mentioned, 16.
25:08 - Yeah, you have to.
25:09 - It doesn't matter.
25:10 - And as a young man, those young men taking
25:12 aphrodisiac and all that, you have to stop
25:14 because it puts more pressure on your kidney.
25:15 I have seen so many advertisements on social media,
25:18 I mean, luring the young men,
25:20 and they are excited to take some of these concoctions.
25:22 So you have to be very careful
25:24 and then protect your kidney before it is too late.
25:27 - All right.
25:28 - It is timely, the advice comes at the time
25:30 that we all need it.
25:30 - Let me just blaze through these stories very quickly.
25:34 Monetization of politics, threat to democracy.
25:36 That's the NCC boss, my own good friend, Kathleen Addy.
25:39 Kathleen, if you're watching this morning--
25:41 - Very good morning to her.
25:42 - Good morning.
25:42 I just saw a post of hers actually on social media.
25:45 Hello fam, so hello right back at you, Kathleen.
25:48 But then scammed, waiting in pain and in vain.
25:51 This story re-echoes something I went through recently.
25:53 I don't want to mention the name of the outfit.
25:55 I ordered some noodles, okay?
25:57 On a day when I hadn't eaten, very hungry,
26:00 I was praying at church and I wanted by the time
26:02 I got there to have the meal ready.
26:04 There was just something off about the conversation
26:07 and sending Momo, like a Momo payment in advance.
26:09 But I felt, oh, because they explained that
26:12 if you paid now, then, I was even getting an extra one.
26:16 I go to the place and realize,
26:17 though it was a small sum, it was 50 something CDs.
26:20 I realized--
26:21 - You were scammed.
26:22 - I had been scammed.
26:23 It's the same story the person is sharing.
26:24 So a child's birthday, they order pizza
26:28 and a whole lot of stuff, only to get to the outlet
26:31 and realize that, and here's where the problem lies.
26:34 There are people creating clone accounts on social media.
26:38 So if you Google it, let's say you Google this eatery,
26:42 they pop up first.
26:43 Then you'll think that is the official number.
26:45 You call, you place your order,
26:46 they tell you to send Momo.
26:48 By the time you realize you get to the place
26:50 and there's nothing.
26:51 It happened to another person
26:52 who spent over a thousand CDs recently.
26:55 Birthday, office, over a thousand CDs worth of pizza.
26:58 They got there and realized
27:00 you had sent your money to someone else.
27:02 - I'm someone who supports going in digital.
27:04 However, I'm very skeptical when I'm buying things online.
27:08 I'm not that type of person that will buy
27:10 all that stuff, bring it.
27:11 Without me, I want to inspect what I expect.
27:15 So that should be the guiding principle.
27:16 If you want something, inspect it.
27:18 Whatever you're expecting,
27:19 you have to inspect it if you not get it.
27:21 I mean, some people are doing genuine business
27:23 on the social media, digital platform,
27:25 but some are there to scam.
27:26 So you have to be very, very careful
27:28 in all that you do, be it food that you are buying,
27:30 be very careful where it is coming from
27:32 and then be sure that you are dealing with the right person.
27:35 - Yeah, G7 calls for humanitarian pauses in Gaza.
27:37 I've been talking about that.
27:39 Two power packs to generate 750 megawatts energy,
27:42 Minister Sessu.
27:43 So the government has signed two new
27:44 power purchase agreements
27:45 to shore up the country's power generation
27:47 by 720 megawatts.
27:48 I thought we were told we had excess power.
27:52 Now, what did happen?
27:54 - That we have excess power, we are not using it.
27:56 - The specialists have been telling us that,
27:59 in fact, we need more power agreements to sort it out.
28:03 And this confirms that.
28:04 - This is the ambiguity here.
28:05 I don't know if I'm not understanding it,
28:07 but the minister was saying that we were having
28:09 excess power that we were not using and paying for.
28:13 Now, what has happened?
28:14 Is it the case that these two new packs
28:17 that you are signing, it will not give us extra power?
28:19 I'm not going to pay for it?
28:21 Why didn't we stay to the old plan
28:22 where we have the excess power whilst paying for it
28:25 rather than going to sign in for new ones?
28:26 This is just a rational question I'm asking.
28:28 And if you say that we have excess power
28:30 that we are trying to get out of that plan
28:32 and you are signing in new packs,
28:34 what is the rationale behind that?
28:37 - Yeah.
28:38 - But at the moment, he also revealed that
28:40 we have a challenge with our gas supply.
28:42 We have gas from the West.
28:44 - So the WAPCO thing, was it ever sorted out?
28:46 Because we had ECG come and say,
28:48 I think it was, was it 20 million?
28:49 - Yeah, so there was an agreement.
28:51 - Dollars or so, and we had paid about 12
28:53 and there was eight million, something like that.
28:54 - So there was an agreement on the payment plan.
28:56 Entirely, it has not been claimed, but the--
28:59 - Do you know why I put that in?
29:00 Because there was a certain week, many weeks ago,
29:02 and the ECG boss, Samuel Dubik-Mahama, said
29:04 by the close of that week,
29:06 they would have defrayed the entirety of the debt
29:08 and everything would be done.
29:09 So I'm asking myself, what happened?
29:11 So right now, we are now at the back end call of the WAPCO.
29:15 As in when they want to put out light
29:16 or just cut gas supply, they will do it.
29:18 And you and I will not have light.
29:19 The reason is that they now regulate
29:21 the gas flow from the West.
29:23 So if you owe them and you don't pay in time,
29:26 they will cut gas supply.
29:27 And most of our plants are now heavily reliant
29:30 on the gas plants to power or generate electricity.
29:34 So that is the situation we have.
29:35 - You know the song that comes to mind?
29:36 Did you ever listen to Lord Kenya back then?
29:38 - Lord Kenya, which song is it?
29:39 Yeah, I used to.
29:40 - ♪ If every Obi-Waka ♪
29:42 ♪ Nangso okafodi ♪
29:45 - Oh yeah, yeah, I know that song, I do.
29:46 I do, I do.
29:47 - Kafokredi, the other end of it.
29:49 Let's check out any other papers
29:50 before I do the finder.
29:51 - Fine, I have the Daily State's Manchuk Republic PM
29:54 confers with Baumir.
29:56 We have government, the power story is here.
29:59 And the dialysis, radar unit story is also here.
30:02 Then the Ghanaian Times,
30:04 the race for Jubilee House,
30:05 JMVP, Allan's point of votes with choice,
30:08 minor jailed 15 years for robbing man of mobile phone.
30:12 And then we have the story about the Colombo deaths
30:14 on the kidney issue.
30:15 And then the power purchase agreement
30:18 that government has assessed it as a sign.
30:21 So these are the stories making headlines
30:23 on the papers that I have here.
30:25 - All right, so let's look at the Finder newspaper today.
30:30 And of course, ECG's monthly revenue jumps
30:34 from 480 million Ghana cities to 1.1 billion Ghana cities.
30:38 That's according to Dr. Matthew Opoku-Prempeh,
30:41 the energy minister.
30:42 Premium Motors unveils fuel efficient Renault Thalia.
30:47 That's the vehicle there.
30:48 Sam George stoking religious intolerance
30:51 with divisive attacks on Dr. Baumir.
30:53 That's according to Nana Komia.
30:54 2023 BC results released 22,270 scripts under scrutiny.
30:59 That's according to WIAC.
31:00 What else do you expect?
31:02 We are making our children more
31:03 of a true poor past forget generation
31:06 rather than people who can think.
31:07 So creeping culture of anti-democracy developments,
31:11 stifling free expression.
31:12 That's according to Professor Kakari.
31:15 But this story about the ECG raking in more revenue,
31:18 it reminds me of the tourism minister,
31:23 Dr. Awuah Muhammad, saying in recent times
31:26 that we have moved from getting 3,000 Ghana CD--
31:29 - To one million. - By the way, I paid him.
31:31 You know the first time I went there,
31:32 it was to make a booking for us to go.
31:34 This time, I actually spent time there with a friend
31:36 over one of these weekends.
31:38 It was in the evening, though.
31:39 And yes, we paid, is it 50 CDs each and all of them?
31:43 - As entry fee? - Yes.
31:46 Of course, it's different for foreigners.
31:48 But I'm asking myself, are they really making
31:50 the 1.1 million he is saying?
31:52 And what is the breakdown?
31:54 I think, he's my good friend, I think it is a breakdown
31:57 that we need. - We have to get further on that.
31:59 Very, very important.
32:01 - This bit about Sam George and then maybe Prof. Kakari,
32:04 then we can wrap up from here.
32:06 In a recent turn of events, Nana Komiya,
32:07 the Communications Director of Vice President
32:09 Dr. Mahamudu Baumea's campaign,
32:11 has strongly condemned NDC member of parliament
32:13 for Ningo Prampram, Sam Jata George,
32:16 for his divisive comments regarding Dr. Baumea's
32:19 religious affiliation.
32:20 Sam George accused the Vice President of being, quote,
32:22 "a religious prostitute," alleging that Dr. Baumea
32:26 had embraced Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior
32:28 without providing any evidence.
32:30 The MP also criticized Dr. Baumea for his perceived silence
32:33 on issues related to hijabs, fasting, and police killings
32:38 of Muslim youth in Kumasi.
32:40 What do you think about that?
32:41 The Vice President has been also trying to play the game of,
32:45 I've been in the Christian fold before, and all of that,
32:49 but what's your take?
32:51 - Sam George is a fine man, he's a friend.
32:53 I think he's just--
32:54 - He's an elder of the parish chapel.
32:57 - He's a good man, he's a friend.
32:58 I just think that he should apologize and we'll move on.
33:01 Some of these comments are unnecessary.
33:03 - Inflammatory.
33:04 - Yeah, yeah.
33:05 We have been living in a heterogeneous society.
33:07 Doesn't matter the religion you belong to,
33:09 it doesn't matter the tribe you are from,
33:12 we are all one people, we are all Ghanians.
33:15 And for the purpose of peace and harmony,
33:19 continuous coexistence in the country,
33:22 Honorable George, you might not have said it well.
33:26 (speaking in foreign language)
33:27 So I beg, we just go back and say,
33:29 (speaking in foreign language)
33:30 I'm sorry, I should have said it better.
33:32 - He should sound like Nanaekufu Ado in "Odo Do Do Do"
33:35 - Yeah, he never says so.
33:36 - When he said,
33:37 (speaking in foreign language)
33:41 When he should have said,
33:43 (speaking in foreign language)
33:44 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
33:45 - And (speaking in foreign language)
33:46 ended up losing to (speaking in foreign language)
33:50 my former classmate.
33:52 Anyway, so I think I'll skip the Prof Kakari story.
33:56 You can grab the copy of the "Finder" newspaper to get it.
33:59 Creeping culture of anti-democracy developments,
34:01 stifling free expression.
34:03 Before we wrap, happy birthday in advance
34:07 to Dokas Elikblim Tabitha Amewonu.
34:12 Tomorrow is your birthday, you are November's own 11/11.
34:16 We wish you God's blessings in everything you do.
34:19 Enjoy your day, you're a fantastic person.
34:21 Dokas, enjoy yourself.
34:24 There's Daniel Coleman who says,
34:26 "Watching the show live from Ahafukinyase number two,
34:28 Jericho, greetings to Honorable Patrick Bano,
34:31 member of parliament for Sitifi North."
34:33 And Kuja Sempa says, "Good morning once again
34:37 to your listeners from Kuja Sempa."
34:40 Okay, all right.
34:42 There's this thing I wanted to run by you.
34:44 - Okay.
34:45 - The Guinness World Records.
34:46 There's a story I'm looking at.
34:47 Teen bodybuilder performs record number of one-armed pull-ups.
34:51 So you see the bar, one arm.
34:53 - Pull-up. - Pulling up.
34:54 He did 25 in one minute.
34:57 He's 18 years old.
34:59 You know, at that level you have a lot of youthful energy.
35:03 And he beats the previous tally of 24
35:06 set earlier this year by Li Zechuan in China.
35:10 - That's interesting. - How many can you do?
35:11 - I can't.
35:12 - You can't? - Not even that.
35:13 - Not even two-armed?
35:14 - The last time I went to the gym,
35:16 I don't know why the gym instructor didn't like me.
35:19 He nearly broke my waist.
35:20 So since then I never went to the gym again.
35:21 So I would never try it.
35:23 Ah, maybe press up two, I'm okay.
35:26 - Two press ups? - Yeah, I can do that.
35:27 - There's something about-- - I don't want to stress.
35:29 - I think they say at a certain age,
35:30 if you are not able to do at least 20 or is it 40 push-ups,
35:34 then you should check your health.
35:35 So I think we should give you a boot camp.
35:37 - Maybe, I should be able to do it,
35:39 but I just don't want to do it.
35:40 Yeah, I don't--
35:41 - So how do you stay fit?
35:42 Because you look pretty, you know,
35:44 or is it your metabolism that is deceiving you?
35:46 - It's natural. - It's natural, eh?
35:47 - Yeah, I don't want to alter the body God has given me.
35:50 So this is what God has given me.
35:52 I just want to keep it.
35:53 And that's why I'm still in shape.
35:54 - We'll have to have this discussion further moving on.
35:57 - Before we go, you know when I went to Boga
35:58 to cover the final rally of Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya,
36:01 my auntie brought me some correct TZ.
36:04 - TZ? - Yeah, TZ.
36:06 - I missed that.
36:06 - Auntie Janet, thank you very much.
36:08 I'm grateful, God bless you for that.
36:09 Next time I go to Boga, I'll go with you.
36:11 So that we can have--
36:12 - Where TZ, by the way, you never tell.
36:13 - Oh yeah, but I told you.
36:14 Immediately after-- - You told whom?
36:15 - Immediately after the AM show,
36:16 which I reported live from the Boga Jubilee Park,
36:19 that's when I went back to the hotel room.
36:21 - Ah, yeah.
36:21 (speaking in foreign language)
36:22 (laughing)
36:24 - So Auntie Janet of BOQ in Boga, I'm very grateful.
36:27 God bless you.
36:28 - We are grateful, though we didn't get that.
36:30 We are all grateful to you.
36:31 Right before we get into sports,
36:32 don't you forget I'll be sharing
36:33 my blunt thoughts with you today.
36:35 I'll talk about the renal issue
36:37 at the Kolegu Teaching Hospital,
36:38 our economy missing the IMF deadlines
36:42 or stipulations and all of that.
36:43 So look forward to it.
36:44 But this segment is always brought to you
36:46 by Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic.
36:47 We're offering you free prostate screening
36:49 if you're a man, free female fertility screening
36:52 if you're a woman, of course.
36:54 And here's where you can locate them.
36:55 Here in the crowds, Pentex opposite the Shell signboard,
36:58 Kumasi Kronoma, way here behind
36:59 the Angel Educational Complex,
37:01 Takra De Anaji State Tema Community 22,
37:03 Teciman Hanswe, Nsiama, Nzema.
37:05 Their call lines, 0244-867-068
37:10 or 0274-234-321.
37:14 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic, the end to chronic disease.
37:17 Sports up next, of course, today,
37:19 you know how it's going to be.
37:21 Prime Take with Muftau Nabila Abdullahi.
37:24 Stay for that.
37:24 (upbeat music)
37:27 (upbeat music)
37:30 (upbeat music)
37:32 (upbeat music)
37:35 (upbeat music)
37:37 (upbeat music)
37:40 (upbeat music)
37:42 you
