Vale Indonesia Sepakat Divestasi 14% Saham

  • last year
Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif menegaskan, bahwa pemegang saham Utama PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) sepakat untuk melepas 14% saham tambahan ke pihak Indonesia. Pihak yang melepas sebagian saham kepemilikannya yakni Vale Canada Limited dan juga Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd.


00:00 Meanwhile, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif
00:03 confirmed that the main shareholder of PT Vale Indonesia TBK
00:07 agreed to release 14% of additional shares to Indonesia.
00:12 He will release some of his shares, namely PT Vale Canada Ltd.
00:17 and also Sumitomo Metal Mining.
00:20 The government finally got additional shares from PT Vale Indonesia TBK
00:28 aka the share devestation.
00:30 Minister of Investment Bahlil Hadalia and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif stated
00:36 that PT Vale Indonesia TBK is the main shareholder
00:39 and agreed to release 14% of additional shares to BUMN Main ID.
00:44 The Minister of Education insisted that this share devestation is a condition for Vale Indonesia
00:48 to extend its operations in Indonesia.
00:51 With an additional 14% of shares, Main ID will hold a share of 34%.
00:56 According to Arifin, Main ID will be the largest shareholder of Vale.
01:00 While the party that released some of its own shares is Vale Canada Ltd. and Sumitomo Metal Mining.
01:06 Meanwhile, for the price of the shares that are being released, it is being discussed between the holding of BUMN Main ID
01:12 and Vale Indonesia.
01:14 The government insisted that Vale must give a special price to Main ID.
01:19 As is known, the holding of BUMN Main ID has long been in negotiations with PT Vale Indonesia
01:25 regarding the share devestation.
01:27 Mainly as a condition for the extension of Vale's contract to become a special mining business or IUPK.
01:33 Where Vale Indonesia's contract will end in 2025, various sources for IDX Jino.
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