• il y a 2 ans

Pour la sortie de la série The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, on a rencontré Norman Reedus, Ériq Ebouaney, Laïka Blanc-Francard, Louis Puech Scigliuzzi et Romain Levi ! Ils ont tourné la roue pour nous raconter des anecdotes sur leurs camarades de tournage.

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Interview : Romain Cheyron
Montage : Apolline Grimberg


00:00 Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? Wow! Eric, yes! Eric is a very interesting guy. He's super classy and he's fun. Eric brings this light to serious words. Like he's very animated and he talks like this. And you watch him and you're like wow! And then you see it on camera and he just lights up the camera.
00:27 Eric is a very sunny guy. He's a bit like a dad. He has a very nice voice.
00:34 His voice.
00:35 His voice, you want to give him hugs.
00:37 He has the best voice in the world.
00:38 He's really the best.
00:39 And he was always tired because he had a life. He always did things. So it's funny because we have pretty hard schedules.
00:45 So in the morning he comes and he always has his head in his ass. It's so funny.
00:48 Daryl Dixon.
00:52 Norman is exceptional. For me, for us…
00:55 He's a delicious person. He received us as family members. At least for me. Because you're a bastard.
01:03 I'm a bastard. We don't know. The white, the black, who's nice, who's mean. I don't really know.
01:07 He also acted like a leader in the team. And so it brings everyone together.
01:11 He smokes cigarettes without a filter. Really like a gypsy. And it's always been my thing. I've always wanted to try it but I never dared.
01:18 And one day, I'm made to walk on it by a horse without doing it on purpose while we're shooting.
01:22 Anyway, the drama and everything. I don't feel good. Anyway.
01:25 He comes and he says to me, "Here, I'll give you a cigarette so you'll feel better."
01:28 I smoke it and he makes me turn my head. Big, fragile. I double-hit myself, shame on me.
01:33 Because I can't smoke his cigarette and I have my foot on fire.
01:36 Louis. Ah, Louis.
01:39 When a child actor comes for an audition and their parents are there, they really put it on.
01:44 "I'm an actor. I'm a thespian." Louis, he wasn't like that at all.
01:49 But he listened. I immediately wanted Louis. I'm like, "That's the kid. That's the kid."
01:55 "Oh, well, let's keep auditioning some of the other ones." I'm like, "No, no, no, no. That's the kid."
01:59 I gave Louis a PlayStation. And so the box comes and Louis runs out and he hugs me.
02:05 It was like the greatest gift ever. And so I bought one so that he and I can play.
02:09 And I can't figure out how to find him on the thing. So the other night, I called him and I'm like, "Okay, let's play the thing."
02:16 I'm doing video, FaceTime, going, "What do I push? Do I push it on?" And finally, I just gave up.
02:21 And we both have long hair.
02:23 Incredible, this Louis.
02:25 It's the first time he's an actor, but he has a power of play because he's so...
02:31 It's like he's done it all his life. So natural, so relaxed.
02:35 We did a huge reading. The first reading, he really wanted everyone to be there.
02:40 The smallest role needed to be there. There were really 50 of us. Everyone was nervous. Really.
02:45 And there's a guy like that, carrying his little bag, quiet. "Hello, guys. Hello, everybody."
02:51 The most relaxed guy on earth, and it's Louis.
02:53 So I was following the reading and his first sentences, he was reading, I did like this.
02:58 I stopped reading because I was surprised by the sincerity he could have in reading.
03:05 He really has his own way, so we wish him a great career.
03:08 Melissa and I, we've been friends since day one.
03:12 Like years ago, we met. But our very first scene together, I liked her right off the bat.
03:18 And if I like you, I might poke you a little bit for fun.
03:22 And I hand her a pickaxe that she's got to put down her husband.
03:28 And every time we did it, I kept taking the pickaxe and dipping it in more blood and guts.
03:34 Making it more and more disgusting. And every take, I'd hand it to her and she was like...
03:38 The last take, it was just covered in blood. I was like...
03:43 I can't say enough about Melissa. I love Melissa.
03:45 When we have scenes together, we laugh, we do stuff.
03:51 It's true that we spent a lot of time eating too.
03:54 This one I love. She's fantastic.
03:57 We kind of had a running joke, the word "kaput".
04:00 So she and I would look at each other every once in a while, like if something happened, we'd go "kaput".
04:05 You cheated.
04:08 Ah, my little Tristan Zanki, who I play as Emil, who I consider in the series like my son.
04:15 And the funniest anecdote, it was our first day of filming.
04:19 The moment I came to my senses, I had a sentence that said "who is this?"
04:23 And every time I said that sentence, he'd jump on it.
04:26 And he, what I said with a big voice, with a lot of authority.
04:30 "Who are you?"
04:31 I said, "No, you're part of the camp. We don't know them."
04:34 When I said "Who is it?" He stayed calm and breathed.
04:37 Tristan, we had to rehearse because we had a tango scene.
04:41 Which was so, so good. We ended up with a great duo.
04:44 We had 4-hour training sessions for two weeks.
04:47 And we met up while doing tango. It was so funny. He's a great guy.
04:50 Tristan, he's a little bit of a mess. He's very muscular.
04:54 Once he went to the room, I told myself "I can come."
04:58 And for an hour and a half, he forced me to do push-ups.
05:02 Traumatized.
05:04 Clamant, c'est mon premier ami sur le set.
05:07 On a eu une scène où je suis en train de prendre une douche.
05:10 Et elle me parle et me lève.
05:13 Et ils m'emportaient de l'eau chaude dans le bain.
05:16 Et il faisait froid.
05:18 Donc je suis dans le bain avec elle.
05:20 Et on a ce dialogue sérieux, qui est censé être drôle.
05:24 Et il y a des sous-titres.
05:26 Et le temps entier, je suis dans cette eau.
05:29 Mais elle m'a été très gentille.
05:32 Ma belle et douce, c'est magnifique, clément ce poésie.
05:35 C'est main de fer dans un gant de velours.
05:37 Elle est vraiment impeccable.
05:39 D'une puissance.
05:40 Elle mélange de la force, de la sensibilité.
05:43 Un côté très protectrice.
05:45 T'es une mère avec son enfant, c'est très beau de voir ça.
05:48 C'est tout un bon sens.
05:50 C'est un peu la Louvre ou la mer Lyonne.
05:53 Le Lyon est très majestueux, très joli, très beau.
05:56 Mais quand on touche au sien, ça rigole plus.
06:00 On a passé beaucoup de temps, toutes les deux.
06:03 Et on avait notre trip.
06:05 Sur les tournages américains, il y a toujours un food truck.
06:08 Donc on en avait un, et il était hyper bon.
06:11 Il faisait des super petits déjs.
06:13 Avec Clément, on ne faisait que bouffer.
06:15 Quand tu attends sur le plateau, tu fumes, tu bois du café, tu attends, tu bouffes.
06:18 On avait nos rendez-vous quatre fois par jour au truck.
06:21 Se raconter nos vies, à manger, se faire goûter nos plats.
06:25 Parce qu'on adore manger.
06:28 Une des premières scènes qu'on a filmées, c'était avec Romain.
06:32 Il vient et c'était écrit qu'il me traque.
06:37 Je sors et on a une lutte.
06:39 Et c'était écrit que je lui ai battu.
06:42 Et je me suis dit non, non, non, non, non, non.
06:44 Il peut me battre ?
06:45 Donc on a pris un tas de mes coups.
06:47 Ça m'a fait le battre, mais il me bat.
06:50 Donc il me met autour de la salle comme un chien, comme un chien de ragout,
06:54 qui me bat. Et il me dit, oh, ok, tu es Daryl Dixon,
07:00 tu vas être le héros. Et je me dis non, non, non.
07:02 Ça me rend plus petit et ça lui rend plus mignonne.
07:05 Il est un fan du show. Il est tellement heureux d'être là.
07:08 Et donc il me texte, oh mon Dieu, je suis tellement excité d'être là.
07:12 Et puis il a vu les premiers épisodes.
07:15 Et il m'a laissé un message de voix de 10 minutes.
07:19 Tu ne comprends pas, Norman, ce show va être énorme.
07:23 C'est tellement bien, crois-moi.
07:26 Et j'ai toujours le message,
07:28 parce que c'était l'un des messages les plus soumis, les plus gentils.
07:32 Et il apporte cet enthousiasme au set.
07:35 Romain est un de mes préférés.
07:38 Oh, capo !
07:40 On a passé plein de moments ensemble, on se voit en dehors,
07:43 Maxime Lefrançois, un mec génial avec une voix très,
07:47 je crois qu'on dit bariton.
07:49 Oui, d'ailleurs, ce qui était marrant avec lui,
07:51 c'est qu'il y a eu une des scènes qu'on tourne,
07:53 il y a plein de zombies partout, en gros.
07:55 Et je ne sais pas ce qu'il avait ce jour-là,
07:57 il avait ce besoin de chanter en permanence.
07:59 Donc il chantonnait, comme ça.
08:01 Avec sa voix de stentor.
08:03 Avec sa grande voix, tout le monde regardait,
08:05 tous les Américains, ils regardaient.
08:07 Oh, Anne, il y a une scène où je coupe la tête d'un camion,
08:12 je dois la tirer.
08:14 Et à un moment donné, je l'ai tirée trop près de lui,
08:17 et elle est allée le chercher.
08:19 Oh, désolé. Elle n'était pas supposée le chercher,
08:21 elle devait être repulsée, mais comme un football,
08:24 elle a dit, "J'ai réussi."
08:25 [BIP]
08:26 [Musique]
