Toddler girl has a cute response to mommy and daddy eating her Halloween candy

  • last year
In this video, a toddler girl's dad plays a prank on her by telling her that he and mommy ate all her Halloween candy. Her response is absolutely adorable as she goes to sit on the doormat and sulks, displaying her polite and innocent nature. This heartwarming and comical video captures the essence of childhood innocence and how children can react in such cute and amusing ways. It's a delightful moment that highlights the sweet and humorous side of parenting and kids.
Location: Van Buren, United States
WooGlobe Ref : WGA872691
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00:00 Listen, so last night, Mommy and me, we got really hungry and we ate all of your candy.
00:09 It's all gone.
00:11 Are you mad at me?
00:28 Are you mad at Mommy and Daddy?
00:34 So, me and Mommy ate it all. I'm sorry.
00:41 But we ate it. It's gone.
00:46 Yeah, me and Mommy ate it.
00:49 Me and Mommy, we ate your candy.
00:54 Yeah, we got hungry.
00:57 Got hungry?
00:58 Mommy's sleep.
01:03 Oh.
01:03 Will you give me a hug? I'm sorry.
