Australia Gives Security Guarantee to Taiwan Ally Tuvalu

  • last year
Australia has signed a security treaty with Taiwan’s ally Tuvalu aimed at countering China’s influence in the Pacific.
00:00 Australia has signed a security treaty with Taiwan's ally Tuvalu.
00:04 It aims to counter China's influence in the Pacific.
00:08 Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says the deal guarantees Australia's support
00:12 for military assistance to Tuvalu.
00:15 He says it's Australia's most significant agreement with the Pacific island nation.
00:20 China has been expanding influence in the Indo-Pacific region, including signing a security
00:25 deal with the Solomon Islands that has alarmed Australia and the US.
00:30 The agreement also aims to help Tuvalu deal with climate change and allow more Tuvaluans
00:34 to migrate to Australia.
