Chochoły przeszły przez Zakrzewo

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:02 The chohous are ready.
00:04 Today we will move our chohous to another space,
00:08 to the space of Zakrzewski Park.
00:10 The project itself began in September this year
00:15 and it lasts, actually it lasts until today,
00:18 because today is the end of the project and today the chohous will find their place.
00:22 Last year we implemented the project "Trees in Sweaters"
00:28 and this project actually inspired us a bit to come up with something for the next year,
00:35 that is in 2023,
00:40 which would still focus people on sewing workshops,
00:47 on wirework workshops,
00:50 meeting, above all,
00:53 and we also wanted to expand to other workshops,
00:58 musical and dance, and we just came up with a chohous.
01:01 The project is like the second cover of this whole cycle of autumn meetings.
01:07 Last year "Trees in Sweaters", this year "Zakrzewski Chohous".
01:12 The project is implemented and co-financed by the Government of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship
01:18 as part of the Wielkopolska Odnowa Wsi Programme and the Association of the Culture Zone in Zakrzew.
01:23 With the great support of the Polish House, the Centre for the Idea of the Native Land in Zakrzew,
01:28 we are implementing this project.
01:31 The project, as every year, requires writing conclusions,
01:35 coming up with ideas, creating concepts, meeting people,
01:41 developing these goals,
01:43 and the main goal was to show, especially to young people,
01:47 the way of spending time sewing,
01:52 making wire, which is becoming more and more common and fashionable year by year, as they say.
02:00 However, we also wanted to combine it with joint weaving,
02:05 music, spending time with joint dancing,
02:10 and all these elements.
02:13 Today is the final of all these elements,
02:16 showing this work of sewing, making wire,
02:22 dance and music workshops,
02:25 where we managed to make a few small pieces with young people,
02:30 who were willing to do it, of course.
02:33 And this is the goal, the goal of integration,
02:36 and at the same time, the preservation and care for this culture of previous generations.
