• 2 years ago
Women often second-guess themselves, wondering if they’re really a good match with their man. Well wonder no longer. I’m going to take you through a series of indicators that will tell you once and for all if you two are red hot or lukewarm.

The first thing you need to know is that true chemistry goes beyond the excitement that comes with dating someone new. It’s easy to mistake butterflies for chemistry but there is so much more at play. Chemistry happens on a very deep level and it’s impossible to fake.

Making eye contact isn’t awkward

Do you find yourself sneaking glances at him and then looking away or are you two able to look into each other’s eyes without being nervous? The eyes really are the window to the soul and the easy ability to make eye contact with your guy will let you know that you’ve got chemistry. Think about when you’re alone on the bus with a stranger and just looking for somewhere to look that is as far away from them as possible. Chances are the two of you aren’t quite that squeamish around each other but if you can’t make eye contact easily then this is a sign that nervousness still runs the show in your relationship.

You can hold a conversation

Conversation is chemistry in action. If you find that there’s never an awkward pause and that the two of you finish each other’s sentences, this is a sign that you two have chemistry to spare. A natural conversation just flows. A bad conversation has a lot of stops and starts, clarification and confusion. If you find you’re having trouble explaining your point of view then there’s a chance that you two lack chemistry.

Time flies

Do you ever find yourself losing track of time when you two are together? If you’re wondering how it’s midnight already or if you’re late for work because you two were busy texting then this means you two have a spark. If time seems to stretch on forever and it’s not the last day of school, then you may have a problem.

You’re good in bed

It’s been said that the early stages of a relationship--holding hands, flirting—are all just foreplay. While I wouldn’t go that far, sexual compatibility is a great indicator and facilitator of chemistry between the two of you. So if sex comes naturally and you seem to know one another’s bodies right away, then congratulations, you’ve got chemistry.