• 2 years ago
Explores the crimes that occurred along Highway 20 between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, where several young women | dHNfSEw1YVdMVVRqb2s


00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - In the wooded heart of Central Oregon,
00:06 there's a road that winds through the pine-studded mountains.
00:11 - I mean, it's almost rainbows and unicorns.
00:12 It's that perfect a place.
00:14 - But across three decades, hiding in plain sight,
00:18 a predator hunts this trail.
00:22 - There's a lot of hidden secrets here.
00:28 - One day, the editor of the Oregonian came over to my desk
00:30 and said, "I have a story, it's about a serial killer."
00:34 There's a cluster of missing girls
00:36 on and around Highway 20.
00:38 It was like they just vanished.
00:41 - Her parents called the police repeatedly,
00:47 but they felt ignored.
00:48 - This is my sister, this is my blood.
00:52 Where is she?
00:53 - Friends and family scramble for answers.
00:57 - We know who did this.
01:00 We know what happened.
01:01 - You could just tell that he had done this before.
01:06 - The police made me feel like it was my fault.
01:08 - It's alarming.
01:11 Clearly, it was a culture that allowed men
01:14 not to be held accountable.
01:25 - The case begins to shift.
01:27 - He just said he was the last one to see her alive.
01:32 Well, that's a red flag to me.
01:34 - What else will happen before he's stopped?
01:36 (dramatic music)
01:40 (dramatic music)
01:43 (upbeat music)
