00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - Mystery, danger, fifth column activity.
00:29 Aha, secret weapons, deadly formulas.
00:33 These are the forerunners of invasion.
00:35 Say, what kind of an invasion is this?
00:39 Why, it's just a bunch of kids in a doctor's office.
00:42 What do you suppose they're up to?
00:45 Uh-oh.
00:45 (laughs)
00:48 Well, now these floors are kind of slippery.
00:51 It's a doctor's office, all right,
00:53 but these kids aren't sick.
00:54 No, sir, they're here to fight.
00:56 To fight the oldest invasion of all,
00:59 invasion by disease.
01:01 You see, they've come to be vaccinated.
01:04 Of course, this is Tubby's first vaccination.
01:07 He won't admit he's afraid, but he is a little worried.
01:10 Well, I guess it'll be okay.
01:13 What do you suppose this vaccination business is, anyway?
01:19 Say, that must be the needle.
01:24 Boy, it sure looks awful sharp.
01:28 Hey, I'm not gonna let 'em stick that thing into me.
01:30 It's easy enough to see that Tubby
01:33 doesn't quite appreciate what we're trying to do for him.
01:36 I think we ought to take things a little slower
01:38 right at the start here and let him in on the idea.
01:41 Explain to him what vaccination really is.
01:44 And while we're at it,
01:45 why don't we get the rest of 'em in, too,
01:47 so they'll understand what's going on when it's their turn.
01:50 It's nice of you gentlemen to drop in like this.
01:56 As a matter of fact, we were just going to call you anyway.
01:59 You see, the doctor's going to tell us a little story,
02:02 a story about vaccination.
02:04 He's going to show us just what goes on inside our bodies
02:08 when we get sick, and how vaccination will help us
02:11 get all set to fight off diseases
02:14 even before they can sneak up on us.
02:16 Now, in the first place,
02:18 your body is a whole lot of separate parts
02:21 all brought together into one wonderfully organized machine.
02:26 It's like some big city
02:27 with a lot of separate buildings or factories.
02:30 For instance, the heart is the central office
02:35 for the distribution of supplies
02:36 to the other buildings of the city.
02:39 And the blood is really made up of many little workers,
02:42 which the heart sends to the different factories.
02:45 Come along over here a minute.
02:47 We'll show you some of these little workers in person.
02:50 Of course, we can't show them to you
02:52 while they're traveling around in your body
02:54 doing their work,
02:54 but you can see them sitting still on this glass slide.
02:58 First, we'll spread them out thin
03:01 so as to get a good look.
03:02 There.
03:04 Now you'll see for yourselves what we've been talking about.
03:14 You see, what you've always thought
03:16 was just a sort of red liquid
03:18 that popped out of your finger when you cut it
03:20 is really much more.
03:23 It's actually millions of little workers with a job to do,
03:27 a job of keeping us alive.
03:29 Looks like Rags here has a little bloodhound in him.
03:38 Well, let's get back to our story of vaccination
03:41 and see where we go from here.
03:43 Let's see now.
03:44 Here we are.
03:45 We're just going to tell you about our veins and arteries
03:49 and how they're like the roads and highways of the body
03:52 because it's through them
03:54 that the little workers get around
03:56 to the different organs or factories and do their jobs.
03:59 Remember, we said your body is really like a city,
04:02 a model city in which everything runs smoothly,
04:05 and will continue to do so
04:07 as long as it's left undisturbed,
04:10 undisturbed by the invader, disease.
04:13 (dramatic music)
04:21 You see, the wall around this city has a gate
04:23 through which supplies of raw materials must be taken.
04:26 Suppose, for example,
04:29 that you're loading up a new stock of groceries,
04:32 bread and butter, lots of jam on it, ice cream and cake.
04:36 This busy, peaceful city never heard of the invader.
04:39 But look, the enemy.
04:41 It's a deadly disease germ, all right.
04:43 Oh, but there's only one.
04:45 What harm can he do against the millions of little workers?
04:48 Just watch him.
04:50 Suddenly, there are two,
04:52 then four,
04:54 then there are eight, and more to come.
04:57 Now we understand why diseases are so deadly.
05:00 It is because they have the power
05:01 to transform themselves quickly
05:03 into gigantic, menacing hordes.
05:05 He doesn't look so harmless now, does he?
05:09 Before you know it,
05:11 they multiply themselves into millions.
05:14 Invasion.
05:16 The alarm is sounded.
05:17 The workers pour into the supply buildings
05:19 to arm themselves,
05:20 but there aren't enough weapons to go around.
05:22 And it's only with guns that the invaders can be conquered.
05:26 There is nothing to stop them here
05:27 because the body is not prepared.
05:30 Frantically, the factories are converted
05:33 to the manufacture of the all-important weapons,
05:35 but they are far too slow.
05:37 And as the ranks of the invader multiply
05:39 with terrifying rapidity,
05:40 we see that it is already too late.
05:43 (dramatic music)
05:46 This city is blacked out forever,
05:55 yet it could have been saved.
05:57 You see, boys, this city, or rather this man,
06:04 died because his body did not have arms and ammunition,
06:08 or in other words, powers of resistance against disease.
06:12 He was not prepared.
06:14 And he was not prepared simply
06:16 because he failed to take advantage
06:18 of the greatest weapon against disease
06:21 that medical science has to offer, vaccination.
06:24 Great men in all the countries of the world
06:31 have struggled year after year,
06:33 even given their lives in order that we might live.
06:36 Jenner, Pasteur, Koch,
06:40 and many others have worked
06:41 to create this harmless little fellow who will protect us.
06:44 He doesn't look like much, does he?
06:49 But wait until you see what he can do for us.
06:52 First, we have to get him into the body,
06:54 and that's where vaccination plays its part.
06:57 In vaccinating against the deadly smallpox, for example,
07:01 an ordinary point like a darning needle
07:04 presses sideways against the skin,
07:06 letting in a few of the little helpers.
07:10 But the lookouts inside the body
07:11 do not know that these little fellows are harmless.
07:14 They see their wall being attacked
07:15 and strangers entering the city,
07:17 and to them it's a real invasion,
07:19 and the army marches forth to battle.
07:22 But in this case, there's nothing to fear
07:23 from the weak, make-believe invaders.
07:25 Nevertheless, the factories of the body
07:29 immediately go on an all-out wartime basis.
07:32 Production zooms steadily upward,
07:34 but this time the armies of the body
07:36 are winning the battle.
07:37 This time the armies of the body are winning,
07:39 and the war plants have all the time they need
07:41 to produce arms and ammunition.
07:43 They work day and night, seven days a week,
07:45 24 hours a day, building the weapons to fight disease.
07:49 Meanwhile, the soldiers are easily routing
07:52 the harmless artificial invaders,
07:55 and soon the battle is completely won.
07:58 But look at the tremendous supply of arms and ammunition
08:01 that the body has made for itself because of vaccination.
08:04 (dramatic music)
08:07 We're ready for the invader, let him come.
08:13 Now, suppose you should catch some deadly disease
08:17 right out of the air itself,
08:19 because eating isn't the only way the invaders can enter.
08:22 They fly around on tiny dust particles
08:25 or little drops of moisture.
08:27 They're apt to be all around us, anywhere, anytime.
08:31 But if you've been vaccinated, you don't have to worry,
08:34 because your body is prepared against the invader,
08:37 no matter which way he chooses to enter.
08:39 Here they come, airborne troops
08:42 launching their deadly attack.
08:44 They're sure of themselves, confident of their power,
08:47 but brother, they've got a real surprise
08:49 in store for them this time.
08:51 (dramatic music)
08:54 (air whooshing)
08:57 (whistle blowing)
09:12 (dramatic music)
09:14 (air whooshing)
09:17 Here we see a modern mechanized army moving into battle,
09:28 equipped with the deadly weapons
09:29 that they have built up through vaccination.
09:31 (air whooshing)
09:34 (whistles blowing)
09:43 (dramatic music)
09:45 The Black Horde continues its menacing advance.
09:49 This is no false alarm.
09:51 This is a real full-scale invasion.
09:53 But the army of the body has been prepared.
09:58 Look, our fighters are landing through the invaders,
10:01 slashing them to ribbons.
10:02 Watch them use the firepower of mobile equipment
10:07 to overcome the deadly disease germs.
10:11 On every hand, we see brilliant examples
10:13 of military strategy.
10:14 The death rattle of the vaccine gun is heard on all sides.
10:24 Backed up by the dull roar of the germ bomber,
10:28 on they come.
10:29 And now the paratroops, most up to date of all fighting men.
10:34 Watch them take over behind the lines,
10:38 highly trained by vaccination
10:40 and all the tricks of modern warfare against disease.
10:43 They throw open a decisive wedge
10:50 into which rush the overwhelming and victorious army.
10:53 Victorious because they have arms and ammunition.
10:59 Arms and ammunition given them by vaccination.
11:02 Well, it looks as if we have a customer already.
11:08 Now we'll get a chance to see just what vaccination
11:11 really is.
11:12 The vaccine, or as we have shown it, the little helpers,
11:16 comes in a glass tube.
11:17 We clean the tube with alcohol and then we clean the arm.
11:23 Next, we break the tube to allow the vaccine to come out.
11:34 Then we put a drop on the arm and painlessly press it,
11:38 not scratch it, into the skin.
11:41 That lets the little fellows in
11:43 and that's all there is to it.
11:45 Well, okay, what are we waiting for?
11:49 Shucks, he knew there wasn't anything to it all the time.
11:52 Let's go, boys, start building those jeeps.
11:55 I should have had this done long ago.
11:57 Shoot it to me, Doc.
12:00 I've had an invasion of fleas for years.
12:04 Well, here they come.
12:06 Wasn't half as bad as having your ears washed, was it?
12:09 And yet those few minutes in the doctor's chair
12:12 have made it impossible for the invader to attack.
12:15 For these boys are now prepared.
12:18 Inside each one, a powerful defense army has been mobilized,
12:22 ready and waiting.
12:23 V for vaccination and victory.
12:26 Victory over invasion.
12:28 (triumphant music)
12:31 (triumphant music)
12:34 (upbeat music)