iBilib: Avoid the wall full of laser beams by all means! (Bilibabols)

  • last year
Aired (November 12, 2023): Release your inner spy kid and win the laser beam challenge!
00:00 [music]
00:05 [laser sounds]
00:09 [music]
00:17 Guys, welcome to the Believable's Laser Spy Challenge.
00:21 This is what you'll do.
00:23 One at a time, the players will play.
00:25 The goal is to quickly get the treasure.
00:28 But before you get to the treasure,
00:30 you need to avoid the laser sensors around here.
00:34 If you get close to the laser, you'll go back to the start.
00:37 What's that, G?
00:38 G for G!
00:40 Is he ready?
00:42 Diver, start!
00:44 Now!
00:47 There!
00:49 Okay, just estimate.
00:50 There!
00:51 Oh no!
00:52 You're getting close!
00:54 There!
00:55 Okay, nice one.
00:56 Marco's in the game.
00:58 Check your bottom, Marco.
01:00 Okay, go back.
01:02 There, go!
01:04 Nice one!
01:05 You're doing great.
01:06 Take your time, Marco.
01:08 As long as you get the treasure.
01:10 Nice one!
01:11 Just one more.
01:12 Nice one!
01:13 I believe!
01:15 Nice!
01:17 Next up,
01:20 Rossi!
01:22 Go, go, go!
01:24 Girl power!
01:25 [music]
01:30 Hey, hey, you're doing great!
01:33 Nice one, Rossi!
01:35 Nice one!
01:36 Nice one, Rossi!
01:38 Just a little more.
01:39 I believe!
01:41 No, you're losing!
01:43 One more!
01:44 Nice one!
01:47 I'm so pressured right now.
01:50 Yes!
01:51 I believe!
01:52 Nice one!
01:53 Good job, Rossi!
01:54 Nice one!
01:55 You're doing great!
01:56 Here's the next one.
01:58 I think Kuya Jameel will be fast.
02:01 Focus on the goal.
02:03 There, you're doing great.
02:05 Go!
02:06 There!
02:09 Nice one!
02:10 Smooth, sir!
02:11 It's like a dance move.
02:12 There!
02:14 Okay!
02:15 Just look at the number.
02:17 Nice one!
02:19 Nice one!
02:20 Go!
02:21 Nice one!
02:22 2 to go!
02:23 Nice one!
02:24 2 to go!
02:25 Calm down.
02:26 It's almost there.
02:27 Go!
02:28 Just kidding.
02:29 Go!
02:30 Nice!
02:31 Nice!
02:32 Just one more!
02:33 I believe!
02:34 Nice one!
02:35 Nice one!
02:37 He's done it, Ka-i-believers!
02:40 No more cheating!
02:41 I know that this person won't let us lose.
02:44 It's Ate Zonya!
02:47 Yeah!
02:48 For the win!
02:49 Are you ready?
02:50 I'm ready!
02:52 Let's go!
02:53 Go!
02:54 Zonya, girl power!
02:57 You have to win!
02:58 Show us who you are!
03:00 Nice!
03:01 3 to go!
03:02 3 to go!
03:03 The flag!
03:04 That's it!
03:05 Timing!
03:06 Yeah!
03:07 Nice!
03:08 It's okay!
03:09 Go back!
03:10 I can do this!
03:11 Just relax.
03:12 But you can do it!
03:13 You can do it!
03:14 I believe in you, Zonya.
03:15 Me too!
03:16 You can do it!
03:17 I can see that--
03:18 No!
03:19 In fairness to him,
03:20 he started it and ended it.
03:22 Zonya's just right in praying.
03:23 You got this.
03:24 I believe in you.
03:25 I believe!
03:26 Nice!
03:27 Nice!
03:28 Nice!
03:29 In this challenge,
03:30 the players were obstacles
03:31 to the laser sensor around them.
03:33 The laser sensor is an equipment
03:35 that can detect anything
03:38 that blocks the laser light.
03:40 How?
03:41 There's a laser beam that the sensor emits
03:43 towards a target object.
03:45 And when the light hits the target,
03:47 the laser beam bounces back
03:49 to the sensor.
03:50 The laser sensor is considered
03:52 a contactless measurement
03:54 because it can measure the distance
03:56 of something that is hit by the laser beam.
03:59 This way,
04:00 the players who play the challenge
04:02 can detect it.
04:03 Because of this,
04:04 the players tried to avoid
04:06 the laser beams
04:07 with their flexibility,
04:08 timing, and mobility.
04:10 I believe!
04:11 This is it, guys!
04:12 Let's not make it long.
04:13 This is what we've been waiting for!
04:16 And I will announce the time
04:18 for Kuya Jamier.
04:20 The time is...
04:23 2 minutes and 34 seconds!
04:27 Great job!
04:28 Great job, Jamier!
04:30 And now,
04:31 we will announce
04:33 the time for Rock!
04:35 Okay!
04:36 I don't believe it!
04:38 Let's go, guys!
04:39 4 minutes and 7 seconds!
04:42 Good job, Rock!
04:46 And I'm going to announce
04:48 the score for Zonya.
04:50 I have high hopes!
04:51 I worked hard for this.
04:53 Girl power!
04:54 And because of that,
04:55 the time is...
04:57 5 minutes and 40 seconds!
05:01 We did it!
05:03 I'm proud of you!
05:04 I'm so proud of you!
05:05 I can't believe this!
05:06 Let's not make it long.
05:08 The official time for Marco is...
05:10 2 minutes and 29 seconds!
05:14 Nice job!
05:15 Okay, okay!
05:16 Here it is!
05:17 You are the champion of I Believe!
05:21 Yes!
05:22 Good job!
05:23 What can we say?
05:24 Deserve!
05:25 Deserve!
05:26 I Believe!
05:28 I Believe!
05:30 I Believe!
05:33 You are the champion of I Believe!
05:36 Yes!
05:37 You are the champion of I Believe!
05:40 Yes!
05:41 You are the champion of I Believe!
05:44 Yes!
05:45 You are the champion of I Believe!
