iBilib: iBilib Barkada tries out these physical and fun activities! (Full Episode)

  • last year
Aired (November 12, 2023): It is time to test your physical strength, flexibility, and mobility as we join the iBilib Barkada in these fun games!


00:00 [music]
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00:14 [laughing]
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00:28 [speaking Filipino]
00:32 I believe, because I believe that science is fun for everyone.
00:36 [music]
00:38 Good morning iBeliebers!
00:42 Good morning! Good morning everybody!
00:44 And of course, good morning to my partner, Ate Shira.
00:46 Good morning to you too, Kuya Chris!
00:48 And this morning, to make our experiment more fun,
00:52 we have a special guest, a sparkle artist,
00:54 and also a cast member of Running Man Philippines, Lexie Gonzalez!
00:58 Yay!
01:00 Hi Lexie! Welcome to iBelieve! Welcome!
01:02 Welcome back!
01:04 Yes, you know I prepared this day. I worked out.
01:08 And that's what our other guest this morning did.
01:12 Please welcome our cast, Sporkata, Sean Lucas!
01:16 What's up? What's up?
01:18 What's up Sean? Welcome back!
01:20 I'm so excited for what we're going to do this morning.
01:22 I'm sure you're also excited for the first challenge we're going to do this morning.
01:28 [music]
01:30 Guys, welcome to the Belieberables Laser Spy Challenge.
01:44 This is what you're going to do.
01:46 One at a time, the players will play.
01:48 The goal is to quickly get to the treasure.
01:50 But before you get to the treasure,
01:52 you need to avoid the laser sensors around here.
01:56 If you get close to the laser, you'll go back to the start.
01:59 What's that? G?
02:00 G for G!
02:02 Is he ready?
02:04 Timer starts now!
02:09 There!
02:11 Okay, just estimate.
02:12 There!
02:13 Oh no! You're not even close!
02:15 There!
02:17 Okay, nice one.
02:18 Marco is inside.
02:19 Go inside.
02:20 Check your bottom, Marco.
02:21 Okay, okay.
02:23 Go back, go back, go back.
02:24 There! Go!
02:26 Nice one!
02:27 You're good at that.
02:28 Take your time, Marco.
02:30 As long as you get through and get the treasure.
02:32 Nice one!
02:33 Just one more.
02:34 Nice one!
02:35 He got through.
02:36 I believe!
02:37 Nice!
02:39 Next up is Roxy!
02:43 Go, go, go! Girl power!
02:53 Hey, hey! You're doing great!
02:56 Nice one, Roxy!
02:58 Nice one!
02:59 Nice one, Roxy!
03:00 Just a little bit more.
03:02 I believe!
03:04 You're winning!
03:05 One more!
03:06 Nice one!
03:10 I'm so pressured right now.
03:12 Yes!
03:13 I believe!
03:14 Nice one!
03:16 Good job, Roxy!
03:17 Nice one!
03:18 You're doing great!
03:19 Here's the next one.
03:21 I think Kuya Jamiel is fast.
03:24 Focus on the goal.
03:26 There, you should just...
03:28 Go!
03:29 Nice one!
03:32 Smooth, sir!
03:34 It's like a dance move.
03:35 Just look at the number.
03:40 Nice one, nice one, nice one.
03:42 Nice one.
03:43 Go!
03:44 Nice one, nice one.
03:45 Two to go, two to go.
03:46 Calm down.
03:47 It's almost there.
03:48 Go!
03:49 Just kidding.
03:50 Go!
03:51 Nice!
03:52 Nice!
03:53 Just one more.
03:54 I believe!
03:56 Nice one!
03:58 He finished it, Ka-I-Believers!
04:01 Without a doubt!
04:03 I know that this person will not be defeated.
04:06 It's Ate Zonya!
04:08 Yeah!
04:09 For the win!
04:11 Are you ready?
04:12 I'm ready!
04:13 Get set!
04:14 Go!
04:17 Zonya, girl power!
04:18 You should win!
04:19 Show us who you are!
04:21 Nice, nice.
04:23 You should lift it up.
04:24 Three to go.
04:25 The flag.
04:26 Look at that!
04:27 Timing, timing.
04:28 Yeah!
04:29 It's okay, it's okay.
04:30 Go back, go back.
04:31 I can do this!
04:32 Just a little more.
04:33 No, but this is it.
04:34 You can do it.
04:35 No, Zonya, I believe in you.
04:37 Me too, me too.
04:38 You can do it.
04:39 I can see that...
04:40 No, in fairness to them,
04:41 when he started, he finished it.
04:43 Zonya, you got this.
04:45 I believe in you.
04:47 I believe!
04:48 Nice!
04:49 Yes!
04:50 In this challenge,
04:51 the players became an obstacle
04:53 with the laser sensor around them.
04:55 The laser sensor is an equipment
04:57 that can detect anything
04:59 that is blocking the laser light.
05:02 How?
05:03 There's a laser beam
05:04 that the sensor releases
05:05 towards a target object.
05:07 And when the light hits the target,
05:09 the laser beam bounces back
05:11 towards the sensor.
05:12 The laser sensor is considered
05:14 a contactless measurement
05:16 because it can measure the distance
05:18 of something that is hit by the laser beam.
05:21 This way,
05:22 the people playing the challenge
05:24 can detect it.
05:25 Because of this,
05:26 the players tried to avoid
05:28 the laser beams
05:29 with their flexibility,
05:30 timing, and mobility.
05:32 I believe!
05:33 This is it, guys.
05:34 Let's not delay it.
05:35 This is what we've been waiting for.
05:38 And I will announce the time
05:41 to Kuya Jameer.
05:43 The time is...
05:45 2 minutes and 34 seconds.
05:49 He's good!
05:50 He's good at this.
05:51 And now,
05:53 we will announce
05:55 the time of Rock.
05:57 Okay.
05:58 I have confidence in myself.
06:00 Let's go, guys.
06:01 4 minutes and 7 seconds!
06:04 Good job, Rock!
06:08 And I'm going to announce
06:10 the score of Zonya.
06:12 I have high hopes.
06:13 I worked hard for this.
06:15 Girl power!
06:16 And because of that,
06:17 her score or time is...
06:19 5 minutes and 40 seconds!
06:23 I'm happy!
06:25 I'm proud of you.
06:26 I'm so proud of you.
06:27 Okay, Believers.
06:28 Let's not delay it.
06:30 Marco's official time is...
06:32 2 minutes and 29 seconds!
06:36 He's good!
06:37 Okay, okay.
06:38 This is it.
06:39 Best serve!
06:40 You're the champion of I Believe!
06:43 Yes!
06:44 Good job!
06:45 What can we say?
06:46 Deserve.
06:47 I Believe!
06:50 Move together
06:52 so the ball won't fall apart.
06:55 Fried noodles
06:57 became French fries
06:59 when cooked.
07:00 Learn and prosper
07:03 in the story of life
07:05 is added.
07:06 Okay, guys.
07:07 For the next thing we're going to do,
07:08 we need teamwork.
07:10 Teamwork?
07:11 Game, okay.
07:12 What are we going to do, Chris?
07:14 This is called
07:15 the Synchro Ball Challenge.
07:17 Wow!
07:18 How is that, Chris?
07:19 Team members will tie the inflatable ball
07:22 to their body.
07:23 Then,
07:24 we need to do the motion or action
07:26 so the ball won't fall.
07:29 To return the ball from the starting position,
07:31 you'll spin it until you return to the original starting position.
07:34 Okay.
07:37 The first challenge,
07:38 360-degree rotation.
07:40 Go.
07:42 Oh!
07:45 Again, again, again.
07:46 One more, one more.
07:47 It's okay, it's okay.
07:49 One, two, three, four.
07:50 Slowly, slowly.
07:51 Okay.
07:52 Up, up.
07:53 Wait, wait, wait.
07:54 Go, go, go, go.
07:55 Go, go, go, go.
07:56 Hey!
07:57 Okay, okay, okay.
07:59 Go in.
08:00 Go in.
08:01 It's my turn.
08:02 Okay, go.
08:03 She can do it.
08:04 She can do it.
08:05 Okay, okay.
08:06 Okay, okay.
08:07 Set.
08:09 Go.
08:10 Oh!
08:13 It fell!
08:14 It fell!
08:15 Ready, go.
08:16 Here.
08:17 It fell!
08:18 It fell!
08:19 It fell!
08:20 It fell!
08:21 Hey, it fell on the side.
08:24 She can do it.
08:26 She can do it.
08:27 She can do it.
08:28 She can do it.
08:29 It fell on the side.
08:34 It fell on the side.
08:35 Okay, let's do it.
08:36 Okay, okay.
08:37 Okay, okay.
08:38 There.
08:39 Side to side, side to side.
08:40 It fell!
08:41 It fell!
08:42 We did it!
08:43 It's ticklish.
08:46 I thought it was me.
08:47 Nice one, nice one.
08:49 It's my turn.
08:50 I should've gone slowly.
08:51 You're good.
08:52 You should've gone faster.
08:53 I think you guys are slow.
08:54 Who was it?
08:55 We're slow.
08:56 Rush and I are too slow.
08:57 We're fast.
08:58 You guys get round one, but we still have round two.
09:01 Okay, okay.
09:02 360 rotation.
09:03 But the ball has to pass through the players' arms and hands.
09:07 Try?
09:08 G!
09:09 Okay, go.
09:10 Ladies, 360 degree rotation with arms.
09:12 Game.
09:14 Ready?
09:15 Go.
09:16 Let's go.
09:17 You're good.
09:20 Let's get one.
09:22 Coordinated.
09:23 Make sure.
09:25 Wow, you're good.
09:28 Wow, you're good.
09:31 I don't want to do this anymore.
09:32 You're good.
09:33 Okay, it's your turn, guys.
09:34 You're good.
09:35 We're at a disadvantage.
09:36 It's long.
09:37 No friction.
09:38 Okay, ready?
09:40 Go.
09:42 Oh, it's over.
09:45 You can do it.
09:46 Where's the most I've done?
09:48 Up, up, up.
09:49 There.
09:51 Go back to the object.
09:52 You can do it.
09:54 Let's find out who won the total aggregate score.
10:00 Okay, the total time of the girls is 35.59 seconds.
10:06 Total time.
10:08 Nice one.
10:09 Total time.
10:10 36 seconds.
10:11 And the boys?
10:12 There.
10:14 51 seconds.
10:15 5.51 seconds.
10:18 Congratulations, girls.
10:22 Congratulations.
10:23 Good game.
10:24 Good job, partner.
10:25 Let's get it back.
10:26 In this game, teamwork is important.
10:29 The movements should be synchronized.
10:31 It means that the movements should be synchronized.
10:34 Just like in the Olympic sport, synchronized swimming.
10:37 But not like synchronized swimming, our movements are different.
10:42 This is where coordination comes in.
10:45 This is where we can choose the right muscle and body part to move
10:49 that has the right force in the direction we want.
10:52 Aside from teamwork, our players also tried to balance.
10:57 The enhanced sense of stability or balance protects us
11:01 from possible falls or falls.
11:03 This challenge can be considered as balance training
11:06 to improve our mobility or ability to move.
11:10 Like a fun game, we learned serious science.
11:15 I believe.
11:16 Fried noodles turned into French fries when cooked.
11:20 Learned and honored in the story of Bida is Dagga.
11:26 Storytime, I-believers!
11:28 This time, we will do storytelling with Shania and Mia the Diva.
11:33 Hi!
11:35 Hello!
11:37 Hoi ho!
11:38 Hello!
11:40 Our story today is "The Lion and the Tiger."
11:43 And we will be helped by Sister Shaira.
11:45 And we, Mia, will be the voice of the characters.
11:49 Okay, perfect.
11:50 Let's start the story.
11:52 In the jungle, there is a lioness crossing a tree.
11:57 A sleeping lion is above her.
12:01 But the lioness fell, so she continued to escape from the lion's back.
12:06 Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
12:08 The lion woke up and the lioness was suddenly hit.
12:13 Mmm, delicious!
12:15 The lioness was scared and pitied.
12:19 Don't eat me!
12:20 And why?
12:22 I don't have any bad intentions.
12:25 I just fell from a tree, slipped and fell on your back.
12:30 The lioness saw the true mercy on the face of the lioness.
12:35 Okay, I will pity you.
12:38 But don't disturb my sleep.
12:42 Thank you, my friend.
12:45 Someday, I will be grateful for your kindness.
12:48 A few days later, the lioness was walking when she saw a boar.
12:54 She threw her leash and caught the lion.
12:58 Grrrr!
13:00 The lioness suddenly tried to get rid of the leash.
13:04 Grrr! Help! Grrr! Help me!
13:10 The lioness left to call her companions and the boar passed by.
13:15 Lion, what happened to you?
13:19 I'm not far from this place.
13:22 Help me!
13:24 The lioness didn't hesitate.
13:27 She immediately ate the boar.
13:30 Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!
13:32 And the lion was freed.
13:35 Thank you, my friend.
13:39 You're welcome, my friend.
13:40 I owe you my life.
13:43 You're welcome, my friend.
13:45 I also owe you my heart.
13:48 From then on, the lion and the boar became best friends.
13:54 The end!
13:56 The end!
13:58 Yay!
13:59 Good job, guys!
14:03 Sister Shira and of course, Shanaya.
14:05 Good job! And Mia!
14:07 Mia, you're great!
14:08 Thank you!
14:10 Shanaya, what do you think is the lesson of the story?
14:13 What I understood from the story is that we should not underestimate the power of others.
14:19 Because no matter how small or big we are, we can still do something to help.
14:25 Like me.
14:27 I'm the smallest here but I helped a lot in the story.
14:31 I'm a great lion, right?
14:33 Grrrr! Right?
14:36 Yes.
14:37 You're scary.
14:38 You're making my son crazy.
14:40 Yay!
14:42 You're great!
14:44 Mia, you should learn to be humble.
14:48 Humble? What's that?
14:51 That's the way to humble yourself.
14:54 Like the lion in the story, right?
14:56 Even though he's the king of the jungle, the biggest and the bravest,
15:01 he became humble and asked for help from a lion that is smaller than him.
15:07 Right!
15:08 And the story is great, right?
15:12 It's small but there's a lot to learn.
15:14 And we have one more thing to learn.
15:17 Because I have a different trivia about lions.
15:21 Do you know that there's a white lion?
15:24 The white lion has a scientific name, Panthera lion.
15:29 White lions are not albinos.
15:31 Their white color is called leucism.
15:35 This is a condition where the pigmentation of an animal disappears.
15:40 It is the cause of bleaching, whitening, and the occurrence of patchy coloration of the skin,
15:48 hair, and skin that does not affect the eyes.
15:52 I believe!
15:54 Fried noodles became French fries when cooked.
15:57 It's crispy, right?
15:58 Hi Believers!
16:03 Do you have instant noodles or instant ramen that lost its flavoring powder so you can't eat it?
16:09 Mmm, no problem!
16:11 Because I have a life hack for that.
16:13 I will show you how to make ramen fries.
16:17 So we will just make it simple.
16:19 And these are the ingredients we need.
16:21 Of course, we have a sieve, cooking oil, flour, our ramen, eggs, foil, a chancé, a knife, and our chopping board.
16:36 The first thing we will do is mix the flour in our ramen.
16:43 This much is probably about 2 tablespoons of flour.
16:49 Let's mix it.
16:51 We will now transfer our ramen noodles here in the middle.
17:00 Then, we will wrap it now.
17:04 Wrap the foil around our ramen, cut into rectangles.
17:12 We will now put this in the freezer.
17:16 Okay.
17:17 For 20 minutes.
17:19 And then, this is how it will look like, guys.
17:23 So this is how it looks like.
17:28 And then, we will now slice our frozen ramen.
17:36 Like a little bit of fries.
17:39 Make sure, iBelievers, that before you slice it, it's already hard and frozen.
17:46 And then, we have here some hot oil.
17:49 There.
17:54 Okay.
17:56 We will put three pieces here.
18:00 And then, of course, we will wait for it to turn brown, right?
18:05 Okay.
18:07 And then, this is how it will look like.
18:13 This is now my finished product.
18:16 Ta-da!
18:18 Wow!
18:19 That's a great kitchen hack, Ate Shaira.
18:21 The noodles won't go to waste.
18:23 Of course.
18:24 You already solved your problem.
18:26 You even saved.
18:27 Yes.
18:28 But I have a problem.
18:29 What?
18:30 I'm hungry.
18:31 Me too.
18:32 Me too.
18:33 Let me try it too.
18:34 How is it?
18:37 It's still crispy, right?
18:38 Yes.
18:39 It smells good.
18:40 Right?
18:41 It's so crispy.
18:42 Try the dough.
18:43 Mmm.
18:45 It's perfect.
18:46 I'm double hungry.
18:47 It's like fries.
18:48 It's good.
18:49 One more.
18:50 Okay.
18:51 So, thank you guys for joining us.
18:52 Thank you.
18:53 I hope you guys will join us and experiment here.
18:55 So, thank you everybody.
18:56 We'll see you again next week here at the happiest Sunday morning in the whole country.
19:00 This is...
19:01 Adi Bibi!
19:03 [Music]
