Newborns in peril at besieged Gaza hospital

  • last year
Israeli tanks have taken up positions at the gates of Gaza City's main hospital, which Israeli forces say sits atop a Hamas headquarters.

A Gaza health official at Al Shifa hospital say 32 patients have died in three days from the siege and lack of power, and that snipers and drones make it impossible to move.

00:00 Inside Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital, rows of tiny newborns, some premature, wrapped in cloth for warmth.
00:09 They're in grave danger with each passing minute.
00:12 They've been taken out of their incubators because the hospital doesn't have enough power.
00:17 Outside the hospital, Israeli tanks, which took up positions at its gates on Monday.
00:23 Israel says Al-Shifa sits on top of a Hamas headquarters, using the hospital's patients as human shields, which Hamas denies.
00:32 This video from Israel's military is said to show its soldiers delivering fuel for the hospital.
00:38 Israel says it attempted to evacuate the babies, but was blocked by Hamas.
00:43 Dr. Ahmed El-Mokhalilati is a surgeon that's been caring for them.
00:49 He says they're slowly dying.
00:52 Currently, we have 36 minutes of life, which means we have lost three over the last 24 hours.
01:00 They are not that much covered in a way that temperature is not controlled.
01:06 The only adjusting is the AC and the heater one.
01:09 They will be crying. These ones, we feed them through a tube. We call it an NG tube, trying to feed them.
01:15 So they are literally in a very bad situation where you slowly kill them unless someone interferes to adjust or to improve their situation.
01:26 Al-Shifa, which is Gaza's main hospital, has been a major hotspot of the war for weeks, taking in wounded or the homeless.
01:37 The Gaza Health Ministry spokesperson who's inside the hospital said Monday that it had lost 32 patients over three days from the conditions, including the infants.
01:48 They also say Israeli drones and snipers are firing into the hospital, making it impossible for medics to move around the halls, which Reuters could not immediately verify.
