• 2 years ago
பைக்குல ரைடு போகும் போது முன்னாடி பேரா ரைடர் காட்டுற சிக்னலுக்கு அர்த்தம் என்ன தெரியுமா?



00:00 Hello guys, I am your host Jeezo. Today we are at a beautiful location.
00:03 There is something important for you.
00:16 Many of you are riding.
00:18 You can ride solo, group rides or ride with 2 people.
00:22 If you don't have intercom, there is a communication language.
00:25 That is the hand signal.
00:27 We are going to talk about that hand signal.
00:28 Come, let's go into the video.
00:30 I am going to tell you about hand signals.
00:35 Try to understand it.
00:37 This is your back view.
00:38 You can see the rider's scale from here.
00:41 Basically, left hand means you spread your hand and show it like this.
00:46 This is the riding position.
00:47 You can see the rider's eyes like this.
00:51 If you take the left hand, all you have to do is put your hand on the left.
00:55 I spread my hand and take the left.
00:57 This is the left.
00:58 You know that you are going to take the left.
01:01 If you take the right U-turn, you have to do the same.
01:04 You spread your left hand and show it like this.
01:07 That means you are taking a right U-turn.
01:09 If you get a speed breaker, you have to intimidate it by saying "Hazard".
01:16 How do you intimidate it?
01:17 You put your leg down like this.
01:19 When you put your leg down, you are telling the people that there is an obstacle.
01:24 You are telling them to slow down.
01:26 You might have a doubt.
01:28 "Why is he only showing his left hand and not showing his right hand?"
01:32 Here's the thing.
01:33 When you ride a bike, you have full control of the bike with your right hand.
01:39 Right from the brake or through the acceleration.
01:42 There is nothing else on the left hand side.
01:43 You shift gears at the speed you are going.
01:45 Use the clutch.
01:46 Most of the time, your left hand or left leg will be free.
01:51 That's why there are many intercoms and bluetooth devices in helmets.
01:55 So, helmets, bluetooth intercoms and bluetooth devices are on the left hand side.
02:01 Why?
02:02 Most of the time, you change the music while riding.
02:05 Your left hand is free.
02:07 That's why you use it.
02:08 If you are riding on a hill station and you are using your right hand,
02:13 you are riding in an incline.
02:15 It is possible for the engine to stop and you to fall down.
02:19 That's why we use hand signals or intercom devices on the left hand side.
02:24 So, this is the basic.
02:25 There are many more hand signals.
02:27 I will show you what they are.
02:28 So, again I am going to the sitting position.
02:31 This is the sitting position.
02:33 If you want to slow down,
02:36 you can hold your right hand like this.
02:38 You can also hold it down like this.
02:40 When you are going slow, you can hold it down like this.
02:46 That is the slow down.
02:48 If you want to stop,
02:51 you can stop at a tea shop or a shop on the left hand side.
02:58 When you are going, you point to this shop.
03:02 And we are showing hand signals like this.
03:04 If you hold your hand like this,
03:06 we are showing the slow down.
03:09 So that people will come to know that you are going to slow down.
03:12 This is the oil can.
03:15 You can show it like this.
03:17 Hey you, come in front.
03:19 You, come in front.
03:21 If you want to take the lead,
03:25 you can say like this.
03:28 When you are going,
03:31 if there is a policeman or a person with a license,
03:35 you can tap the helmet like this.
03:41 When you tap like this,
03:43 you can show that there is a policeman or a person with a license.
03:46 If you want to refresh yourself,
03:48 or if you want to drink water,
03:50 or if you want to fill the fuel tank,
03:52 you can hold your hand like this.
03:54 And you can show the fuel tank.
03:56 When you show like this, you can show that there is a low fuel tank.
03:58 If you want to drink juice or refresh yourself,
04:01 you can hold your hand like this.
04:03 And you can show that you are drinking water.
04:05 Basically, you need a refreshment.
04:07 So, let's take a break.
04:09 If you are going in a group,
04:11 you can take a single profile,
04:13 double profile,
04:15 or if you are going in a group,
04:17 you can take a single profile.
04:19 If you are going in a group,
04:21 you can take a single profile.
04:23 If you are going in a group,
04:25 you can take a double profile.
04:27 If you are going in a group,
04:29 you can take a single profile.
04:31 If you are going in a group,
04:33 you can take a double profile.
04:35 If you are going in a group,
04:37 you can take a single profile.
04:39 If you are going in a group,
04:41 you can take a double profile.
04:43 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
04:45 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
04:47 This is a group.
04:49 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
04:51 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
04:53 They will come in the second line.
04:55 This is how we split the two lines.
04:57 This is how we split the two lines.
04:59 If you are going and a rider comes,
05:01 If you are going and a rider comes,
05:03 salute him.
05:05 Whether he is a superbike or
05:07 a small bike or a cycle,
05:09 salute him.
05:11 This is how we salute.
05:13 We show our hands to the rider.
05:15 We show our hands to the rider.
05:17 We show our hands to the rider.
05:19 We salute him.
05:21 We salute him.
05:23 If you ask him why he is using his right hand,
05:25 he will say,
05:27 "You are saluting someone,
05:29 obviously you are going at a speed like this."
05:31 "You are going to do nothing."
05:33 "You are not going to do anything."
05:35 You are giving him respect by slowing him down.
05:37 You are giving him respect by slowing him down.
05:39 You are giving him respect by slowing him down.
05:41 You are saying, "Ride is salute."
05:43 These are the basic hand signals.
05:45 If you like this video,
05:47 Like, Comment and Share.
05:49 This is your Ghostie,
05:51 signing off from Dry Sparks Tamil.
05:53 Cheers in another video.
05:55 [Music]
