Is The Marvels a Misfire Movie Review

  • last year
Is The Marvels a Misfire Movie Review
00:00 Is the Marvels a win for the MCU or is it a mess?
00:04 Let's talk about it.
00:04 - Oh, this is just too good.
00:06 - What's up MCU fans?
00:07 Welcome back to the channel.
00:08 I finally saw the Marvels, the sequel to Captain Marvel
00:13 and Ms. Marvel and WandaVision and--
00:16 - All right, I get it!
00:17 - So Carol Danvers gets her powers entangled.
00:20 - Different kind of entanglement.
00:21 - With those of Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau,
00:24 forcing them to work together to save the universe.
00:27 This is obviously rated PG-13.
00:29 But basically action, strong language,
00:31 all the things you expect from a Marvel movie.
00:33 And this is, like I said, a sequel to many MCU projects.
00:37 And because of that, I believe some people will go into this
00:40 not knowing that fact and walk out like,
00:42 I didn't really know who Ms. Marvel was
00:45 'cause I didn't watch Ms. Marvel.
00:47 It does an okay job of filling in the gaps.
00:49 But when I say the movie throws you
00:51 into her storyline specifically,
00:53 it really throws you in.
00:54 It expects you to know a lot about her
00:56 and not only that character, but her family
00:59 and the people that are involved in her story.
01:01 And there's a backstory with her specifically
01:05 involving something on her wrist
01:07 that has to do with this movie.
01:08 And that is explained in grave detail in the series.
01:11 And if you didn't watch that series,
01:12 well then you're gonna watch, I mean, I watched it.
01:14 But some people didn't, so there's homework.
01:17 Teyana Paris as Monica really liked her character
01:19 in WandaVision.
01:20 I think it's less important that you watch that
01:23 because they do a little bit of a flashback thing with her
01:26 as well as Captain Marvel.
01:28 Just in case you forgot the first movie,
01:29 it's like, here's a montage.
01:32 Where was that for Ms. Marvel?
01:33 - I'm like, what is this (beep) mean for?
01:34 - Regardless, I like Monica's character
01:36 and specifically the connection
01:37 between she and Captain Marvel.
01:39 We know that there's going to be
01:40 a little bit of tension there.
01:41 They haven't seen each other in a while
01:43 and where they left off and the details
01:46 that we get with that story.
01:47 They probably end up being some of the more effective
01:49 emotional scenes in the movie.
01:51 That connection between Carol and her mom in the first film,
01:55 that was the driving force of Captain Marvel.
01:58 And so obviously that was an element
02:00 I was really excited to see.
02:01 It paid off for the most part.
02:03 There's some awkwardness from Captain Marvel's standpoint.
02:06 I do wish they would have gotten
02:07 a few more conversations in there
02:10 and showcase more of that connection.
02:12 I guess it didn't really pay off,
02:13 but I like when they're on screen together at least.
02:16 There are three Marvels in this Captain Marvel sequel.
02:18 Captain Marvel's technically been in a few projects now.
02:21 She's been around for a while.
02:22 That being said, the best Marvel is Ms. Marvel.
02:26 Kamala Khan is just, radiates wonderful energy
02:31 that is infectious and she's such an entertaining character.
02:36 And I love the fact that she loves that she's here.
02:39 You can tell, Imane Villani, she was excited to be here.
02:42 Ms. Marvel, she was excited to be a part of the team
02:45 and anytime she's on screen and interacting
02:48 with the other two Marvels and her family specifically,
02:51 they don't get a lot to do later on in the movie.
02:53 I'm questioning why they're even there later on in the movie,
02:56 but their interactions at the beginning, they were great.
02:59 Really, this film started out on an okay note.
03:01 You know, going into the Marvels,
03:04 I saw the trailers, they were fine.
03:06 I'm just not a fan of the first Captain Marvel.
03:07 There's very little about it that resonates with me
03:10 and it's such a bland story looking back on it.
03:13 So I was hoping that there would be more spark here
03:15 and there is.
03:16 If me telling you that the Marvels is better
03:19 than Captain Marvel is going to sway you to see this film,
03:22 first of all, hold on, and second of all, all right.
03:25 I mean, that's technically,
03:27 we're going in the right direction.
03:28 And the reason why you see this film is the characters.
03:31 I was hoping it would be Nia DaCosta's direction,
03:34 but it just kind of falls into the same category as,
03:37 you know, it's a Marvel movie and they bring in a director,
03:41 but it's still a Marvel movie
03:42 and there's not really a voice being showcased.
03:45 Maybe a little bit between the characters
03:48 I felt Nia DaCosta because she really works well
03:51 with her actors and you can tell that here.
03:53 But in terms of style, I wanted more style.
03:57 And maybe that's because the plot feels so jumbled.
03:59 Maybe that's because there's a lot being thrown at us
04:01 at once story-wise and I couldn't quite feel her impact,
04:06 but I couldn't really feel her impact.
04:07 And that's such a bummer because she's amazing, incredible.
04:10 So I was excited to see this for her
04:12 and I ended up enjoying what I enjoyed about it
04:14 mostly because of the performances.
04:17 So all in all, acting pretty good.
04:19 A couple of action scenes, I'll give the film credit.
04:22 The action sequences, one in particular,
04:24 oh, two in particular, are filmed really well.
04:28 There's something funky going on
04:29 with the Marvel's powers in this movie
04:30 that causes them to switch places
04:32 every time they do something specific.
04:34 And when we get the fight sequences with that happening,
04:38 I'm like, all right, this is actually pretty cool.
04:40 There's some style to it.
04:42 They obviously, they're gonna play the pop song
04:44 or the song that makes it, okay, fine.
04:47 I don't, Marvel, everybody does that.
04:49 - You're lame!
04:50 - It's pretty cool and I'm more and more okay
04:51 with the idea of what Ms. Marvel's powers is now
04:54 compared to what it was in the comics.
04:56 At first I'm like, no, no, don't do that.
04:58 And now I'm like, all right, it's okay.
05:00 It works fairly well.
05:01 So a couple of those sequences, okay,
05:03 especially when we get to see their dynamic.
05:06 But everything surrounding
05:09 when they are on screen together
05:10 and really the core heart,
05:13 which is present in this film
05:15 and I see what they're going for.
05:17 But the story that takes these three characters
05:21 and at times two characters from location to location
05:24 and random planet that we've never heard of before
05:28 to one sequence that was pretty funny,
05:31 but it just kind of kept going on
05:33 and it lingered for a little too long.
05:35 And I'm like, why is this taking up
05:37 the majority of the second act
05:38 when we have so much to learn about our main characters
05:41 and so much to learn about the villain?
05:44 - Fool this man!
05:49 - No!
05:50 - Zoe Ashton could work really well,
05:54 especially in this environment.
05:56 And there are, you know,
05:57 vibes that I'm getting from her
05:58 that she's embracing this character,
06:01 but there's nothing to embrace.
06:02 This is one of the most poorly written,
06:04 just like fraud villains I've ever seen in a Marvel film.
06:09 You know, and there are sequences
06:11 where she's fighting all three characters
06:13 and of course they're gonna be like,
06:14 well, you could take her on easily, Captain Marvel,
06:17 if we weren't switching powers,
06:18 but there is one point where she is taken on Captain Marvel
06:20 and I'm like, why is Captain Marvel
06:22 just not knocking her block off?
06:24 I mean, she took on Thanos head to head, literally.
06:27 But it's so strange because she does take up a little time
06:31 and that's good, that's what you want.
06:32 You wanna flesh out our villain
06:34 and there's one moment at the beginning
06:36 where they start to do something for her character,
06:38 but every time she's on screen, it's just, it's empty.
06:42 Not performance wise, it's the writing behind her character.
06:46 It was horrible.
06:47 And when I start to talk about reshoots,
06:49 just know that every movie does reshoots.
06:51 All of them.
06:52 Well, most of them.
06:54 But there were some people talking about this film
06:55 specifically that they did a few more reshoots than normal
06:58 and some of the test screenings weren't the best.
07:00 And, you know, I can tell whenever our villain's on screen
07:03 and whenever our characters are going
07:05 from here to there to here to there
07:07 and there is this goal that the plot gives us
07:10 that we kinda have to figure out.
07:12 And one huge piece, emotional piece of this story
07:16 that takes it very seriously
07:19 that I would have appreciated a lot more
07:21 if it wasn't given to us at the most inopportune time.
07:25 And it's just kind of thrown in there,
07:27 okay, let's take just one second
07:29 and move on to the next thing.
07:31 As opposed to the film giving that to us at any other time,
07:35 allowing us time to reflect on what was said
07:38 or what was done and thus making the dynamic
07:41 between our core three here a lot stronger
07:44 than it actually was.
07:45 And speaking of our core three,
07:46 yeah, they're great when they're on screen together.
07:48 And I love their dynamic,
07:50 but we don't get enough of that in this film.
07:53 Couple of great conversations,
07:55 one in particular that reminded me
07:56 of that very first conversation we got
07:59 between all of the Avengers in the first Avengers,
08:01 and that was awesome.
08:03 But once again, we're cut short
08:05 and we move on to the next thing.
08:07 And the overarching story, the overarching plot,
08:10 and the many missions that we have to go on,
08:13 this felt like it should have been a TV show.
08:16 Would I have been okay with that?
08:17 Yeah, it's basically like a "Miss Marvel" season two,
08:20 but you throw in all of these other elements,
08:21 but you give that first act two whole episodes, right?
08:26 That way we get to spend time with Kamala's family,
08:29 and there's a little bit more to these characters
08:31 when they all enter instead of just entering and saying,
08:34 "Hey, how you doing?
08:34 "All right, let's fight, let's go."
08:36 It's a big emotional moments towards the end of the film,
08:38 and they actually, I'm like, "Okay, that's nice."
08:41 But it felt like we got there so fast.
08:42 When they said the runtime for this film,
08:45 I was like, "All right, nice.
08:46 "We're not spending too much time."
08:48 But now that I'm reflecting on it,
08:50 man, we needed a lot more time with these characters,
08:52 with some of these subplots.
08:54 Some of them just shouldn't have been in the movie
08:55 in its entirety, and focus more on what you have,
08:59 which is amazing, and that is at least
09:02 two out of three characters that are awesome.
09:04 And then can we learn some more about Captain Marvel?
09:07 We've had multiple brief appearances,
09:09 one entire movie, and now a sequel,
09:13 and I still feel like there's not a connection
09:16 with Captain Marvel as a character.
09:18 And really there was a lack of connection
09:20 between her and other characters in the film
09:22 because some of the dialogue is a little bit awkward.
09:26 Again, chemistry good, dynamic nice,
09:29 but I'm sitting here thinking I know a lot about her,
09:31 and I know a lot about her.
09:33 I don't, there's something stopping me.
09:36 And I know it's not Brie Larson
09:37 because she's amazing in other films,
09:39 but for some reason in the MCU, it just, it hasn't worked.
09:42 - Hey, take it easy.
09:44 - Look, the humor occasionally works.
09:46 The energy is there.
09:47 I just wasn't all that invested
09:49 in what this plot presents itself as,
09:51 which is still a little confusing.
09:53 But if you're here, leave your thoughts
09:54 and comments down below.
09:55 Did you like Captain Marvel or the Marvels more?
09:58 And does secret invasion just not matter?
10:00 'Cause this is a completely different Nick Fury.
10:04 Also, drop a like if you want to.
10:05 The Marvels is at its best when our trio is on screen
10:07 displaying an incredible amount of chemistry,
10:09 with Vellani being a standout.
10:11 However, the attempt to balance
10:12 this unnecessarily overstuffed plot often falls flat,
10:15 and the writing for our villain is really poor.
10:18 It's fun enough, but it's a messy entry in the MCU,
10:22 and that in itself is disappointing.
10:26 So if you were not excited for this,
10:28 it's not gonna sway you.
10:30 If you're really excited, it may work for you.
10:32 I'm interested to see how people feel
10:35 and respond to the Marvels.
10:38 Thanks for watching.
10:41 See you soon.
10:42 I'm gonna talk about the Loki finale.
