California faces rounds of rain, mountain snow

  • last year
A storm rolling in from the Pacific Ocean will promote rain and high-elevation snow across most of California during the second half of the week.
00:00 rain coming in the California and in
00:02 fact it's kind of right on time for the
00:05 historical start of the wet season.
00:07 In California we defined that as the
00:09 first half inch of rain here and
00:11 usually that's by November 9th in
00:13 San Francisco and San Francisco,
00:15 the 11th in Sacramento,
00:16 usually not until late November
00:18 in Los Angeles, November 26.
00:19 Meanwhile, once you get towards San Diego,
00:22 it takes till about December 12th,
00:24 second week in December,
00:25 and I think this storm is going to
00:28 start the rainy season because I think.
00:30 All of these locations will likely
00:32 get over a half inch of rain,
00:34 especially in central and northern California.
00:35 Alright, here's what's going on.
00:37 You have two upper level lows with this.
00:39 Let me show him to you right now.
00:41 Here is your first upper low.
00:43 This is the main piece right now
00:45 that is off the Carol California coast.
00:47 We have another one right in here.
00:49 Alright, now here's what's going to happen.
00:51 This first upper load.
00:52 This is going to be coming in Wednesday
00:55 into Thursday with some rain and then
00:57 our second upper low this is what will
00:59 come in eventually as we get into
01:01 Friday and Saturday so we're looking
01:03 at two bouts of rain from here and out.
01:05 We're already getting around the
01:07 rain in northern California as we
01:09 go through the rest of today.
01:10 Alright, let me track this out.
01:12 There's round number one.
01:13 You see right in here.
01:15 Here it comes.
01:16 This will be arriving.
01:17 This is Eastern time,
01:18 so as we get toward Wednesday morning,
01:20 Wednesday afternoon,
01:21 here's your first piece of energy.
01:22 You see the yellow,
01:23 oranges and red rotating through,
01:25 so that's going to bring some rain.
01:27 I think standard mostly in Central California,
01:29 but there will be rain in Southern
01:31 California with this as well.
01:32 Then there's going to be a break on Thursday.
01:35 And then the main upper low.
01:37 Here it is.
01:38 This is spinning.
01:39 This will be coming in to California
01:41 Friday night and Saturday,
01:42 but I want you to take note of the energy.
01:45 A lot of yellows and reds here showing
01:47 you you have a lot of energy,
01:49 but watch how that fades as we
01:51 get in the Friday night Saturday.
01:53 You don't see as much yellow or
01:55 orange coming across the area.
01:56 That's an indication that the upper low
01:58 weakens as it pushes into California.
02:00 So when you add it all up,
02:02 how much rain are we going to get here?
02:05 Across Central and Northern California,
02:06 we're generally going to see
02:07 one to two inches of rain.
02:09 Some spots will get three.
02:11 There could be some higher amounts,
02:12 certainly in the foothills.
02:13 Southern California.
02:14 I think we're mostly looking at about
02:16 a half inch to an inch of rain.
02:18 Just to give you some historical
02:20 perspective in Los Angeles,
02:21 a storm bringing that kind of rain
02:23 doesn't seem like a lot.
02:24 Half inch to an inch of rain,
02:26 but actually when you look at Los Angeles,
02:28 they average about 7800
02:29 worth of an inch of rain.
02:31 That's what they average
02:32 during the month of November,
02:33 and I think we can certainly see
02:35 that over the next couple of days.
02:37 So if you think about it this way,
02:39 with this storm we can get your normal
02:41 November rainfall with just this storm.
02:43 Stay with us.
