Palmer claims leaving Man City for Chelsea is 'paying off'

  • last year
Cole Palmer believes his first senior England call-up has justified his transfer from Man City to Chelsea.
00:00 Do you feel now, sitting here after the weeks you've been having for Chelsea and now this call-up,
00:05 that you are vindicated in that decision, that it has all been justified?
00:09 Obviously, you know how good of a manager Pep is and stuff,
00:12 and he gave me the opportunity and the platform to kick-start my career,
00:18 so obviously I'll always be grateful to him.
00:23 Who knows what would have happened if I would have stayed?
00:25 Maybe I would have played more, maybe not.
00:27 But I think the decision that I made to go to Chelsea now,
00:32 that so far, is paying off.
00:35 It happened fast, to be fair.
00:36 I spoke to someone at Chelsea and stuff,
00:43 and I was speaking to my dad, but I really didn't know what to do.
00:46 I was just thinking about it for a couple of days,
00:48 like, nearly every minute of the day.
00:52 But then I just thought, for my career and stuff,
00:55 I just thought I had to try and go and get a regular game time.
