• 2 years ago
We went for a look around Blackpool's exciting new entertainment venue, Walterz, which is packed with activities for adults and teenagers.

Reporter, Lucinda Herbert, hung out with Steve Royle and Tom Lister, who were making the most of the fun and games as they prepare for panto season.


00:00 Today we're at Walters, which is an entertainment centre on Newton Hall Caravan Park. It's an
00:14 area that we decided to develop for teenagers and adults in the local area. We had a building
00:22 that we weren't using any longer and we thought about what adults and teenagers would want
00:28 and we've put bowling in here, temping bowling, karaoke booths, pool tables, shuffleboard,
00:39 which apparently is the new thing to have, and AR darts. So yeah, it's exciting having
00:45 all these new things here. We've also got a great food facility, which I'm sat in at
00:51 the moment. And look at this, how fabulous is this? Some artwork from a local artist.
00:57 This is for the local community as well as our guests that are on our caravan park. We
01:02 wanted to bring something that the local community could use. What we've got is traditional games
01:09 that we use, such as pool tables and shuffleboard, but we also wanted to bring some new things
01:14 in, things that teenagers might find a bit more interesting. So if you haven't tried
01:18 it yet, you need to have a go at it and see what the others think about it. It's really
01:22 good. Do you need a lot of money to spend if you come in here? It's free to get in to
01:27 Walters. So you can come in and just have something to eat, or you can pop in and just
01:33 come and get some canapes if you want to. Some of the items you have to pay for, so
01:38 in order to go in the karaoke booths, you do have to pay to go in those, but they're
01:42 very, very good value for money because we can get up to 16 people in there. I think
01:47 it's £30 an hour, so that works out pretty cheap. I absolutely love bowling. Not so good
01:54 at it myself, but I love having a go at it, so that's something that definitely would
01:59 attract people to come. And obviously we've got the bar on here as well, so we do a great
02:03 cocktail. We're also going in and going into the karaoke booths. It's great to have a sing
02:10 along with your friends, isn't it?
02:37 We are in Newton Hall Holiday Park, and we are in their very new entertainment centre,
02:44 which is Walters Entertainment Centre, and it's flipping brilliant.
02:47 Unbelievable. They've got absolutely everything. We've so far had a game of darts.
02:52 Yes, augmented reality darts.
02:55 Not just darts.
02:56 Augmented AI darts.
02:57 Yeah, we've done a bit of that.
02:58 A bit of darts, a bit of ten pin bowling.
03:02 You've murdered some songs on karaoke.
03:04 Yeah, yeah, that wasn't my finest moment.
03:07 What else is there left to do?
03:08 There's a shuffle board. We haven't shuffled.
03:09 There's a shuffle board.
03:10 There's a shuffle board, there's pool tables.
03:11 A bit of pool.
03:12 Drinks.
03:13 Lots of drinks.
03:14 Food.
03:15 Lots of drinks.
03:16 Laughter.
03:17 I can highly recommend the pulled pork. It was very nice, wasn't it? I don't know if
03:21 you hear about it every night, but it's just special occasions like this.
03:24 You hear the laughter in the background of people enjoying themselves. We're going to
03:28 go and play a couple more games, just so I can beat Steve again on a few more games.
03:33 I need revenge, because he has beat me.
03:35 Oh, final dart. I nearly had a three dart finish. It was quite incredible. He's literally
03:41 beaten me by half a centimetre. It's not the first time he's done that.
03:49 We are actually going to come down very soon with our Panto cast. We're going to bring
03:56 the Aladdin cast from the Blackpool Grand Pantomime down here for an evening of fun
04:00 and team building. We start rehearsals very, very soon, and the Panto opens on the 1st
04:07 of December.
04:08 Also, we've had a bit more practice than them, so hopefully we'll be able to whoop them and
04:12 just stamp our authority over the cast. That's the aim.
04:16 Grind them into the dirt.
04:17 Exactly.
04:18 Good bit of team building there.
04:19 Yeah, absolutely.
04:20 As long as we come out top, we don't mind team building.
04:23 Absolutely.
04:24 Team building. There's your team. That's us building it. Oh, who's that? It's me and you,
04:30 Boom!
04:30 (laughing)
