That Time Kurt Russell Made Fun On Chris Pratt For Kind Of Being A Diva On The 'Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2' Set

  • last year
00:00 Let me tell you a story about Chris Pratt and his process.
00:04 (upbeat music)
00:06 I was thinking of the Kurt Russell story.
00:11 - Tell me about his process.
00:12 - Chris was laying back after work,
00:15 after a hard day of working maybe an hour and a half,
00:18 doing some lines and hanging out in his trailer,
00:20 you know, doing whatever he does in there.
00:22 And then he's, actually he doesn't hang out,
00:24 he hangs out on set all the time.
00:25 I do give you props for that.
00:27 You're hanging out, you get the pickles over your eyes.
00:29 - Pickles?
00:30 Why would a person put pickles on their eyes?
00:31 - Cucumbers.
00:32 - They are cucumbers.
00:33 - Cucumbers, you're getting your head massaged.
00:37 (laughing)
00:39 - No, I wasn't even, my head was,
00:40 I was getting my hair frosted.
00:42 (laughing)
00:43 So I had foils in my hair.
00:45 - You had foils in your hair.
00:46 You're sitting back there.
00:47 - So a PA comes in and goes,
00:48 "Chris, we have Coronas.
00:50 "Do you want a Corona?"
00:51 I was like, "Do you have any tequila?"
00:54 And he goes, "Yeah, I'll bring you one."
00:55 So he brings me a tequila.
00:57 I have tequila and lime, frosted tips, feet up.
01:01 - Nails being done.
01:02 - No, I think they were like tanning my hands.
01:05 - Okay, tanning your hands.
01:06 - That's what it does.
01:07 - So much worse.
01:08 (laughing)
01:11 I thought the nails was bad.
01:12 Okay, tanning your hands.
01:13 And then Kurt Russell came in and you said--
01:16 - Well, no, no, Kurt Russell came in.
01:18 He's down at the end of the trailer.
01:20 We didn't share the trailer at the time.
01:22 And the PA came in and there's this thing
01:24 called a forced call.
01:25 A forced call means they're gonna bring you in
01:28 less than 12 hours after you leave.
01:32 So you drive an hour home, stay home for 10 hours,
01:35 drive an hour back, and you're there 12 hours later.
01:38 That's called a turnaround time.
01:39 But a forced call means they're gonna bring you in
01:41 a little earlier.
01:42 They're allowed to do that once a week.
01:44 They have to ask.
01:44 And if they do it a second time,
01:46 you get a little bit of a bonus in your paycheck.
01:48 But they always have to ask.
01:49 And so the guy said, "Chris, we're thinking of
01:53 "maybe forcing your call tomorrow.
01:54 "We wanna make sure that's okay."
01:55 And I was a little annoyed because I knew that
01:57 it was a long, the set was like an hour away.
02:00 If I leave now, it's an hour,
02:02 I'm only gonna get like eight hours at home
02:03 and come back 'cause technically I'm still working
02:07 right now, you know?
02:08 'Cause I'd looked at the sign up
02:09 that had me leaving an hour earlier,
02:11 but I was getting my handstand.
02:13 And I go, "I'm still work right now."
02:14 And I hear, "Oh, yeah, real hard at work down there, kid."
02:18 - Working!
02:19 - Oh, yeah, look at you. - I'm working!
02:21 - I'm working here.
02:23 - My feet kicked up getting my hands kicked.
02:25 - Oh, look at me working!
02:27 - Getting me a tequila, real tough gig, kid.
02:30 I was like.
02:31 (laughing)
02:33 - You're right.
02:34 - You're right, Mr. Russell, certainly I'll be here.
02:36 I'll be here early.
02:37 - Oh, you'll be here early.
02:38 - 'Cause I'm tough like Kurt Russell.
02:39 - You're eating oatmeal in the middle of the interview.
02:41 - What? I'm not.
02:42 (laughing)
02:43 - I'm watching you do it.
02:45 - I did not eat any oatmeal in the middle of the interview.
02:48 - How did you see that?
02:50 - I did it incredibly slowly.
02:51 (laughing)
02:53 - I'm sure I'm invisible.
02:54 - Hi, Drax.
02:55 - Damn.
02:58 (upbeat music)
