Assured Success || Acharya Prashant

  • last year
00:00 The real battle does not really lie in the attainment of the goal, it lies in determination
00:08 of the goal.
00:09 What goal are you picking for yourself and why?
00:13 If you fight the wrong battle, isn't victory worse than defeat?
00:19 What's the point in speeding down the wrong road?
00:24 What's the point in managing to obtain and eat huge quantities of food that your body
00:33 does not need?
00:34 Do you know your real inner need?
00:38 Is your decision making aligned with your core self?
00:43 That's the question to be asked.
00:44 You must know who you are and what you really need.
00:48 Who you are when you are not defined by others, who you are when you are not ruled by your
00:55 animal body.