5 secrets to ageing well — from the nations who are living proof

  • last year
Good health isn’t just about the here and now, and while you can’t undo the effects of the years that have already gone by, you can take steps to safeguard your wellbeing in order to improve your life expectancy.In stark contrast to countries like Japan, Sweden and Iceland, which have a stellar longevity picture, the UK has one of the worst life expectancies among rich nations. Chronic disease such as cardiovascular problems and diabetes are still on the rise, while once overlooked conditions like stress and other mental health issues continue to impact lifespan for the worse.
00:00 Here are five secrets to aging well.
00:02 In stark contrast to countries like Japan and Sweden,
00:05 which have a stellar longevity picture,
00:08 the UK has one of the worst life expectancies
00:11 among rich nations.
00:13 Chronic diseases such as diabetes are on the rise
00:15 and mental health issues continue to impact lifespan.
00:19 So what can we do?
00:20 Let your mind wander.
00:21 The truth of doing nothing is good for you.
00:24 The Dutch know too well the merits of taking time out
00:27 of a stress-free day.
00:29 They call it the art of Nixon.
00:31 Have a mindful coffee break.
00:33 The Swedes haven't let the era of digitalization
00:36 get in the way of fostering meaningful connections.
00:39 And it's one of the everyday aspects
00:41 that's thought to contribute to living to a ripe old age.
00:46 Reignite your mojo.
00:47 Having a purpose is key to living life to the full.
00:50 The Japanese who boast the highest concentration
00:53 of old people in the world
00:55 are big advocates of finding fulfillment.
00:58 Take a cold dip.
00:59 There's been so much hype about the benefits
01:01 of cold water therapy recently,
01:03 but this is nothing new for Iceland,
01:05 who swear by the immersion to safeguard their longevity.
01:08 And it seems to be paying off.
01:10 And last but not least, what are we eating?
01:13 Brits' excessive amount of ultra-processed food and sugar
01:17 is causing chaos on our health.
01:19 An ancient Indian holistic healing system
01:22 focuses on not only eating a wide spectrum
01:25 of colorful fruit and veg,
01:27 but also adding in additional spices and herbs
01:30 to maintain proper functioning body's systems.
01:33 So if we stand any hope of living longer,
01:36 the focus on a varied diet
01:38 and eating real natural food is key.
01:40 (upbeat music)
