Emily Todd

  • last year
Emily Todd from Femm Collective
00:00 I'm here with Emily Todd from Femm Collective which is one of our wonderful
00:05 finalist businesses and Emily is going to explain what you do.
00:09 So I run Femm Collective, it's a menstrual health educational business and we strive to change the
00:16 narrative surrounding menstrual health and empower and educate young women
00:21 around their cycles. We're doing a lot of workshops on the island, we start doing
00:25 businesses and now we're moving towards schools and I recently wrote a book, I
00:30 wrote and illustrated the book all about menstrual health for young teenagers and
00:33 which was distributed across lots of libraries on the island and schools and
00:38 so yeah we're here to just educate and empower and change the
00:43 narrative really and make sure that menstrual health is getting the right
00:47 recognition and also being prioritised as the important topic that it really is.
00:54 So if a young girl starts her periods and mum hasn't had a chance to explain that's quite scary isn't it?
01:00 Absolutely, there's lots of people who may not have that mother figure or they may not have that person that they can go to and I was fortunate enough to have a great relationship with my mother and me and we had a great, and I had a sister as well but because that's not everyone else's situation
01:15 I've had women come to me who have had many difficult periods and they've started their periods and they've not known what to do and they've thought "Oh my god what's happening to me, I'm dying" and they've never got that input, that information so we're there to support them and guide them through that because our cycles are a huge part of our lives and women forget that actually our menstrual cycle is a serious, it's like the fifth light on the side of our helm and you know we need to be
01:41 more informed, educated properly so that's what we're there to do.
01:45 I'm loving this dress, where did you find this?
01:47 So this is from Quiz, Quiz clothing, I literally went for a million, honestly I ordered a million dresses I couldn't decide but I went with a classic black smarty gown.
01:58 You can have a big dress on that.
02:00 It's a bit of a cycle, I'll go for it. I'm just here to get glam, I'm all excited just to get glam, that's all I'm here for.
02:11 Have a wonderful night and good luck.
02:13 Thank you so much.
