Madre de Ángel Cuza habla desde Cuba. Exclusivo para ADN Cuba

  • last year
María Elena Alfonso, madre del preso político Ángel Cuza habla desde Cuba y denuncia injusticias cometidas contra su hijo.
El preso político Ángel Cuza, condenado recientemente a un año y medio de cárcel, se encuentra bajo condiciones inhumanas en la prisión Combinado del Este, en La Habana.
Información y ayuda a Ángel Cuza: 54027863
00:00 I am the mother of Angecusa Alfonso, who was in jail in the Combinado.
00:08 The reason for his infamy is because he was filming a video and they say it was a public scandal.
00:17 When he found his daughter's mother, he was in a hurry, he ate two pieces of chicken in these conditions.
00:27 He was trying to chop a pig, he had no conditions of any kind.
00:37 They wanted to send him his medicine, because he could not live without his medicine.
00:44 They wanted to send him a big towel so that he could get well.
00:49 They gave him a small towel, he was a tall man.
01:04 They had a visit today, I don't know if the mother of the daughter was there.
01:22 We have nothing, we have nothing, we have no budget to buy food.
01:28 The visits are every day. I don't lie, I don't give him gasoline, I give him a little cold beer.
01:35 A little piece of chicken, as you can see, water, that they gave me.
01:47 In the same conditions is the mother of the daughter, who does not have the cold.
01:51 These are some of the medicines that he was taking, but we have to renew them.
01:59 I have a piece of avocado.
02:05 Three.
02:08 Vitamin C was taken.
02:26 There are more medicines that he takes that I don't know.
02:32 I showed you the medicine in English.
02:39 Vitamin C.
02:42 Vitamin C.
02:45 Vitamin C.
03:12 I gave him the medicine that he can't miss.
03:15 What did you say, friend?
03:18 I gave him the medicine that he can't miss.
03:21 What did you say, friend?
03:24 I gave him the medicine that he can't miss.
03:27 What did you say, friend?
03:30 I gave him the medicine that he can't miss.
