Disney - Raison et Émotion (Reason and Emotion) (1943) VOSTFR

  • last year


00:00 One of the most interesting of all the wartime films is Reason and Emotion, made in 1943
00:07 and nominated for an Academy Award.
00:10 Here, using ingenious visual ideas and humorous exaggeration, the filmmakers paint a vivid
00:15 picture of how our imagination can run away with us, what damage we can do by allowing
00:21 our emotions to overtake our common sense.
00:24 Hitler, it argues most convincingly, destroys reason and plays on emotion to gain power
00:29 through fear.
00:50 Each one of us is equipped with the ability to think, known as reason, and the ability
00:55 to feel, known as emotion.
00:59 But in the mind of each of us, these two wage a ceaseless battle for mastery.
01:09 Of course, in the undeveloped mind of a child, there is only emotion.
01:16 Let's go inside Junior's head and watch Emotion at work.
01:20 Aha, here he is.
01:23 He's got the whole place to himself.
01:25 He can do as he pleases, because reason isn't born yet.
01:30 Meanwhile, Emotion is complete dictator in his control over the child.
01:34 Go on, pull the kitty's tail.
01:42 Emotion loves adventure and excitement.
01:44 So he says, "Let's go down there.
01:47 Don't be scared.
01:49 It'll be fun."
01:50 So Junior starts down.
01:53 Mm-hmm, emotionally upset.
01:56 Who are you?
01:58 I'm Reason, and I'd been here sooner.
02:05 This would never have happened.
02:06 Oh, yeah?
02:07 Well, just remember, I'm the boss around here.
02:10 Time will tell.
02:11 Well, the battle for mastery is on.
02:19 And so Junior grows up into an average, normal male.
02:25 Time has brought about many changes inside his head since childhood.
02:30 Reason seems to be in the driver's seat, with Emotion under control in the rear.
02:34 Oh, I hate being tied down all the time.
02:38 Let's hit the high spots.
02:40 Now just control yourself.
02:41 When I'm driving, there will be no nonsense.
02:43 Aw, gee whiz.
02:45 I want to live dangerously.
02:46 Woo-hoo, look at that.
02:50 A classy dish, huh?
02:55 Well, she's not bad.
02:57 Hey, slow up.
02:59 Let's get acquainted with this number.
03:01 We'll just go up and I'll sit over here.
03:04 Now, now, we must maintain proper respect for womanhood.
03:06 Oh, they like the rough stuff.
03:08 You're not going to pass that up.
03:10 We certainly are.
03:11 Now, sit down and behave yourself.
03:14 Hmm, could I go for that?
03:17 Here, let me handle this.
03:20 We're going places.
03:23 Woo-hoo!
03:28 Hi, babe.
03:29 Going my way?
03:32 And that's what you get for not listening to reason.
03:35 It served him right, young lady.
03:37 Oh, um, by the way, may we borrow your pretty head for a moment?
03:42 Thank you.
03:44 You shouldn't have slapped him.
03:46 He was cute.
03:47 Do you want to be an old maid?
03:49 Please, remember we're a lady.
03:51 Oh, a lady.
03:52 I'm tired of sitting around being a lady.
03:55 Let's have some fun.
03:57 I know.
03:58 Let's eat.
03:59 I'm starving.
04:00 Well, I'm not really hungry, but we might have something light, like tea and toast.
04:06 I want a club sandwich and a giant double milkshake and--
04:08 Oh, gracious, no.
04:09 Think of our figure.
04:10 You heard me.
04:11 A club sandwich with potato salad.
04:13 But I insist, tea and--
04:15 A poor decker club sandwich with cheese and ham and tuna and chicken and mayonnaise.
04:19 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
04:20 Makeup chocolate ice cream with whipped cream on top and a cherry.
04:23 Remember, we're on a diet.
04:25 Please.
04:26 And for dessert, I'll have chocolate layer cake with fudge icing.
04:29 Oh, dear, we shouldn't go.
04:30 Oh, and a man with hot bars and mustard.
04:32 Oh, it's luscious.
04:34 Oh, dear, my whipped--
04:36 Chocolate with whipped cream and nuts and cherries on top.
04:38 Oh, oh, oh, stop it.
04:40 Oh, what have you done?
04:45 And here again, you have the evidence that uncontrolled emotion can cause you a lot of trouble.
04:51 Now, in these strenuous times, it is more important than ever that we control this conflict between reason and emotion.
04:59 Let's take the case of Mr. John Doakes, who tries to keep up with current events.
05:05 Tonight, the news is very grim.
05:07 Looks bad, folks.
05:08 We're going to lose this war, but not very careful.
05:11 Hey, you know what I just heard?
05:12 I heard the subs are sinking all our boats.
05:14 I heard on the radio the other night.
05:15 I got some insight, though, because you got to be--
05:19 My son told me that the major told him, pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy.
05:22 The enemy is landing with heavy tanks and guns, and I'm afraid they're going to move right in.
05:26 A friend of a friend of mine was at Pearl Harbor, and he said--
05:29 [GROANING]
05:31 Extra, extra, we know what I found.
05:32 They're taking all our food and sending it to Europe, or we starve to death, starve to death, starve to death, starve to death.
05:37 You can't go to work without tires and gasoline.
05:40 He's got the right dough.
05:41 Don't believe everything you hear.
05:42 We're losing.
05:43 He said so.
05:44 Don't be stampeded by hearsay.
05:45 I'll believe anything I want to.
05:46 We must use judgment and guard against--
05:49 Go ahead.
05:50 Put reason out of the way.
05:51 That's great.
05:52 Fine.
05:54 For Hitler.
05:57 That master rabble-rouser destroys reason by preying upon the weakness of emotion with fear, sympathy, pride, and hate, just as he did in the minds of the German people.
06:09 Behold, the Nazi superman.
06:13 Let's see how Hitler controlled him through fear.
06:21 Fear of the concentration camp, fear of the Gestapo.
06:27 I'm scared.
06:28 Don't listen to that madman.
06:32 Now through sympathy, by crying.
06:36 I only want peace, but they forced me into war.
06:41 Don't cry.
06:42 He is a big liar.
06:44 Don't call my Fuhrer a liar.
06:47 The whole world is against our peace-loving Fuhrer.
06:51 Germany.
06:54 Now it's pride.
06:56 Pride in phony racial theories about Aryan superiority.
07:00 It's all childish nonsense.
07:02 Shut up.
07:03 He's a genius and a great wheeler.
07:05 Heil Hitler.
07:06 Come on, Heil Hitler.
07:08 Heil Hitler.
07:13 Hate.
07:14 Hate for the free, democratic way of life.
07:16 This is madness.
07:18 Down with the democracies.
07:20 Heil.
07:21 Heil.
07:22 Heil.
07:23 Yes, it's madness.
07:25 Reason has been enslaved, while emotion is the master.
07:29 A mad emotion, stripped of all reason, leaving nothing but ruin in its wake.
07:34 So you see, fellows, for us, there is but one answer.
07:39 You, reason, your job is to think, to plan, to discriminate.
07:45 And you, emotion, to be a fine, strong emotion.
07:49 An emotion that loves his country, his freedom, his life.
07:54 And together, you must be grimly determined to fight against all odds.
08:00 With reason firmly in the driver's seat, handling the controls along the difficult course to victory,
08:06 and with emotion by his side, we will go on and do the job we've set out to do.
08:11 And we'll do it right.
08:13 [Music]
