Disney - Chicken Little (Petit Poulet)

  • last year


00:00 Seeing Walt Disney's name on an animated version of the famous fable Chicken Little might lead
00:07 you to expect a cartoon in the Silly Symphony series.
00:10 But there's nothing light-hearted about this version of the story.
00:13 Instead, it's a wartime parable about listening to rumors and falling prey to persuasive leaders
00:19 who have their own sinister agendas.
00:21 Originally, the studio planned to show Foxy Loxy reading Adolf Hitler's book Mein Kampf
00:26 to make sure no one missed the point.
00:29 But it was decided to downplay the obvious Nazi imagery.
00:38 Even so, there's no mistaking the purpose of this 1943 cartoon.
00:41 And there's no way to misinterpret its grim finale.
00:44 Chicken Little is one Disney cartoon that parents might want to see for themselves before
00:49 deciding if it's appropriate for their kids.
00:51 [music]
00:59 [music]
01:23 Our story takes place in a nice, cozy little farmyard.
01:27 The characters, in order of their appearance, are Cocky Locky, head man, chicken inspector,
01:34 supervisor of egg production.
01:35 A good guy to know nowadays.
01:39 This is Henny Penny and the local rocking chair brigade.
01:44 Always ready to poke their beaks into everybody's business instead of sticking to their knitting.
01:49 Here we have them at the bridge table.
01:51 Who are they pecking to pieces now?
01:54 Let's listen in.
02:00 Sound just like people, don't they?
02:03 Now we see them at Madame Poulet's beauty coupe.
02:07 Getting the popular red henna rinse.
02:13 This is Turkey Lurkey and the smart set, who spend all day discussing what is wrong with
02:18 the world.
02:23 There's this element too, the jitterbirds.
02:26 A pretty feather brain crowd.
02:30 [music]
02:49 And here are Goosey Poosey and Ducky Lucky and all the other gay ducks.
02:54 A thirsty lot, always around where there's something to drink.
02:59 Now, last but not least, here is Chicken Little, playboy and yo-yo champ.
03:07 A little shy on brains, but a good egg as chickens go.
03:13 As our story continues, we find all our fine feathered friends happy and contented.
03:18 And why not?
03:19 Didn't they have a big strong fence protecting them?
03:22 But wait a minute, what's this?
03:28 Aha, it's Foxy Loxy, the poultry fancier.
03:33 Looks like he's taken an interest in our little community.
03:36 A culinary interest.
03:38 So why doesn't he just jump in and help himself?
03:40 Do you suppose it's because of the high fence?
03:43 Or the locks on the inside?
03:46 Or the farmer's shotgun?
03:49 But I'm not a fox for nothing.
03:52 Besides, there's more than one way to pluck a chicken.
03:56 Psychology.
03:57 Why should I just get one when I can get them all?
04:01 Quote, "To influence the masses, aim first at the least intelligent." Unquote.
04:07 Now let's see, who looks nice and stupid?
04:11 Docky Locky, Turkey Lecky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Poosey, Penny Penny, Chicken Little.
04:21 But, hmm, he looks nice and stupid.
04:33 Quote, "If you tell him a lie, don't tell a little one, tell a big one." Unquote.
04:40 [whistling]
04:44 [whistling]
04:56 [whistling]
04:58 [clinking]
05:00 [whistling]
05:03 [whistling]
05:10 [clanking]
05:14 This is the voice of doom speaking.
05:18 Special bulletin, flash, the sky is falling.
05:21 A piece of it just hit you on the head.
05:23 Now be calm, don't get panicky.
05:28 It's time for your life.
05:38 The sky is falling, the sky is falling, a piece of it just hit me on the head.
05:45 The sky is falling, hurry, hurry.
05:48 Run everybody, the sky is falling, the sky, the sky is falling.
05:52 There you are, you see, just like I told you, hit me on the head.
05:56 Oh my goodness, how awful, what'll we do? We'll all be killed.
06:00 Now look here, look here, what's all the fuss and feathers?
06:03 Something awful has happened. A piece of the sky fell down and hit me on the head.
06:08 A piece of the sky?
06:10 Ho, ho, ho, ho, nonsense, it's just a hunk of wood.
06:16 Guess that's the end of your stew, Mr. Foxy Loxy.
06:19 All right now folks, break it up. Back to business as usual.
06:28 Oh wise guy, I'll fix him. Let's see now.
06:33 Ah, here we are. Quote, undermine the faith of the masses and their leaders, unquote.
06:39 Well, I suppose Cocky Locky knows what he's talking about.
06:42 Well, yes, he ought to know.
06:46 Ahem, but listen girls, suppose he's wrong.
06:49 He's only human, you know, and if he should happen to be wrong, we'd all be killed.
06:57 Ahem.
06:58 And now in my opinion, Cocky Locky shows definite totalitarian tendencies.
07:03 He's trying to dictate to us. We can judge for ourselves whether the sky is falling or not.
07:11 Say fellas, I hear old Cocky Locky's been hitting the mass lately.
07:15 Hey, he's full of corn. His brain is pickled.
07:22 Uh-oh, there it goes, the whispering campaign.
07:29 Say sister, you hear about Cocky Locky? He ain't got all his marbles. Ain't it awful?
07:35 Oh, definitely my dear.
07:37 Oh, what a wolf.
07:39 Did you hear? Cocky Locky is wallowing in corn. I hear he's quite a chicken chaser.
07:45 No, you don't say so. There's no fowl like an old fowl. He's not the Cock of the Rock anymore.
07:51 What?
07:53 Not the Cock of the Rock anymore.
07:56 Quote, by the use of flattery, insignificant people can be made to look upon themselves as born leaders, unquote.
08:04 Take a chance, kid. They'll listen to you now. You were born to be a leader. Go do it.
08:11 Listen to me, everybody. I'm your new leader. I'm gonna save your lives. I'm gonna tell you what to do.
08:17 Don't listen to that pipsqueak. The sky isn't falling.
08:21 I tell you, it is too falling.
08:22 And I tell you, it isn't.
08:24 It is too.
08:25 All right, if the sky is falling, why doesn't it hit me on the head?
08:32 Chicken Little's right. What'll we do? Oh, Chicken Little, you've got to help us.
08:37 Psst. Run to the cave.
08:40 Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah, that's it, to the cave.
08:42 To the cave.
08:44 To the cave. Hurry, hurry, hurry.
08:47 [music]
09:08 Dinner is served.
09:13 Don't worry, folks. This all turns out all right.
09:18 Mmm. Delicious.
09:23 Hey, wait a minute. This isn't right. That's not the way it ends in my book.
09:28 Oh, yeah? Don't believe everything you read, brother.
09:33 [music]
09:40 (thudding)