Adidas' Euro 2024 'helps strikers and goalkeepers'

  • last year
Adidas VP Sam Handy explains how the new Adidas ball for Germany 2024 will help players in all positions
00:00 [upbeat music]
00:02 - The ball's called Fußball-Lieber,
00:12 which in German means the lover football,
00:14 and it's because we love football.
00:17 The ball's all about accuracy.
00:18 Panel shape and a D-Boss perspective
00:20 helps you shoot it where you wanna shoot it,
00:23 but also from a goalkeeper perspective,
00:24 the way that we built the panel blocking,
00:26 it's a very visible ball.
00:27 So I'd say we're enhancing its strike ability
00:30 and we're enhancing its perceivability,
00:32 so you can spot it well.
00:34 So I think we're helping strikers
00:35 and we're helping goalkeepers.
00:37 (upbeat music)
