• 2 years ago
Upload 2x08 - Ingrid Has to Make a Choice - Plot Synopsis:


00:03 [LAUGHS]
00:04 You-- you look gorgeous.
00:08 Yeah?
00:09 Yeah.
00:09 It's a drental.
00:12 You think two hours is enough?
00:14 [LAUGHS]
00:16 This is making me want to go to Montreal right now.
00:19 Man, what is it about you and Montreal?
00:21 It's-- it's got Mile N, OK?
00:24 One of the most cool and unique neighborhoods in the world,
00:27 according to Cinebunpedia.
00:29 So--
00:30 OK, weirdo.
00:32 Right this way, please.
00:33 Thank you.
00:36 Hey.
00:37 Hey.
00:38 Is Ingrid with you yet?
00:40 No, she's a little late.
00:42 Hey, good news.
00:43 My head's not going to explode anymore.
00:45 That's awesome.
00:46 Nora and I are going to celebrate by going
00:47 to Montreal after the trial.
00:50 OK, that's random.
00:51 Make sure you check out Mile N, though.
00:53 Yeah.
00:54 Hey, do me a favor.
00:55 Don't keep Ingrid out too late, OK?
00:57 I've got something special planned tonight.
00:59 OK, yeah, why?
01:00 What's going on?
01:02 I'm going to propose.
01:03 Really?
01:08 When?
01:08 Tonight.
01:10 Tonight.
01:11 Something wrong?
01:13 No, that's great timing.
01:16 I'm very excited for you guys.
01:19 Thanks.
01:20 OK, I got-- I got stuff to prepare.
01:22 Bye.
01:23 Bye.
01:27 That's cool.
01:29 Yeah.
01:30 Romantic.
01:32 That he clearly knows what he wants.
01:35 Oh, incoming.
01:41 Well, this place is banging.
01:44 Did you see in the corner?
01:46 Sophia and Jayla, no nannies.
01:48 OK, they should not be drinking.
01:53 Definitely not Sophia.
01:54 She's in AA.
01:55 Wow.
02:04 Yeah.
02:05 Here we are.
02:08 All three of us really doing this.
02:10 So weird.
02:12 OK, I'm not doing a threesome.
02:14 What? No.
02:15 That's not what--
02:15 I'm just saying, I'm not doing it.
02:18 We can talk about it.
02:20 Maybe for your birthday.
02:22 Nora only gets to watch.
02:24 Uh, just-- Ingrid.
02:26 Yeah.
02:27 We need you to testify.
02:29 If we didn't need you, we absolutely
02:31 would not bring you in on this.
02:33 You really are our last resort.
02:35 Oh, OK.
02:37 Thank you so much.
02:38 That means a lot.
02:40 Can I do it anonymously?
02:41 Like, good head?
02:45 What?
02:46 She means deep throat.
02:48 Yeah.
02:50 No.
02:51 OK, then no.
02:53 Ingrid, the Freon scam killed hundreds of innocent people.
02:57 I mean, your testimony would bring peace of mind
02:59 to families all over the country.
03:01 Do they have margaritas here, I wonder?
03:03 Seems like a margarita kind of place.
03:05 Honey?
03:11 Can you give me a moment with Ingrid alone?
03:15 OK. Yeah.
03:16 Sure.
03:17 I'll just-- I'll go see the rabbits at the front.
03:20 Yeah.
03:21 Sure, thank you.
03:22 OK.
03:23 OK.
03:23 Just girl talk.
03:24 Look, [BLEEP] things are going really well for us.
03:30 Your Nathan is deeply in love with you.
03:33 And my Nathan has a fixation with Quebec,
03:35 which we're going to explore.
03:37 But they belong to Horizon, not us.
03:41 They're second class citizens.
03:42 They don't have a future without legal rights.
03:45 And to make that happen, I intend
03:46 to embarrass the [BLEEP] out of Upload Companies on record
03:49 and in a court of law.
03:51 You'll be great.
03:57 Hey.
03:58 She's doing it.
03:59 Really?
04:01 Amazing.
04:16 (dramatic music)
