Enzo le Croco Bande-annonce (EN)

  • l’année dernière
00:00 (musique)
00:02 (musique)
00:04 (musique)
00:06 *musique triste*
00:34 *bruit de pas*
00:36 (Bruits d'animaux)
00:41 (Bruits d'animaux)
00:46 (Bruit d'alarme)
00:48 - Miles ! Hey ! Hey, buddy !
00:51 Hey, are you okay ?
00:52 I came as soon as it opened.
00:55 - Miles.
00:56 - Hey, buddy.
00:57 (Horloge qui s'ouvre)
01:05 - Hey, no hands to the bars.
01:07 Thank you.
01:08 You, get back.
01:09 - We have to do something.
01:21 He must hate it here.
01:22 - Look, Josh, they understand crocodiles.
01:25 They're gonna look after him.
01:26 - Then why aren't they giving him
01:27 pork and rosemary for the floss
01:28 or chicken melanese with a dash of salsa verde ?
01:31 - He's a crocodile, sweetheart.
01:33 - We know he's a very special crocodile,
01:35 but he is still a crocodile,
01:36 and he has to learn how to live
01:37 with the other crocodiles.
01:39 - No, no, we can break him out.
01:41 - Josh ! - Okay.
01:42 - He's not a dink, it's a zoo.
01:43 How hard can it be ?
01:44 - Josh, stop, okay ?
01:46 We'll come visit Lyle every day, I promise.
01:49 - We'll speak to the zoo and ask them
01:50 if they'll let us bring Lyle
01:51 some of his favorite treats.
01:52 - There's only so much we can do.
01:55 Not all problems have a solution, Josh.
01:58 - No !
02:01 You don't get to decide that,
02:02 not for me, not anymore.
02:04 My whole life, I've been scared
02:07 because you've been scared.
02:09 But I'm not scared anymore because of Lyle.
02:14 He changed everything for me,
02:16 and not just for me, for you too,
02:18 so I'm not gonna leave here.
02:22 I'm not just gonna leave here
02:24 without--without--
02:26 - Josh ?
02:28 Josh ?
02:29 Josh !
02:30 Josh !
02:31 Josh, are you okay ?
02:33 Josh, can you hear me ?
02:34 Can you hear me ?
02:35 - Josh, I can't hear you.
02:36 - I'm all right, I'm all right.
02:37 [siren blaring]
02:38 [siren blaring]
02:42 - He had a panic attack.
02:43 It triggered his asthma.
02:44 It's good he had his inhaler with him.
02:46 He's gonna be fine.
02:47 He's got nothing to worry about.
02:49 - Thank you, sir.
02:51 You okay, bud ?
02:55 - Yeah.
02:56 - You sure ?
02:57 - Yeah.
02:58 [Musique]