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00:00 gloves come on boxing on the bell let's go
00:03 well this beautiful old venue is gonna be packed out tonight they have sold
00:11 three and a half thousand tickets so if you haven't got one you're gonna have to
00:16 watch on Sky Sports main event and Sky Sports mix from 7 o'clock if you have
00:21 got a ticket I think you're gonna be in for a spectacular night of boxing this
00:25 is our first contest Tion Gibbs on your screen now in the green and black trim
00:33 against Estathios "Stat" Antonas he's in the blue and white Tion Gibbs no
00:41 stranger to the Sky Sports cameras of course he was in the boxer series he was
00:45 beat by Scott Melvin on that night in a good fight real tactical battle with
00:50 high IQ he was disappointed I think he made no excuses but was carrying an
00:55 injury on that one we have had him back since he's a very tidy boxer a lot like
01:01 his brother Corey Gibbs and a lot of the same criticisms of Corey Gibbs could
01:06 probably be leveled at Tion Matt which is inactivity 11 fights in eight years
01:11 is probably not enough for a man with the skill level of Tion Gibbs he can get
01:16 back on that horse can get busy starts tonight yeah I mean there's no no
01:21 probably about it that's chronic inactivity and you know these aren't
01:25 big punches Tion and his brother Corey they're nice boxers you know in order to
01:30 be sharp you've got to be active and they're just not boxing enough so you
01:34 know hopefully they can stay injury-free and you know get back out again ASAP and
01:38 build some momentum in their careers
01:43 Anton has probably the taller of the two but Corey Gibbs, Tion Gibbs forgive me I'm
01:47 gonna have to get out of that have it pretty quickly Tion Gibbs he's got that
01:51 nice long jab I mean he's got long arms very long levers both Gibbs brothers you
01:58 would think he's gonna need that tonight that's a nice straight stiff left hand
02:03 from Gibbs who started well he's got nice fairly loose fluid style quick jab
02:09 tries to hook off that jab as well or step back and kind of pull him onto that
02:13 left hook counter there we just seen long left hook and you know he's going
02:17 up and down with the jab head and body he's using the feints as well so he's
02:20 mixing it up yeah Antonis was looking to land a right hand of his own just didn't
02:25 quite gauge the distance and Gibbs made it pay on that occasion that's twice
02:29 with a nice stiff left hand from the Birmingham man he's obviously sold some
02:33 tickets as well up on the second tier away to our right it's two-tiered venue
02:39 plenty of floor seats as well we did a prizefighter here years ago and I just
02:43 remember coming away from that thinking what a great atmosphere and if they could
02:47 build a headquarters here boxer with the likes of Ben Whittaker, Tyler Denny who's
02:51 on tonight got plenty of Midlands options and the Gibbs brothers will want
02:56 to be part of that Gibbs just looks to chop over a short right hand doesn't
03:01 land on this occasion and both are tangled up there but both trying to work
03:09 that was good of referee Rod Kearney just to let them work it out
03:14 Antonis not shy to throw the right hand doesn't quite land Gibbs just shows good
03:24 upper body movement just to duck underneath that one and the left hook
03:27 from Antonis who's just a tad wild at the moment hasn't got his accuracy
03:53 that is Edwin Cleary doing the talking there and Paul Mann just applying the
03:58 end swell he's gonna be a busy man tonight he's in the same corner as
04:05 Tyler Denny later on what a chance for the man from Rowley Regis but a good
04:11 first three minutes settled quite nicely there
04:14 Tion Gibbs yeah got his job going lots of feints found his distance got to be
04:20 careful when he's pulling out straight you know he's got that left hand very
04:24 low he can be open a bit down that left side and you know the Antonis has looked for the right hand a few times so he's just got to be careful defensively
04:35 Gibbs still only 28 so there is time but you would feel that he is in his prime
04:41 at the moment and this is me being nice to you Matt but talking to a man who's
04:46 had his prime certainly in his boxing career you don't want to waste those
04:49 years no definitely not we talked about it on the previous round about his
04:54 inactivity there you know big punches can sometimes afford to be a little bit
04:59 you know less active but when you're a non puncher and you're a sharp boxer you've
05:04 got to be busy you've got to be active because that's that's how you get sharp
05:08 and stay sharp but you know nowadays I think a lot of fighters they're
05:12 overtrained and under four and you know the Gibbs brothers in particular fall
05:17 into the category we saw Paul Mann just working on the left cheekbone in
05:25 between rounds there and there is a swelling on the left hand side of the
05:31 Gibbs face didn't see that happen it could have been heads it wasn't an
05:37 obvious one but just worth keeping an eye on
05:42 from Gibbs really sharp work
05:46 Antanas just still trying to get away into the fight and just show maybe a
05:55 little bit of an experience there he was looking at the referee who hadn't called
05:59 break so Gibbs was well within his rights to let that left hand go he found
06:03 the target
06:11 Antanas looking to get the right hand off of his own there through the middle
06:16 yeah decent shot from Antanas just time the jab sit that side it through the sort of
06:22 right up he got into the pit of the stomach yeah he's working hard the Greek
06:26 visitor but just perhaps mentioned it earlier just the lack of accuracy just
06:31 costing him at the moment but he is the man on the front foot Gibbs is happy just
06:35 to be the man counter punching at the moment yeah yeah that's it he's there
06:40 he's pressing the action he's taking the fight to Gibbs but Gibbs just a bit
06:44 sharper at the minute on the outside particularly Gibbs a former Midlands
06:52 area champion that's the standout win in his career beat Jack O'Keefe by a
06:58 solitary point had O'Keefe down early in the fight which ultimately made the
07:02 difference but a great win we love the area title means so much to to everyone
07:09 who wins it the hand speed is with Gibbs as well that was fast work on this
07:18 occasion Antanas is boxing behind that high guard now final 10 seconds in this
07:26 second of six
07:29 Oh
07:31 there for people about
07:36 the crowd yeah don't do it is a spot yeah good yeah it's your right man
07:58 so you can do my yeah yeah that's interesting thank you
08:25 we've become familiar to that drumming sound that accompanied Dylan Chima's
08:33 ring walk he's coming up later another of boxers stable who was part of that
08:38 boxer series back to this one third of six at super lightweight how did you
08:52 score that last round Matt still one for Gibbs yeah did you still know that the
08:57 better shots and so I certainly the busier of the two and he's really put
09:01 the pressure on keeps here now the start of this third round trying to focus on
09:06 the bodywork till Gibbs just talking to stack and turn us and start from this
09:13 it's started a lot of happy both men starting to engage a little bit more and
09:17 hold their feet no the boat walked into it now the boat
09:22 found that distance
09:26 Gibbs cool with a stiff right hand there from Antonis who really does put
09:36 everything into every shot in terms of punch power he's got his five wins only
09:40 one of those inside the distance but he's half fancy in this I think yeah
09:46 he's planting his feet he's looking for power shots again focused in on the body
09:49 here as you say that that's good work to the body from T on Gibbs on this
09:54 occasion this is warming into a good contest
09:58 today
10:01 that's good defense from Gibbs and Antonis is just wearing a mask of blood
10:27 now I think the nose is gone of the brief is tough yeah a little bit wild
10:33 with these shots at times it just needs to tidy it up a little bit telegraphing
10:41 the shots Gibbs can see them coming yeah perhaps just not turning the left hand
10:46 over turns it over on that occasion and gets a smile from Corey Gibbs with right
10:51 hand to there it's just a bit static when he throws punches in he needs to move his head
10:57 after he finishes punching instead of staying static admiring his work
11:03 if there was any feeling out process early Matt I think that's out the window
11:17 now it's it's turned into a good fight yeah yeah both guys trading body shots
11:23 yeah and it's Gibbs who's happy to take center ring now it's a role reversal
11:29 from what we saw in the first three minutes
11:33 we can do it when we want to do it stand and deliver it's not strong enough for you
11:46 you've got to miss, he's not fucking strong enough for you man
11:51 stand and deliver
11:54 I know it's tough, you're connecting with some good shots there you know
12:00 I'll give you that round mate, 2-1 we need to take this round yeah
12:08 keep that gap closed, if you close that gap up, he's knackered him, he doesn't want to fight you
12:14 he wants to box you and by the way he's getting as tired as you
12:17 come on breathe
12:19 and again come on take it in
12:21 that's Dave Fitzgerald in there Matt just saying Gibbs is tired for want of a better word
12:25 yeah I'm not sure if I agree with that
12:28 they think they're 2-1 down do you agree with that yeah I think so
12:32 it means it's still all to play for this one's turned into a good match
12:43 it's a good jab from Theon Gibbs just snaps the head back of Antonas
12:48 follows it up with a double jab right hand doesn't land on this occasion
12:52 good right hand from Gibbs finds a target on this occasion
13:10 they both swapped body shots in center ring yeah both guys really digging in those body shots but
13:15 I think Gibbs still landing the better cleaner head shots
13:18 Antonas just receives a ticking off for punching after the referee had called break
13:26 with it straight back down to work Gibbs measures the right hand
13:31 there's plenty on that shot from the Birmingham man
13:35 but Antonas is game and he's he's happy to punch when Gibbs is punching yeah definitely and he's
13:46 looking to really dig you know dig these shots in he's planting his feet he's looking to
13:51 generate power so that's where I think Gibbs just needs to give a few little feints maybe let him
13:55 go first commit to the shot then step back in
14:00 yeah that's a nice body shot from Gibbs maybe that's the answer just to try and slow Antonas down
14:05 they both put a lot of effort into these opening four rounds
14:10 and Gibbs just perhaps getting back to his boxing was in danger of being dragged into the sort of
14:23 fight that Antonas wanted and suits Antonas as I say that it goes out the window again and it's a
14:29 swing up but it's uh good to watch
14:31 I'm no body language expert but I wonder if Antonas has the foot to the floor and Gibbs is
14:45 still only in second third gear that perhaps he could up it if he needed to it looks to me like
14:51 Gibbs is certainly pacing it better of the two he's more economical he's picking
14:57 when to go when to rest and he's uh conserving energy better he's not putting as much into
15:02 these shots both of them just landed good left hooks there well yeah I think Gibbs has been a
15:09 bit smart of the two Antonas a lot of effort but uh a bit reckless at times it's good action in
15:15 center ring though both landed there's a certainly an Antonas right hand in there but Gibbs stabs
15:21 down to the body and that's a good shot right into the pit of the stomach of Antonas
15:25 entertaining action
15:35 yeah good left hook there
16:05 at times of Gibbs a little bit leaky defensively relying on reflexes and head movement you know
16:12 that's probably the shot there okay kind of clipped Antonas as well
16:16 they're just reiterating it in that red corner to Gibbs don't switch off
16:27 so I think without being disrespectful Edwin Cleary is probably right the ring IQ is with Gibbs
16:33 but the way that Antonas has approached it it's become a little bit of a leveler when they stand
16:39 in range like this it it becomes a little bit of a free-for-all when Gibbs gets back to his boxing
16:45 I think that's a bit of you could hear the bit of frustration there in in Edwin Cleary's voice
16:50 he just wants his man to you know don't get dragged down into the level don't get sucked
16:54 into a fight use your superior boxing skills your technical ability you're quicker you're smarter
16:59 you know but if you don't use them and you get sucked into a fight well then
17:02 you know you'll only have yourself to blame
17:05 you know we've got to credit Antonas because he's dragged him into that fight as well you know he's
17:12 walked him down he's pressured him so you know it's a bit of both yeah and I'm saying that maybe
17:17 he's approached it with his foot to the floor but if you keep your foot to the floor and you keep
17:21 going then it's only a six rounder yeah it's been it's been a you know a good pace that he's forced
17:28 but like you said with it being a six rounder he's probably comfortable that he can sustain it
17:32 yeah it's just his lack of accuracy we've seen that pattern of the fight so many times he loads
17:41 up and Gibbs is so good he can just dip at the waist and just come underneath
17:45 but he makes him miss and he hasn't necessarily made him pay as much as he probably would have
17:51 liked yeah I'd like to see more of that from Gibbs you know making the pay he's good at
17:57 slipping and rolling the shots but he doesn't he needs to come fighting back with his own
18:02 this is good work from Gibbs though just standing in range and
18:06 still working away the accuracy is with the Birmingham man certainly beats him to the right hand Gibbs
18:14 credit both men it's been a really good pace
18:28 so
18:36 just for the first time it's just getting a little bit scrappy in this fifth round not
18:42 surprising it's been it's been at a high pace lots of punches thrown on both sides high punch output
18:49 yeah fatigue will be kicking in a bit now this is just the first time that
18:52 Ronke and he's really had to break them on regular occasion
18:56 you know when you get tired and ragged that's when it's even more crucial that you maintain
19:02 your shape that you don't get you know ragged make mistakes you've got to uh try and stay composed
19:08 even if you've got to slow the the output down a little bit
19:11 Antones is throwing they're landing but they're mostly landing on arms and gloves
19:18 and that must be the that must be the exhausting thing when he misses completely
19:25 good good shot from Gibbs there nice left upper cut good right hook yeah that's that extra bit of
19:30 quality yeah there's a left hand and then he followed it immediately immediately with a
19:35 right hand good into the round from Tion Gibbs
19:37 I know what's wrong man hey I know what's wrong man doesn't matter it doesn't matter what's wrong
19:47 right this is what you're gonna get in there mate it's your last round digging point now come show
19:52 this is you Tion last round go out there and fight yeah yeah keep that left hand up listen to him
19:59 left hand up yeah he's gonna come out to make some car pops
20:03 how do you feel here? Gone man, gone. You're gonna have to hold inside there. As we look at this
20:11 replay man that's fascinating in the corner he says my legs are gone I'm not sure what's wrong
20:16 with me and Edwin Cleary effectively shut him up and said it's what's right don't worry about what
20:21 what's wrong yeah but he's obviously not happy with his own performance or something's not right
20:26 there with with Tion Gibbs he's certainly uh wearing that expression now as well yeah and you
20:31 know he was shipping a few shots there as well got caught cleanly landed as well you know but
20:35 certainly 50/50 exchange is where you know he doesn't want to be in those he wants to be in and
20:41 out and the blue corner for their part Dave Fitzgerald he's just rallied Antonaz and said
20:47 everything now let's pour it on so we could be in for a grandstand finish here and apologies I think
20:53 there was a little bit of strong language in the red corner you can understand it they're trying
20:56 to fire their man up they're just trying to keep him focused as well it's been fought at a fraught
21:03 pace you don't blame him for actually being a little bit gassed well he was having you know
21:06 he was having a negative conversation with himself there was a lot of doubts uh a lot of self-doubt
21:11 there and oh you know what's wrong with me and you know so the corner they're trying to get that
21:15 out of your head you know they're trying to rally him now you got one round to go and you need it
21:19 perhaps being overly harsh on himself he's not boxed badly arguably maybe boxed the wrong fight
21:27 but he's not boxed badly and there's a cut to the scalp of Antonas just starting to run down the
21:33 front of the forehead now that is surely heads because both men not quite running on empty but
21:38 it has become ragged as Matt said good right hand and then a sharp left hook beats Antonas to the
21:45 punch and he shipped some punishment there he tried to fire back but that's encouraging from
21:51 Gibbs who's obviously digging deep now this is the attritional stuff this is where it matters
21:58 good work from Antonas with a double jab right hand I think there's a cut on the eye now at Gibbs
22:07 yeah he's cut as well I think the heads are clashing you know they're both they're both
22:13 falling in they're both tired and they're tired they're getting ragged here this is
22:17 really going to make mistakes good body shot there to the pit of the stomach from Gibbs and again
22:21 oh that's a lovely body shot from Gibbs really really quality left hand
22:27 but on his way out he exits in straight lines and Antonas makes him pay this time
22:31 yeah that's one fault that really picked up on he backs up in straight lines it gets caught
22:36 at the end of the punches something he's really got to work on
22:38 as we approach the last 45 Matt do you have a feeling on your card who's ahead
22:49 well I had Gibbs ahead going into this round but you know I'm not sure however the ref says this
22:56 one this last 30 seconds the good shot there from Antonas this round's still up for grabs
23:02 sometimes you just have to sit back when both men are intent on doing damage and they're just
23:06 throwing everything into every shot and it goes out the window and that's what we're seeing now
23:11 great action from both men Antonas nice right hand Gibbs just holds on for a split second
23:26 it's to the bell both exchanging leather in center ring at the halls in Wolverhampton
23:33 terrific show opener well done to both fighters
23:39 so
23:47 okay
24:15 what do you think Matt in that red corner are they convinced they've done enough
24:19 sorry sorry I was that dude
24:26 let's get confirmation from Big Mo
24:31 ladies and gentlemen after six full rounds we go to referee Ron Kearney for the official decision
24:43 he sees the contest 57 to 57 this fight has been ruled a draw
24:50 well both men gave it absolutely everything Ron Kearney could not split them I don't think that's
24:59 a bad card Matt no I think I agreed with me that's how I had it I thought I had Gibbs 3-2
25:05 I'm going into the last round but I thought Antonas worked hard and landed the better shots
25:09 and won the last so yeah draw on my card as well he'll be disappointed Teon Gibbs because this was
