Save Peterborough Speedway rally

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:26 [Applause]
00:30 And for so many reasons, and what's been worrying me for a little while,
00:33 I've been speaking to the club for a couple of years, because I knew that these problems were coming.
00:38 And what's been really difficult is, you're a lovely group of people, and Speedway is a lovely family sport.
00:46 Sorry about that.
00:49 Speedway is a lovely family sport and family event, and I've seen that when I come to the Speedway,
00:55 and see what it's like. It's not like football, it's a very different atmosphere,
00:59 and it's lovely to see generations of people together.
01:02 But the issue when you're under threat, as you are now, is that the rest of the world doesn't know that,
01:08 and doesn't know how important it is that Speedway continues, and what it brings to us all.
01:14 And the world's really changed in the past couple of years, since we've had the pandemic and the lockdowns,
01:19 because I think what the lockdowns taught us was how important it is that we do get to spend time together,
01:24 as a community, and outside in the fresh air.
01:29 And all these things that are kind of obvious to us now, that weren't so obvious a few years ago,
01:34 are really important, and these are things that are worth fighting for.
01:38 When preparing to come and speak to you today, and I didn't think I'd have any voice at all,
01:43 I thought, well, if I can just get one word out, I know what that word will be.
01:47 And that's community.
01:50 And there'll always be developers wanting to build houses, places, and we'll always be fighting for green spaces.
01:57 But what matters most of all is being able to build communities together,
02:03 being able to spend time together, being able to support each other, being able to enjoy our pastimes together.
02:11 And I do wonder if these developers have any idea about community at all.
02:16 Because when I look out to all of you now, this is a community that I see,
02:21 and you've done a far better job than I think most developers do in bringing people together and creating a community.
02:27 So we've got to fight for that.
02:30 So thank you for coming out today. This is just the start of a process, really, not the end of it.
02:35 Do visit the tent at the back so that you can find out how to keep supporting our campaign to save the panthers.
02:44 I'm a local councillor for the area where the showground is.
02:50 I actually live on the showground, so I'm right there in the heart of it all.
02:54 And I'm not going anywhere, so I'll be here with you to continue this fight.
02:59 Really important. I know it's easy to give up and say, "Oh, everything's already decided and nothing can be done."
03:05 I never believe that.
03:08 Although I'm newish to Speedway, I'm not new to campaigning.
03:12 I've had 30 years' experience of campaigning.
03:15 And the most important thing, you know, is not to give up.
03:18 And the most important thing is to talk to each other and stay with each other as you are today.
03:24 We are, as a club, going forward any possibilities and where we can be in the coming months and years.
03:40 And you're on time.
03:43 What do you want to know?
03:45 Are we going to have a club again?
03:46 Hopefully. That's why we're all here.
03:49 That's why we're doing what we're doing to hopefully have a club.
03:55 Look, I'll be realistic. Next season is not going to happen.
03:59 24 is not going to be any Speedway.
04:01 So before anybody says, "Are we going to race next year?" No, we're not.
04:06 Because we've missed the deadline anyway. So we're looking at 2025.
04:11 We're looking at being back on track at the Showground in 2025.
04:15 Now that's down to us and Josh and David, wherever they are. They're here somewhere.
04:20 Over there.
04:22 Cheers, guys.
04:23 You should be up here as they're part of the consortium as well.
04:27 But we want to have this club back on track in 2025 at the Showground, our home.
04:33 53 years of being in this city at the Showground, we want to be back there.
04:37 That's where we belong.
04:39 We feel that, and I'm sure everybody here today feels exactly the same.
04:43 And that's what we're fighting for.
04:45 We're not just fighting for us.
04:47 We're fighting for you guys.
04:49 We're fighting for everyone because first and foremost, we are Speedway supporters.
04:54 And we're Speedway supporters of people at Speedway.
04:58 It's been part of my life for 41 years.
05:03 Mick's a little bit older, so it's probably been part of his life for--
05:06 I know he doesn't look it, but he is, yes.
05:10 So we're trying to support you guys.
05:14 We want you. We want to see all these faces.
05:17 And there's some faces that I've not seen for a very long time.
05:21 And we want to see all you guys back in 2025 at the Showground supporting us.
05:26 And hopefully, we're probably another 4,000 or 5,000 people alongside you.
05:32 Karl, can I ask you guys for a Mick's Fix?
05:35 You spoke very eloquently there about the future, and you deserve that round of applause.
05:39 Yeah, come on up, guys.
05:41 But unless I've all the consortium members here, please excuse my ignorance.
05:44 I've just done what I've been given.
05:48 So I want to ask all three of you--
05:50 Karl's just mentioned the Showground 2025 is the aim.
05:55 Will it be on the same-- because I've heard different rumors, and you might be able to quash this.
06:00 Will it be on the same spot? Will it be on a different site?
06:03 Has a new track got to be given?
06:06 Because obviously we've seen on social media all the varying stories of bits being taken up the A47
06:12 and what is here and what isn't here.
06:14 If it is the Showground moving forward, will it be in the same spot?
06:20 That depends very much on the developers.
06:24 We have been trying to get in a room with the developers and the Eastern England Agricultural Society.
06:30 We've been trying to get in a room with them now for about three months.
06:35 They have so far refused.
06:39 What we want is-- the Showground development is being sold as a leisure-led development.
06:48 We want to be part of that leisure.
06:51 We don't need golf ranges. We don't need health and wellness and all that crap.
06:57 We want a speedway track on there.
07:00 Now, whether that's in the--
07:02 [applause]
07:07 Whether that's in the place it is now or elsewhere on the Showground, we don't care.
07:14 You tell us where it's going to be, we'll build it.
07:16 We've got the people. We've got the fans.
07:18 We've got an army of helpers. We've got the sponsors.
07:21 We can do it.
07:22 Today is not the end. Today is the start.
07:26 We're going to keep this campaign going for a long time.
07:28 We're not going to give up, are we?
07:30 [No!]
07:32 Excellent.
07:34 This is Josh. He's part of the consortium as well.
07:39 Everyone say, "Hi, Josh!"
07:41 [Hi, Josh!]
07:44 Him and his father are big sponsors of the club and have been for many years.
07:50 They've sponsored many riders as well.
07:54 Josh and his father are part of the consortium as well.
07:57 He's actually crapping himself now because he's going to have to talk.
08:02 So, what was the question?
08:05 Thanks very much, Mick.
08:06 Yeah, that's very kind of you.
08:08 No, it's just regarding with the Showground and carrying on from what Carl said of,
08:13 we can only hope to be in the Showground, whether it's in the same site,
08:16 particularly with what's gone on over the last couple of weeks.
08:18 We all know how social media can be a blessing and definitely a curse.
08:23 It's just a case of the site. Would it be a new site or the old site?
08:28 Go easy on Josh. He's a bit shy with his words like me.
08:33 Hiya, how are you going?
08:36 Regarding the new site, for me, it's a very last case scenario for me and the consortium.
08:50 My views, I would love the track to stay exactly where it is,
08:55 but AEPG have very different views.
08:58 They're clearly uninterested, don't want to talk.
09:03 So, with it being a leisure-led development, in their words,
09:09 an option for me would be, you know, move the track further downfield
09:18 towards the industrial estate, if possible.
09:21 You could offer them, you know, sentry green, 4G, football pitches in the middle.
09:28 There's so much scope they could do with it, but at the end of the day, it is their decision.
09:36 It's up to the developers and we need to do as much as we can to persuade them
09:42 to keep the Speedway alive in the city.
09:46 Ideal solution for me, keep the track there, maybe even move it away from the stand a little bit.
09:53 You know, athletics track, you know, there's so much scope there that will keep
09:58 sporting institutions within the city, you know, alive.
10:02 You've got athletics clubs, you've got rugby clubs, you've got local football teams, you know.
10:06 There's so much scope and Speedway should be part of that, in my eyes.
10:12 The British Speedway, Colotus Limited.
10:16 And you're going to love the opening line.
10:18 Firstly, we'd like to offer our apologies for our absence in person today.
10:24 But as many of you know, we're currently attending the control board's AGM.
10:30 Was that the one in Tenerife, did I say?
10:32 Oh yeah, so Tenerife, Cathedral Square and Peterborough.
10:36 No brainer really, and that'll sort of be it, won't you?
10:39 Anyway.
10:41 Speedway was founded at the East of England's showground venue in 1970.
10:46 And since the day the venue was hosted...
10:48 You all right love?
10:50 Yeah, no, adults are talking now, bless you.
10:53 Speedway was founded in, yeah, the Iron Tide.
10:57 And since that day, the venue has hosted Speedway every year, excluding 2020 due to COVID.
11:03 So there's a whole generation of families that have attended Speedway there for over 50 years.
11:09 During this period, the club has had many successes, including league championship titles.
11:15 And the most recent one in the 2021 season, Dad's Army.
11:19 They didn't put that, because they wouldn't have known.
11:22 Where they were crowned the league champions of the Premiership League.
11:26 Of which this was the third time, Paterson won the league championship.
11:31 In the top level of British Speedway.
11:34 The club has had many world class riders, that have represented the club over this period.
11:39 And that includes six former world champions.
11:43 The business model of the Peterborough Panthers in the 53 years previous of trading has never been an issue.
11:51 And in the current season, the attendances have been in the region, sorry, of 1,500 to 2,000 spectators.
12:00 Give yourselves a round of applause for that, in modern day Speedway.
12:04 1,500 to 2,000 on a night where you never know where the meetings are going to take place, is hugely impressive.
12:11 The Peterborough Club has also held major Speedway events over the years.
12:16 Which has included the British Championship event and the FIM World Cup Final.
12:21 Which has been fantastic for the businesses in the surrounding areas.
12:25 Including hotels, public houses and food outlets.
12:29 To summarise, Peterborough Speedway is a community club, we all know this.
12:35 And is supported by families and the club itself, as per this email, is steeped in history.
12:42 Peterborough Speedway is a viable business.
12:46 And the venue could in no way be described as surplus to requirements, without the presence of a replacement venue.
12:55 There is an ongoing established need for the sport to continue in Peterborough.
13:02 The loss of Peterborough will be devastating to not just British Speedway, but the town of Peterborough and surrounding areas.
13:11 As this is quite clearly a well supported club and in these difficult times, a lot of people go to these events and it gives supporters a feel good factor in these trying times.
13:25 As well as Speedway events, the Speedway Control Bureau and Speedway promoters believe the loss of this venue will in effect affect many other activities, outlets etc.
13:42 Such as trade fairs and other motorsport events.
13:47 That's how it finishes guys, I can give you no more.
13:51 [Music]
